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Sony PlayStation Has Canceled its Attendance at PAX East Citing Coronavirus Concerns | Update: Boston Mayor Asks Sony To Reconsider


I swear. GAF never disappoints. we got a guy with a xbox logo defending sony from a guy with a sony logo. YOU CANT MAKE THIS SHIT UP. I love the both you <3
That just means at the end of the day we are all human and we all thrive towards the same goal in hard times.
Put our differences aside and stick together to survive.
Only cuz we dont like the other ones toy doesnt automatically mean we hate the person.
2.3% fatality is 10x higher than the flu fatality rates. There is a reason why this is so serious.

Antibiotics is for bacteria infections, not virus infections.

Fatality rates for flu was around 0.2% last year, that's the same as a single age group with corona virus. So no, corona will kill significantly more people if it spreads like a pandemic.

The lethality of Covid is a lot lower than 2.3% as there are a great number of people that have it but are not diagnosed/show no symptoms. This percentage continuslly drops as more people are diagnosed. It'll end up like a bad flu in terms of death rates.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
0.2% means 99.8% of the vast majority of people on this forum will be completely fine.

Does Corona kill young people? Yes

Does the regular flu kill young people? Yes

Is Corona worse than the flu? Yes

Will Corona kill more young people than the flu this year? They will likely kill similar amounts of people under the age of 40.

Will Corona kill more old people than the flu this year? Probably but only because there are no vaccines.

What people fail to realize is that the flu is an incredibly dangerous illness, and we only keep its cfr down with vaccines that are around 10-30% effective at providing immunity. If we did not have vaccines certain strains if flu would be worse than Corona.

The flu vaccine is only 10-30% effective?


It seems like every single news outlet of possible repute is warning this could get really bad. Arguing this kind of political nonsense to get a company to overturn a decision made to protect its employees is straight up gross. The mayor should be ashamed of himself and hopefully replaced next election.


Next time I see someone say its just the flu I'm buying them a one way flight to Wuhan.

It's just the Flu.

I live in Mexico. Would rather fly during summer but I'm willing to part after March 22nd or before as long as I can be back in Mexico by the 19th (wedding commitment).


So you're an expert then and know more about this than the top medical professionals in the world? 2.3% of COVID-19 infected die from this decease, that's 10x higher than for a common flu. If it turns into a global pandemic, like it might, it will overload all hospitals in the world and cause severe economic and social problems. 5% of the infected become seriously ill and need close medical attention. In a country of 100M, where, say, 20% become infected. That's 20M. 5% of these is 1M that would need to be hospitalized. No country has the capacity to handle that on top of normal medical treatments. This is the concern.
Using those same numbers. Let's do the same exercise.

Country Population: 100 million.
People infected...let's say 20 million. (which is only 20% of the total population)
5% of those "needs" to be hospitalized (which is 1 million)
From that 1 million, half could be treated at home using home hospitalization.
So... 500.000 people would effectively need hospitalization, which is a lot, but way less than what the media hype and psychosis pushes.

Let's say it's letal for 2.3% of the infected people. That would be 460.000 deaths...in a 100.000.000 people country!!! A "grand total" of... 0,46% of the entire population of that country.

That wouldn't even make a dent in country's economy.


Using those same numbers. Let's do the same exercise.

Country Population: 100 million.
People infected...let's say 20 million. (which is only 20% of the total population)
5% of those "needs" to be hospitalized (which is 1 million)
From that 1 million, half could be treated at home using home hospitalization.
So... 500.000 people would effectively need hospitalization, which is a lot, but way less than what the media hype and psychosis pushes.

Let's say it's letal for 2.3% of the infected people. That would be 460.000 deaths...in a 100.000.000 people country!!! A "grand total" of... 0,46% of the entire population of that country.

That wouldn't even make a dent in country's economy.

It would still be a tragedy. Just not the end of the world.

I don't think it will escalate to be something worse than other threats that we've seen before but it's worth it to be cautious. Cancelling assistance to events and such is OK in my opinion.


how much tourism you can move with a secondary videogame fair?! it just sound strange...
Plenty of people attending PAX East are traveling from other cities and states and willing spend their money on local businesses as well.
Seems to me like logical incentive to me 🤷‍♂️
Next time I see someone say its just the flu I'm buying them a one way flight to Wuhan.
All you need to say is that you can be reinfected with COVID-19 right after you recover from it and the symptoms will be far worse the 2nd time. You are not immune to the virus after you recover from it.

When you recover from the flu, your body has the memory-B cells that can quickly produce antibodies to eliminate the flu virus if it re-enters the body. This works until the next season when the flu virus's genome will have changed.


