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Split/Second |OT|


As much as I enjoyed the SP (even if the rubber banding was like putting negative and positive magnets close together). The MP is totally broken. You are able to race the top end cars against the cars you start off with. In doing so I can clear a room after 3 races since I end up with a 11 second lead by time the race is over. :/

I hope they improve it for S/S 2 :(


Gold Member
The problem most people are having with Very High settings on the PC is ATI driver related apparently
(suprise, suprise)
. Either ATI need to come up with a driver fix or the devs do.
Not liking the multi much from what I played last night, thought it might have been cool, but everyone had the really fast cars so I wasn't getting anywhere near the top end of the table (I've just started unlocking a few cars in the SP so I'm not far yet).

Love the SP set piece type challenges like Air Strike and that Lorry one. Those are great fun and keep you on the edge of your seat. Just on Season 3 now.


formerly cjelly
KennyLinder said:
I am finding it 90% awesome, 10% frustration.
Switch that around and you're probably closer to the mark.

The problem with this game is the same problem that the vast majority of games this gen suffer with: You feel like you are the first person to actually sit down and play the game.

Playing through season mode, you feel like there are so many shortcomings (some big, some small), that if someone had actually bothered to sit down and play through the game just once, they would have realised this one needed about six months longer in the oven.

I would be surprised if the majority of people who buy this game actually bother to get any further than about Episode 4 in Season mode.

Like I said, this isn't just a problem with Split/Second, it's a problem with umpteen games released this gen: You feel like nobody has actually sat down and played it.


domlolz said:
I was looking forward to trying the pc version out but it looks fucking terrible because it doesn't want to run at any other resolution but 1280x1024 (yay squashed cars) and it's inability to recognise my 360 controller...awesome

I have the full version and use the 360 controller with no problems. I also can change screen resolution.
Almost to Episode 6, and I have to say, Im enjoying it a great deal thus far. Got 1st on almost every event so far, except one time trial event in the canyon level where it makes you race with a truck and you have to beat 1:54:00 to get first. My friends and I have played for 2 nights now, and the best lap that we had was a lap by me.... 1:54:06. >: (

Its the only even that Ive played thus far that seems borderline impossible.
im playing the pc version with xbox controller and i am loving this game...the best arcade racing game to come out in a long time (even the music is good which is very rare)...

im finding it much more fun than the burnout series but admit burnout has a bit better car handling and i would prefer the open world concept of paradise...

oh and im running on ultra high at 1080p and have a i5 750, 4 gb ram and 5850...the frame rate is steady except for a few areas like the helicopter race...high settings never drop...is the game capped to 30 fps?
cjelly said:
Switch that around and you're probably closer to the mark.

The problem with this game is the same problem that the vast majority of games this gen suffer with: You feel like you are the first person to actually sit down and play the game.

Playing through season mode, you feel like there are so many shortcomings (some big, some small), that if someone had actually bothered to sit down and play through the game just once, they would have realised this one needed about six months longer in the oven.

I would be surprised if the majority of people who buy this game actually bother to get any further than about Episode 4 in Season mode.

Like I said, this isn't just a problem with Split/Second, it's a problem with umpteen games released this gen: You feel like nobody has actually sat down and played it.

After spending longer with it now the minor niggles from before are starting to piss me off as the game has gotten much harder.

I think that two things didn't happen during the development of this game:
1. It does feel like nobody has actually sat down and played through the entire game to see what the experience is like. There are some rather obvious things both in the tracks and the game itself that are screaming to be tweaked but it seems they were either not noticed or they didn't bother to fix them. Usually Step 2 highlights these things better than any developer can because if you work on a project you a) get too good at the game, and b) get to close to it so can't see any issues (wood for trees etc).

2. Focus Testing. At any point was this game focus tested? I have to say I don't think it was, there are numerous annoying things in the game that any focus group would typically highlight. Perhaps the devs didn't bother doing one (definitely feels like this is the case) or if they did the group was either a) totally unusable so badly organised or b) they didn't react to any of the issues highlighted. A game these games should go through at least two focus tests, many more if its multiplayer heavy.

However in Blackrocks defence, tuning and balancing the game is very, very hard, and it always ends up being done very near to the end of the project where time is incredibly tight. I would imagine they got some of their best players in the team and the QA guys to just OK that the game is completable, and that there is some form of difficulty curve, then call it a day.

