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So who is your favorite Digimon?

Metal greymon my favorite ultimate since it basically a t-rex that flyies with chest missiles. Dukemon my favorite mega and gulimon my favorite rookie because of tamers.
with that said I am more partial to this MetalGreymon


because if I have to pick between Oppai Missile Greymon or MECHAGODZILLA IS MY GRANDAD Greymon, I'll pick the latter

Looks like a Barrel Dragon on steroids. A little overkill if you ask me.

My vote is on Omnimon, Zudomon, Garudamon, Angewomon, and Piedmon

Now I went a little overboard.
If you hate Agumon-line, you dont like Digimon.

I also love Vmon and Wormmon lines.

Grankuwagamon is also one of the better unknown Digimons.


L Thammy

Venommyotismon also holds a special place in my heart. Because he is secretly his own penis.



How did they even get away with the Myotismon arc in 1999 I'll never know.
I was really glad he made it into Cyber Sleuth.

Look at that guy, he just loves hugs!

But they retconned him to virus type! He is no longer free-type like Wormmon.They are really not gonna let him stay as Wormmons mega/ultimate. :(

They should atleast use the relativly new BanchoStingmon.


Also Banchomamemon since its way better than Princemamemon


Man creating Digimons is so weird. Bancholeomon was created in 2005, but they just decided to create a group for him in 2014. And the group is actually good. They just make shit up lol.


I remember that Digimon Our war game finale with Omnimon blew my mind has a kid. It's either Omnimon or Imperialdramon.

Also has a kid in 2000/2001 I had never seen animation so amazing. I must have watched that movie like a billion times.

I love the animation from the movies too! I was blown away by it as a kid, especially compared to the main series.




(The movies know the 02 ending is bullshit as well. lol)
But they retconned him to virus type! He is no longer free-type like Wormmon.They are really not gonna let him stay as Wormmons mega/ultimate. :(

They should atleast use the relativly new BanchoStingmon.


Meh, Digimon change types all the time, Wormmon has been a Virus type before. Unless he becomes a main Digimon in the anime again, I doubt we'll ever see his Ultimate change. (Famous last words.)

L Thammy

I love the animation from the movies too! I was blown away by it as a kid, especially compared to the main series.

The movies were directed by Mamoru Hosoda, who also handled the episode where Tai and Koromon briefly end up in the real world after defeating Etemon. The animation in that episode is way better, and the art is totally different

It was always my favourite episode. It's so eerie and dreamlike. I wish Mamoru Hosoda had been given his own season.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Didn't he also animate episode 30?

With that said people are so nostalgic about that but honestly I never really feel it.
Meh, Digimon change types all the time, Wormmon has been a Virus type before. Unless he becomes a main Digimon in the anime again, I doubt we'll ever see his Ultimate change. (Famous last words.)

I just wish they would use something good. They have 2 amazing options now USE THEM. Also they need to use his ultimate/perfect mode. Or create a new one :v

Also they havent picked wether to use Plesiomo or Vikemon for Gomamon and Holydramon or Ophanimon for Tailmon.

I wonder if they are ever gonna bother to give Armadimon a new mega/ultimate sine Vikemon was given for Gomamon. :p

Thinking harder now, I like a lot of the Digimon designs. Which probably why I care about them making better connections with evolution lines.


I actually kinda like Impmon from Tamers, but Renamon is easily my fave; she's definitely the coolest in my book, and who doesn't like foxes?



One of the few bright spots of 02, for me. For all his angsting, he still kicked HolyAngemon in the junk after trying the same trick that worked on Piemon years earlier. No more last minute holy-type asspulls for Takeru/TK and Patamon!
I just wish they would use something good. They have 2 amazing options now USE THEM. Also they need to use his ultimate/perfect mode. Or create a new one :v

Also they havent picked wether to use Plesiomo or Vikemon for Gomamon and Holydramon or Ophanimon for Tailmon.

I wonder if they are ever gonna bother to give Armadimon a new mega/ultimate sine Vikemon was given for Gomamon. :p

Thinking harder now, I like a lot of the Digimon designs. Which probably why I care about them making better connections with evolution lines.

It is a little frustrating how they sort of abandoned some of the 02 Digimon with an incomplete evolution feeling. Why Vikemon is the default for Shakkoumon, I'll never know. At least Silphymon got Valkriemon for an evolution, even if they never show it.

Plesiomon isn't even an option for Zudomon in Cyber Sleuth. That and the fact that he hasn't been shown as a go-to for Adventure Gomamon in years (except in All-Star Rumble, which had an odd choice in evolutions to say the least), make me think Vikemon is now the default.

