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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works

They should have kept The Raid guys for this.

Still could.



Not sure I really am in agreement with your interpretation of the film events but if that is what makes it all make sense for you, that's cool.

Not stating all of it is fact mind you, but there was a definite purpose behind showing Kylo killing the old man (who knew him) and stopping a laser blast afterword versus killing his father and getting hit with Chewie's crossbow.

Have we seen any other Force (dark or light) user freeze and entire person into place?
If Yoda can absorb and redirect energy, why can't Kylo, at the very least hold energy temporarily in its place?

The Force itself is "energy" that flows thru everything so it wouldn't be a stretch for him to hold energy in place, regardless if it's a person or a blaster. He's only holding it in place, not actually moving it around as if its a rock floating thru the air. The farther he descends into the dark side the more power he would gain. And him gaining power quickly through the dark side remains consistent with what Yoda told Luke about the DS being easier in ESB.

If someone thru a rock at him he would be able to stop it. If you were Luke and believed you couldn't stop a blaster and then Yoda stops a blaster he would say, "..and that is why you had failed."


Her "awakening" could not only represent her awakening as a Force user, but awakening as an incarnation of Anakin Skywalker. She pretty much becomes a near master Jedi in the movie for this very reason, cause she's tapping into latent memories she inherited from a previous life.

If true, it's destiny...


Can't keep away from it.
I do hope in VIII we see a new planet types.

This movie already ran though the OG trilogy planet templates of "desert planet. Snow planet. Forest planet. Death Star."

Maybe something more alien and weird?
I do hope in VIII we see a new planet types.

Yeah, I really enjoyed the ones in the prequels. Kamino was so damn cool. Really want more of that. Jakku could have benefit from being more unique, it's a junk planet but it felt more like Tatooine with some junk on it. Something even more "junky" like Ord Mantell would've been good.

The Emperor literally shoots lightning from his hands. They already are able to super jump, move at super speed (which they never use again past the opening of Episode I), are telekenetic, telepathic, can see the future.

Why is halting a bolt of energy a stretch?


gotta find something to criticize


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Gwendoline Christie sounded in the interviews like he she had a bigger role in the movie than she ended up having, I wonder what happened there.


Junior Member
You know after some thinking about it, I'm REALLY subscribing to the theory that Rey is a reincarnation or incarnation of Anakin Skywalker. It makes a lot of sense if you think about it.

Just watch the flashback sequence. All of those are memories. On Cloud City, hearing Obi-wan and Yoda. Those are the memories of Anakin Skywalker tapping in. Then it shifts to the destruction of the Jedi by the Knights of Ren, which is probably Rey's memories. Then we see a glimpse of Rey's encounter with Kylo Ren.

it's the Past, Present, and Future. It represents where that lightsaber has been and the history behind the person who used it. Luke never had a spiritual experience with it like Rey did, which suggests to me Rey has a direct connection to Anakin's saber unlike Luke ever did.

Her "awakening" could not only represent her awakening as a Force user, but awakening as an incarnation of Anakin Skywalker. She pretty much becomes a near master Jedi in the movie for this very reason, cause she's tapping into latent memories she inherited from a previous life.
I like this idea


You know after some thinking about it, I'm REALLY subscribing to the theory that Rey is a reincarnation or incarnation of Anakin Skywalker. It makes a lot of sense if you think about it.

Just watch the flashback sequence. All of those are memories. On Cloud City, hearing Obi-wan and Yoda. Those are the memories of Anakin Skywalker tapping in. Then it shifts to the destruction of the Jedi by the Knights of Ren, which is probably Rey's memories. Then we see a glimpse of Rey's encounter with Kylo Ren.

it's the Past, Present, and Future. It represents where that lightsaber has been and the history behind the person who used it. Luke never had a spiritual experience with it like Rey did, which suggests to me Rey has a direct connection to Anakin's saber unlike Luke ever did.