Unconfirmed Member
This is fine.
If the Corona virus kills PAX, and other danger hair nerd conventions.....then I salute you Kung-Flu!
Reflection. This is the most sensible thing you have ever posted.


Plenty of people attending PAX East are traveling from other cities and states and willing spend their money on local businesses as well.
Seems to me like logical incentive to me 🤷‍♂️
i know that some people are doing this, i was just wondering HOW MANY people are gonna do this...we are not talking about milions of people i think.
i have nothing about the mayor asking sony to come, it just sound strange, usually politicians don't gives a fuck about videogame conventions.


Plenty of people attending PAX East are traveling from other cities and states and willing spend their money on local businesses as well.
Seems to me like logical incentive to me 🤷‍♂️
It has nothing to do with Sony, rather the political message Sony sent. Sony could give any reason to not assist to PAX East and Boston mayor wouldn't give a f*ck. Instead, Sony chose to use the Covid-19 as an excuse for not attending and there lies the whole problem: the message sent was "we don't feel safe in this city / we don't trust Boston's health services so that's why we're not attending".

In politics, it matters a lot HOW you say things and WHEN you say things. If Sony would've used the Covid-19 excuse a little earlier, it would've passed as overly cautious. If it used the Covid-19 later, it would appear rushed, but believable and none of the parties would be disagreeing. There's a very, VERY little window of oportunity to say the right thing at the right time and Jim Ryan wasn't capable of use it. They went the overly cautious way and this is what happened.
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What this chart does not have are comorbities. I have a feeling the number for 50-69 would be lower if you parsed it out to these comorbidities. So a healthy 56 year old has less than a 1.3% chance of dieing from this desease. The issue is that people over the age of 60 often have underlying health issues (ie comorbidities). People over the age of 80 are pretty much guaranteed to have them.

Comorbities also explain some if not all of the deaths in the 10-40 range. Remember some people seem completely healthy but have comorbidities that only really show up when they get really ill.
If we follow your logic nobody is actually dying of this illness... or diabetes either I would assume.

The co-morbidity and age fatality rate number is probably useful to the treating staff in order to decide where they invest their time and ressources... I won't tell you how many people have serious complications (how many beds and staff does the hospital need?)... As it spreads like wildfire, and about 15 - 20% of people experience serious complications, so let's say you don't die from it because you are fine, and you don't care for anyone that is more at risk there is a 1 in 5 chances that you will suffer quite a bit if you catch it, so do what you will.

There is no way a flu would spread to 691 people on a cruise ship in such a short time, on that boat this is not over, but they are around 4.3% death so far (maybe they are older than the average population), however my calculation does not take into account the fact that there is a delay of over 20 days before you even get symptoms., who knows how many will have died or greatly suffered on that boat in the end? Those who died really caught the disease a while ago, passed it to more people, then some countries just take them back in.

No need to panic, but I would be worried if I had to take a flight, attend some big social event in a closed space, with thousands of people who also travel around a lot.... This is exactly how these diseases spread, heck even the Spanish flu managed to go around the globe 100 years ago, in some regions 90% of the population had it at one point of the other of the epidemic.
I got my shit a month ago. I am probably going to get some more though. The economic impacts of this thing are going to hit hard. Personally I am not exactly sure when the next gen consoles will get launched as I fear another depression could happen. (I am not claiming it will though) Hopefully there is just a recession and we come out of it ok. Its still possible that it burns itself out or mutates to be less severe too.
If a good portion of the old and those that have chronic illnesses die off of this over the next few years, and 15 / 20% more overwhelm the health care system (let's be clear no other country will built 10 hospitals in a matter of weeks).


They/Them A-10 Warthog
The flu vaccine is only 10-30% effective?
Generally the yearly flu vaccine is just an educated guess at which flu will be predominant based on the current information they have. I believe it was the 2017 flu season where the physician giving me the shot told me that they expected it was less than 10% effective at providing immunity. The key word there is "immunity" though. Getting a flu shot will generally make any version of the known flu viruses less severe even if they don't keep you from getting it (so long as the flu you got isn't wildly different). A vaccine is only effective if it provides immunity, but they are still useful if they can keep your from dying by giving your immune system an early kickstart.

At least that is how I understood it when she explained it too me. This is why you can get the flu shot and still get the flu (Lots of strains, never perfect vaccines, etc).

Do you know what young people who die of the regular flu have in common? None of them got the flu shot. That might be anecdotal, but the newspaper articles and online blurbs all mentioned that fact at the time. Possibly to scare more people into getting flu shots.
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They/Them A-10 Warthog
If we follow your logic nobody is actually dying of this illness... or diabetes either I would assume.