Holydramon and Ofanimon are still up in the air for Adventure Tailmon. I think outside of Adventure, they are both pretty equal, and will be kept that way.
It is a little frustrating how they sort of abandoned some of the 02 Digimon with an incomplete evolution feeling. Why Vikemon is the default for Shakkoumon, I'll never know. At least Silphymon got Valkriemon for an evolution, even if they never show it.

Plesiomon isn't even an option for Zudomon in Cyber Sleuth. That and the fact that he hasn't been shown as a go-to for Adventure Gomamon in years (except in All-Star Rumble, which had an odd choice in evolutions to say the least), make me think Vikemon is now the default.

Holydramon and Ofanimon are still up in the air for Adventure Tailmon. I think outside of Adventure, they are both pretty equal, and will be kept that way.

Vikemons deal is that in original debut 02 Digimon mega/ultimates were actually jogress Digimon on virtual pet game based on 02 Digimon. Imperialdramon was actually a jogress of Paildramon and Metalgreymon. Valkyrimon was Silphymon and Garudamon. Grankuwagamon was Dinobeemon and Atlurkabuterimon. And Vikemon was Shakkoumon and Zudomon. Now, Zudomon I think at the time had the worst options for mega/ultimate, aka Plesiomon or Marineangemon(which I think was original evolution, lololol), so they just use Vikemon nowadays and shaft Armadimon since he seems least popular one. This is why Vikemon still retain its free-typeness is current games. Heck, I think Vikemon is the single only free-type Digimon in PSP version of redigitized which is... odd.

Btw Valkyrimon is not in Cyber Sleuth which is one of the weirdest omissions. Althought no Airdramon is the biggest one. Airdramon was part of original Digimon AND was on Re-digitized. I also like Airdramon.


Also, pretty much all season 1-3 partner Digimons are great.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I love that Digimon lore is so fucking deep

they have literal meat farms


and they grow cereals puffs on trees!

Vikemons deal is that in original debut 02 Digimon mega/ultimates were actually jogress Digimon on virtual pet game based on 02 Digimon. Imperialdramon was actually a jogress of Paildramon and Metalgreymon. Valkyrimon was Silphymon and Garudamon. Grankuwagamon was Dinobeemon and Atlurkabuterimon. And Vikemon was Shakkoumon and Zudomon. Now, Zudomon I think at the time had the worst options for mega/ultimate, aka Plesiomon or Marineangemon(which I think was original evolution, lololol), so they just use Vikemon nowadays and shaft Armadimon since he seems least popular one. This is why Vikemon still retain its free-typeness is current games. Heck, I think Vikemon is the single only free-type Digimon in PSP version of redigitized which is... odd.

Yeah that's what I meant by retconning or changing some stuff that involves gimmick.
I love that Digimon lore is so fucking deep

Every Digimon often has some story behind it.

One of my favorite ones is the rivalry between Kuwagamon and Kabuterimon and how their evolutions are supposed to be one-ups against each other. Kuwagamon has high attack, so AtlurKabuterimon goes for higher defense. Kabuterimon has low defense, so Okuwamon goes for an even higher attack.

HerakleKabuterimon and GranKuwagamon are pretty much both cheating and taking data from each others species to create the best of both worlds.

Vikemons deal is that in original debut 02 Digimon mega/ultimates were actually jogress Digimon on virtual pet game based on 02 Digimon. Imperialdramon was actually a jogress of Paildramon and Metalgreymon. Valkyrimon was Silphymon and Garudamon. Grankuwagamon was Dinobeemon and Atlurkabuterimon. And Vikemon was Shakkoumon and Zudomon. Now, Zudomon I think at the time had the worst options for mega/ultimate, aka Plesiomon or Marineangemon(which I think was original evolution, lololol), so they just use Vikemon nowadays and shaft Armadimon since he seems least popular one. This is why Vikemon still retain its free-typeness is current games. Heck, I think Vikemon is the single only free-type Digimon in PSP version of redigitized which is... odd.

Btw Valkyrimon is not in Cyber Sleuth which is one of the weirdest omissions.

Huh, I never knew that. It actually makes Vikemon make some sort of sense, haha(I still don't really see the Shakkoumon elements though). And yeah, Valkriymon's not in. I ended up using the Silphymon jogress as a boost for Tailmon in my game.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Speaking of shafted Digimon, whatever happened to this guy.


