If it is Ilum, I wonder if that's going to play some sort of part in the sun created from its ruin.
The power source for a really, really big lightsaber.
If it is Ilum, I wonder if that's going to play some sort of part in the sun created from its ruin.
To be fair, moments before the guy had just been told to kill Han, and would have given the chance. Instead Han used him to save himself. It was a perfect reflection of his character, ala Han shot first.
"I went back to doing the only thing I was good at."
I would have much rather they cut 30 seconds from somewhere else in the film and say this than shorthand it away with, "oh well too much Vader". What you're saying is one possibility but given what happened to Vader and the context that we know from the prequels, it's more than just ambition. Maybe the prequels don't matter, but Vader had reasons apart from wanting to be the best. What does Kylo Ren have? In ANH it was fine just to say that Vader turned bad because we didn't know anything about Vader until ESB but they give up Ren's backstory here so pretty easily which makes their explanation too flippant for me.Imagine you are the descendant of the chosen one, the greatest force sensitive Jedi and the baddest killer Sith of all time.
You know your destiny is to be great because you're a Skywalker. Your Uncle who is teaching you is a legend. Too much Vader is the unrelentless quest to be the greatest ever! The passion that drive such motivation leads to the dark side. Leia regrets sending him to Luke because that's how he discovered his potential with the force - and that was always going to conflict because of his goals.
Make no mistake, Kylo is stupid powerful in the force.
I hope the second movie starts off with a funeral scene ...probably the most thing that gets on my nerves about this movie,is that they just brush off his death and 10 minutes later the movies over. this movie had no breathing room, no downtime it just seems like it was just a two hours of constant action I feel like it could've been 30 more minutes longer with how breezy it was and it wouldn't have felt long at all. i'm a fan of long movies though.
It is almost certainly the planet Ilum.
On that note: Finn absolutely has no compunction about killing his brethren during his escape."Self defense" kind of breaks down when you're "defending" yourself by gratuitously murdering someone you, yourself, ripped off and lied to. The guy was already beat, the punch solved it. It's fine to shoot Greedo because he's seconds from murdering you; this was kicking a man when he was down. It was mean to me, not gleeful.
This movie's relationship with violence is weirdly ugly sometimes.
Its like Metal Gear Solid V.
On that note:
Cute.You playing said note
Hosnian Prime inexplicably being visible from the surface outside Maz's castle.. yeah... what the heck were they thinking with that one.. unless they're officially in the same system.. and it didn't sound that way. Awful.
Saw the film for the second time today, went with my wife after seeing it by myself the first time, and the shield generator mission on the star killer doesn't make sense to me: why don't all the x-wings do the light speed entry trick? They never explain why only Han and the Falcon can do it.
Agreed. As a very astute poster above points out, it could be the Republic's connection to 456 that should make you care. I thought the whole thing was weak because the republic is basically a nonentity in the movie. But they jump from the happiness of the ending of rotj to oh shit there's basically empire 2.0 again with the title crawl. Characters don't even discuss how things are different with the republic. I'd prefer they show why the republic is good... I dunno, quick mention of like democracy or something...or even give han a throwaway line or two just to draw some contrast.
The republic is a Nothing so I don't care if it gets destroyed. Or at least I shouldn't care. For some reason I really do. Again I think because of the tie to 456. But I sorta feel like everything those characters did was for naught. Luke lives in exile. Leia is still fighting for some " resistance ". Han can't be with his family. Was anything ever good?
2. Finn lasting more than 2 seconds in a light sabre duel with Kylo was pretty dumb.
3. The Millennium Falcon hits the ground while in flight multiple times, the kinds of impacts that would blow it up but instead it would bounce around like a frisbee.
Everyone knows a Millennium Falcon is a space ship.everybody knows that metal explodes when it bumps into stuff. it's basically solid nitroglycerin.
The shields protect it.Everyone knows a Millennium Falcon is a space ship.
