Great left the planet long time ago.Hey don't worry guys, I heard Greta Thunberg will be filling in for them.
She lives no in LaLaLand.
You guys are on your own. Sorry.
Great left the planet long time ago.Hey don't worry guys, I heard Greta Thunberg will be filling in for them.
It's not sensationalism when the general advice for people in certain areas is to take precaution and postpone any non-essential travel and mass gathering events. Nobody is saying stop everything you are doing and get to a bunker, it's just about exercising common sense.
This thing tore through a cruise ship in the matter of a week for goodness sake. Japan happens to be an affected area, largely because of the cruise ship, hence this Boston mayor is actually being negligent with his comments. Yes it's fine and dandy now but the level of risk increases the moment more and more people from areas like Japan embark on Boston. It's his own city that would suffer if an outbreak were to occur.
U.S. raises travel alert to Japan as new coronavirus spreads via unknown infection routes
The U.S. State Department on Saturday called for 'increased caution' when traveling to Japan, escalating the alert to level 2 on the four-level advisory scale amid reports that a new coronavirus originating in China is spreading in Japanese communities via unknown infection routes.www.japantimes.co.jp
Coronavirus: Inter Milan v Sampdoria among Serie A games postponed
Inter Milan's game against Sampdoria is among four Serie A fixtures that have been postponed over fears of the spread of coronavirus.www.bbc.com
Coronavirus: South Korea declares highest alert as infections surge
The president says the country faces "a grave turning point" and the next few days will be crucial.www.bbc.com
This would simply pass and "fizzle out" if people from affected areas/regions actually took the advice for a few weeks instead of running around downplaying it as "just the flu", which is quite frankly moronic.
Sony had the largest booth space at PAX East and where planning to have the first public demo of The Last of Us 2. Their biggest exclusive of the generation.
Microsoft aren’t at PAX East because they have quite literally packed up until next gen.
The Mayor of Boston is ignorant. It’s as simple as that.
Cases South Korea doubled in the last 24hrs. Overtaking Japan as the country with the most cases outside Japan. Italy has new cases and areas of the country on lockdown. Cases are cropping up in the Middle East. But most worryingly of all, there are now cases, without any clear link back to China.
It’s also worth remembering. If there is a case, those in contact need to go into quarantine for at least 2 weeks. In reality that likely puts someone out of action for a month as companies won’t take undue risks.
At this point I’d put it at 50/50 whether events like the Olympics and E3 will be cancelled. New cases may start diminishing. But it’s just as likely we’ll see new outbreaks in Europe and the US.
where is boston or any other US city in this context though?
Can you read?
Can you think?
If you can do both of those things then the answer is already in my previous post.
exactly, boston is not part of this, so boston is safe. so sony could easily join PAX east, as you said.
Then I suggest you do some more research as this statement is also incorrect. Young and healthy people also die from this virus.
It's a virus that only kills Boomers.......![]()
0.2% means 99.8% of the vast majority of people on this forum will be completely fine.
Does Corona kill young people? Yes
Does the regular flu kill young people? Yes
Is Corona worse than the flu? Yes
Will Corona kill more young people than the flu this year? They will likely kill similar amounts of people under the age of 40.
Will Corona kill more old people than the flu this year? Probably but only because there are no vaccines.
What people fail to realize is that the flu is an incredibly dangerous illness, and we only keep its cfr down with vaccines that are around 10-30% effective at providing immunity. If we did not have vaccines certain strains if flu would be worse than Corona.
Your numbers are right if we talk about this corona
Sorry i said too much here already just to be ridiculed.![]()
My numbers have actual data backing them up...
Do yours?
We been her before like 6 weeks ago.
Everyone said the same.
6 weeks later things just got worse.
Lets wait another 3 weeks and come back to this .
See what changed see if it all was just a phase and the world went back to normal.
Didnt realise one has to have an agenda if they talk about real world problems.Whats your agenda for being so involved in this topic?
Didnt realise one has to have an agenda if they talk about real world problems.
Its not like i get paid for this.
I am not going store to store stocking food etc.
And even if, and nothing happens i still have something to eat. But if shit hits the fan what will you eat?
I am not paranoid or anything like it.
I still have to run my business take care of family etc.
Dont worry wont talk about it in here anymore.
Great left the planet long time ago.
She lives no in LaLaLand.
You guys are on your own. Sorry.
Well then take your time and read everything i wrote.I just dont see what delay of next gen consoles, or anything gaming related has to do with what I will eat if shit hits the fan. Maybe this belongs in off-topic or somewhere else?
There is and good news bytheway
According to the WHO, more than 80 percent of patients infected with the virus have mild disease and recover, while 14 percent have severe diseases such as pneumonia. Around five percent of cases are considered critical."
Well, i'm not surprise but always speeclessYou cant realy be surprised about that though.
Ok i agree with you, But this does not mean that I cannot think before I speak, but maybe here I am wrong to claim it.Consider the massive age gap on gaf from 14 to has to wear a diaper cuz shitter is too far.
If I am not an expert I will let whoever can teach me something speak, this is what I learned in life, but probably not the life of the world wide web. But I understand very well what you mean.Most youth are just not versed in this topic.
We agree, when governments and the media do not do their job well by playing a lot on the exploitation of fear, this is the result, but psychosis is an inevitable consequence.Who can blame them given the total media fallout or just plain missinformation on the subject.
