I may have mentioned it to Evolution...a few times
The announcement of a FF VII Remake will be one of the greatest moments of my life.
There's actually a well known NES game based on the movie if you get interested in it. I always loved the music as a kid.
Guys, it's fucking keighley, it could be anything. Don't get hyped, pls.
Whenever he hypes something GAF is always disappointed. Always!Why not, thjere is usually one big game announced at these things
Couldn't that be at the ms conference too?
Guys, it's fucking keighley, it could be anything. Don't get hyped, pls.
Guys, it's fucking keighley, it could be anything. Don't get hyped, pls.
It's probably call of duty or some shit.
At least one. That also means:GG's new IP?
He was never considered reliable.Is Tidux still considered reliable? or did he go off the rails..
Is Tidux still considered reliable? or did he go off the rails..
Has he ever been reliable?Is Tidux still considered reliable? or did he go off the rails..
2016 for the announcement, 2017 for the release. 20 years after the original. Will look better than the PS3 technical demo. Luminous Engine.
I remember him posting lots of bullshit not too long ago. I wouldn't call him reliable at all.
Hype intensifies! Hopefully it's shown at Sony's conference.
I may have mentioned it to Evolution...a few times
New Media Molecule
New Ninja Theory
Likely New Studio Japan
this almost sounds like they are saying bloodborne, instead of blood war.BLOOOODBOOORRRNEEEEE
Can't fall asleep.
So much hype!
I hope the suprise game is Left 4 Dead 3 or Half-Life 3!
It's probably The Last Guardian, or Beyond Good and Evil 2, or StarCraft: Ghost
The announcement of a FF VII Remake will be one of the greatest moments of my life.
Don't think that's fair for you to say. Especially when GG has/had a trailer, MM didn't know if they were attending and publicly acknowledged they weren't about a week before hand and Santa Monica Project got scrapped with a trailer ready to go.Sony's E3 conference was never going to feature those games though.
lol Tidux. Poor guy started off the rails. He went relatively insane after tossing out a couple correct PS4 PDM UI calls before it launched. Pretty sure even the gaming media has started ignoring him finally.Is Tidux still considered reliable? or did he go off the rails..
Holy shit. There's going to be an announcement of a game we don't know about? Stop the goddamn presses.
Whenever he hypes something GAF is always disappointed. Always!
Guys, it's fucking keighley, it could be anything. Don't get hyped, pls.
I your dream pedro, in your dreams.Resident Evil 2 Remake pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
I kinda feel like they blew their load at E3, and Gamescom will be more indie focused for them when it comes to new game reveals. Not that that's a bad thing at all, since they had a lot of huge announcements back at E3. Maybe 1 or 2 big announcements here, 2 Japanese centric announcements at TGS, but saving the big guns for next E3. That's usually where they go all out. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of Quantum Break tomorrow, though.I'm gonna bet it's an Xbox One game.
To be honest, this is the first time I'm more interested for the Microsoft Press Conference than Sony's. They are so far behind in sales at this time that it'll be interesting to see what they will be revealing to the public.
They are also considered to be behind when it comes to graphical quality as well so I want to see how they choose to address it.
I'm gonna bet it's an Xbox One game.
To be honest, this is the first time I'm more interested for the Microsoft Press Conference than Sony's. They are so far behind in sales at this time that it'll be interesting to see what they will be revealing to the public.
They are also considered to be behind when it comes to graphical quality as well so I want to see how they choose to address it.