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Spartacus: War of the Damned - the conclusion of a legendary journey - Fri on Starz

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Kinda sucks that it looks like they are gonna be staying in one location again =/

I hope they don't blow their budget and tease us with large scale battles in episode 1 and then camp in the city for the rest of the series.
New episode tonight:

The possible infiltration of a Roman spy causes tension to mount between Spartacus and his men. Crassus resurrects a long abandoned form of Roman punishment to teach his soldiers a brutal lesson.


Good episode. Lil weird all the suspicion of Caesar just up and disappeared.

Will someone fucking kill Naevia already. I thought Caesar was going to do it with the knife. I was ready to proclaim him king of awesome.

Saxa proved to be a total bro. Hopefully she'll live.

The scenes with Spartacus and Laeta are pretty good. Show needs more of those, actually it needs more Spartacus in general. The whole gotta-figure out food bit is getting old. Maybe all this shit going down will spur him into being much more involved in the day to day. People needed to be reminded of who the real big dick is.


Naevia is such a horrible character. :/ I can't even stand to look at her face. Die already. And Crixus, what the fuck. :| I've been rewatching Season 1, this is not something he would've done. I don't understand what's going on with him, this show is becoming a mess. And the dialogue borders on being a parody of S1 as well, it's starting to grate.


Hunky Nostradamus
The 'Decimation' scene was one of the most gruesome and brutal and sad things the show has ever done. Holy shit snacks. The Roman army stuff is proving to be more compelling than the Spartacus side of things this season.

Naevia is really getting on my nerves. I was hoping that Caesar was throwing his knife at her instead of the slave guy who was choking Nemetes. Speaking of, I used to like Nemetes but now that he's (become) a mean raper, I'm rooting against him. I was actually hoping that Caesar would let him get choked to death.

And this was the first episode where I was actually really digging Caesar. I hope they make that spin off.

Naevia is such a horrible character. :/ I can't even stand to look at her face. Die already. And Crixus, what the fuck. :| I've been rewatching Season 1, this is not something he would've done. I don't understand what's going on with him, this show is becoming a mess.

(minor historical spoiler)
Didn't Crixus go down that path in real life?


Naevia is such a horrible character. :/ I can't even stand to look at her face. Die already. And Crixus, what the fuck. :| I've been rewatching Season 1, this is not something he would've done. I don't understand what's going on with him, this show is becoming a mess. And the dialogue borders on being a parody of S1 as well, it's starting to grate.

He is a changed man because of what happened to him in season 1. He's always been in this for the killing of Romans. And Naevia is what drives him. And she is twisted from the abuse she endured. Behind every man is a woman. When that woman has been abused by a group of people you already hate, I can see a man really hating them.


Bull on a Donut
Man this is getting hard to watch :(. I know it's historical and logical like I've said before, but it sucks to see the guys you cheer(ed?) for start to dismember each other and turn to savagery... Really really hope Naevia dies soon. I was hoping Gannicus would kill her or that Caesar put that knife through her.

Good episode. Lil weird all the suspicion of Caesar just up and disappeared.

The suspicion of Caesar disappeared when the mob formed, the hive mind thought only of slaughtering the Romans.

He is a changed man because of what happened to him in season 1. He's always been in this for the killing of Romans. And Naevia is what drives him. And she is twisted from the abuse she endured. Behind every man is a woman. When that woman has been abused by a group of people you already hate, I can see a man really hating them.

Yeah I agree, Crixus was always the rash bloodthirsty one, and he will always follow Naevia. I really want to see Spartacus kick some more ass though, so far he's getting completely drowned out by Caesar, Crassus, Crixus, and Gannicus. It's almost like he doesn't exist with all of his scenes showing him just chillin' in the villa.


Neo Member
I really do hope they go forward with a Caesar spinoff. Also, kinda interesting they've gone with a bit of the Breaking Bad formula with rooting against the "good" guys.



This looks pretty good. Spartacus going spec-ops on the Romans.

I really do hope they go forward with a Caesar spinoff. Also, kinda interesting they've gone with a bit of the Breaking Bad formula with rooting against the "good" guys.

Yeah, Casear earning his show. I doubt they'll risk him losing fan support by killing any of the 'noble' popular characters like Gannicus or Spartacus, or even Agron, but it could be why there's such a heavy emphasis on making Naevia and Nemetes so unlikeable.


I think that smirk by Ceasar at the end says all
having him go undercover in the rebel city was a very good idea, gets him to fight some of the main characters early on without necessarily having to "loose" each time in order for them to survive

decimation was brutal, but I guess that's the whole point of the thing in the first place

and Naevia needs to get murdered in a brutal way
it's funny how she is digging her own hole all the time with her bullshit


I hope Crixus and Spartacus part soon from each other, so that Crixus and Naevia can die quick deaths. She is a real bore, and she should have been killed just for attacking Gannicus.


