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Sony bro's - are you gonna get the Pro?

Will you answer the call?

  • I will answer the call and upgrade to a Pro

    Votes: 385 67.9%
  • I will reject the call and stay loyal

    Votes: 182 32.1%

  • Total voters
Who cares? Most console gamers, even the diehards, simply prefer the console experience. They are not gonna build a PC because sweet baby spiderman is on steam. Just like PC gamers aren’t gonna make Ps their main platform for a small handful of exclusives. Sony has ruined your life with PC ports judging by the sheer amount of words you have typed on the subject in the last few years. If it’s bothering you so much just build a PC because there is no indication that they’re gonna stop and every indication that they’re gonna keep making ports.

Who cares? I care. And mainly from my POV, but I also like looking at it from the platform holder's POV.

People don't just "prefer" stuff simply because it exists. There are always reasons for them preferring those things, and you aren't taking that into consideration whatsoever. Ask enough people why they've come to prefer a PlayStation over the years and at least a good amount of their answers would include exclusives. I also guarantee you a lot of them would say they have more than one platform despite preferring a PlayStation. So if those exclusives start to dry up, there goes one of the main reasons those people preferred getting a PlayStation in the past, meaning chances increase they won't get a PlayStation in the future.

You could've asked Xbox people (as in those who preferred Xbox in the past) the same thing years ago and exclusives would've also been a popular answer. Now that they don't have those anymore (not just because of Day 1 PC, but also now because Sony & Nintendo will be getting a lot more of those 1P games), guess what? They aren't buying Xbox consoles. And that's clearly seen in the declining hardware sales. It's also seen in the declining software and services revenue (at least before MS started buying major pubs to prop up their gaming revenue & profits).

So those are the reasons I care, and despite the option being there for something like PC if Sony were foolish enough to continue with their current strategy as they are, I'm not port-begging or saying the PC strategy (as it's been so far) is a good thing to do. Not just for my own desires, but even from a business POV. It's value-destructive to the console and if the declines on console side aren't made up by profit gains going multiplat, guess what that also leads to? Less games, less polish (more platforms Day 1 means less optimization per platform), etc. Which also means less money for Sony (which I only care about because it'd affect the scale and amount of games they make & publish), and less industry revenue.


Yes. I have a PC with a 3070 and was considering upgrading that, but now I might go fully down the Pro console pleb route instead.

PS5 is hassle-free gaming for me. I lost track of the number of games still releasing to this day with shader compilation stutter on PC (usually the Unreal Engine titles). Nothing kills the experience more for me and I envy people who don't notice it. Most recent case is Persona 3 Reload (UE4 game) which is bliss on PS5 compared to what I tried of the Game Pass version on PC. I've wasted so many hours tinkering with config files and don't want another hour of my limited time spent on that shit. Of course you miss out on things like mods, but that can always be explored at a later point when the game is $5 on PC.

Assuming the Pro is about $600, that is cheaper than a good GPU upgrade and will get you about 90% of the way there. Maybe PC versions still have a slight edge in the settings ceiling or be able to do higher res. But we are reaching diminishing returns in many cases. The difference between say high and ultra shadows in a game is usually barely noticeable and everything is moving towards AI reconstructed images now. On my 4K TV it has gotten hard to notice the difference.


Love my PS5, but I don't think I really have a reason to get a Pro, at least not yet. But it'd be cool to. So, I'll just be sticking with what I currently have.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Who cares? I care. And mainly from my POV, but I also like looking at it from the platform holder's POV.

People don't just "prefer" stuff simply because it exists. There are always reasons for them preferring those things, and you aren't taking that into consideration whatsoever. Ask enough people why they've come to prefer a PlayStation over the years and at least a good amount of their answers would include exclusives. I also guarantee you a lot of them would say they have more than one platform despite preferring a PlayStation. So if those exclusives start to dry up, there goes one of the main reasons those people preferred getting a PlayStation in the past, meaning chances increase they won't get a PlayStation in the future.

You could've asked Xbox people (as in those who preferred Xbox in the past) the same thing years ago and exclusives would've also been a popular answer. Now that they don't have those anymore (not just because of Day 1 PC, but also now because Sony & Nintendo will be getting a lot more of those 1P games), guess what? They aren't buying Xbox consoles. And that's clearly seen in the declining hardware sales. It's also seen in the declining software and services revenue (at least before MS started buying major pubs to prop up their gaming revenue & profits).

So those are the reasons I care, and despite the option being there for something like PC if Sony were foolish enough to continue with their current strategy as they are, I'm not port-begging or saying the PC strategy (as it's been so far) is a good thing to do. Not just for my own desires, but even from a business POV. It's value-destructive to the console and if the declines on console side aren't made up by profit gains going multiplat, guess what that also leads to? Less games, less polish (more platforms Day 1 means less optimization per platform), etc. Which also means less money for Sony (which I only care about because it'd affect the scale and amount of games they make & publish), and less industry revenue.