I dunno, its a decent game, but its too fucking frustrating to fully enjoy.


GHG said:
The problem most people are having with Very High settings on the PC is ATI driver related apparently
(suprise, suprise)
. Either ATI need to come up with a driver fix or the devs do.

Just wondering, where are you hearing this?


GHG said:
The problem most people are having with Very High settings on the PC is ATI driver related apparently
(suprise, suprise)
. Either ATI need to come up with a driver fix or the devs do.
The 10.4 (beta) drivers for the 4800 are fine.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
GHG said:
The problem most people are having with Very High settings on the PC is ATI driver related apparently
(suprise, suprise)
. Either ATI need to come up with a driver fix or the devs do.
What problem? Very High runs very well on my 5870. No problems at all.

I don't believe it's a driver issue! I first played the game on 10.3 and upgraded to 10.4 just today. I had no problems with either.


Gold Member
Anthropic said:
Just wondering, where are you hearing this?

Just something I read on another forum. Don't take it as gospel but there are a lot of (not all) users having problems with very high on ATI cards.

Aparently the game is only utilising 55% of the GPU core on some cards.


GHG said:
Just something I read on another forum. Don't take it as gospel but there are a lot of (not all) users having problems with very high on ATI cards.

Aparently the game is only utilising 55% of the GPU core on some cards.

What I'm seeing is that it runs at 30fps about 90% of the time but in several places such as that long curve next to the radars on Airport Terminal, the underground section after the track changes on Airport Terminal, every Survival race, several occasions on the tracks with the industrial section, etc the framerate just drops to 25 and sometimes lower. This is on Very High on a 5870. Running at 1680x1050 is slightly better than 1900x1200 but it doesn't eliminate the problem.

It's a shame because this is a beautiful game. Hopefully someone (either Disney or ATI/Nvidia) is able to improve the situation.


Gold Member
Anthropic said:
What I'm seeing is that it runs at 30fps about 90% of the time but in several places such as that long curve next to the radars on Airport Terminal, the underground section after the track changes on Airport Terminal, every Survival race, several occasions on the tracks with the industrial section, etc the framerate just drops to 25 and sometimes lower. This is on Very High on a 5870. Running at 1680x1050 is slightly better than 1900x1200 but it doesn't eliminate the problem.

It's a shame because this is a beautiful game. Hopefully someone (either Disney or ATI/Nvidia) is able to improve the situation.

Yeh I hope the performence isn't too bad. I'll be trying it out in 3D later on so I need about 60fps at 1080p in 2D terms :/ . Considering Bee's only getting 25 in 3D (50 literal I'll assume) its not looking promising. We shall see...
I'm still having a lot of fun with this, but I feel like it should have a boost. It's probably a wise choice not to have one, but it's so similar to Burnout that I want an extra oomph at times and it feels restrictive not being able to use my charged bar for a boost.


Trucker Sexologist
Foliorum Viridum said:
I'm still having a lot of fun with this, but I feel like it should have a boost. It's probably a wise choice not to have one, but it's so similar to Burnout that I want an extra oomph at times and it feels restrictive not being able to use my charged bar for a boost.
Personally, I'd rather have a rocket launcher.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
ZeMMiK said:
because instead we talking about the game, we talking about graphic cards...

but we have these super expensive graphics cards we bought to get a modest performance boost, we MUST talk about them!
cjelly said:
Switch that around and you're probably closer to the mark.

The problem with this game is the same problem that the vast majority of games this gen suffer with: You feel like you are the first person to actually sit down and play the game.

Playing through season mode, you feel like there are so many shortcomings (some big, some small), that if someone had actually bothered to sit down and play through the game just once, they would have realised this one needed about six months longer in the oven.

I would be surprised if the majority of people who buy this game actually bother to get any further than about Episode 4 in Season mode.

Like I said, this isn't just a problem with Split/Second, it's a problem with umpteen games released this gen: You feel like nobody has actually sat down and played it.

I enjoy the first two episodes, so what happen after the 4th ?

I have this problem with their previous game PURE, where the difficulty spike up and I just stop playing about 2/3 into the game.

I hope not, because I really enjoy this game a lot more than PURE, I sneak in a race every chance I get.
antiquegamer said:
I enjoy the first two episodes, so what happen after the 4th ?

I have this problem with their previous game PURE, where the difficulty spike up and I just stop playing about 2/3 into the game.

