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Sonic Lost World |OT| Too X-treme for the Galaxy

With the impressions as they are, I hate how long it's taking for my copy to arrive. My first impressions are probably going to look different with all the tips read. And I'm really curious for the 100% impressions of the game.


i was watching that yoshi island speedrunner on twitch, he got this game at launch and was stoked to play it. he finished it to completion and it was hilarious to watch because he was constantly getting frustrated.

its like this...


but a entire game filled with things like this.
This is my experience basically.


Who gives a fuck about sales? You're being a jerkoff to well-meaning people who take time out of their day to try to participate in a community and should reasonably be able to expect people to be nice to them in return. It's not nice or respectful.

I don't know how I was being a jerk-off other than coming in and making a meant-to-be humerous remark about complaints on this game. I'm sorry if that offended anyone, that wasn't my intent. I just think I get tired of whenever a new Sonic game comes, it gets buried by many people.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Something about this game really isn't "clicking" for me. The music seems kind of bland for a Sonic game, too. Although, it does look very beautiful.


So I'm up to level 4-4 (aka the Ice Stage) and I'm just not having that much fun. There was something off about the game to me from the first world and I couldn't quite figure it out until now. It's the lack of flow in the game. You know how in many games, you go from one section to the next until you reach the end? And all of the sections flow together seamlessly where it's not too hard but not too easy? This game lacks that. It's like they just threw everything together in many of these stages and I'm just not catching on as fast as they would like me to. I even got lost a few times because it was so unclear where (or how) I needed to proceed through the stage. You can even tell when you're going from one section to the next because they're marked by the goal posts and in 4-4 it was very apparent to me.

I first started off in a 2D section, followed by a 3D section where I basically needed to move Sonic upside down in order to land on the next platform, then another 2D section, and so on and so forth. I got so sick of the 3D sections in 4-4 because I was going so fast on the ice and Sonic wasn't jumping as he normally did so he kept on getting hit by spikes or giant balls that chase you, and it got even worse when I tried jumping while he was skating and he missed the next platform entirely because he was either supposed to be upside down or home in to the springs which he couldn't do because he was twirling in the air instead of balling up. I got so frustrated with this stage multiple times that I just quit altogether. I'm going to pick it back up again soon but I'm glad this stage (and really the entire ice/snow world) made me realize what was wrong with the game. I just want to get through it now and beat the story mode already!


That really is a nice track.

It's such a beautiful track that fits with the beauty of the level. It's quite hard though! D:


It's amazing how all Sonic games (excluding Chronicles) have great soundtracks.

Lost World have quite a unique soundtrack this time though, I never expected what I heard during the whole game, Silent Forest - Zone 2 would make a good example to prove my point, different, but I love it!


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
I've always had a soft spot for Sonic, I love him as much as Mario (never chose between the two, I'm a fan of both just like I love both Madonna and Gaga haha!)

As someone who managed to even find enjoyment out of Shadow and Sonic 06, I think Lost Worlds is pretty good! I'd rank it mid to upper level of quality of Sonic games around the same as Generations (Shadow being at the bottom, and Colors/2 being at the top)


Finally got this from Amazon (both Wii U and 3DS versions).

Wii U version is quite stunning and clean. Controls get a bit to get used to, but get the work done.
3DS version looks quite good, control seems to be tighter and easier to get into.

Really like the overall vibe around it. Plus, I kinda like Sonic "been slower", since even when I liked previous Sonic games; I usually preferred to lay back and enjoy the stages more; something that can be done in this one.
Hoping to spend some more time with this, but..Amazon sent nearly everything I ordered together, so..that meant: Sonic U, Sonic 3DS, ACIV, Lego Marvel U, Lego Marvel 3DS, Deus EX, Pac-Man U, Batman U, Batman 3DS...all in under 24 hours. :/

And...I guess I forgot (?) that the 25 extra lives (Amazon preorder extra) are lost if you quit to the main menu. Oh well. :p


I hope I didn't make anyone feel like their opinion was invalidated. Maybe it's the fact that this is one of those games that has such a wide range of responses. You can see it in the review scores. On one hand, you have people who scored the game a 4, while others scored it a 9, and then everything in between.

Instead of trying to imagine what negatives others see in the game, I'll talk about what I think are positives. The things that have stood out to me that I think make this game work:

-Control. This is the first time that it feels like Sonic can be manipulated the way I want. Granted, it has to be learned first. It really only took me about two levels to really get the hang of it. But once you know, it feels really good. I was especially impressed on the fast 3D stages because there are some of those tube designs where it feels like a lot of things are happening at once, but somehow it manages to work. The fact that Sonic can do a 90 degree turn on a dime and still be controllable as well. It doesn't sound like it should work, but it does. I think what made Sonic a pain to control before was the fact that turning was too slow, or too random, or too finicky or something. Also the parkour is great. This is a boon to Sonic games, and I hope that Sega never gets rid of it. Almost all of the cheap deaths can be avoided if you are decent with the parkour system. It also opens up the possibilities to get secrets. I hope Sega takes more advantage of this in the future.

