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So who is your favorite Digimon?

Such a terrible, terrible season or... thing to exist in general. It's very important to drop Digimon after Tamers.

I disagree. I think the seasons after Tamers have great aspects to them. People seem to hate them for their different approaches, but I find it refreshing Digimon's willing to change it up.

I get it if they aren't your cup o' tea, but they are definitely still worth watching, if only to see the places the franchise can go.

02 and Boy Hunters are the only weak seasons, imo.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Well, Frontier had its ok points, but it took away the partnership aspect, which is a big part of Digimon. As it was, it was essentially a sentai cartoon. Even had the red ranger as the leader.
Adventure 02 was just trying too hard to hold onto 01 it never stood on its own.
Savers was interesting with the whole digimon genocide going on. Also, Masaru sure punched a lot of digimon.


The story that I've heard is that the Vampirecockmon comes from medieval depictions of Satan. It's hard finding any evidence of that though.
To be fair, Digimon's not the only Japanese media from the turn of the millenium to do something like this.


Wow, they censored him hard in the anime. He looks awesome.

I disagree. I think the seasons after Tamers have great aspects to them. People seem to hate them for their different approaches, but I find it refreshing Digimon's willing to change it up.

This. While I personally think Adventure and Tamers are the best two seasons, you'll find interesting story and characters in the others.

Frontier was good. the two after that were trash.

although i loved the evolution music in Savers.

I liked Savers. It had the best Leomon. Artstyle was a bit off for me at times, and the OST was absolutely inferior to the previous 4 seasons tho.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Well, Frontier had its ok points, but it took away the partnership aspect, which is a big part of Digimon. As it was, it was essentially a sentai cartoon. Even had the red ranger as the leader.
Adventure 02 was just trying too hard to hold onto 01 it never stood on its own.
Savers was interesting with the whole digimon genocide going on. Also, Masaru sure punched a lot of digimon.

Eh Frontier's problem wasn't partnership (and to be fair, Digimon never really felt like a true character of their own until Xros Wars, yes even Tamers didn't really stray towards them for being character duplicates), it was when the second half where they focused solely on Takeru and his rival (I mean, that's quite common in Digimon, but it's much more noticeable here) and the whole "hide and seek knights lol" lowered its quality.

Frontier was good. the two after that were trash.

although i loved the evolution music in Savers.

hating on Savers and Xros Wars, literally hotblooded shows that strayed from Digimon formula

fite me


Can anyone tell me what they hated about 02 and its ending? Its been ages since I watched a Digimon show. Ended with Tamers.
Can anyone tell me what they hated about 02 and its ending? Its been ages since I watched a Digimon show. Ended with Tamers.

It decided to skip ahead into the future and write out every characters life, not paring people up how they wanted, and giving people weird careers and the like. Also it ended with everyone having a Digimon and everything being okay and happy forever.It essentially shut off the possibility of there ever bieing sequel in that universe. Also before the epilogue I think the final battle was lackluster? it's been a while for me as well.

Edit: ^ or this yeah...this sums it up nicely as well haha
But they retconned him to virus type! He is no longer free-type like Wormmon.They are really not gonna let him stay as Wormmons mega/ultimate. :(

They should atleast use the relativly new BanchoStingmon.


Also Banchomamemon since its way better than Princemamemon


Man creating Digimons is so weird. Bancholeomon was created in 2005, but they just decided to create a group for him in 2014. And the group is actually good. They just make shit up lol.
Now that you mention Bacho digimons, god I hope Palmon final digivolution isn't Rosemon (never liked her) and is instead the superior BanchoLillimon in Tri.

Sad that she isn't in Cyber Sleuth. Also don't know how many of you have seen this picture:

What's better than Beelzemon? Female Beelzemon of course. :p
>hating on Savers and Xros Wars

Fucking blasphemy. Both of them were great, Savers especially. If anything, it didn't have enough human involvement in fights. After seeing Masaru and Agumon brawl in episode 1 and Masaru taking on that BlackGarurumon some episodes later, the "Masaru punches something once an episode" thing got rather predictable, even if he had a habit of topping himself each time.

Frontier was really only terrible when the Royal Knights came along and more than half the heroes got sidelined. It was actually pretty good before that.

Also, an idea I had for a semi-sequel for Savers would be an alternate timeline where
an outside force froze time around the final battle, causing the worlds to merge, and years later, Ikuto's grown-up sister leads a team on a trip to Mt. Fuji to find a way to break the time freeze and repair the timeline.


>hating on Savers and Xros Wars

Fucking blasphemy. Both of them were great, Savers especially. If anything, it didn't have enough human involvement in fights. After seeing Masaru and Agumon brawl in episode 1 and Masaru taking on that BlackGarurumon some episodes later, the "Masaru punches something once an episode" thing got rather predictable, even if he had a habit of topping himself each time.

Frontier was really only terrible when the Royal Knights came along and more than half the heroes got sidelined. It was actually pretty good before that.

Also, an idea I had for a semi-sequel for Savers would be an alternate timeline where
an outside force froze time around the final battle, causing the worlds to merge, and years later, Ikuto's grown-up sister leads a team on a trip to Mt. Fuji to find a way to break the time freeze and repair the timeline.

Exactly how i feel about frontier and saver and to be honest young hunters is the only digimon show i hate with 02 coming in second since the only new characters that meant anything in that series was daisuke and ken.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
People always cite the shipping on why 02 sucks, but honestly even if you ignore it, the show is still kinda underwhelming.

