So, have fun making almost all of your jumps?RagnarokX said:
Too soon, broSciz said:
EDIT: Lol whoops, wrong quote.
So, have fun making almost all of your jumps?RagnarokX said:
Too soon, broSciz said:
AbsoluteZero said:I'm surprised how many people apparently bought the PC version without knowing the quality of the port.
TheOGB said:One last question that probably doesn't need to be asked since I could've found out myself but I shall still ask: Original Planet Wisp Act 1, Acts 2 and 3, and/or Game Land 4 music. Are they in?
papersleeves said:I have some bipolar feeling when I think of the controls in general. On one hand, it works beautifully in modern era Sonic. It's precise, no complain here. It's the same we've being used to after all these years, but tightened up. On the other hand, it feels like a downgrade compared to Colors. Where is my double jump ? Why can't I swim jump under water ? Why can I only jump on walls at certain specific places ?
Sciz said:no, no, no, and no
Eh? Loading times are not an issue in the game AT ALL. It takes a very short amount of time to load and, once you're in a stage, there are no additional loading screens. It's not a problem at all.Drkirby said:Looking at these videos, I really hope the PC version has better loading times.
To be honest, I don't think people traditionally reviewing PC titles really care about this game at all. Even the console version isn't really receiving full coverage from some sites. What makes you think anyone really cares about reviewing the PC version? It's a very low key release.Cmagus said:Kind of worried there are no PC reviews yet it unlocks in 8 hours so I guess it's time to hope for the best
OMG Aero said:Got this game today and I've been having a ton of fun in just trying to speed run Green Hill and exploring Chemical Plant Zone.
Quick question though, how do I access the Casino Night mini-game? I downloaded it before I booted up the game but I can't find it anywhere, do I have to progress so far before I can play it?
And while I'm talking about the pre-order bonuses, I'm really disappointed in the dashboard theme it came with. I was expecting a nice picture of Green Hill Zone or something but instead it's just a white background with the logo at the top. But hey, at least Sega made up for that mistake by offering the best avatar costume:
Greenmangaming. 20 euros + discount = 18 - credit I had instore = 12 eurosmsv said:What, 12 euros, what what what. Where is this?!
Oh, the QL's up? Nice. I have something to watch while I finish my lab report.JonCha said:The GiantBomb Quick Look was... cautiously optimistic. :O I wonder if Ryan is doing a review - he's already done a third of the main story.
dark10x said:To be honest, I don't think people traditionally reviewing PC titles really care about this game at all. Even the console version isn't really receiving full coverage from some sites. What makes you think anyone really cares about reviewing the PC version? It's a very low key release.
Dark Schala said:Oh, the QL's up? Nice. I have something to watch while I finish my lab report.
I like for him to do one, but I kind of doubt they would since they never did one for Colours.
They did, but I was referring to the fact that they didn't do a review despite seeming to have somewhat favourable impressions of Colours during the Quick Look last year.Brandon F said:I'm pretty sure they did do a QL for Colors?
JJBro One said:Also what is the point of the red curbs? I hate it when I'm playing modern sonic and I'm blazing through the level (the whole hook of sonic) and I run into those red curbs. It's as if sonic team said "looks like ur having too much fun, let's put this here to stop you.
papersleeves said:On the other hand, it feels like a downgrade compared to Colors. Where is my double jump ? Why can't I swim jump under water ? Why can I only jump on walls at certain specific places ?
5/10, eh?Gavarms said:
I know. Seems overly harshDark Schala said:5/10, eh?
You could try jumping over them. I know I know a complex actionJJBro One said:Also what is the point of the red curbs? I hate it when I'm playing modern sonic and I'm blazing through the level (the whole hook of sonic) and I run into those red curbs. It's as if sonic team said "looks like ur having too much fun, let's put this here to stop you. In a sense this game's concept is perfect in my situation. My first video game was sonic 1 and I hate eveyrthing about modern sonic. My little brother relates with modern sonic more. So I beat the classic levels and I pass him the controller so he can beat the moder levels. And no angel island zone? Wtf?