The co-morbidity and age fatality rate number is probably useful to the treating staff in order to decide where they invest their time and ressources... I won't tell you how many people have serious complications (how many beds and staff does the hospital need?)... As it spreads like wildfire, and about 15 - 20% of people experience serious complications, so let's say you don't die from it because you are fine, and you don't care for anyone that is more at risk there is a 1 in 5 chances that you will suffer quite a bit if you catch it, so do what you will.

There is no way a flu would spread to 691 people on a cruise ship in such a short time, on that boat this is not over, but they are around 4.3% death so far (maybe they are older than the average population), however my calculation does not take into account the fact that there is a delay of over 20 days before you even get symptoms., who knows how many will have died or greatly suffered on that boat in the end? Those who died really caught the disease a while ago, passed it to more people, then some countries just take them back in.

No need to panic, but I would be worried if I had to take a flight, attend some big social event in a closed space, with thousands of people who also travel around a lot.... This is exactly how these diseases spread, heck even the Spanish flu managed to go around the globe 100 years ago, in some regions 90% of the population had it at one point of the other of the epidemic.

If a good portion of the old and those that have chronic illnesses die off of this over the next few years, and 15 / 20% more overwhelm the health care system (let's be clear no other country will built 10 hospitals in a matter of weeks).

Comorbities matter when they are one of the primary reason you get more sick than others. Its harder for your body to fight the invader off if it isn't working correctly to begin with.

You are correct in saying people, generally, are not dying of coronavirus. They are dying of Pneumonia caused by coronavirus.

Personally I won't be flying anywhere or going on any public transportation until a vaccine is created for coronavirus.
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Remember Ebola kills it's host. Which makes it less likely for the host to spread. So it fizzled out. Sars mutated and again fizzled out.

Corona is a special one. Its asymptomatic and no symptoms for some have reported over 14 days. It has a long recovery rate, and people are reported to have high viral loads even after recovery. Some reports that it can be relapsed with devastating anti body responses.

This virus is a doozy. It knows how to transmit.

The fallout for this is not the death toll but the panic. Boston and all cities now should be making sure they eliminate the potential for patient 0. Cause this thing can spread. The panic hits when a city has to quarantine and resources become a priority. It can happen. It's happened in Italy. Soul. This is not contained. Sony made the right move. If I worked for Sony I would not want to be traveling anywhere.
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Just heard from a buddy that EA is canceling all non essential travel through at least end of March. Smart move on their part.
Comorbities matter when they are one of the primary reason you get more sick than others. Its harder for your body to fight the invader off if it isn't working correctly to begin with.
So if you have a car accident and you bleed to death, it's not the car accident the problem it's the bleeding? Medically that sounds right, but when people drive they are careful because they want to protect from the car accident, they don't really think of the exact underlying cause of their eventual death, whether it's a crushed skull or some other kind of trauma.


Gold Member
Using those same numbers. Let's do the same exercise.

Country Population: 100 million.
People infected...let's say 20 million. (which is only 20% of the total population)
5% of those "needs" to be hospitalized (which is 1 million)
From that 1 million, half could be treated at home using home hospitalization.
So... 500.000 people would effectively need hospitalization, which is a lot, but way less than what the media hype and psychosis pushes.

Let's say it's letal for 2.3% of the infected people. That would be 460.000 deaths...in a 100.000.000 people country!!! A "grand total" of... 0,46% of the entire population of that country.

That wouldn't even make a dent in country's economy.

Home hospitalisation for half a million people who very likely will need oxygen and constant care? While the other half a million will also need oxygen and constant care, all while being in hospital needing to be isolated to prevent the spread to other inpatients who don't have the coronavirus?

All of that while there is no vaccine or specific treatments and doctors are still guessing as to what the best course of treatment is for this thing? You don't see this as a problem?

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I sincerely hope you're nowhere near any serious hospital or other health care institution of any kind.
Using those same numbers. Let's do the same exercise.

Country Population: 100 million.
People infected...let's say 20 million. (which is only 20% of the total population)
5% of those "needs" to be hospitalized (which is 1 million)
From that 1 million, half could be treated at home using home hospitalization.
So... 500.000 people would effectively need hospitalization, which is a lot, but way less than what the media hype and psychosis pushes.

Let's say it's letal for 2.3% of the infected people. That would be 460.000 deaths...in a 100.000.000 people country!!! A "grand total" of... 0,46% of the entire population of that country.

That wouldn't even make a dent in country's economy.