>ditching gimmicks for another, and ignoring it again
>imbalance of mons
>characters not going anywhere nor developing
>the main villain (not the bumbling duo) is lame
>terrible final fight
>arcs are terribly done

Exactly how i feel about frontier and saver and to be honest young hunters is the only digimon show i hate with 02 coming in second since the only new characters that meant anything in that series was daisuke and ken.

Even as shitty Young Hunters is, you gotta admit TAGIRU CHIKARA is an amazing piece, and while his human partner sucks, Gumdramon -> Arresterdramon is an amazing mon. I love his tsundere-ness towards Shoutmon. And his concept is pretty unique.


People always cite the shipping on why 02 sucks, but honestly even if you ignore it, the show is still kinda underwhelming.

>ditching gimmicks for another, and ignoring it again
>imbalance of mons
>characters not going anywhere nor developing
>the main villain (not the bumbling duo) is lame
>terrible final fight
>arcs are terribly done

You sorta get the feeling the writers were caught off-guard at how close they were getting to the end of the season & they still hadn't figured out where they were going with a lot of stuff. So much last minute half-assing.
You sorta get the feeling the writers were caught off-guard at how close they were getting to the end of the season & they still hadn't figured out where they were going with a lot of stuff. So much last minute half-assing.

The fact that BlackWarGreymon takes up so much of the plot, only to sacrifice himself for something that will become irrelevant the next episode makes me think they were just flying by the seat of their pants.
to be fair he had more impact and relevance than Iori and Miyako who truly were kinda pointless.

Funnily enough, BlackWarGreymon is only made relevant to the story because of his impact on Iori's character (aka the only character besides Ken to get development). Otherwise, you could completely cut him out without it really mattering.

So it's like a circle of irrelevancy.


Metal Greymon ever since I saw an old magazine ad of Digimon World for PS1 when I was younger. Omnimon was pretty awesome too.
The best season, inho.

I enjoyed season 1, but season 2 retroactively made me hate everything about it. Ugh. Hopefully Tri can make amends.
I remember almost hating season 1 because of Apocalymon and the horrible pizza crust line, even as a child I knew that the dub butchered Apocalymons dialogue >_>.


tagged by Blackace
I have so many favourites, but if I had to pick one it'd be Omnimon. Everything leading up to his creation just made it perfect, and having a cannon in one hand and a sword in the other coming out of the mouths was and still is one of the most badass things imaginable.



Funnily enough, BlackWarGreymon is only made relevant to the story because of his impact on Iori's character (aka the only character besides Ken to get development). Otherwise, you could completely cut him out without it really mattering.

So it's like a circle of irrelevancy.

And even there, I felt like he had the makings of a more compelling thing with Agumon/Wargreymon than he did with Iori. Which kind of makes the thing that they bothered to bring Wargreymon back, hype their "mirror match" fight...only to get crashed by Imperialdramon all the more disappointing.

And then he died~!
And even there, I felt like he had the makings of a more compelling thing with Agumon/Wargreymon than he did with Iori. Which kind of makes the thing that they bothered to bring Wargreymon back, hype their "mirror match" fight...only to get crashed by Imperialdramon all the more disappointing.

And then he died~!

02 can be summed up as: "Ooooh, look at this interesting thi- whoops, I dropped it."


And even there, I felt like he had the makings of a more compelling thing with Agumon/Wargreymon than he did with Iori. Which kind of makes the thing that they bothered to bring Wargreymon back, hype their "mirror match" fight...only to get crashed by Imperialdramon all the more disappointing.

And then he died~!

you just reminded me of the lets give our power to imperialdramon so that way we beat a single ultimate and become useless part.


Shoutmon X7 Superior Mode because, like, <reasons>. But if you know what it is then I don't know how you could possibly hate such a thing!

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
oh hey this is good


wargreymon getting shafted for omegamon tho

Shoutmon X7 Superior Mode because, like, <reasons>. But if you know what it is then I don't know how you could possibly hate such a thing!

the only sin it committed that it's too powerful that it only did a single attack. Would love to see X7 Superior Victorize or something.

Dr. Buni

My favorite Digimon is Lopmon as well as its mega, Cherubimon. Man I wish there were great Digimon games to play...


No Agunimon and Lobomon?

Lobo was mentioned just above you :p

How could no one mention Piedmon ?

He's the greatest villain in the series,the Frieza of Digimon.

Myotismon has him beat as far as classy villains go.

My favorite Digimon is Lopmon as well as its mega, Cherubimon. Man I wish there were great Digimon games to play...

Isn't the upcoming PSV/PS4 game Cyber Sleuth supposed to be pretty good?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Not a big fan of Story games, so I won't be getting it.

The last Digimon game I bought is Super Xros Wars and that was a Story game. :/
Supposedly, yeah. I can't stand that gross Devil Survivor 2 art style, though :<

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of how some of the girls were drawn. Why would a detective dress like that? :/

If you can past it though, it's a good Digimon game.

Not a big fan of Story games, so I won't be getting it.

The last Digimon game I bought is Super Xros Wars and that was a Story game. :/

Not even to support Next Order's localization?

I would say Cyber Sleuth easily tops the other Story games I've played when it comes to gameplay and story, but I've never played Super Xros Wars or Lost Evolution.
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