Actually, I kinda liked that none of the TIE fighters in this movie just vaporized into pure gas the instant a blaster hit it. Sure, that happened a couple times in the two dogfights in the film, but Finn & Poe get hit by a "ventral cannon" (whatever the fuck that is) and manage to survive re-entry, and Finn tags two TIEs with the Falcon guns, and while both ships are wrecked, they both stay more or less structurally intact. One basically smashes into a wall like an orange thrown at 30-40mph.
One of my favorite shots in the movie.One basically smashes into a wall like an orange thrown at 30-40mph.
Well I guess that would make sense.The shields protect it.
That's one of those small details I've had almost everyone mention when we talk about the movie. Such a fun, yet telling moment.One of my fav world building touches is that the cockpot of the first Tie Fighter Finn takes out on the Falcon is shown to crash and immediately before you can even blink scavengers are all over ready to pick it apart for scraps. Really showed the kind of desperate lives people on Jakku lead.
Actually, I kinda liked that the TIE fighters in this movie didn't just vaporize into pure gas the instant a blaster hit it. Sure, that happened a couple times in the two dogfights in the film, but Finn & Poe get hit by a "ventral cannon" (whatever the fuck that is) and manage to survive re-entry, and Finn tags two TIEs with the Falcon guns, and while both ships are wrecked, they both stay more or less structurally intact. One basically smashes into a wall like an orange thrown at 30-40mph.
I will probably watch it again, without the 3D if I can since it added nothing. Maybe I remember the fight lasting longer, I get that Ren was injured but he still had it going on. Finn didn't seem all that great in melee combat earlier when he had to fight another stormtrooper.Don't forget that Ren was badly injured mentally and physically. Also keep in mind that Finn was trained in Melee combat as a Stormtrooper, and even then was barely able to keep up with Ren.
One of my fav world building touches is that the cockpot of the first Tie Fighter Finn takes out on the Falcon is shown to crash and immediately before you can even blink scavengers are all over ready to pick it apart for scraps. Really showed the kind of desperate lives people on Jakku lead.
Motherfuckers saw a fight and were like
I will probably watch it again, without the 3D if I can since it added nothing. Maybe I remember the fight lasting longer, I get that Ren was injured but he still had it going on. Finn didn't seem all that great in melee combat earlier when he had to fight another stormtrooper.
Is there a visual list of all the Easter eggs in TFA?
There are not many "group chat on Falcon" scenes in TFA, I feel that's why all FTL travel in this movie feels instantaneous.So was it just me or did it seem like everywhere in the galaxy was about five minutes apart by hyper speed? I don't remember it feeling like that in the original trilogy. I think that was my main complaint with the movie, it just felt... ungrounded because of that.
The beam enters hyperspace and exits before impact, seriously, look it up.Yeah the space geography is totally broken.
How did that Starkiller beam cross interstellar distances to kill Hosnia but also approach Hosnia at sublight speed so the Hosnians cower at the sky and see it bearing down on them?
~space magic~
Yeah the never show shit like that, kinda annoying.There are not many "group chat on Falcon" scenes in TFA, I feel that's why all FTL travel in this movie feels instantaneous.
The beam enters hyperspace and exits before impact, seriously, look it up.
Of course there was the obvious space chess scene where Finn accidentally activated the chess board in the Falcon.
Interestingly, the Dejarik holochess game from The Force Awakens picks up immediately from the one between Chewbacca and C-3PO in A New Hope. “We elected to pick up where we left off … and we just swapped out who wins this time,” admitted Tippett.
I just find it hard to believe that a guy who has grown up with these troopers is willing to kill them without hesitation. There isn't a second thought or anything. Only psychopaths would do something like that. Finn's obviously not a psychopath, but I think him having some internal conflict about killing his what essentially amounts to his family would add to his character. I don't need him to be conflicted about it the entire movie. I just wanted something.
It's only implied with dialogue in the movie, when they were talking about Starkiller's in the resistance base.Yeah the never show shit like that, kinda annoying.
You playing said note
I just find it hard to believe that a guy who has grown up with these troopers is willing to kill them without hesitation.
1:04am, THREE HOURS LATER, responding to the SAME POST.
No shit? You find it hard to believe. Really.
Cute cat, tho.