You really believe that a nation can have 20% of it's citizens contract a virus for which we have no cure with no effect on it's economy? This is the worst take I've read on this yet.

It has nothing to do with Sony, rather the political message Sony sent. Sony could give any reason to not assist to PAX East and Boston mayor wouldn't give a f*ck. Instead, Sony chose to use the Covid-19 as an excuse for not attending and there lies the whole problem: the message sent was "we don't feel safe in this city / we don't trust Boston's health services so that's why we're not attending".

In politics, it matters a lot HOW you say things and WHEN you say things. If Sony would've used the Covid-19 excuse a little earlier, it would've passed as overly cautious. If it used the Covid-19 later, it would appear rushed, but believable and none of the parties would be disagreeing. There's a very, VERY little window of oportunity to say the right thing at the right time and Jim Ryan wasn't capable of use it. They went the overly cautious way and this is what happened.

This isn't a political message. This isn't an attack on Boston. wtf
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Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
wow, a lot of cry babies complaining about a company canceling an event due to the risk of getting sick and dying. You have the right priorities on your mind, please feel proud of yourself.
But there really is no more risk than you going to the bathroom. Get real!


You really believe that a nation can have 20% of it's citizens contract a virus for which we have no cure with no effect on it's economy? This is the worst take I've read on this yet.
Well, tell that to the guy that said 20% of the population could be infected. I was using his numbers :V

This isn't a political message. This isn't an attack on Boston. wtf
Everything you do or don't do is political, whether you intend it or not.


Using those same numbers. Let's do the same exercise.

Country Population: 100 million.
People infected...let's say 20 million. (which is only 20% of the total population)
5% of those "needs" to be hospitalized (which is 1 million)
From that 1 million, half could be treated at home using home hospitalization.
So... 500.000 people would effectively need hospitalization, which is a lot, but way less than what the media hype and psychosis pushes.

Let's say it's letal for 2.3% of the infected people. That would be 460.000 deaths...in a 100.000.000 people country!!! A "grand total" of... 0,46% of the entire population of that country.

That wouldn't even make a dent in country's economy.

Like fuck it wouldn't. It would send ripples through everything. Not only the people who pass but the effects the sick people coupled with the over-reacting of everyone else. It would absolutely affect productivity. 5% of nation out of work? Yeah that's a lot of productivity.


But there really is no more risk than you going to the bathroom. Get real!
Wait, what?? How many times do you use a bathroom stall that's jammed with 60-150 other people all breathing same air, only after standing in tight lines with, and then sitting in a pre-bathroom lobby for a couple hours with countless people from different parts of the world all milling about?

In other words, an airport is probably the second worse place to be when an epidemic is spreading, second only to cruise ships.

Mass Shift

Using those same numbers. Let's do the same exercise.

Country Population: 100 million.
People infected...let's say 20 million. (which is only 20% of the total population)
5% of those "needs" to be hospitalized (which is 1 million)
From that 1 million, half could be treated at home using home hospitalization.
So... 500.000 people would effectively need hospitalization, which is a lot, but way less than what the media hype and psychosis pushes.

Let's say it's letal for 2.3% of the infected people. That would be 460.000 deaths...in a 100.000.000 people country!!! A "grand total" of... 0,46% of the entire population of that country.

That wouldn't even make a dent in country's economy.

The worst calculation I've seen in many many years.


The worst calculation I've seen in many many years.
Indeed, which was partially my point (hence I explicitly said I used mitchman's numbers).

The biggest economic repercussion of this pandemic won't be the lethality rate, rather than the psychosis fueled by the media and rumors.

Heck, my parents were in south-east asia 2 weeks ago and my dad even traveled back with fever and a bad cough (and my mom is showing flu-like symptoms just about 2 days ago) and they're not even remotely worried. They probably don't have coronavirus, but they've seen with their own eyes the panic over nothing (according to them) when authorities scanned them on their way back to Chile.


First of the CCP is lying their head off for a valid reason .
The numbers are ten fold .
But even just a single glance at the extreme measures that are taken from lock downs to shooting or forcefully removing people if they dont do as told bot wearing masks and so on.
I seen mothers punched in the face while her baby was flying out of her arms and hitting the ground.
Going around the streets night and day spraying chemicals with trucks etc.
Killing most life stock to contain the virus.
Does any of this seem like its less harmfull then the bird flu or any other flu?
I can pm you a lot of links that show the horror chinese people go through every day.
2000 medical workers got the virus while on duty.
WHO demands answers how that is possible.

Gangs stealing toilet paper in hong kong , stores stripped of every single food in singapore etc.