I sure hope you don’t buy physical games. Retailer cuts and second hand sales are really affecting Sony’s revenue, which we as consumers should be very concerned with.

It’s funny because per the Insomniac leaks if your PC port costs under 2.5M all you need to do is email Jimbo to get the ok. I would bet good money nobody that actually works at Sony has written as many words on the subject in the last 4 years since HZD port than you have in the last month. They clearly aren’t gonna stop.
Nah, I don't see the point myself. I have a PC and my PS5 is just for exclusives. They already play and look great in my opinion and VR is hardly a big focus for Sony so I don't see that getting much attention.


I'm a console hardware nut, so I may trade in my launch PS5 and get a PS5 Pro... but not so motivated at this point.

I'm sure it will be a great machine, but I also built a pretty significantly more powerful PC recently... (7800x3d + 4080 super) - so any graphically challenging games, I can play on PC if I wanted to.
Other than that - Switch seems to cover most of console exclusives too.... (like Vanillaware games)

I'd rather upgrade my TV at this point - because it's an older OLED with no VRR support... but who knows.
Maybe I will do both as I tend to get overly excited with new console hardware releases and tend to buy them all - if it looks nice and pricing is too hard to pass on...
but my practical sense is telling me "no" more louder than usual.
not sure what it will actually offer in real world gaming or if devs will even take much advantage of it. Also, price point and deals, being able to trade the old machine in towards the new one always helps.

As always, I will wait and see.

Don Carlo

Yep, I plan on selling my PS5 to upgrade to the Pro. Then keep that until the PS6 comes out. Not gonna buy the latter on launch though.


As a green rat, I may also decide to become a pro pony.

I am anxiously awaiting to what degree it will impact optimizing PS5 games, in particular, first party games.
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Honestly I'm weighing my options. My getting a PS5 Pro is going to heavily depend on these two things:

1: Does Sony prioritize more 1P AAA & AA genuine exclusives for the console with notably longer exclusivity windows (even permanent in many cases) before considering ports to platforms like PC?​
2: Does Sony prioritize a better frequency of 1P AAA & AA games including in genres they are underrepresented in 1P-wise (JRPGs, rhythm games, shmups*, fighters, platformers etc.)​
*I know shmups are SUPER niche and wouldn't expect any, but it's just there as an example​

IF Sony commit to both of those things, then I'll be picking up a PS5 Pro. If they don't, then I'll be investing in PC gaming more (including upgrading if required). Why? Because not doing (1) would basically signal they intend to keep porting all their 1P titles to PC in the same 6 months-2 years window for non-GAAS games (if not doing Day 1). And, not doing (2) would suggest they are relying on 3P to bring that variety, but almost all of that 3P (outside of Vanillaware) are doing Day 1 on platforms like Steam, which is also getting Microsoft's 1P games (and some of MS's game do interest me, despite my heavy criticism of their console brand management, which is total garbage), and in due time all of Sony's 1P games too.

If Sony were to not do these two crucial things because of "investors" and "shareholders", then I'd have to think in terms of an "investor" myself, and decide what's going to give me the most ROI on my spending dollar. And in that case, why would I split the power of my dollar between a PS5 Pro and a PC, when I can just maximize that dollar's value to the platform that would seem to get everything I'm interested in Day 1 or in short order (I don't have FOMO to the degree of many others)? And would come with other benefits like no paid online, open mod support, cheaper game prices and also being the same device I use for my productivity work?

That is just me listing some of the natural benefits of PC, but I would have zero issues buying a PS5 Pro if Sony give the value proposition. But for me, that isn't so much about the hardware and more about the software. And not even if the software will be quality (it's Sony; I know it's going to be quality), but rather if that software is a differentiation factor in availability & variety to push me into getting the platform where that software is at. Which means that, yes, exclusivity (genuine exclusivity, not "console exclusive" or short 3-6 month or 1-2 year timed exclusivity) 100% matters.

It doesn't have to be every game, but it has to be enough to where it matters. And right now there simply aren't enough genuine exclusives on PS5 be it 3P or 1P. Like, again, I know Rebirth is an exclusive currently but I also know it'll be on PC in a year at most like seems to be the case with XVI; probably less time in Rebirth's case actually. If I knew that were going to be a full exclusive for a much longer time I'd view it differently in terms of providing value to the console, but ultimately it's a 3P game and isn't inherently meant to serve that role.

But with PS losing more defacto 3P exclusives I don't see why legacy and new 1P games can't exist to take up those roles for the console and do so in a meaningful way. To date though, it's something SIE have to improve a lot on, and it's all of these things why I'm still weighing the option of getting a Pro or not.
Fucks sake! How do you even go about grocery shopping when you have this rainman level of analysis for relatively basic decisions!


I'm probably okay. To be honest I don't even play my PS5 much, I usually just play Switch in bed for 30-60 mins before I fall asleep every night, so if that continues I'm better off getting a Switch 2 Day One.


