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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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There will be an insta-kill move upon Beef's defeat that you have to dodge, but you have no idea it's coming. If you fail, you have to start the entire battle over again.

fuck you Ninja Gaiden 2
If you fight Beef, all of SonicGAF will annoyingly tell you what to do.

Look at all those Professor Beef's homing shots!

qq more

At the same time you're using a mech that's extremely slow. And you can't sense any shard while under a time limit of 5 minutes. And you actually have to find ALL of the shards in this mission.


Before all this occurs, you must fish him up with the Big The Cat fishing mechanic. However, you must do it within the duration of Silver's hovering or else you'll fall into the water and drown.
You guys are dreaming up one hell of a FUN sounding fight, definitely worthy of the beef name!

There will be an insta-kill move upon Beef's defeat that you have to dodge, but you have no idea it's coming. If you fail, you have to start the entire battle over again.

fuck you Ninja Gaiden 2
I'm trying to remember what this is, best I remember is the exploding finish of the random ass Armadillo boss, hey you can totally block it with your sword though which makes perfect sense!

There is a Jet Force Gemini-style collect-a-thon of Chaos Emerald shards you must partake in before you can face Beef's final form.

Come on that's just cruel, i've still never beaten that game due to that Tribal terror, i'd sooner shopping list my way to 102% completion of DK64....again.
At the same time you're using a mech that's extremely slow. And you can't sense any shard while under a time limit of 5 minutes. And you actually have to find ALL of the shards in this mission.


I'm trying to remember what this is, best I remember is the exploding finish of the random ass Armadillo boss, hey you can totally block it with your sword though which makes perfect sense!

Come on that's just cruel, i've still never beaten that game due to that Tribal terror, i'd sooner shopping list my way to 102% completion of DK64....again.

Yeah, you're suppose to block it with your sword but A) nobody who played the game the first time around would have known that and B) what the FUCK kind of logic can make you block a huge explosion with a katana!?

and no, I've never beaten JFG because of those damn care bears(who I spent most of the game shooting and collecting their fallen heads). Who the fuck puts a collect-a-thon in a shooter!?

(hint: the same people who put a collect-a-thon in a kart racer)

and I too have everything in DK64 and I have no idea why. That game wasn't so much...a game, as it was a virtual errand boy simulator.


It was so cruel getting to Knuckles's part in Cannons Core and failing miserably without the water necklace.

I thought I was going too slow or something.
Knowing how much SonicGAF hates the friends giving advice during final battles, I would purposely amplify their voices and make them repeat, even when they aren't saying anything! I'd also add an Omochao voice modulator to people's voices randomly.
Yeah, you're suppose to block it with your sword but A) nobody who played the game the first time around would have known that and B) what the FUCK kind of logic can make you block a huge explosion with a katana!?

and no, I've never beaten JFG because of those damn care bears(who I spent most of the game shooting and collecting their fallen heads). Who the fuck puts a collect-a-thon in a shooter!?

(hint: the same people who put a collect-a-thon in a kart racer)

and I too have everything in DK64 and I have no idea why. That game wasn't so much...a game, as it was a virtual errand boy simulator.
Ninja Logic, considering the series started off on the NES with one boss whose attacks you can't actually avoid and to win you must run up to the boss and spam attack like your life depends on it while tanking hits to the face I guess anything is fair game.

To Rare's defence the silver coin challenge in DKR is necessary for the CPU to actually pose any sort of threat, only by driving off road and wildly around the track can those slowpokes actually catch up, hang on that doesn't defend them at all, it just means the CPU suck.

It was so cruel getting to Knuckles's part in Cannons Core and failing miserably without the water necklace.

I thought I was going too slow or something.
I never even considered this an event that could occur but I guess it's entirely possible, hilarious.
Cannons Core sort of sucked because the one type of gameplay you actually want (sonic of course) is the shortest section and doesn't get the second character to bolster it out, he's off fighting an awful, awful boss battle instead.
But hey the music in the mech sections of the stage was solid, anyone ever wonder what was up with the mech jump where the thrusters would go off immediately and you'd jump much higher? was that like a glitch because it was useful in that stage.