Her "awakening" could not only represent her awakening as a Force user, but awakening as an incarnation of Anakin Skywalker. She pretty much becomes a near master Jedi in the movie for this very reason, cause she's tapping into latent memories she inherited from a previous life.

Interesting. Also sounds like something out of Sailor Moon.
I feel like if they do an extended cut of the film, they should bring back these things which were trimmed or cut entirely:

(1) Politics and exposition about not-Alderaan. All we see is not-Alderaan blow up. There's context as to why not-Alderaan was important and why the First Order chose it as the first target for the not-Sun Crusher.

(2). Maz's role restored. There's obviously a lot of Maz-related stuff cut. Maz was pretty cool, and there's a lot of stuff she knows about which the movie was in too big a hurry to get past so we missed out. I'm looking forward to the scene where she removes the hand from the lightsaber and freezes it in a block of carbonite.

(4) Rey's vision sequence. This received a number of cuts, the original version had a lot more exposition and was more revealing about several important plot points.

(5) Poe. I'm dead! Suddenly I'm alive! He got a lot of cuts too like Maz did.

(6) Back at the Resistance base after the not-Sun Crusher explodes. No one seemed sad that Han died. R2-D2 just suddenly wakes up and gives us the map. Rey just suddenly gets into the Millennium Falcon with Chewie and they're off to find daddy. The ending sequence was really rushed and it showed. They need to at least give people time to be sad about Han dying, jeez.

(7) They should just delete Phasma entirely and replace her with Traitor Trooper. Phasma was lame. Traitor Trooper is awesome. Yup.

God, I know I'm falling into the nerd trap here, but Boba Fett was just as eager to dive into close combat with a lightsabre-wielding main character in Return of the Jedi, and he was facing an actual Jedi not just a schmuck who'd picked up a laser sword. Boba Fett sees Luke wrecking shit and doesn't hesitate to rocketpack into the fray, gets his gun cut in half and bounces back with a wrist rope thing, and then is just about to turn Luke into a pile of smouldering meat with a rocket before he takes his L.

Not to mention sassing Vader, being the only bounty hunter to track Han (and thus the only reason the second half of ESB happens), hearing Luke following him through Cloud City and lighting that sucker up with blaster fire, and totally succeeding in his plan to collect double paycheques from the Empire and Jabba for the same job. TR-8R had moxie, I'll give him that, but he was no Boba Fett.
God, I know I'm falling into the nerd trap here, but Boba Fett was just as eager to dive into close combat with a lightsabre-wielding main character in Return of the Jedi, and he was facing an actual Jedi not just a schmuck who'd picked up a laser sword. Boba Fett sees Luke wrecking shit and doesn't hesitate to rocketpack into the fray, gets his gun cut in half and bounces back with a wrist rope thing, and then is just about to turn Luke into a pile of smouldering meat with a rocket before he takes his L.

Not to mention sassing Vader, being the only bounty hunter to track Han (and thus the only reason the second half of ESB happens), hearing Luke following him through Cloud City and lighting that sucker up with blaster fire, and totally succeeding in his plan to collect double paycheques from the Empire and Jabba for the same job. TR-8R had moxie, I'll give him that, but he was no Boba Fett.

It was just a picture I found and thought it was funny lol, like that Solid Snake vs Big Boss picture floating around sometimes. I know that TR8-T0R is no Boba.


Tr8-Tor is the best


Hey now, you can crap over Phasma all you want but don't be talikn dirt about Boba Fett, dude was a legit badass.

Boba Fett:
-First real introduction to him is Vader telling him to "cool" it when it comes to the fugitives. That's right, Darth Vader is telling this guy to go light.
-Easily sees through Han Solo's deception when the entire Imperial Fleet and Vader fall for it.
-Successfully captures Han as he was paid to do, talks shit to Vader reminding him about his other contracts, Vader accedes and lets him keep Solo.
-Ambushes and fends off Luke Skywalker like a pro and escapes with Han Solo with not even a scratch on him.
-Likes flirting with sexy aliens.