-Graphics and performance. Seriously, this is a big improvement over Generations and Colors, excluding the PC version of Generations. Both games, as far as I remember, ran at a lower frame rate and the console version of Generations in particular felt sloppy because of it. Go back and play it, it just doesn't feel the same without a constant 60 fps. There are a few dips here and there in Lost World, but for the most part, it is impressively smooth.

-2d stages are fun. This shouldn't be a surprise for those who liked the 2D stages of Generations, which I thought were generally pretty decent. But I think they are better in Lost World. I think it has to do mainly with the new control system. Being able to hang on ledges and have different ways to run and walk and spin dash adds a lot of variety. I was impressed to see quality platforming levels here.

-Overall polish. The game generally just feels polished, besides a few minor nitpicks like Wisp integration and inconsistency in the boss difficulties. Even then, everything is still fun. Most of the wisps have an alternate control. This is good, because if there wasn't, that would be a huge problem. The dig/rocket wisp doesn't work very well on the touch screen so I end up just controlling it with the analog. The aim was a little bit janky with the air rocket wisp. And so really, my only real gripe with the game is the inconsistency of the wisps. There was a wisp that was very similar to one of the effects in NiGHTS. You basically act as a magnet for other things, and then when you get to a certain spot, you rake in the points. I thought that was a cool throwback.

-the game is just simply fun. It's weird. But I am having more fun with this game than Mario Galaxy. I know that sounds strange. Mario Galaxy is a supremely polished game, and is the originator of the planet idea. But I think after completing the game, the idea just felt stale and the levels were too disjointed. I'm one of the people who likes the sandbox style Mario the most (Mario 64, Sunshine, etc).

So generally, for me, the lowest low points are even managable, while the highest highs are very fun and thrilling. I think this is a very good Sonic game, a good platformer, and shows lots of improvement in overall quality compared to previous Sonic games. I hope Sega keeps up with that at least.

EDIT: It's interesting, I just watched the GameExplain video and I think that's a pretty good assessment that fits with most people's experience. I still sincerely don't experience the frustration with this game that a lot of people are feeling. I dunno. It's weird.


It's such a beautiful track that fits with the beauty of the level. It's quite hard though! D:


It's amazing how all Sonic games (excluding Chronicles) have great soundtracks.

Lost World have quite a unique soundtrack this time though, I never expected what I heard during the whole game, Silent Forest - Zone 2 would make a good example to prove my point, different, but I love it!

The rail parts are very fun in this game. I always liked them in Sonic Aventure 2. What makes it even better is the fact that it runs very smoothly. It just feels good. The first rail stage was giving me Donkey Kong Country minecart vibes. It was cool. I also really dug the Silent Forest rail level. That level in particular also looked beautiful because at certain points you could see really far ahead into the level and it still ran well.
I'm thinking that next time if they keep this control scheme (please do) they should switch the 'run button' for a 'walk/break button'. Rather than getting close to top speed instantly you should accelerate and gain momentum, then pressing the break button slows you down to a jogging speed. The way it is now is so jerky with all the instant stop and go, it looks really unpleasant to control.


I'm thinking that next time if they keep this control scheme (please do) they should switch the 'run button' for a 'walk/break button'. Rather than getting close to top speed instantly you should accelerate and gain momentum, then pressing the break button slows you down to a jogging speed. The way it is now is so jerky with all the instant stop and go, it looks really unpleasant to control.

Honestly haven't felt that as a problem. It feels pretty good to me. The only problem I had so far was I tended to hold the run button too much, especially in places that I wasn't supposed to use it. Then I realized that I was gripping that thing like a claw, ha ha. But there is a lot of opportunity to have variety with a run button. But I do like the idea of having a break button instead of a run button. But I think that control might be more jerky. Perhaps if there were several levels of speed, like you have to press the run button and then Sonic picks up speed after a couple of seconds. Even still, I think it works.
Honestly haven't felt that as a problem. It feels pretty good to me. The only problem I had so far was I tended to hold the run button too much, especially in places that I wasn't supposed to use it. Then I realized that I was gripping that thing like a claw, ha ha. But there is a lot of opportunity to have variety with a run button. But I do like the idea of having a break button instead of a run button. But I think that control might be more jerky. Perhaps if there were several levels of speed, like you have to press the run button and then Sonic picks up speed after a couple of seconds. Even still, I think it works.