Or rather specifically, the Chicchimon line (Chicchimon -> Buraimon -> Butenmon). I posted Buraimon because I like him among the evos!

He's supposed to be this "premiere" mon in Lost Evolution (a Digimon Story game), much like Apollomon and Dianamon from Dusk/Dawn. Those two already made their appearances in the anime, but for some odd reason this guy hasn't yet. Even Spadamon got in an anime appearance (though justified that he is promoting his game).

I like him because he looks like what would happen if Farfetch'd wasn't turned into a joke :p
Every Digimon often has some story behind it.

One of my favorite ones is the rivalry between Kuwagamon and Kabuterimon and how their evolutions are supposed to be one-ups against each other. Kuwagamon has high attack, so AtlurKabuterimon goes for higher defense. Kabuterimon has low defense, so Okuwamon goes for an even higher attack.

HerakleKabuterimon and GranKuwagamon are pretty much both cheating and taking data from each others species to create the best of both worlds.

Huh, I never knew that. It actually makes Vikemon make some sort of sense, haha(I still don't really see the Shakkoumon elements though). And yeah, Valkriymon's not in. I ended up using the Silphymon jogress as a boost for Tailmon in my game.

Grankuwagamon also has subtle visual clues for Stingmon, mainly the face, the hairy mane and Stingmon like arms.

Vikemon does slightly look like Zudomon that is more "divine". Althought I read that some of card games refer Vikemon as a Pirate King or something? Yeah, a lot of Digimon have these little backstories explained somewhere.
Speaking of shafted Digimon, whatever happened to this guy.


Or rather specifically, the Chicchimon line (Chicchimon -> Buraimon -> Butenmon). I posted Buraimon because I like him among the evos!

He's supposed to be this "premiere" mon in Lost Evolution (a Digimon Story game), much like Apollomon and Dianamon from Dusk/Dawn. Those two already made their appearances in the anime, but for some odd reason this guy hasn't yet. Even Spadamon got in an anime appearance (though justified that he is promoting his game).

I like him because he looks like what would happen if Farfetch'd wasn't turned into a joke :p

I would like if the next batch of Digimon models for the games would be the DS "premiere" Digimon. I never got to play Lost Evolution but this guy looks cool. His evolution sequence looks like the epitome of "well, that escalated quickly".
a TON of friggin awesome digimon have been posted, and a lot of them are worthy of being called my favorite, but the first mon that came to mind when I saw the thread was



Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I would like if the next batch of Digimon models for the games would be the DS "premiere" Digimon. I never got to play Lost Evolution but this guy looks cool. His evolution sequence looks like the epitome of "well, that escalated quickly".

He's not even in the Vita game? You'd think being tied to Digimon Story series would make him appear there. What about the Dusk/Dawn star mons?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Wow, what a waste. And it's not like the mons are even gimmicky as they follow a straightforward evo path.


Other fun mons:


Basically like Omnimon if he were made of BantyoLeomon and Darkdramon (there's also a Valduramon variant) and wasn't even supposed to exist (per his description; the idea is that its creation is basically a bug).
They make him really hard to get in the games for whatever reason.

And of course, UltimateKhaosmon:
Which may as well be your "JRPG final boss" mon. An unholy combination of 4 different mons and can kill lesser mons in its wake.
Hadn't really popped in much of anything except from an obscure Virtual Pet game and Xros Wars manga (dunno about anything else beyond that).

Speaking of shafted Digimon, whatever happened to this guy.

Or rather specifically, the Chicchimon line (Chicchimon -> Buraimon -> Butenmon). I posted Buraimon because I like him among the evos!

He's supposed to be this "premiere" mon in Lost Evolution (a Digimon Story game), much like Apollomon and Dianamon from Dusk/Dawn. Those two already made their appearances in the anime, but for some odd reason this guy hasn't yet. Even Spadamon got in an anime appearance (though justified that he is promoting his game).

I like him because he looks like what would happen if Farfetch'd wasn't turned into a joke :p

I figured they tossed those guys in just so Chronomon (Holy Mode) had an actual evo line or whatever.
Butenmon looked so funny in the game though.
Wow, what a waste. And it's not like the mons are even gimmicky as they follow a straightforward evo path.

To be fair, it feels like they did the most with what they had. I'm sure if they had more time and money they would have put them in.

But yeah, that's one of my biggest requests for the next Digimon game. More Digimon!

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Also Greymon is losing the beerbelly

here is his original


this is his Re:D look


even his variants don't have beerbelly


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