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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


I think it's far more likely that some space-pirates stole a bunch of stuff once, including this kid, and then sold their loot here and there. There was supposed to be actual space pirates in the original script and we know the Falcon was stolen and sold to Unkar too.

Reposting this on the new page too:
My personal theory is:

Luke was on the run from the First Order and Kylo after having his new Jedi Order slaughtered, and hid his daughter away on a planet just like he was. He wiped her memory and implanted an "alarm" on R2D2 to go off when she was nearby to activate so she could find him if the need arose.

Unkar Plutt was her caretaker on the planet, keeping a distant eye, but protecting her. If you notice when he sees she has the droid that the FO is looking for, he tries to get it away from her, because he knows if she is captured by the FO she will certainly be killed.

R2 woke up because BB8 spoke to him, confirmed by JJ and Kasdan. Just took a while to boot up.

Unkar isn't really protecting her, a cut scene involved him trying to kill Rey at Maz's castle for stealing the falcon and getting his arm ripped off by Chewie. Guy is evil. He calls the first order on her ass too when she has the droid. The movie goes out of its way to tell us she was left in bad hands. Not Luke for sure unless he wanted her to die or live miserably.


Can you share those points. 20 minutes is a long time to dedicate to some guy arguing that Attack of the Clones is better than TFA. I'm curious though.

Skimmed through but frankly when you start arguing that Rey finding BB-8 is bad storytelling it's clear he's just being absurd. Yep his entire plot and coincidence section could be done to argue any movie is terrible.

One of his arguments is essentially these characters changed in the past 30 years! While simultaneously arguing the movie is too much fan service.

This movement to now claim the PT isn't that bad bring back Lucas is hilarious.

Dunno if bad storytelling, but it goes clearly beyond coincidence.

Obi Wan Kenobi lived relatively near Luke, on purpose; when Princess Leia sends R2 and 3po after Kenobi, they inevitably go near Luke too; the coincidence is that they are captured by Jawas and sold to Luke's family, but if they had been sold to someone else, R2 would have escaped anyway and made his way to Obi Wan, same if they had not been captured at all. Obi Wan knew of Luke, and chances are he would have approached him to invite him on an adventure anyway. The EU used to say that Obi Wan had left journals for Luke to train. Obi Wan plan was always to train Luke somehow, and R2 is a perfect excuse.

There's no reason for Rey and BB to meet; BB just wants out of the planet and lucked into meeting her. If BB had been captured and taken away, like it almost happens, he would have ended away from Rey, and Rey had no monetary means to buy him, if they meet again by dumb luck.
That makes even less sense, seeing that it wouldn't be much of an adoption of she has been abanded at like 4.
She was left on Jakku at age 7.

And her conversation with Maz can be fitted to support this theory.

Maz says something like, "The people who left you on Jakku will not return. But there is still one person you can turn to."
Then Rey responds, "Luke."


She was left on Jakku at age 7.

And her conversation with Maz can be fitted to support this theory.

Maz says something like, "The people who left you on Jakku will not return. But there is still one person you can turn to."
Then Rey responds, "Luke."

Nah she says "whoever you are waiting for on Jakku won't come back. But someone can." "Luke". That's different. Either it means Luke went to Jakku before, or can come back in her life.


What if Rey is Kylo's twin sister and its a twist on the Luke / leia reveal but one sibling is light and the other was dark?

Then I'm looking forward to the hoops they would have to jump through to explain how Kylo didn't know about his twin sister and how Han and Leia show no concern for their missing child either
"She's only special because she's an Skywalker and was predestined to be so". Yawn,

That's pretty reductive, though, isn't it? Is that the only reason she's special? Does the fact she's related to Luke wipe away everything about her that made her work for this movie?

Why would it do that?
I'm not sure if this has been discussed yet but it may have, does anyone think Kylo will get a new mask?

Or even stay without the mask in 8 or will it stay the same due to it's recognisable use on all of the merchandise?

I'm fairly positive that final hit that Rey put on Ren completely fucked his face up. If you look closely hes got a gnarly gash from neck>cheek. I wouldn't be surprised if he has permanent damage/actually needs a mask now.
Saving Poe, alright. Shooting down TIE fighters isn't exactly an accomplishment imo.

Rey could pilot the hell out of the Falcon, but they are dying if they can't fight back.

But it was a combined effort.

Also he was completely inconsequential to the Starkiller part. Rey was escaping on her own. Han and Chewbacca set the chargers and Poe finished it off. Not sure why you're attributing that to him.

How was he inconsequential. He literally showed them where the "weak spot was"

I disagree with that. He was scared but he never only cared about himself. He did save Poe, and was trying to save Rey the whole time and was willing to try to find the resistance with her in the beginning. Aside from saving Poe though alot of his action were largely inconsequential.

Your right, he did care about her, she was his second friend after all. But as long as they were headed away from the First Order he was fine. Everytime someone mentioned staying on Jakku he was opposed to it.