The only reason it's jerky right now is because it's instant. Either way they make it, run button or break button, it's going to be jerky if they don't implement acceleration.

Assuming they would utilize acceleration, the only reason I suggest the breaking button is it makes more sense for using it with spindash. Classically, you had to come to a full stop and crouch to start charging it. I think it would make more sense to slow down by holding one trigger and then press the other trigger to charge. Then pressing the other trigger while running would send you into a roll.

So bottom line, they need to make the movement more fluid, but I'd prefer at least an option to break instead of run.
Something about this game really isn't "clicking" for me. The music seems kind of bland for a Sonic game, too. Although, it does look very beautiful.

Am right with ya ....

The sound track sounds good and produced in high quality ... but not memorable like Sonic soundtrack usually... something is odd. I can't explain.


So finally beat it and the strange extra levels. Basically, I feel like the control style just took me too long to get used to. This created a lot of frustration for me. The extra life system also confused me. It did so many things that a Sonic game does not normally do. It took me till the end of the game to understand it.

I still think there are some cheap deaths and that combined with the Mega Man style life system causes too much rage. It is like I have to erase everything I knew about Sonic from the past 10 years.

I think the good does outweigh the bad though.
I really can't wait to get my hands on this game to actually write a review. I suspect it all the fluff is going to be a huge turn off for me, and that I will enjoy the 3D stages and be left wanting more.
Wow, what the hell happened. The first three worlds are pretty great, with exception to a few odd areas.

But Frozen Factory, a world I was most excited for (I fucking love ice levels), was absolutely awful.

Still, the game is nowhere near as bad as a lot of the reviews are making it out to be. It's a solid 7.5/10. The game also seems way too short. I have every red ring from the first four worlds, and am on the fifth world with only 4 hours in the game.

I had just read the Gamespot review, and holy shit is it terrible. I laughed hard when it said it took him weeks of planning to get the last star in Galaxy 2.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Wow, what the hell happened. The first three worlds are pretty great, with exception to a few odd areas.

But Frozen Factory, a world I was most excited for (I fucking love ice levels), was absolutely awful.

Still, the game is nowhere near as bad as a lot of the reviews are making it out to be. It's a solid 7.5/10. The game also seems way too short. I have every red ring from the first four worlds, and am on the fifth world with only 4 hours in the game.

I had just read the Gamespot review, and holy shit is it terrible. I laughed hard when it said it took him weeks of planning to get the last star in Galaxy 2.
With the exception of the Casino stage I quite liked the ice world. For me Silent Forest was where things started to get iffy and Sky Road was where the quality fell off a cliff.


With the exception of the Casino stage I quite liked the ice world. For me Silent Forest was where things started to get iffy and Sky Road was where the quality fell off a cliff.
Silent Forest is fine except for the level where the light from the Owl in the background means instant death. I hated that part so much.

But yeah, I do agree with Mana Legend, the game is a solid 7.5 (or at least a 7.)

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I liked the casino level the best in that world. Except that pinball game, which might be the worst pinball mini-game I've ever played.

Worst casino level in the series imo. Such completely uninteresting level design. The pinball sections just made it worse. Especially the second one. The only good thing that stage had going for it was that it gave me a nostalgic feeling and made me remember casino levels in previous games that were actually good.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Silent Forest is fine except for the level where the light from the Owl in the background means instant death. I hated that part so much.

But yeah, I do agree with Mana Legend, the game is a solid 7.5 (or at least a 7.)

Yeah that's pretty much the level I'm thinking of. You are right. The rest of Silent Forest is fine, but that one level just makes me have negative thoughts of that world as a whole. The Casino stage in the ice world doesn't quite do that because of how quickly that stage is over, plus I think that stage is more underwhelming and uninteresting than frustrating.


Bought it on launch, only played a level or two. Have too many games right now. Can't figure out what to stick to! Sonic Colors is one of my fav newer Sonics and I enjoyed Generations (and even Unleashed). Don't know what to think about the game since I played so little of it, but the blue skies are nice, the music seems decent so far (hoping there's some Planet Wisp/Aqua Park track goodness equivalents stashed away somewhere) and getting S-ranks on some stages seem pretty tough. I'm good with what I've played so far.


I still think one more sonic adventure game is in order...I'm a sonic die hard and this game just doesn't feel like a sonic game tbh


Got the 3DS version a few days ago. I'm at the end boss of the ice world and the game is really, really good. Miles better than Generations (3DS).