The first Biolizard fight theme is actually my favorite song out of all Sonic games.
The fight itself is certainly in the top 5 for best Sonic bosses for me.
Hey hey, that water slide was all kinds of fun.
Therein lies the problem as it was the only fun section.

Hey man the Biolizard fight was awesome and it was pretty great in Generations 3DS too.

The music hardly makes up for that turd camera angle as you run away from a wagging tail for most of the fight, Generations 3DS did at least make it much more enjoyable but 3D Sonic has done better.

Platformers should learn to not have long boss battles, i'm not here to dilly dally shilly shally with big old bosses, that's what hack and slash/Action games are for. For all the crap it gets for its bosses Mario has the absolute right idea, easy as hell mid bosses like Reznor (so bad in NSMB2 you'll often kill him before the floor starts disappearing) and varied yet still simple Koopalings, then finish with a surprisingly enjoyable final boss, especially 3D land and NSMBWii because you know, they have platforming.
3 hits and get the hell out! Kaptain K.Rool excepted for being awesome.

On this point despite the not so great execution I like what Generations tried to do with Perfect Chaos.


The Biolizards theme is very good, I agree. I liked that you can barely hear the vocals, as if it were fading in and out. I found it kind of haunting as well.
I didn't get that far into it because I didn't like Generations 3DS, but it uses a new one with someone else singing. It's not bad, but it's not on the super omega level of the original.

Generations 3DS is like an hour long, I think you can push through it.
The only thing Generations' remix of Supporting Me had going for it was that the lyrics were actually audible. I prefer the original.

I hope that SA2 Remix Album rumor is true; that way we can actually get a decent remix of it. It's one of my favourite boss themes.

EDIT: After so many years of listening to his voice and never looking up a picture of him, I just found out
Everett Bradley was black. I always thought he was white.

EDIT X2: ...and
TJ Davis is white! I always thought she was black!
I stopped at Emerald Coast. I use to push through games I didn't like for whatever reason, however now I stop when I realize I'm not enjoying myself.

I remember those days where I pushed myself through everything I purchased, now I have many a game lobbed on the never to be finished pile, still if you liked the other recent Sonic games I find it a bit odd that Generations 3DS was seemingly poor enough to throw in the towel so swiftly, on the upside you never had to play the barren Radical Highway.


I remember those days where I pushed myself through everything I purchased, now I have many a game lobbed on the never to be finished pile, still if you liked the other recent Sonic games I find it a bit odd that Generations 3DS was seemingly poor enough to throw in the towel so swiftly, on the upside you never had to play the barren Radical Highway.

Wait, I actually did get to that level. I don't recall how far I got into the game, I just know I never faced Biolizard. The reason I stopped compared to other Sonic games is that it actually has more deathtraps than Sonic 4, at least it seemed like it did. The other reasons were some of the poorly designed bosses, and there was some requirement for progressing or something to the next few levels that I didn't enjoy.

I did give it the time, but I remember why I said Emerald Coast because that one was probably the worst with it.

OMG Aero

Platformers should learn to not have long boss battles, i'm not here to dilly dally shilly shally with big old bosses, that's what hack and slash/Action games are for. For all the crap it gets for its bosses Mario has the absolute right idea, easy as hell mid bosses like Reznor (so bad in NSMB2 you'll often kill him before the floor starts disappearing) and varied yet still simple Koopalings, then finish with a surprisingly enjoyable final boss, especially 3D land and NSMBWii because you know, they have platforming.
3 hits and get the hell out! Kaptain K.Rool excepted for being awesome.
I would rather have the Sonic series take on boss fights than the Mario series take. Mario games are fucking terrible for boss fights. They usually have a few good ideas for bosses which they then run into the ground by reusing them over and over and giving them one extra move or more health or something.
Take Super Mario 3D Land for example, there are 16 worlds in that game but there are only three bosses. Bowser, Boom Boom and the girl Boom Boom with a boomerang.
Yoshi's Island has some of my favorite boss fights. So clever, particularly for a platformer.