-Likes walking around like she's tough.
-Orders others to do her killing.
-Gives up vital military secrets causing the destruction of the First Order's most powerful weapon because a 70 year old man, a dusty old walking carpet, and a janitor managed to subdue her and threaten her with harm.

-Is loyal to the fucking cause.
-Wields a blaster and shield because he knows that Stormtrooper armor ain't stopping no blaster hit.
-Immediately throws away those much more useful weapons to fight a traitor in melee combat who happens to be wielding one of the most dangerous weapons in the galaxy which has only ever been associated with Jedi's/Force Users like his Boss. Thus, for all he knows the traitor could be a Force User.
-Kicks said traitor's butt and only dies because a dirty scoundrel managed to shoot him while he wasn't looking.

Big One

Interesting. Also sounds like something out of Sailor Moon.
Well the way I see it, either way, it's obviously more complicated than just her being Luke's daughter. Cause if they're trying to hide that as a surprise, they're doing a TERRIBLE job at it.
Does anyone else think Luke knew everything that was happening prior to Rey finding him?

I think his face at the end showed all the suffering from having "sensed" Han's death and Kylo further throwing himself deeper into the dark side. You can also see apprehension on whether he should even train this new Jedi.

I agree with all that except apprehension towards her/training her.

The look he gives her at the end is more like (IMO) - "Christ, I knew my daughter would eventually end up here... but not like this"


Kills Photobucket
Does anyone else think Luke knew everything that was happening prior to Rey finding him?

I think his face at the end showed all the suffering from having "sensed" Han's death and Kylo further throwing himself deeper into the dark side. You can also see apprehension on whether he should even train this new Jedi.

I kind of hope not. Luke knowing what the First Order was making and that Han was going to die and him NOT coming out of hiding to help would be a pretty dick move.


I didn't mind Kylo as a wannabe Vader for most of the movie. I liked the idea of nobody on either side really knowing what the hell they were doing Force-wise. It was pretty obvious that he wasn't going to be disfigured at all, but that also works in context.

But all the tragic backstory they gesture at for Kylo really does not work for me. Maybe I'm just not convinced that Star Wars can tell a story about how someone goes Dark after the prequels, but I couldn't see what was weighing on the other side of the scale against Han's life. Or really any of it. Like, Vader worked because he basically had no past and there was no attempt to give him an inner life or explain how he got to be Vader. All there is to Vader is that deep down he loved his kids, and Vader was really never in a position to actually choose Luke over evil until the very end (in ESB he even offers to betray the Emperor). The Emperor was presumably just always evil. Likewise new giant evil Yoda. They're just Bad Guys.

With Kylo, he's tempted to do "good" things like not kill Han. But he doesn't. Because...? I don't understand the temptation of the Dark Side here. The usual video gamey explanation that you get with, like, KotOR is that it's D&D Evil (this is also how I understand Yoda in the OT). It's a path to quick power, self-gratification, etc. I don't really get any of that from Kylo. I guess more than anything else he comes across as a deluded cult member. Which is obviously a thing, but I'm not sure it's that interesting and I definitely don't trust Disney to do it well.

Probably the closest thing I've seen to an interesting turn-to-the-Dark Star Wars story is Anakin in Clone Wars (before they had to try to reset everything to make Ep 3 make sense). You can see this sort of antihero story coming where he's got to do whatever it takes to stop the hidebound Jedi from causing a disaster, to protect Ahsoka or whatever her name was from unjust persecution (or maybe to righteously avenge her), and to keep his clone buddies safe. I don't think that gets you to child murder, but dismantling the Jedi Order, sure. But the point is that this is about having some arguably admirable and definitely understandable reasons for going Dark. With Kylo I just don't see any of this and I'm not that inclined to trust that it's coming.


I kind of hope not. Luke knowing what the First Order was making and that Han was going to die and him NOT coming out of hiding to help would be a pretty dick move.

