Wow I got the game for PC ($39.99, $20 off console price and I was hoping for better image quality) and it runs like _crap_. I got a GTX 470 and the game crawls. It must be very CPU dependant because I have a Q6600 2.40ghz overclocked to 3.30ghz so it's a fairly old CPU. I got 8gb of ram and of course the GTX 470 has 1.2gb of Vram.
I tried playing it on Very High at 1280x720, stutters like crazy. We're talking 10 fps and lower here with very short bursts of 40+. At High the same deal, pretty much exactly the same. I tried 1024x768 and High just to test it and ran like crap.
Guess I'll try to take it back to see if I can get a refund. It really shouldn't run this bad on my system when I can do Crysis at everything Very High plus extra AA transparency AA at 30fps.
Looked like a fun game too