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some guy: "Rare working with Bungie on Halo 3 for the past 2 years" impossible?



The **** is going to hit the fan when IGN reports on this on 11/22/04

PS: Its going to be unveiled on Febuary 9th 2005.

I got this info from one of the most respected sources out there.

I'd like that to be true. because, I could give a SHIT about Perfect Dark Zero.
Halo 3 on Xbox 2 sounds like much more fun. but this is probably just some crap that guy farted out his ass. right?

regardless..... Halo 3 > PD0


Yay, now we have to wait 10 years instead of 3.
I'm sure it's total BS. They don't have enough vitality to make their own games, never mind contribute to others'.


um it seems like Bungie gave it all when working on Halo 2, I really doubt they had another team working with Halo 3 at the same time. I also doubt that Bungie wants RARE to co develop their baby.


So has this February 9th date even been confirmed as being in Halo 2's Legendary credits, or is it just some BS that's been passed from message board to message board without any real confirmation?


What can Rare possibly do to make it better? Hasnt Bungie proven themselves to be good enough?

Oh, right...9.4
Slightly OT but I find it suprising that MS don't crack the whip more with its developers. Bungie seem to have been sitting twiddling their thumbs for much of Halo2's development, both Fable and Sudeki came out to dissapointment after many delays each, TFLO was delayed again and again then canned, and Rare have been a disaster so far.

I think it's time MS starting kicking ass and taking names amongst its own projects. Giving Bungie an extra year on Halo2 seems to have been a bit of a double edged sword. Maybe they should put a tighter deadline and really apply the pressure cause it seems that's when Bungie get most of their work done.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Man, at this point, Rare has a negative brand image in my eyes. I think renaming themselves Bungie Europe would be a fine way to kick off a turnaround.




Die Squirrel Die said:
Slightly OT but I find it suprising that MS don't crack the whip more with its developers. Bungie seem to have been sitting twiddling their thumbs for much of Halo2's development, both Fable and Sudeki came out to dissapointment after many delays each, TFLO was delayed again and again then canned, and Rare have been a disaster so far.

I think it's time MS starting kicking ass and taking names amongst its own projects. Giving Bungie an extra year on Halo2 seems to have been a bit of a double edged sword. Maybe they should put a tighter deadline and really apply the pressure cause it seems that's when Bungie get most of their work done.
Don't forget BC.


fennec fox said:
I think renaming themselves Bungie Europe would be a fine way to kick off a turnaround.
I personally think the better name would be Bungie North.

(it worked for Blizzard and Rockstar)


I think this is very plausible.

I don't think MS is going to make it's fanbase wait another 3 years for Halo 3, you can have a GTA practically once a year now and make mega dollars. I can't see Xenon launching without Halo 3.


Gribbix said:
So has this February 9th date even been confirmed as being in Halo 2's Legendary credits, or is it just some BS that's been passed from message board to message board without any real confirmation?

Ok, so I checked HBO and according to them, Bungie says "Coming February 9th" is just a false rumor.


I think it's more plausable that Bungie created Halo 2 to be twice as big as it is now but MS said "No we need Halo 3 ready for Xbox 2"

In essence they split Halo 2 in half. The second half being Halo 3

Make sense to me. Only 6-8 hours of singleplayer, Halo 2 leaves with a huge cliffhanger, The big invasion people thought was going to happen when it was shown off 2 years ago is now left for Halo3, and the storyline will obviously continue into the next game......

Bungie said their next BIG project won't be Halo 3....and with MS releasing the Xbox 2 next year ---- it be better off with Halo 3 at launch


Oh but then here's an idea....

Bungie makes Halo 2 to be a 16 hour game, earth invasion and all

MS says no, we need Halo 3 by 2005

Bungie splits the game in half

MS sends off that second half (Halo 3) to be tweaked and prodded by Rare to make it all nice and fresh for the new hardware while Bungie works on their next project.
Tenguman said:
Oh but then here's an idea....