I don't think he foresaw those things happening, but I'm certain he felt them happen at the time they occurred. If Leia could feel Han dying, surely Luke could. And if Obi Wan could sense Alderaan being destroyed, then I imagine Luke felt 3-4 planets being destroyed as well. Obi Wan didn't even know what exactly had happened, just a great disturbance and lots of people dying. I'd bet Luke knew exactly what happened.


Not stating all of it is fact mind you, but there was a definite purpose behind showing Kylo killing the old man (who knew him) and stopping a laser blast afterword versus killing his father and getting hit with Chewie's crossbow.

Have we seen any other Force (dark or light) user freeze and entire person into place?
If Yoda can absorb and redirect energy, why can't Kylo, at the very least hold energy temporarily in its place?

The Force itself is "energy" that flows thru everything so it wouldn't be a stretch for him to hold energy in place, regardless if it's a person or a blaster. He's only holding it in place, not actually moving it around as if its a rock floating thru the air. The farther he descends into the dark side the more power he would gain. And him gaining power quickly through the dark side remains consistent with what Yoda told Luke about the DS being easier in ESB.

If someone thru a rock at him he would be able to stop it. If you were Luke and believed you couldn't stop a blaster and then Yoda stops a blaster he would say, "..and that is why you had failed."


Kylo getting hit by Chewie. Sure.
Kylo holding the bolt after killing the old man. Eh.

Obviously Star Wars is in the hands of Disney and other creators now so they could essentially do anything they want from this point on. I just think if these are the sorts of changes there are going forward, it'd probably just turn me off Star Wars more than the prequels did rather than bring me back. That's cool if other people liked it or feel it's consistent with universe logic, I didn't feel like it was like that for me.

Absorbing, reflecting, redirecting energy is how I've seen the Force work in the past, that's how I've seen it to be done. Stopping it cold as if it were an object just doesn't gel with me. If we see Kylo Ren bend a lightsaber blade or freeze force lightning, I'd find that to be a weird decision too. If they made another Starkiller base and Rey is on one of the planets that they fire at and she holds the blast to stop it from hitting the planet, I'm sure it will look cool and people can collectively high five each other that love the moment, but I doubt I will.

I just prefer other demonstrations of Force power that feels more consistent with what I know of it and has been shown of it. To add to that, the Force seemed more interesting as an idea of "skill", something that even Force sensitive people had to become more skilled at using, to hone their natural ability more effectively rather than straight a contest of power levels. And to that train of thought, how is Kylo Ren's skill shown when his ability justification is through some emotional story beats and a non-trained Force user can kick his ass with a weapon she's never touched before? Is every Force user the Star Wars Hulk now, where it's all about anger and emotion rather than skill and training?


I'm sorry, how are people not upset about the whole episode 7 being a clone of episode 4?

Pun intended.

I mean son v father, A THIRD DEATH STAR, chick goes to train from a Jedi master on a remote planet, chick doesn't believe Jedis are real, Kyle ren is basically a Vader wannabe.. Etc..
I'm sorry, how are people not upset about the whole episode 7 being a clone of episode 4?

Some are.

But it isn't. Not unless you wanna be pretty surface about it. And also ignore all the Empire and Return of the Jedi also in the picture. As well as the new stuff. A fair amount of which stands out pretty clearly next to the callbacks & homages.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I'm sorry, how are people not upset about the whole episode 7 being a clone of episode 4?

Pun intended.

I mean son v father, A THIRD DEATH STAR, chick goes to train from a Jedi master on a remote planet, chick doesn't believe Jedis are real, Kyle ren is basically a Vader wannabe.. Etc..

1.) Half of these aren't from 4
2.) Only one or maybe two of these actually bogged down the film
3.) The rest of them are done in a genuinely enjoyable way


But why not just make a new story, new scenario? Really? A skywalker seduced to the dark side again? Another Death Star? It was a fun film, but it was so formulaic.


I kind of hope not. Luke knowing what the First Order was making and that Han was going to die and him NOT coming out of hiding to help would be a pretty dick move.

Well he tried to help once by creating a new Jedi order and that backfired. I can see him thinking any further involvement from him would only make things worse.