He only broke his promise(temporarily) with BB-8 when the discussion turned from delivering BB8 to facing the First Order.

Besides, your initial gripe was his development. It might not be night and day, but Fin grew from a stormtrooper with the heart of gold who wanted nothing but to run away from the First Order, to diving head first into a fight with a wannabe Sith.
Nah she says "whoever you are waiting for on Jakku won't come back. But someone can." "Luke". That's different. Either it means Luke went to Jakku before, or can come back in her life.

Or it simply means Luke can come back to the galaxy. Which is probably the intended meaning, as he's been gone for awhile and the First Order is killing her castle to get to him, and the Resistance will soon be arriving to fight them off... so they can get to him.

When she says "There's someone who can" she means "You, Rey, can help bring Luke back to the rest of us."


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Is that your Best of Star Wars themes remix tape? ;)

Anyway my complaint isn't just about the music - reuse the old tunes they're cool - but the music they used in the film it was way too low key, non existent even, and was probably due to JJ or whoever edited
No this is definitely contemporary Williams at work here. Most of his work the past few years has focused more on being low key and mood centric like this one. He doesn't try to gun for anything catchy or big these days

Again, this is not necessarily a bad thing at all.


I think i like the idea of her being Obi-wan's granddaughter more than Luke's daughter.



Or it simply means Luke can come back to the galaxy. Which is probably the intended meaning, as he's been gone for awhile and the First Order is killing her castle to get to him, and the Resistance will soon be arriving to fight them off... so they can get to him.

When she says "There's someone who can" she means "You, Rey, can help bring Luke back to the rest of us."

The sentence is weird, but yeah could be and is likely just him "coming back" in general. I don't believe Luke is related to Rey at all.
Then I'm looking forward to the hoops they would have to jump through to explain how Kylo didn't know about his twin sister and how Han and Leia show no concern for their missing child either
Maybe they think their daughter is long dead? But I think they should recognize her unless she was really young when they last saw her.
I'm fairly positive that final hit that Rey put on Ren completely fucked his face up. If you look closely hes got a gnarly gash from neck>cheek. I wouldn't be surprised if he has permanent damage/actually needs a mask now.
I didn't see this "destroyed" face, honestly.


She was left on Jakku at age 7.

And her conversation with Maz can be fitted to support this theory.

Maz says something like, "The people who left you on Jakku will not return. But there is still one person you can turn to."
Then Rey responds, "Luke."


The real reason Luke took off is because Rey was his daughter (that was hidden to everyone else) and Luke presumably thought she was killed during the purge of his academy by Kylo Ren, but she was just taken.

The real reason Luke took off is because Rey was his daughter (that was hidden to everyone else) and Luke presumably thought she was killed during the purge of his academy by Kylo Ren, but she was just taken.
The ship that left Rey on Jakku did seem like another ship that flies alongside Ben's ship on Maz's planet....but it was hard to tell.
What if Rey is Kylo's twin sister and its a twist on the Luke / leia reveal but one sibling is light and the other was dark?

Not saying real world actors ages matter when playing fictional characters, but Kylo is older than Rey.

Even in her vision that went from the past present and future (Bespin -> Kylo in the snow covered forest) ...Kylo had the Knights of Ren surrounding him just before a young Ren was abandoned on the planet.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I'm fine with the fight too. Less so with the mind trick, because it always looked like an advanced Jedi technique. I only remember old Kenobi using it on Stormtroopers in OT, and it probably appears here and there in the prequels (nothing comes to mind right now *edit oh yeah Qui Gonn tries it on the flying guy, and it didn't work), but never from a young trainee. I'm not even sure Luke could do it in the old movies.

Luke does it in Return of the Jedi.
That makes even less sense, seeing that it wouldn't be much of an adoption of she has been abanded at like 4.

I could kind of buy into the idea that he is her godfather, but didn't know that her parents abandoned her. Her parents could also be dead, but she was force manipulated by someone into thinking they left.
I think she is. Luke had this look on his face like he was expecting her, but a part of him was a little anxious/reluctant about training her.

I think that's it. He knows why she is there and what she wants to achieve.

Ben Solo is a cautionary tale that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Even being family, and being trained by the greatest living force user, Ben turned to the dark side. Ben had a thirst for power - like Anakin did. Luke did not. His drive was to turn his father over to the light. Without the Jedi order, there's not guarantees that Rey would be a force for good. That would make her dangerous and Luke's failure even more paramount. That's a burden he doesn't want to re-live.
Rey could just be a no body. Maybe her parents are real dirtbags and found out she was super force sensitive and just didnt want to deal with any of that after seeing all the shit that happened over the years with the Jedi and Sith and sent her packing on Jakku.

That would be kind of relatable and down to earth instead of the normal everyone is related to everyone stuff we normally see in these kind of things.
Music used in the movie sucked. Try better next time, John.

It may not be as great as the past scores but there are some real gems like Rey's theme and the Resistance theme. "Sucks" is bullshit hyperbole at its best.