Bungie makes Halo 2 to be a 16 hour game, earth invasion and all

MS says no, we need Halo 3 by 2005

Bungie splits the game in half

MS sends off Halo 3 to be tweaked and prodded by Rare to make it all nice a fresh for the new hardware while Bungie works on their next project.

Eh, I'm guessing that Bungie just went back on their claims that they wouldn't be doing Halo3 straight away. It's not like people can't change their mind.

I wouldn't put it past Rare that they said they couldn't get PD0 ready for launch, prompting MS to go to Bungie. Seriously MS need to go to Rare with a can of whoopass. After $375million I think they're entitled to get a bit bitchy with them.


That'd be awesome. Rare is the best FPS developer out there bar none.

*ducks tomatoes*

I can't be the only one that thinks that.

Kon Tiki

Bungie: We are going to need some help to get this game out on time.
MS: Maybe we should get RARE to help you.

Just does not seems right.


TeamXbox forums is reliable. You have my word. There is no greater source. Plus it makes perfect sense.

I also love sarcasm.


I also heard that Sega's porting F-Zero to the XBox.

(I love sarcasm more than LakeEarth.)

Society said:
Bungie: We are going to need some help to get this game out on time.
MS: Maybe we should get RARE to help you.

Just does not seems right.

:lol :lol
It wouldn't be too surprising to find out that MS was secretly working on Halo 3 and was planning on releasing it sooner than we expected. There's already been numerous rumors suggesting it and with Halo 2 ending so abruptly it lends even more fuel to the fire. Whether or not Rare is involved is questionable but it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility.

I'd definately love to see it happen.


The only way I'd want RARE touching Halo 3 is if they are only in charge of the technical aspects of the game. And they have a certain structure they have to follow. No more fuzzy characters with big eyes bs in halo 3.


Mrbob said:
The only way I'd want RARE touching Halo 3 is if they are only in charge of the technical aspects of the game. And they have a certain structure they have to follow. No more fuzzy characters with big eyes bs in halo 3.

Yeah, Real men play games starring characters with a Bass voice and a 10 inch cock.

Kon Tiki

Mrbob said:
The only way I'd want RARE touching Halo 3 is if they are only in charge of the technical aspects of the game. And they have a certain structure they have to follow. No more fuzzy characters with big eyes bs in halo 3.

Instead, you get shiny characters with tiny eyes.


Mrbob said:
The only way I'd want RARE touching Halo 3 is if they are only in charge of the technical aspects of the game. And they have a certain structure they have to follow. No more fuzzy characters with big eyes bs in halo 3.

Hence my Halo2-split theory ;)


I'd prefer RARE handle gameplay.
I think they are much better than Bungie when it comes to balance and control in FPSs.
Mrbob said:
The only way I'd want RARE touching Halo 3 is if they are only in charge of the technical aspects of the game. And they have a certain structure they have to follow. No more fuzzy characters with big eyes bs in halo 3.

I don't believe that if Rare was involved that MS or Bungie would let them jeopardize the Halo series by putting in a bunch of bug eyed polymorphic raccoons.

I'd prefer RARE handle gameplay.
I think they are much better than Bungie when it comes to balance and control in FPSs.

Nigga please.


I really do feel for Bungie... they're going to get ass raped the equivalent actors do when they get type casted. Another words they're going to be pigeonholed into making Halo sequal after Halo sequel becuase the fans will stand for nothing less. Doesn't do much for creative vision IMO (I'm sure Retro is going to have the same problem).


Mashing said:
I really do feel for Bungie... they're going to get ass raped the equivalent actors do when they get type casted. Another words they're going to be pigeonholed into making Halo sequal after Halo sequel becuase the fans will stand for nothing less. Doesn't do much for creative vision IMO (I'm sure Retro is going to have the same problem).

Maybe. You would figure with the success of Halo and Halo 2 Bungie could expand their studio and tackle more than one project at once.


BTW I do call BS on the Rare working with Bungie for two years on Halo 2.

Two years ago Bungie had no idea what direction Halo 2 would take, much less Halo 3.
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