I didn't mind Kylo as a wannabe Vader for most of the movie. I liked the idea of nobody on either side really knowing what the hell they were doing Force-wise. It was pretty obvious that he wasn't going to be disfigured at all, but that also works in context.

But all the tragic backstory they gesture at for Kylo really does not work for me. Maybe I'm just not convinced that Star Wars can tell a story about how someone goes Dark after the prequels, but I couldn't see what was weighing on the other side of the scale against Han's life. Or really any of it. Like, Vader worked because he basically had no past and there was no attempt to give him an inner life or explain how he got to be Vader. All there is to Vader is that deep down he loved his kids, and Vader was really never in a position to actually choose Luke over evil until the very end (in ESB he even offers to betray the Emperor). The Emperor was presumably just always evil. Likewise new giant evil Yoda. They're just Bad Guys.

With Kylo, he's tempted to do "good" things like not kill Han. But he doesn't. Because...? I don't understand the temptation of the Dark Side here. The usual video gamey explanation that you get with, like, KotOR is that it's D&D Evil (this is also how I understand Yoda in the OT). It's a path to quick power, self-gratification, etc. I don't really get any of that from Kylo. I guess more than anything else he comes across as a deluded cult member. Which is obviously a thing, but I'm not sure it's that interesting and I definitely don't trust Disney to do it well.

Probably the closest thing I've seen to an interesting turn-to-the-Dark Star Wars story is Anakin in Clone Wars (before they had to try to reset everything to make Ep 3 make sense). You can see this sort of antihero story coming where he's got to do whatever it takes to stop the hidebound Jedi from causing a disaster, to protect Ahsoka or whatever her name was from unjust persecution (or maybe to righteously avenge her), and to keep his clone buddies safe. I don't think that gets you to child murder, but dismantling the Jedi Order, sure. But the point is that this is about having some arguably admirable and definitely understandable reasons for going Dark. With Kylo I just don't see any of this and I'm not that inclined to trust that it's coming.

I don't agree, with Kylo I could just imagine his back story just from the little tidbits we bot and his facial reactions.

In my head he must have grown up being told he was special while knowing inside he had this power, momma Leia was probably busy a lot of the time with Republic stuff and didn't have much time for him along with daddy Han. Still, they probably expected a lot from him especially with his powers. Han especially may have been a bit more harsh bringing him up since A) he knows what he was like at his age and B) knows that Vader's blood flows through his veins and doesn't want to see him go down the same path.

Eventually, they ship him off to train with Luke since they can't control or understand exactly what he is going through and while at first Ren may have resented this he may have also been thankful since he probably thought he would finally be able to be with someone who understood him and what he was going though while also allowing him to reach his full potential. However, Luke as a new Master probably treated Ren like the rest of the new students instead of his nephew or perhaps maybe even harder on Ren because he new his potential and lineage.

In turn, Ren probably grew resentful and impatient at his training, just like Luke was with Yoda, and perhaps even suspected that Luke was holding him back, scared of his power. Ultimately, he succumbs to his quest for power which he believes Luke is withholding from him and demonstrates that he is more powerful than the rest by killing all the other Jedi students before fleeing to the First Order permanently.


You know after some thinking about it, I'm REALLY subscribing to the theory that Rey is a reincarnation or incarnation of Anakin Skywalker. It makes a lot of sense if you think about it.

Just watch the flashback sequence. All of those are memories. On Cloud City, hearing Obi-wan and Yoda. Those are the memories of Anakin Skywalker tapping in. Then it shifts to the destruction of the Jedi by the Knights of Ren, which is probably Rey's memories. Then we see a glimpse of Rey's encounter with Kylo Ren.

it's the Past, Present, and Future. It represents where that lightsaber has been and the history behind the person who used it. Luke never had a spiritual experience with it like Rey did, which suggests to me Rey has a direct connection to Anakin's saber unlike Luke ever did.