Gavarms said:
The razzledazzle of Sonic Teams tech may add visual flair, but it comes at the cost of your sense of empowerment, too often feeling like a game of pinball as you hold the analogue stick and hope for the best, occasionally tapping a button (and even these moments tend to come with prompts).
While the levels are strict and narrow, their hub is confusing in its openness. Each entrance is a miniature platformer in itself, comprising challenge gates that are too often hidden in awkward places. The few boss battles add to the burden, and suffer from poor camera placement and cruel mid-fight difficulty spikes.
It's Edge. They generally grade harder. I'm playing the PS3 version at the moment, and reading through the review, I get some of the issues they have with it regarding the framerate and some of the disorientation.Gavarms said:I know. Seems overly harsh
They go easy on Mario and Zelda all the time. Twilight Princess was a 9IpsoFacto said:It's Edge, man. They don't go easy on any game.
Well, back in the genesis days, they put spikes on those for good measure.JJBro One said:Also what is the point of the red curbs? I hate it when I'm playing modern sonic and I'm blazing through the level (the whole hook of sonic) and I run into those red curbs. It's as if sonic team said "looks like ur having too much fun, let's put this here to stop you.
DeVeAn said:5/10? Really? Just more proof that its a tradition to bag on Sonic and his games regardless if its good or not.
I thought ofzoner said:Oh man, that was good near the end 'no one calls me that anymore!'
In 2D, various paths are clearly defined and easy to followthough difficult to master. In 3D, its all too easy to make one wrong button press and plummet to your death over and over again.
Of the 18 actstwo for each stage plus four boss battlesthe 2D acts are almost always easier to play through because they arent confusing. In 3D, things move too fast and there are too many ways to die. 3D levels arent harder; theyre just exponentially more frustrating, because one slip, and bamSonic falls to his doom. At least in 2D, players always can see where theyre headed.
In fact, Sonic Team didnt actually create any new levels for Generations. Instead, every stage has been re-created from nine different Sonic titles, from the original to last years Sonic Colors... Both Sonics race through seemingly identical acts but from completely different perspectives. But the major paths are the same as in the originals, so grizzled fans of the franchise can play through some levels blindfolded.
Combine those mishaps with a very childish storythe cast of Yu-Gi-Oh! might as well be playing Sonics friendsand aging fans wont feel like throwing a happy birthday party for their beloved hedgehog.
THE GOOD: Classic Sonic gameplay, online leaderboards
THE BAD: Poor camera, delayed controller response
THE UGLY: Its as kid-friendly as Teletubbies
zoner said:Twilight Princess was a 9
Paracelsus said:Everyone bashes Sonic because it's hip, nobody but few people will question you.
Edge said:A number of stages from the series have been given a lick of current-gen paint from Sonic The Hedgehogs Emerald Hill Zone
Okay, 95% of reviewers aren't Sonic fans and get facts wrong, fine, but getting them wrong inconsistently?Edge said:Instead of the sweet chords of nostalgia, Green Hill Zones chirpy tunes sound like a fanfare for the departed.
Dark Schala said:
What? o.o I haven't noticed this at all. I mean sure some of the stuff is similar in essence but it feels like almost everything is reworked.. But the major paths are the same as in the originals, so grizzled fans of the franchise can play through some levels blindfolded
Paracelsus said:The fact is, at this point it's also true that almost no one has the slightest idea about how a good Sonic game should be so they throw judgements at random.
That's because it isQisTopTier said:What? o.o I haven't noticed this at all. I mean sure some of the stuff is similar in essence but it feels like almost everything is reworked.
I didn't even notice that. Amazing.Sciz said:Okay, 95% of reviewers aren't Sonic fans and get facts wrong, fine, but getting them wrong inconsistently?
I haven't noticed it at all either--it's reworked. Chemical Plant, I know for sure, feels different from the original. It isn't the same map at all. The first part of the Generations Chemical Plant map is identical to the Sonic 2 Chemical Plant map, but as you go in, it deviates dramatically. Chemical Plant Act 1 in Sonic 2 does not have chemical water in it at all, for example, while Generations' version does because it's supposed to be similar to both Acts 1 and 2 in essence.QisTopTier said:What? o.o I haven't noticed this at all. I mean sure some of the stuff is similar in essence but it feels like almost everything is reworked.