I can buy a $45 android tablet and do everything that this project q does.
I would've loved this as a kid, can't play when parents are on the TV that's why i always bought portable consolesStill don't see fully see what sonys plan is with this, I personally don't see this going well
If it's like remote play you can stream from anywhere but your ps5 has to be on at home, basically your ps5 becomes your cloud and works well but there is delayMy guess is $200, way too much if it really is local remote only, but reasonable if it can do cloud from anywhere like xcloud.
$300 if it's a full on android style gaming device.
Controller alone is 70 no way will this be 99Seems to be an android device with remote play app, if they price this at 99 i see selling alot
Source https://icon-era.com/threads/project-q-leaks.4862/
Didn't they sell the controller for the the iPhone for 100$ ? This is not going to be below that with screen in it .
Same. I don't know how practical or helpful a device like this is going to be.Still don't see fully see what sonys plan is with this, I personally don't see this going well
I think people are just expecting it to be way overpriced. Pretty sure all the negativity will disappear if it comes in at $120 or so.Considering how big the screen is, I’d buy it. Play PS5 from my bed or when tv is in use. Don’t see why so many people are negative about it.
SteamDeck streams great already but a bigger screen and dualsense controller would be nice.
package includes carpal tunnel syndrome and general wrist pain.100 for a cheap phone
70 dualsense
10 joystick phone holder
I have a feeling that it will be very cheap. They might be contracting some Chinese tablet maker for this.Such negativity towards a new piece of hardware from Sony.
And I agree with all of it.
£100 - £129 or go home.
I can understand the scepticism, but I think it's an ideal product for those who don't always have the tv screen available (family lives) and/or don't want to buy a second PS5 for in the bedroom, for example.
Right now, if my gf wants to watch tv, I can use my PSVR2 in cinema-mode, which is pretty neat.
But I don't always feel like being entirely cut-off from the real world.
So something like Project Q would be ideal, imo.
Or it would be convenient if me and my gf have one of those lazy days in bed. She can watch tv and I can use Project Q.
100%The biggest "Why the fuck would you bother" in the gaming industry since the Sega 32X.
I love using Remote Play but this is absurd. It just doesn’t fit anywhere and its purpose it’s already done by smartphones, tablets and PCs.
The price is also going to be ridiculous. Even if it’s $149 just get a Switch Lite! You can play games and don’t need another $400 console to use it!
The switch lite is $200. If they price it at or even near that, it will look insane.