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Spider-Man is Entering The Marvel Cinematic Universe


^ yep


It's pretty rare that something so hoped for actually happens but yay us and everybody involved for making this happen. Also, I wouldn't sweat Sony's involvement too much as them "co-producing" is likely saving face. Especially as Amy Pascal was "transitioned" from management to producing. She's lucky she still has a job she won't rock the boat.
I don't know, allowing Feige and Marvel into the Spider-Man fold is a pretty huge concession on their part.
If all Sony wants is the paycheque and they let Marvel do their thing, then I'm totally down. I just don't see Sony giving the reins over to Marvel scot-free. I hope I'm wrong.
For those saying that X-Men is next, that ain't happening. Fox just had the biggest hit of that franchise with Days of Future Past, and they are going to milk it. And I am fine with that. The X-Men universe is robust and complicated enough to be its own thing.
Boom! Know it only a Matter of time. But I kind feel for Garfield he wasn't bad but the dude definitely drew the short straw.


ASM series was such a shame. Garfield and especially Emma were fantastically cast but the movies themselves were very underwhelming. They never stood a chance (although Emma probably doesn't give a fuck since she's gone in the movies anyway).
This is also good news for Miles Morales, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but Marvel has the rights to Miles, but not the rights to him in the spider costume.


Boom! Know it only a Matter of time. But I kind feel for Garfield he wasn't bad but the dude definitely drew the short straw.
Most of the cast of those movies really did deserve better for their one chance at playing Spiderman characters. Shailene Woodley dodged a bullet (but is less deserving).
So if this is a new thing, what is it? The Spectacular Spider-man?

I loved both Amazing Spider-man movies, but I'm hopeful that future installments will please more people so that it can be happy times rather than argumentative.
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