Her "awakening" could not only represent her awakening as a Force user, but awakening as an incarnation of Anakin Skywalker. She pretty much becomes a near master Jedi in the movie for this very reason, cause she's tapping into latent memories she inherited from a previous life.

You know I almost posted some comparison shots of her face and Jake Lloyd's last week. She looks JUST like lil Ani.
You're saying Vader's Gloves are magnetically sealed like the trash compactor?

Technically, yes... If the "Darth Vader: A 3-D Reconstruction Log" is still canon. (Came out in 2011)

The gloves, or more accurately gauntlets, were also made of a Micronized Mandalorian iron weave to protect Vader against glancing lightsaber blows during the patient's physical therapy sparring sessions, as well as deflecting a direct hit from a blaster bolt. The gloves, as well as the boots, contained magnetic clasps that snap onto Vader's prosthesis tubing, in order to prevent him from shifting equipment or clothing during combat. Because of Vader's prostheses being effectively skeletal in nature, the gloves and boots also contained padding to provide definition, with the added benefit of confusing enemies as to which portions of Vader were cybernetic.

Another topic:

Somehow Kylo learned to forcefully extract information from people's minds, that leads me to believe that whovever taught him has a much better control of mind manipulation... To the point that they could possibly erase people's memories.

In the Flashback, it looked like a Stormtrooper dropship leaving Rey on Jakku.

Is it possible that we are seeing a Revan-like story taking place? Where Rey's memories of learning to be a force-user were stripped away and Anakin, Obi-wan, and Yoda's ghosts used the lightsaber as an anchor to reignite some of those lost memories?


You know after some thinking about it, I'm REALLY subscribing to the theory that Rey is a reincarnation or incarnation of Anakin Skywalker. It makes a lot of sense if you think about it.

Just watch the flashback sequence. All of those are memories. On Cloud City, hearing Obi-wan and Yoda. Those are the memories of Anakin Skywalker tapping in. Then it shifts to the destruction of the Jedi by the Knights of Ren, which is probably Rey's memories. Then we see a glimpse of Rey's encounter with Kylo Ren.

it's the Past, Present, and Future. It represents where that lightsaber has been and the history behind the person who used it. Luke never had a spiritual experience with it like Rey did, which suggests to me Rey has a direct connection to Anakin's saber unlike Luke ever did.

Her "awakening" could not only represent her awakening as a Force user, but awakening as an incarnation of Anakin Skywalker. She pretty much becomes a near master Jedi in the movie for this very reason, cause she's tapping into latent memories she inherited from a previous life.

The vision of Kylo killing someone is confirmed to be an event that occurred recently, not one Rey witnessed as a kid.

Really don't think Rey is anything more than the force awakening in someone/people because Luke has been staying away, and this is happening because the force is "balanced". Prior to the events of TFA, there is nothing at all about Rey that makes her tied to anything force-related or jedis. But now that it has awakened in her, she has a destiny to fulfill, the force chose her.

Another topic:

Somehow Kylo learned to forcefully extract information from people's minds, that leads me to believe that whovever taught him has a much better control of mind manipulation... To the point that they could possibly erase people's memories.

In the Flashback, it looked like a Stormtrooper dropship leaving Rey on Jakku.

Is it possible that we are seeing a Revan-like story taking place? Where Rey's memories of learning to be a force-user were stripped away and Anakin, Obi-wan, and Yoda's ghosts used the lightsaber as an anchor to reignite some of those lost memories?

Anyone saying Rey used to be a force-user are forgetting she was 5 years old. Doesn't matter that jedis were supposedly once trained as kids, no way was Rey a powerful jedi as a kid. Plus the cut dialogue with Leia basically says the way things should work is for Rey to find Luke, not her to be sent to him like Leia did with Ben. Presumably: teaching people to be jedis = bad. Read that dialogue again (still in the novel), it basically spells out that there won't be any jedi academy stuff, that the whole "jedi order" thing was wrong, and probably ties in to how it breaks the balance of the force. For things to be "right", the force must manifest itself in people.
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