Gold Member
I'm looking forward to Halo on the PS5 controller. I'll get a pro once MS announces it :messenger_sunglasses:
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I might wait for them to make some 1st party games first. Instead of the fuck all they are releasing this year.


Yep. Hope they can get the full console power out which has people saying it's punching above it's weight.

Specs are nice.


Gold Member
Not me. I have not played my ps5 since launch. Worst generation for me so far. Games felt incredibly predictable and the contrary of bold. Sticking a pro sticker on a boring console won't make it more exciting.


Gold Member
Love my PS5. My launch PS4 carried me all the way to the PS5, it ran TLoU2, Remake, and etc. It was loud as hell towards the end, but it did its job. I’d honestly rather have more games than a Pro console. As crazy as that sounds.


AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
As someone who bought PS3, PSP, PSV, PS4, PS4 Pro and PS5.

I doubt it.

Only way I get PS5 Pro is if it improves my BC games in a meaningful way, since that's all I use my PS5 for.
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I'm not seeing the point. When Sony first party games start to drop, then sure, as long as at least one of those is great.



I’m not sure. I don’t own a ps5 so I’d like one but I use GFN and that’s probably more than enough that I need. And I get to play at higher settings than a PS5 pro already. But it doesn’t appear that PlayStation will be putting their stuff on there so I might end up getting one.


Can't say I'm too excited. The current PS5 already performs fairly well and I don't see these specs being that big of an improvement. I'm already struggling to find enough reasons to upgrade my 2018 PC as it is.

A 6 year old PC still being good for gaming has never happened before. So I'm not sure how much value there is in upgrading a 4 year old system.


For sure yes. I game on a 140” screen with a JVC laser projector. Any improvement is immensely noticeable.
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Not this year for sure. Waiting to see how the average 3rd party game (which makes up the bulk of my library in like any generation) use the extra hardware in the pro for anything other than a resolution bump.


The question for me is, is my og ps5 good enough for the living room? Or di i need to get 2 pros... have a desicated home theatre room and that room is gonna get rhe pro 100÷


The fact so many people are saying they'll buy this anyway, without having seen any games that'll make it worth buying, is probably a good reason why the video games industry is rapidly disappearing down the fucking toilet of mediocrity. Why do games companies have to make much effort, when they'll sell their shit whatever?
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Gold Member
Yes. It’s essential for me because of some PS5 only games needing some improvements. I’m not talking about those big games where there could be a possible port to PC or other consoles. I’m talking about games like Relayer where it’s stuck on Playstation.


Definitely no. Also a "probably no" for the PS6. Sony has made it clear that everything will eventually come to PC (including the PSVR2), so i will just keep upgrading my PC every 6-7 years. And im saving up for an OLED Steam Deck.
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Who cares? I care. And mainly from my POV, but I also like looking at it from the platform holder's POV.

People don't just "prefer" stuff simply because it exists. There are always reasons for them preferring those things, and you aren't taking that into consideration whatsoever. Ask enough people why they've come to prefer a PlayStation over the years and at least a good amount of their answers would include exclusives. I also guarantee you a lot of them would say they have more than one platform despite preferring a PlayStation. So if those exclusives start to dry up, there goes one of the main reasons those people preferred getting a PlayStation in the past, meaning chances increase they won't get a PlayStation in the future.

You could've asked Xbox people (as in those who preferred Xbox in the past) the same thing years ago and exclusives would've also been a popular answer. Now that they don't have those anymore (not just because of Day 1 PC, but also now because Sony & Nintendo will be getting a lot more of those 1P games), guess what? They aren't buying Xbox consoles. And that's clearly seen in the declining hardware sales. It's also seen in the declining software and services revenue (at least before MS started buying major pubs to prop up their gaming revenue & profits).

So those are the reasons I care, and despite the option being there for something like PC if Sony were foolish enough to continue with their current strategy as they are, I'm not port-begging or saying the PC strategy (as it's been so far) is a good thing to do. Not just for my own desires, but even from a business POV. It's value-destructive to the console and if the declines on console side aren't made up by profit gains going multiplat, guess what that also leads to? Less games, less polish (more platforms Day 1 means less optimization per platform), etc. Which also means less money for Sony (which I only care about because it'd affect the scale and amount of games they make & publish), and less industry revenue.
Well those people are dipshits who smell their own farts. the fact that a game is exclusive to your system doesn’t make the game any better and it doesn’t benefit you in any way. Sonys FP games are awesome, if you want those buy a ps5 and you get them day one. If your experience is lessened because people who didn’t buy a PS5 also get to play them, then that’s just pathetic.


Journey Of Course GIF


voted poster of the decade by bots
Always worth it mid gen like this, the upgrade cost isn't $500 due to what you can recover from units you already have, $200 upgrade cost is a no brainer


Not likely. But it will further take advantage of my tvs so I will not totally rule it out.
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