I hope Crixus and Spartacus part soon from each other, so that Crixus and Naevia can die quick deaths. She is a real bore, and she should have been killed just for attacking Gannicus.
I thought she killed him given that he was just lying there
christ I would hate her so much more


I am annoyed but the crixus naevia situation as well. The a/v club review said it perfectly when they wrote that it seems like their arc is complete and the characters are being forced to do those things just to service the plot and not to do justice to their characters. A little disappointing because Crixus was awesome and the real naevia would have realized she was doing the wrong thing (even naevia from last season would have).

They are just acting stupid to forward the plot and its hard to watch. If Gannicus died that was it for me.

Episode was very good but this season has been a huge downer so far we all know how it ends but give us something to cheer about.


I hope Crixus and Spartacus part soon from each other, so that Crixus and Naevia can die quick deaths. She is a real bore, and she should have been killed just for attacking Gannicus.

Historical spoiler:
Crixus died in the battle against Romans before arrival of Spartacus' army. Spartacus forced surviving Roman soldiers to fight like gladiators in the honor of Crixus.


I didn't expect Ceasar becoming a trojan horse, good thing he got a character now.

Crixus turning heel!

This might have been explained in the episode but, what's the point of decimation ?


Such a great but brutal dark episode
The whole Decimation was pretty hard to watch and I did love how you could see Ceasar smirking at all the chaos that he had caused amongst Spartacus's group


This might have been explained in the episode but, what's the point of decimation ?
Scare the soldiers. In essence it is meant to teach them it doesn't serve to retreat because you're scared of dying. You'll die an horrible death when you return.

I am annoyed but the crixus naevia situation as well. The a/v club review said it perfectly when they wrote that it seems like their arc is complete and the characters are being forced to do those things just to service the plot and not to do justice to their characters. A little disappointing because Crixus was awesome and the real naevia would have realized she was doing the wrong thing (even naevia from last season would have).
On the other hand it is stupid to complain about how Crixus and Naeva act because it suits the historical Crixus better.

Historical spoiler:
Crixus died in the battle against Romans before arrival of Spartacus' army. Spartacus forced surviving Roman soldiers to fight like gladiators in the honor of Crixus.
I'm still wondering what path they shall follow. In reality some people claim Crixus and Spartacus' split was part of a huge master plan that failed.


Great episode. If it wasn't for the completely unneccessary Crassus sex scene this would probably one of my favorite episodes of the entire series. As it stands now this was "just" the best episode since Gods of the Arena.

And yeah, Naevia needs to die soon.
I've tried, I really have but it's now come to a point where I can no longer bare to watch any scene that Naavia is in.

Her mere presence on screen has me reaching for the remote. I can safely say, I have never hated any single character in any show as much as I hate her.
Maybe they're making Naevia insufferable so that we'll love Caesar more when he kills her.

I welcome such a move. In fact, I'll throw a party if this happens. She is just so unbelievable unbearable.

It might not have been so bad if the original actress hadn't left, but I still feel the character's direction since season 1 has been terrible. Terrible writing, terrible acting, terrible chemistry, terrible on screen presence, terrible scowl, she's just terrible.


Best episode of season 3 so far, really enjoyed both the Roman camp and Spartacus's camp. The decimation was well done and really enjoyed the fracture between Spartacus and Crixus. Finally heading in a good direction


Looks like Tiberius wont get a love scene with his buddy afterall!

Maybe it was me being naive, but I think they were never lovers. I mean they obviously have some feelings for each other, but I don't think they never did something about those feelings, something about how Tiberius always is/was looking for his father approval tells me that he didn't do it for the fear that he has to his father


For some good ten minutes i thought Nevia had killed Gannius, we dodged a bullet here.

Didn't expect Tiberius's bro to die so soon (though i was obvious it was going to happen once they talked about the decimation and how he didn't deserve it, etc) , i thought the writers wanted to explore their relationship more.


Awww yis.

This season Spartacus is way better then prev. (beside Andy Sparty ofc).
He also need to make an example with someone(s) just to show who is boss.

Also I wonder what secret he doing with the pirates... hmm.
I want Saxa to kill Naevia. Did Saxa even learn of how Naevia hit him over the head with a rock? I hope Saxa gets revenge and guts her.

That'd be pretty interesting. Naevia is becoming toxic enough for Crixus to swerve off the path. At least Gannicus keeps his cool.


At this point when in the end
Crassus curbstomps everybody I hope Ganicus and Saxa will have said "fuck these guys" to the slaves and went away to be cool together.

I love how historically accurate, in their own way, they are. I loved Caesar's aside about the Cilician pirates. I love the Spartacus/Crixus rift. Even if Crassus' decimation was more severe in real life.
hay guyz Caesar has weird fetish of cutting his peepee, nah its to kill his erection during battle.
Caesar got more screen time than Spartacus. making that easy transition

out of nowhere, cut to Crasus sex scene lol

brutal episode


Bull on a Donut
To be fair the Crassus sex/Kore scenes are almost always to justify his behavior towards Tiberius, from child, to man, to soldier.
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