Oh Kylo's theme and Scherzo for Xwing are great. And the very last track before credits is amazing.


Also people keep assuming Rey doesn't remember who her family was, but there is no such indication, she just never speaks about them. People do that to explain why Luke or Leia would be her parents.

There's no indication ever that she doesn't remember who her family was, especially considering the age at which she was left on the planet. If there was a reason to believe she had amnesia, the movie would have covered that somehow.

Her vision's revelation is that her family's ship is seen flying into "something red" like an explosion or they go evil, who knows. Right after Maz tells her her family is never coming back.


My only issue with the music was in the rescue scene from the Resistance, when the X-wings are flying over the water. It should have been a "Forth Eorlingas !" moment, but the lack of appropriate music really struck me and removed most of the impact.
I never felt anything wrong for the rest of the movie, music-wise. I actually liked the tone of the last scene a lot.
Also people keep assuming Rey doesn't remember who her family was, but there is no such indication, she just never speaks about them. People do that to explain why Luke or Leia would be her parents.

There's no indication ever that she doesn't remember who her family was, especially considering the age at which she was left on the planet. If there was a reason to believe she had amnesia, the movie would have covered that somehow.

Personally, I'm not assuming that at all. I just find the idea appealing and I don't think the movie had to cover it. It would give her a conflict with whoever fucked with her memory, and could be a hazard that could turn her to the dark side a source of hatred.
The thing that lead people in that direction, is that she does seem a bit delusional that she's so confident her parents are coming back, and the movie doesn't articulate why. It seems that perhaps there's something we haven't been told yet, thats all.
I could totally see Rey's Theme being used over a training montage sequence btw.

If there's a composer switch for whatever reason they at least need to keep her theme and expand it. John is up there which could be why the score isn't blowing minds like usual despite it still being excellent. That's just the expectations people have for the guy but eventually the tank will run out of gas.

And I wouldn't mind a composer switch. John was able to come in and establish the important themes here, and honestly my favorite "blockbuster" score of the year is still Jurassic World. I know some stingy folk can't accept that there are other composers as capable as John, but Giacchino has been absolutely killing it for me.

Desplat's score for Rogue One is also something we should keep our eyes (ears?) on.
You didn't have a question. You criticized the film for something it blatantly explains. Ergo, you didn't watch the film.

But I agree. Helios and Trotted and some other people in this thread seem to be doing some incredible gymnastics in trying to stretch out their complaints (which somehow all track back to Rey curiously)... "Why did BB8 follow Rey", "Reys arc sux Leia rulez" etc


The thing that lead people in that direction, is that she does seem a bit delusional that she'sso confident her parents are coming back, and the movie doesn't articulate why. It seems that perhaps there's something we haven't been told yet, thats all.
I mean, if yore abandoned by your family for over 10 years, you either have to be sure you'll see them again or sure that you're alone. Which would you pick while stranded on a shitty desert planet?


Elden Member
My only issue with the music was in the rescue scene from the Resistance, when the X-wings are flying over the water. It should have been a "Forth Eorlingas !" moment, but the lack of appropriate music really struck me and removed most of the impact.
I never felt anything wrong for the rest of the movie, music-wise. I actually liked the tone of the last scene a lot.

I agree, i had no issue with the music other than that scene. what were they thinking? it should have been the hallmark moment of the film, music score rising, xwings coming in, but instead they way underplayed it. Very odd.

Also I wish Wedge had agreed to do the film :(
My only issue with the music was in the rescue scene from the Resistance, when the X-wings are flying over the water. It should have been a "Forth Eorlingas !" moment, but the lack of appropriate music really struck me and removed most of the impact.

Really? I thought it was perfect. That was actually one of the best musical moments for me. The Resistance theme is badass as fuck.


I'm fine with the fight too. Less so with the mind trick, because it always looked like an advanced Jedi technique. I only remember old Kenobi using it on Stormtroopers in OT, and it probably appears here and there in the prequels (nothing comes to mind right now *edit oh yeah Qui Gonn tries it on the flying guy, and it didn't work), but never from a young trainee. I'm not even sure Luke could do it in the old movies.

Qui-Gon does the mind trick to Nass in the Gungan citadel in order to get a transport to Naboo.

The real reason Luke took off is because Rey was his daughter (that was hidden to everyone else) and Luke presumably thought she was killed during the purge of his academy by Kylo Ren, but she was just taken.

Rey was left like 15 years ago, the purge wasn't 15 years ago, it was more recent.

edit: If Rey is Luke's daughter I'm guessing she was taken from him at some point and he thought her to be dead. His tears at the end of TFA are because he thought she was dead or because he sees her as a young him and he's just happy.
edit: If Rey is Luke's daughter I'm guessing she was taken from him at some point and he thought her to be dead. His tears at the end of TFA are because he thought she was dead or because he sees her as a young him and he's just happy.

I don't see how anyone can look at his expression at the end and not see "I'm so sad that it's come to this" written all over his face.
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