i just wrote a bunch of stuff and got deleted by accident.
Writing on phone.....
So i give you the short version and can detail it more later.
Yes i would be interested in making an OT.
Not sure where exact?
Would like to have some input how to do it as information gets updated every day and not sure do i delete and replace the old info or how?
It was never my intention to use this thread for spreading virus info.
But again would like to have some guidence and would be more than happy to keep people updated.
I think its very important and maybe some would use it as template to plan their next move.
Yes i have some explanation why china is lying about numbers.
Would elaborate in OT.
For sony?
So for E3 i think they wanted to skip it and throw a big event in their home land during the olympics.
Would have been perfect. Would have saved a lot of money and the audience is already present.
But as i learned all prep events for the olympics have been cancelled and it is very likely the olympics will be moved or cancelled for good.
For gdc i believe its just precaution.
Given the increase in travel bans in and out of asia and soon south korea and iran , i think they are just worried whos next.
We keep forgetting about the quarantine part.
So far it was 14 days but sorces suggest officials are requesting up to 27 days.
Imagine you come from japan and uppon entry someone gets flagged, now all passengers on the plain would most likely enter quarantine.
No time for that right?
I am a 100 percent sure sony wont launch this year .
Factor one is manufacturing delay given the current situation.
And even if they can deliver in small number, they wont do that cuz they sell at a loss and if they have to wait for the next shipment they will loose money to the banks in interest etc. They need to turn profit asap and that is through software and services.
Limited amount of consoles results in limited amount of ROI.
So do they have nothing to show? Probably.
Do they use the virus as decoy? Yes why not.
I think its a combination of all.
I think they had something big planned and it got all ruined.
Cant fight nature.
I am also suspicious about xbox. They been quite for a long time now as well.
One would think they would capitalize on sony's dilema.
Anyways any help for me making an OT is appreciated