
Welcome to the new PlayStation official topic for NeoGAF. Credit to Evilore who has given me permission to re-boot the PlayStation official topic and continue to maintain the thread. This topic is designed to start discussions anew since the old topic has been out of commission for several months and many previous users are now banned or have migrated, leaving old discussions very difficult to continue. I wanted to get the topic back up and going and I will be responsible for it's upkeep going forwards.
Disclaimer, the OP is always subject to change. New projects announced, new studios acquired etc. Please enjoy!

SIE Bend Studio
Founded: 1993
Located: Bend, Oregon
Previous Works: Syphon Filter, Resistance: Retribution, Uncharted: Golden Abyss.
Current Project: Days Gone (Due for Release 26.04.2019)

Naughty Dog
Founded: 1984
Located: Santa Monica, California
Previous Works: Crash Bandicoot, Jak & Daxter, Uncharted & The Last of Us
Current Project: The Last of Us Part II (No current release date, 2nd team project unknown.)

Founded: 2014
Located: San Mateo, California
Previous Works: N/A
Current Project: Concrete Genie

SIE San Diego Studio
Founded: 2001
Located: San Diego, California
Previous Works: MLB: The Show
Current Project: Unknown (Rumoured to be an Uncharted title.)

SIE Santa Monica Studio
Founded: 1999
Located: Los Angeles, California
Previous Works: God of War Titles (Also worked as a co-developer on Twisted Metal, Warhawk, Starhawk, The Order 1886 etc.)
Current Project: Unknown

Sucker Punch
Founded: 1997
Located: Bellevue, Washington
Previous Works: Sly Cooper, InFamous
Current Project: Ghost of Tsushima (No current release date)

Guerrilla Games
Founded: 2000
Located: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Previous Works: Killzone, Horizon: Zero Dawn
Current Project: Unknown

SIE London Studio
Founded: 1993
Located: London, England
Previous Works: The Getaway, SingStar, PlayStation Home
Current Project: Unknown

SIE Manchester Studio
Founded: 2015
Located: Manchester, England
Previous Works: None
Current Project: Unknown

Media Molecule
Founded: 2006
Located: Guildford, England
Previous Works: LittleBigPlanet, Tearaway
Current Project: Dreams

SIE XDev Europe
Founded: 2000
Located: Liverpool, England
Previous Works: Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword, Heavy Rain
Current Project: Unknown

Foreward Works
Founded: 2016
Located: Tokyo, Japan
Previous Works: Hot Shots Golf, Wild Arms: Million Memories
Current Project: Unknown
Japan Studio
Founded: 1993
Located: Tokyo, Japan
Previous Works: Gravity Rush, Knack, ICO, The Last Guardian
Current Project: Everybodys Golf! VR
Polyphony Digital
Founded: 1998
Located: Tokyo, Japan
Previous Works: Motor Toon Racing, Gran Turismo
Current Project: Unknown
The OP is undergoing a big re-design as of 17.03.2019. Please give me some time to get it back up to scratch.
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