The best example how this virus works is on the diamond princess .
You wont tell me that in a city of 11 million where it all started only 70k are infected.

But lets get to why i say there wont be any consoles this year.
All foxconn factories were on shut down.
Only 10 percent are operating as of today.
Goverment ordered all workers to go back to work so their economy doesnt take a huge hit.
But most people dont dare to go due to fear of infection.
Due to the fallout lot of companies are unable to manufacture product and in most cases even if the main assembly line is outside china , most parts that are needed for lets say in case of hyundai , are manufactured in china.
All this combined with shipping bans comming from china.

The world put all their eggs in one basket and since everything is so interconnected this little "flu" caused a major but major distruption on the global market.

And this was already the case a few weeks ago now its just getting worse.

Logic dictates if a console is to release in november but you halt manufacturing, at the very least the amount of dealy in time will add to the time of original release.
And if one company produces parts for several other companies , once production goes back to normal , they will have to deal with all the back up and for sure make priorities who gets what first.

Sorry to hear about your health issue.
A good friend of mine lives in vietnam owning hotels with his wife.
He already had in his early 20,s pneumonia.
His lungs are literaly glued to his chest.
Now that i read cases are popping up over there too and that around 10000 are already on lockdown i am worried what happens to him if he gets infected.

Anyways i can provide way but way more information on this but dont think this is the plattform for it.

You guys dont have to listen to me, everyone has their own view on this subject matter.
So i get if people laugh at me or disagree and thats ok we all should question eachother.
Sounds like we need to get Dustin Hoffman and Cuba goodin jnr on the case.

Mass Shift

Indeed, which was partially my point (hence I explicitly said I used mitchman's numbers).

The biggest economic repercussion of this pandemic won't be the lethality rate, rather than the psychosis fueled by the media and rumors.

Heck, my parents were in south-east asia 2 weeks ago and my dad even traveled back with fever and a bad cough (and my mom is showing flu-like symptoms just about 2 days ago) and they're not even remotely worried. They probably don't have coronavirus, but they've seen with their own eyes the panic over nothing (according to them) when authorities scanned them on their way back to Chile.

I hope your loved ones will all be okay.
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Sounds like we need to get Dustin Hoffman and Cuba goodin jnr on the case.
'If one of them have got it then ten of them have got it and if one of them gets outta Cedar Creek, Billy then we're in deep fucking shit... and we're already in deep fucking shit. And if you wanna arrest me, arrest me now!
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I get that people are mad and that there's not been many cases in US and zero in Boston, but look at what happened in Italy and South Korea, both countries only had a few cases in the first month or two and BAM, they get their own outbreaks.


The market leader takes a stance and many follow.….The way it should be......Corona-Virus is not to be taken lightly..
Incoming "arrogant Sony is back", "Sony is doomed", "PS5 has no games" etc...
Is good guy MS still attending just to oppose Sony on this stance?

Something isnt right internally at Sony. Just a gut feeling.
Depends on your priorities, if you care about forum politics and hype vs the best games this gen......I personally got my console for great games, and Sony has delivered all gen and going out with a bang this year......If something aint right at Sony, I hope it stays that way tbh.....
The market leader takes a stance and many follow.….The way it should be......Corona-Virus is not to be taken lightly..

Is good guy MS still attending just to oppose Sony on this stance?

Depends on your priorities, if you care about forum politics and hype vs the best games this gen......I personally got my console for great games, and Sony has delivered all gen and going out with a bang this year......If something aint right at Sony, I hope it stays that way tbh.....
Im basing it off how radio silent Sony has been. I dont get into forum politics. Check my history.


Using those same numbers. Let's do the same exercise.

Country Population: 100 million.
People infected...let's say 20 million. (which is only 20% of the total population)
5% of those "needs" to be hospitalized (which is 1 million)
From that 1 million, half could be treated at home using home hospitalization.
So... 500.000 people would effectively need hospitalization, which is a lot, but way less than what the media hype and psychosis pushes.

Let's say it's letal for 2.3% of the infected people. That would be 460.000 deaths...in a 100.000.000 people country!!! A "grand total" of... 0,46% of the entire population of that country.

That wouldn't even make a dent in country's economy.
WOW that is a big tragedy.
460k deaths.
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WOW that is a big tragedy.
460k deaths.
Yeah, it is, but when you compare it to the total of a 100 million population, that's just 0.46%

When a country surpasses the 100 million people barrier or the density of east asian countries, single human lives become somewhat irrelevant within the grand total of the population.

If, for some reason, someone is truly special that is "one in a million", there would be 1300 special people in China and 1000 in India alone.
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