Sure, but for me it's too late, I'm experiencing it here in Italy the consequences of psychosis, in my opinion also justified, of people completely in panic attacking supermarkets to stock up and close schools and companies this only feeds the panic but I understand that they are the right choices to prevent spreading, unfortunately it is a dog that tries to bite its tail, it's inevitable !.All you can do is sprinkle some knowledge and hope it wakes them up a bit.
2.3% fatality is 10x higher than the flu fatality rates. There is a reason why this is so serious.Covid-19 is a glorified flu yet that's not stopping the sensationalist press fill their boots with this drama.
Did you know, most people who catch it develop mild symptoms only and make a full recovery? Guess this is getting lost in the 'modern plague' hyperbole.
Antibiotics is for bacteria infections, not virus infections.The problem is if your already in poor health, the chance that a virus like this will turn out to be deadly increases dramatically. With flu they can give you antibiotics, with this they can't.
Fatality rates for flu was around 0.2% last year, that's the same as a single age group with corona virus. So no, corona will kill significantly more people if it spreads like a pandemic.Will Corona kill more young people than the flu this year? They will likely kill similar amounts of people under the age of 40.
The flu is a virus. Antibiotics will not help.The problem is if your already in poor health, the chance that a virus like this will turn out to be deadly increases dramatically. With flu they can give you antibiotics, with this they can't.
So it hugely depends on your immune system and the state of your health prior to being hit with the virus.
Condescending to and name-calling people who refuse to agree with your point of view? Where have I seen this tactic before?Gamers are sad people sometimes...
Risking spreading a pandemic for game trailers....idiots.
Just because the media is doing a great job making y’all dumbasses think it’s nothing.... does not mean it is.
So you're an expert then and know more about this than the top medical professionals in the world? 2.3% of COVID-19 infected die from this decease, that's 10x higher than for a common flu. If it turns into a global pandemic, like it might, it will overload all hospitals in the world and cause severe economic and social problems. 5% of the infected become seriously ill and need close medical attention. In a country of 100M, where, say, 20% become infected. That's 20M. 5% of these is 1M that would need to be hospitalized. No country has the capacity to handle that on top of normal medical treatments. This is the concern.2. this coronavirus is yet another media hypebomb. remember ebola? swine flu? bird flu? ect. Boston isnt even an at-risk area
Like HIV? Viral meningitis? A viral encephalitis?It is a flu virus. A normal healthy person wont die from it.
Everything is so overblown.
Honestly, I struggle to understand the meaning of the words you write, perhaps because I am not a native speaker or because I believe that it is completely disconnected from the reality of the facts, in any case, perhaps you could address your post to those who unfortunately today lost a person for or fight because, aihmè, infected with an imaginary virus.Or we see this for the sensationalist bullshit that it is.
Swine flu Bird flu, cjd and foot and mouth existed before the Internet was q big thing and they were just as inconsequential and over hyped
Ebola, the doomsday disease fizzled out like a fart in the wind. This is more sensationalism and throwing numbers and figures around means very little without a full background wrie up of each individual.
The condescending language used against those who refuse to stop their lives, cower in fear and do everything to halt the spread of a boogeyman disease is sad at best and indoctrination at worst.
But hey, as long as your arguments are " china are lying because fuck China" you can't be reasoned with. You may as well join the flat earth crew with this logic.
Has kony been stopped yet?
How are the riots in Hong Kong?
He cares about events in his City, and how it looks... Apparently more than the health of the people attending the event (they have to board planes, get in all kinds of crowded places) this is a serious risk at this time, it can make a bad situation almost uncontrollable.So why the boston mayor gives a fuck about videogame stuff? Is he a sony stan?
Add to this that this virus is far more resillient and infectious than any flu virus.So you're an expert then and know more about this than the top medical professionals in the world? 2.3% of COVID-19 infected die from this decease, that's 10x higher than for a common flu. If it turns into a global pandemic, like it might, it will overload all hospitals in the world and cause severe economic and social problems. 5% of the infected become seriously ill and need close medical attention. In a country of 100M, where, say, 20% become infected. That's 20M. 5% of these is 1M that would need to be hospitalized. No country has the capacity to handle that on top of normal medical treatments. This is the concern.
.4% isn't "significant"...2.3% fatality is 10x higher than the flu fatality rates. There is a reason why this is so serious.
Antibiotics is for bacteria infections, not virus infections.
Fatality rates for flu was around 0.2% last year, that's the same as a single age group with corona virus. So no, corona will kill significantly more people if it spreads like a pandemic.
Where do you get that number from? It's 2.3% vs 0.2%..
.4% isn't "significant"...
Where do you get that number from? It's 2.3% vs 0.2%.
Yea, it’s just the flu folks... meanwhile in Iran...
wake the fuck up.
It’s no big deal right guys? It just kills everyone that has health problems. Diabetic parents in your family? They’re dead. Fuck em’ right?
I got my shit a month ago. I am probably going to get some more though. The economic impacts of this thing are going to hit hard. Personally I am not exactly sure when the next gen consoles will get launched as I fear another depression could happen. (I am not claiming it will though) Hopefully there is just a recession and we come out of it ok. Its still possible that it burns itself out or mutates to be less severe too.Just wait two weeks when everyone rushes out to prep and buy food, they will scream and shout why no one warned them while every supermarket is empty.
I got my shit ready to go 2 weeks ago.
I swear. GAF never disappoints. we got a guy with a xbox logo defending sony from a guy with a sony logo. YOU CANT MAKE THIS SHIT UP. I love the both you <3Lmao maybe this is the virus we deserve after all.