Thanks for the update, glad to hear they sorted these PC issues this quickly.
I wouldn't say they've sorted all of them out. I still can't run the game full-screen. It's either "Borderless at full resolution" or "Windowed". I didn't have the start-up crash, so I didn't bother with the videosettings.ini fix. But without that fix, the game runs at 10fps then locks up. Playing "Windowed" it's actually playable! Unfortunately, I can't figure out a way for borderless to be played at a resolution below native, so I have to either play in a 900p window on my 1440p monitor or change the resolution manually.
Can't wait for that to be fixed.
Anyway, general impressions below...
Glad I figured that all out, because I'm really enjoying the game. I'm playing on Realistic, going for Ghost. I average 90% Ghost, 8% Panther, 2% Wolf. There's no quicksave in the PC version either, but strangely enough, I'm enjoying that. I'm coming from playing Dishonored where I'd quicksave after every knockout/bodyhide. In Blacklist, having to clear one or two areas at a time instead of just one guard at a time feels much more satisfying.
And damn! These levels are huge! I'm averaging 45 minutes to an hour (again Realistic, Ghost, non-lethal style). I'm enjoying Ghost, but I'm also looking forward to going back and playing lethal Panther style.
The knockout animations are amazing. Sam feels completely capable and smooth. Feels great to just fast-walk up to a dude and knock him out without breaking stride. One of the other things I appreciate is that a guard can notice you as you sneak up on him, but it's only if he shouts or shoots that it doesn't count as a stealth knockout/kill. Really savor the terror in his eyes before lights out. Heh.
Things to figure out: how to deal with dogs and whether unconscious bodies can killed by dropping or throwing them. (As a note, don't try to drop bodies near windows. Sam will throw them out the window instead. Not sure if that counts as a kill or not).
I'm playing on PC. I joined the
Steam Splinter-GAF group and posted my uPlay ID. I'll post it here too: Epyon-MX. I'm down for co-op or SvM, but co-op preferred for now. If you see me on, hit me up.