Sonic Rush's boss fights are shit though, you gotta wait around forever for the boss to do his attacks and then wait for the weak spot to be revealed, ugh. Technically impressive 3d for the DS, but so, sooo boring. Let me hit Robotnik 8 times and get the fuck out of here.
Wait, I actually did get to that level. I don't recall how far I got into the game, I just know I never faced Biolizard. The reason I stopped compared to other Sonic games is that it actually has more deathtraps than Sonic 4, at least it seemed like it did. The other reasons were some of the poorly designed bosses, and there was some requirement for progressing or something to the next few levels that I didn't enjoy.

I did give it the time, but I remember why I said Emerald Coast because that one was probably the worst with it.
Azure Blue World alone could carry me through those stages, the actual stage visually had some really clashing elements with random spikes all over the cliffs and those strange platforms that shrink and expand, bleh.

I would rather have the Sonic series take on boss fights than the Mario series take. Mario games are fucking terrible for boss fights. They usually have a few good ideas for bosses which they then run into the ground by reusing them over and over and giving them one extra move or more health or something.
Take Super Mario 3D Land for example, there are 16 worlds in that game but there are only three bosses. Bowser, Boom Boom and the girl Boom Boom with a boomerang.
Boom Boom does suck, even in SMB3 (those cheap spikes at the worst times) but it's worth noting that...
- Not every special world ends with a boss fight
- Bowser is less a boss and more of an obstacle
Point noted though because Boom Boom inspires boredom.
The only other guy i'd complain about are those boring as hell Bowser Jr fights in NSMB DS.
Really when I said they did it right I was thinking exclusively of the way Koopalings and Bowser himself have been handled recently, forgot about Boom Boom, he's barely a boss and more like a time waster that turns up out of sheer obligation.

Well each to their own, i'll have my filler fodder bosses of minimal threat so I can just get to the next stage already over stuff like Sonic 4's Oil Desert Boss and half of the 3D Sonic bosses, see the entire boss lineup of Sonic Heroes for the true horror.
More standard 3D Mario is another matter entirely, I feel the Galaxy Games actually do it very well with varying bosses since they're mostly one time battles with the 3 hit rule, Sunshine undoes its good with those Goopy Piranhas and Blooper battles.

I'm just tired of platformers feeling obligated to put in boss battles that clash with the actual game, some that really stand out to me recently are in Super Meat Boy, Rayman Origins and DKCR, even worse is that these games also have some bosses which focus on the platforming side of things which makes me wonder why they didn't just see how much better that works in games like this.

As for Sonic, well Generations 3DS and Sonic 4 have bosses that last longer than the actual stages and that just feels wrong, see you people shouldn't have mentioned the 3DS Biolizard, this is what set me down this path.
The rest of 2D sonic varies, as long as they don't pull the "lol no rings" card i'm not often that bothered, Sonic 3 & Knuckles is pretty good most of the time but the Rush games and Sonic 4 seem to be trying to undo the mostly good of Sonic 2 and 3.

Man i'm rambling here, different games with different variables go by different rules, Generations alone could be put under my microscope when you've got the main bosses and rival battles, like Shadow was horrid but Metal Sonic was fine.

I'll part by simply saying Yoshi's Island nailed it.
Also Sonic CD, no really, I thought that game had some interesting ideas that played with the actual Sonic gameplay instead of just bobbing on top of Eggman's head.



That delicious cherry on top

The music hardly makes up for that turd camera angle as you run away from a wagging tail for most of the fight, Generations 3DS did at least make it much more enjoyable but 3D Sonic has done better.

Platformers should learn to not have long boss battles, i'm not here to dilly dally shilly shally with big old bosses, that's what hack and slash/Action games are for. For all the crap it gets for its bosses Mario has the absolute right idea, easy as hell mid bosses like Reznor (so bad in NSMB2 you'll often kill him before the floor starts disappearing) and varied yet still simple Koopalings, then finish with a surprisingly enjoyable final boss, especially 3D land and NSMBWii because you know, they have platforming.
3 hits and get the hell out! Kaptain K.Rool excepted for being awesome.