I hope not, because I really enjoy this game a lot more than PURE, I sneak in a race every chance I get.

I'd say the spikes are much bigger than Pure, possibly because of the frustration of being taken out by random pieces of sticking-out track and of course flying debris.

The thing that annoys me the most about this is that not a single review on the game picked up on the games difficulty "curve". I didn't read anywhere about how it spikes so aggressively and has many moments of cuntyness from the AI as they scream past you at an impossible speed.

We need an industry standard review site for game reviews. Metacritic Metacritc or something :)
That's too bad if it spiked up that hard as I am really enjoying the game but these days I just don't have time to really dedicated to game with family, school and work. Oh well it's fun so far so I will enjoy it until it become unbreable. I only finshed one game this year so far and that's Mass Effect 2.


KennyLinder said:
I'd say the spikes are much bigger than Pure, possibly because of the frustration of being taken out by random pieces of sticking-out track and of course flying debris.

The thing that annoys me the most about this is that not a single review on the game picked up on the games difficulty "curve". I didn't read anywhere about how it spikes so aggressively and has many moments of cuntyness from the AI as they scream past you at an impossible speed.

We need an industry standard review site for game reviews. Metacritic Metacritc or something :)
Further proof that most reviewers don't play games to completion? Kotaku's review mentions they played 9 episodes, for instance.


Spookie said:
The MP is totally broken. You are able to race the top end cars against the cars you start off with.

yep - the multiplayermode is a total failure in my book.

I'd say the spikes are much bigger than Pure, possibly because of the frustration of being taken out by random pieces of sticking-out track and of course flying debris.

yeah - i fucking hate to drive 3 rounds as first and beeing overtaken by a cpu driver on the last 100 m. also, i hate the fact, that you have to drive inferior cars in the elite races.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Seems like a pretty cool game but really annoying sound design.


KennyLinder said:
I'd say the spikes are much bigger than Pure, possibly because of the frustration of being taken out by random pieces of sticking-out track and of course flying debris.

The thing that annoys me the most about this is that not a single review on the game picked up on the games difficulty "curve". I didn't read anywhere about how it spikes so aggressively and has many moments of cuntyness from the AI as they scream past you at an impossible speed.

We need an industry standard review site for game reviews. Metacritic Metacritc or something :)
Yeah. I'm on episode ten now. Either I come in first place or last. I never get third in races at all. The AI pack is just too quick to punish small mistakes, though with them moving so close together you can sometimes take out 4-5 at once.

Two things they need to do, which should be patchable:
1 - Make the AI less 'mess up once, you're done' in latter races.
2 - Break down the cars and races down by class in MP.

The latter is so brain dead obvious I don't think they considered multiplayer a serious part of package.
ram said:
...to drive 3 rounds as first and beeing overtaken by a cpu driver on the last 100 m

I pointed this out in the demo, they should offer the person leading some form of defence. Say you are in the lead for one full lap, it should give you a reverse power-play (one you can use on the car behind).
KennyLinder said:
I'd say the spikes are much bigger than Pure, possibly because of the frustration of being taken out by random pieces of sticking-out track and of course flying debris.

The thing that annoys me the most about this is that not a single review on the game picked up on the games difficulty "curve". I didn't read anywhere about how it spikes so aggressively and has many moments of cuntyness from the AI as they scream past you at an impossible speed.

We need an industry standard review site for game reviews. Metacritic Metacritc or something :)

I think the only time to mention the curve is that if you are aiming to get 1st in all the stuff. Otherwise you should be easily getting second or third on all races. Unlike playing online the AI never gets more than 7 seconds ahead and can still be passed.
I will say that trying the Elite Race in Episode 5 yesterday doesn't even feel hard, it feels impossible. It feels like a race that should happen in 2-3 more episodes. I've picked multiple cars, and even using the fastest car that I have unlocked (everything is gold up to that race, aside from one 2nd place and one 3rd place finish), racing absolutely great and using my powerplays efficiently...... Im struggling to get 6th place in this race. Not so much cheap, just seems that they all have cars 2-3 grades higher than my top one, and they just take off and leave me in the dust.