I gotta be honest and this may make me look bad but I've gotten to the point where the levels are starting to get my annoyed. Some of the problems with the game start coming out as you get past the Frozen chapter. It's still fun but some of the levels are really annoying like the sand level. Not to spoil anything but that level with the robo-dragon thingy was awesome though.


For me Silent Forest was where things started to get iffy and Sky Road was where the quality fell off a cliff.
Coincidentally this is how things are in the 3DS version too as far as the 3d levels go. Sky Road Act 2 is Bubsy 3D levels of bad.
Surprisingly the 2D levels in those zones are the best in the game (especially the Sky Road one which is a casino level that starts in the day and transitions into night. Really neat)

After you beat the 3DS game you unlock a hard mode of the first world which you can go through to unlock harder modes of the other worlds. I find it really interesting, they revamp the level designs and only give you one ring. Lots of lives are thrown in so its way less frustrating than I expected.

The 3DS version also has a hidden level in each world for finding all the red rings. IDK if the console version does that too or not. If nothing else, the 3DS version isn't starved for content.


Was gonna pick up both versions but I don't have the time. Which is the better game, 3DS or Wii U?

Both are equally bad.

The 3DS version has the traditional Sonic gameplay, has better use of the parkour system and better use of the Wisp.

However it has terrible level design.

Whereas the Wii U version has the better level design, but borrow heavily from the New Super Mario Bros. series and the Wisp are shoehorned in and slow the gameplay down.


Was gonna pick up both versions but I don't have the time. Which is the better game, 3DS or Wii U?

Wii U has more level diversity from what i've seen and its good levels are probably way better than the good levels on 3DS
I dont feel super confident recommending it since I havent actually played it, but its still the one I think you should go with


Was gonna pick up both versions but I don't have the time. Which is the better game, 3DS or Wii U?

I haven't played the 3DS version but I'm guessing not that as a recommendation. I never cared for the level design in Dimps' Sonic games. I'd go with the Wii-U version.

Guess Who

Got the 3DS version a few days ago. I'm at the end boss of the ice world and the game is really, really good.

I'm playing it for a review and I could not disagree any harder. The stages are long and tedious. The controls are awful, especially for the wisps. Some parts feel like a really bad Mario game, like the Tropical Coast act where you push fruit around.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
As Azure Dream said earlier in the thread, it was more than likely a rushed inclusion, supplementing the idea and likelihood that the game itself was rushed. Super Sonic doesn't even look "super" half the time while animating, and his implementation in the game is kind of rough or--much like the rest of the game--lacking coherency.

The development process behind this game will be interesting to look at in the end, I guess, if Sega talks about it, or if a postmortem article is written about it in Game Developer or something. *shrug*

Was gonna pick up both versions but I don't have the time. Which is the better game, 3DS or Wii U?
Wii U.

I honestly dread going back to finish the 3DS version.


Gives all the fucks
Let me guess, Super Sonic
has no special battle, just like with Sonic Colors on Wii?

It kind of sucks that Super Sonic seems to be a last minute inclusion nowadays, aside from a few handheld games (Sonic Colors on DS) & Generations.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Let me guess, Super Sonic
has no special battle, just like with Sonic Colors on Wii?

It kind of sucks that Super Sonic seems to be a last minute inclusion nowadays, aside from a few handheld games (Sonic Colors on DS) & Generations.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with super sonic having no special boss battle. I find it very strange that you consider SS being playable in all stages a last minute inclusion but are fine with SS being limited to just a final boss.

I'm not saying Super Sonic in this game isn't half arsed, but not having a boss dedicated to Super Sonic has nothing to do with it. Sonic Colours Wii is the best implementation of Super Sonic since S&K and that game was the first main series 3D game to not have a Super Sonic boss fight.


Let me guess, Super Sonic
has no special battle, just like with Sonic Colors on Wii?

It kind of sucks that Super Sonic seems to be a last minute inclusion nowadays, aside from a few handheld games (Sonic Colors on DS) & Generations.

I rather have Super Sonic playable, but done right, rather having him be final boss fight as Unleashed and Generation Super Sonic section were terrible.

qq more

I'd rather have Super Sonic available for the entire game instead of just one boss fight. Super Sonic fights is kind of overused nowadays I feel.


I rather have Super Sonic playable, but done right, rather having him be final boss fight as Unleashed and Generation Super Sonic section were terrible.

Sonic Adventure had a pretty cool final boss fight though. At least from what I remember. I'm sure if I went back to it I'd be like, 'wow this is janky' ha ha. But at the time I had never heard of Super Sonic so I thought it was cool.

I suppose it's just a matter of Sonic Team getting it right.

I haven't played SS in any other game yet though, so I'm not sure how they all compare.
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