On this point despite the not so great execution I like what Generations tried to do with Perfect Chaos.
oh my god, I just played the first midboss in the Target up the street just minutes ago, and upon beating those guys in 10 seconds I actually said, loudly and in shock, "What the fuck?" and walked away

Sonic bosses I would agree that CD had some great ideas, and I like the direction Generations was heading in. Take some of that and fine tune it, have a few more of them, and we've got something good, I say.
It'll blow your mind when you get to
and they still die before getting anywhere, I never liked those fort mid bosses, I want to shake new Reznor's hand stumpy leg? for just accepting his demise quickly and providing those extra coins in coin rush if i'm toting the golden flower.

Hmm I might take this whole platforming boss battle stuff to the big screen sometime this week in a daring thread to see what people like from their platforming bosses and how the varying gameplay styles affects the angles bosses are played, good idea?

Back to Generations again, what a mixed bag of bosses

Good Enough
Metal sonic
Silver (I think, it's been a while)

Chaos (close to being awesome but botched)

Death Egg robot

What the hell am I doing?! It looks like a homing attack!
Time Eater

If 3D sonic is good for one thing in it's bosses it's those repeated quotes.


Also Sonic CD, no really, I thought that game had some interesting ideas that played with the actual Sonic gameplay instead of just bobbing on top of Eggman's head.

Of all the opinions I've seen regarding SCD, weak bosses is the one I've never understood. Metallic Madness's is pretty weak as far as final bosses go, but mostly they're neat twists on the level mechanics you're already familiar with.
Shadow's Generation boss was pretty straightforward, IIRC.
Anything but, without Omochao you sort of fumble your way through some hodgepodge of unexplained mechanics where you race shadow to grab some orbs that culminates in you using the orb power to appear on a new track entirely where running face first into asteroids is the sudden goal and then after pelting him with chunks of space rocks you borderline violate shadow from behind.

Of all the opinions I've seen regarding SCD, weak bosses is the one I've never understood. Metallic Madness's is pretty weak as far as final bosses go, but mostly they're neat twists on the level mechanics you're already familiar with.

I thought the treadmill like one was the most novel of them, gotta go fast indeed.
Shadow's Generation boss was pretty straightforward, IIRC.

I also liked how it actually felt like two speedster characters were competing roughly on the the same level, something the games have tried to mimic before, but usually failed. Shadow tended to behave a lot more like a Player 2 character than a normal boss, barring the times he'd get stuck or something.

It was a nice touch how the end of the fight was you causing him to stumble, dropping his rings while doing so until he ran out and took a fall.


Anything but, without Omochao you sort of fumble your way through some hodgepodge of unexplained mechanics where you race shadow to grab some orbs that culminates in you using the orb power to appear on a new track entirely where running face first into asteroids is the sudden goal and then after pelting him with chunks of space rocks you borderline violate shadow from behind.
I thought it wasn't too bad, but I did S-Rank it on my first try without fully understanding it. Guess I was just empowered by my gut reaction of "Race ya, sucka!"
Then there's the US boss music which is like pure nightmare fuel, Sonic Cd's soundtrack is delightfully mad.
The whole "work that sucker to death" lyrics in the JPN boss theme is oddly appropriate for the treadmill boss.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Praise for the Japanese/EU Sonic CD Boss Theme in this thread means that all is right with the world.

Wow! The power he posesses is incredible! He doesn't stand a chance.

I thought that song was too ridiculous for a boss theme to be honest.
Robotnik can be a pretty ridiculous enemy.

qq more

That is true! But still!

...Not that I hate the song or anything, but it feels kind of... out of place to me. It's really catchy though :lol
Shadows generations boss fight was a bit badly planned, taking a slight detour route was pointless and ALWAYS BOOST ALWAYS WIN was a bit too simple and straight forward, I know it was based on the SA2 shadow boss run but at least the SA2 version had some thought behind it.
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