Up to this point, I've always felt that my car was underpowered, but not enough where if I used the power plays well, and raced my balls off, that I couldnt win. In that race, I feel as if I cant win.
TheApatheticOne said:
I will say that trying the Elite Race in Episode 5 yesterday doesn't even feel hard, it feels impossible. It feels like a race that should happen in 2-3 more episodes. I've picked multiple cars, and even using the fastest car that I have unlocked (everything is gold up to that race, aside from one 2nd place and one 3rd place finish), racing absolutely great and using my powerplays efficiently...... Im struggling to get 6th place in this race. Not so much cheap, just seems that they all have cars 2-3 grades higher than my top one, and they just take off and leave me in the dust.

Up to this point, I've always felt that my car was underpowered, but not enough where if I used the power plays well, and raced my balls off, that I couldnt win. In that race, I feel as if I cant win.

You can use that Cobretti GT RS all the way through episode 9 and you shouldn't have much issue winning races.


TheApatheticOne said:
In that race, I feel as if I cant win.

If you try to stay in first you won't. Try to stick to 4-5 then on the final lap use a route changer. You should be able to stay in first long enough to win the race. I applied this to every race and came 1st-3rd on all of them after that.


I'm on episode 5 or 6. I'm still really enjoying the game, but I think if I continue to settle for no less than 1st place in races the game is going to break me. I've already resigned to 2nd place in the detonator events.

The AI in this game is fucking brutal. In a lot of races I end up battling with the 2nd and 3rd place racers while the guy in 1st stays too far ahead. Usually I need to trigger a shortcut or get close enough and get lucky with a level 1 powerplay to take them out to have a chance at winning. But thanks to the rubberbanding you can't keep 1st place for long...

Even after all the time I've had with the game I still feel like I don't have a good handle on the drifting system. I think part of the problem is that I keep trying to play it like Burnout. The only other problem I have with the SP is that being aggressive with the AI cars is only detrimental to you. They have no give when you run into them and it usually results in you slowing down or starting a drift.
TheApatheticOne said:
I will say that trying the Elite Race in Episode 5 yesterday doesn't even feel hard, it feels impossible. It feels like a race that should happen in 2-3 more episodes. I've picked multiple cars, and even using the fastest car that I have unlocked (everything is gold up to that race, aside from one 2nd place and one 3rd place finish), racing absolutely great and using my powerplays efficiently...... Im struggling to get 6th place in this race. Not so much cheap, just seems that they all have cars 2-3 grades higher than my top one, and they just take off and leave me in the dust.

Up to this point, I've always felt that my car was underpowered, but not enough where if I used the power plays well, and raced my balls off, that I couldnt win. In that race, I feel as if I cant win.

I used the orange car that looks like a Lamborghini Galardo. It's not the fastest (its a few in from the right in fact) but it's the only one I managed to beat it with, the others were just too drifty and I lost lots of time. I was really struggling with this race too:

- I used the route changer at the start of the 2nd lap (which brings the HUGE tower down) and I got into 1st.
- Had a bit of a tussle from the magically appearing cars behind me, and then had another full guage at the helicopter/dump truck and used that one on the cars that went a million/mph past me.
- Then I just used the regular stage 1's at pretty much every point because I was under constant attack from cars.
- I won by 1.1secs in the end or something. Fucking NAILS "race".


just finished the game yesterday placing first in every event and damn, that last elite race, brutal :( tried another car, the slipstream, and it went well after some more tries. tried it before that with the elite 440 and no chance in hell xD

there was one time trial where, when driving "perfect", I was always one second slower. Tried it again with bumping into some curves etc. and I was like two seconds faster xD
Damn those Detonator events are quite tough for 1st place. You pretty much have to drive perfect and if you crash then restart is the only option. Still I've managed to crack them so far and just starting Season 5.

Multiplayer Survival is pure madness. I guess it's quite a riot but so much blowing up, things get messy and it becomes more luck than skill. Struggling to find muliplayer race games with anyone playing so far...
Woot woot, I finally was able to get the Beat the Team II (getting less than 1:18:00 on Power Plant in Detonator). Took me all day yesterday, two youtube videos, and patience to get. Now just two trophys stand in my way of Platinum.

The Cyclone is my car of preference for the event.


Trucker Sexologist
Sebulon3k said:
Is there any way to change options on the demo? Wanna test performance before I bite.
No, the PC demo is pretty awful. The real thing looks 10x better. The game seems to favor quad cores, so keep that in mind.


Anthropic said:
What I'm seeing is that it runs at 30fps about 90% of the time but in several places such as that long curve next to the radars on Airport Terminal, the underground section after the track changes on Airport Terminal, every Survival race, several occasions on the tracks with the industrial section, etc the framerate just drops to 25 and sometimes lower. This is on Very High on a 5870. Running at 1680x1050 is slightly better than 1900x1200 but it doesn't eliminate the problem.

It's a shame because this is a beautiful game. Hopefully someone (either Disney or ATI/Nvidia) is able to improve the situation.
That's why I play on High Settings, which the game defaulted to on my GTX 260 216. It's at 30 locked through all the races. I tried Very High, and it had that same problem you're talking about. Easy choice really.

And this game is awesome. The demo doesn't do it justice as it was too easy and the control on the vehicle was squirrelly. There's still vehicles like the demo, but there's better handling and worse too, and various types of crazy handling as well.

I am loving the challenge of the game so far but I'm only in Episode 3. But I played last night until 2AM after Kimmel came on. Much later than I wanted to stay up. I'm glad the game is becoming a challenge because if ti was like the demo I'd be pissed. Heck, the only reason I bought it after playing the demo was that the PC version was $30 at Fry's. It's a lot easier to swallow $30 for something I think I might be interested in than it is $50 or $60.


Jesus this game is average at best. So not fun to play.

Very High runs horrible with a 5850, and the game looks awful on high. Back to Wipeout HD till blur comes out.


vocab said:
Jesus this game is average at best. So not fun to play.

Very High runs horrible with a 5850, and the game looks awful on high. Back to Wipeout HD till blur comes out.
Why do people insist on playing on Very High? This goes for any game.

People complain about the slowdown in SC2 beta on the forums with the highest settings. Turn it down a notch and give it a go. You'll hardly notice the difference and the smooth gameplay will leave you better satisfied.


SapientWolf said:
No, the PC demo is pretty awful. The real thing looks 10x better. The game seems to favor quad cores, so keep that in mind.

Was more so worried about my 4890's performance, it's been hit or miss in a lot of games that I've started playing. May be because of my processor, probably time to OC


Gold Member
This game runs fine on my rig:

Phenom 965
GTX 260 super overclock
4GB Ram

30fps with rare drops.

I'm guessing those of you struglling to get it running smoothly on very high have weaker processors or there's a driver issue in there somewhere. Its a shame because the difference between high and very high is pretty significant.

Same there's no individual graphics options though. My god, these PC port are getting crappier and crappier when it comes to graphics options.

On and 3D is fucked :( . Luckily it looks so damn good in non-3D.


GHG said:
This game runs fine on my rig:

Phenom 965
GTX 260 super overclock
4GB Ram

30fps with rare drops.

I'm guessing those of you struglling to get it running smoothly on very high have weaker processors or there's a driver issue in there somewhere. Its a shame because the difference between high and very high is pretty significant.

Same there's no individual graphics options though. My god, these PC port are getting crappier and crappier when it comes to graphics options.

On and 3D is fucked :( . Luckily it looks so damn good in non-3D.
1 drop in framerate in a racing game is too many & unacceptable to me. And very high didn't look that much different to me. I played a race with and without it, and opted without because I kept 30 the entire time on High, and mostly 30 on very high, with the occasional dip.

Agreed about the lack of options though. But there's probably an ini file we can dig around in. A shame that we have to tweak this stuff manually though.

I'll check out Very High again, but if the frame rate dips even once, that's one time that can screw up a turn or a swerve. But i want to see this difference you say is significant. Maybe it's more obvious on a track other than the first one in the game.
Finally got the Platinum trophy. lol. The Canyon and busting the dam is definitely my favorite Route Change PowerPlay. Now that I got it, I dont even know what to do anymore, lol, well crushing people online is kind of fun, lol.

Someone left me a comment cause I was always activating every powerplay immediately, rofl.
Dedication Through Light said:
Finally got the Platinum trophy. lol. The Canyon and busting the dam is definitely my favorite Route Change PowerPlay. Now that I got it, I dont even know what to do anymore, lol, well crushing people online is kind of fun, lol.

Someone left me a comment cause I was always activating every powerplay immediately, rofl.
"Finally"?!? Man I wish I had that kind of time.
allegate said:
"Finally"?!? Man I wish I had that kind of time.

I think it took me at most 40 hours to get that platinum (according to tracking on raptr). Got it midnight last Monday/Tuesday and finished this monday, thanks to recently graduating and having nothing to do all day, lol.
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