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Spring 2011 Anime Thread of ZAWA ZAWA, Money, emo Cyclops, and fun^10xint^40=Ir2

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Dresden said:
Look at all those filthy womans getting in between Shinji and Kaworu.
Seriously, women ruin everything.


Everything is tsundere to me
A Black Falcon said:
Huh. I don't remember noticing that.
Yeah, I re-watched it a couple of months ago and since I'm much more experienced in film study now than when I first watched it, I was much more sensitive to it, and it really showed when I saw it.

Yeah, that is what happened, as far as terraforming goes...
things went wrong and the terraformer was never activated.
As I said though, one of my few criticisms of the show would be that I also wish they'd made it clear at the end as to whether the terraformer fixed up part/all of the dual planets they were on, or whether it brought them somewhere else. The show doesn't tell you which one it is, really, which is too bad; it'd be nice to know. Oh well though, they're better off now and in a place which isn't resource-poor, so it doesn't matter THAT much. It'd just be nice to know. As you say most things are explained, I agree, but not that.
Really? I always thought that was pretty clear.
As soon as the Exile ship exposes, a sprout comes from the snow, and after it leaves, it shows a winter land turn to spring. Additionally, it flies off when Lavie and Claus find their fathers' vanship in a breach in the hull. It's possible that it took SOME people with it, but the shot sequencing implied to me that they ended on the same planet they started

Yeah, it was nice to see that he lived, I agree. :)
Yeah, that crazy sonuvabitch EARNED that last survivor medal. AND got the girl. >:3


If your name is Nonoriri you have to go buy Nanami's tampons.
7Th said:
Tadashi Hiramatsu should drop the Eva bullshit and go back to working in Ghost Rhapsody.

But then who will draw the stylish product placement? Hidenori Matsubara is no good man!


Hyouge Mono

Well I watched this in Japanese because no has subbed it yet and while it was fairly half assed from a production value perspective, it turned out better than I thought it would. It was pretty much a page for page adaptation of the manga and they captured the look of the manga better then I thought they would. The animation was kind shitty, but this episode was mostly stationary conversations and they didn't screw those up so it wasn't that big of a deal for this episode at least. It seems like It'll be a worthwhile show on the strength of the source material alone, someone just has to translate it. I'm kind of worried that nobody will though, there was lots of dialogue and the language seems more difficult than your average anime. I don't imagine anyone is super eager sub it.
Mai Hime 12

Funny, I was actually expecting timid glasses girl to be the next Hime revealed.

Of course
the little girl is behind everything :/


Subete no aware
Hen Zemi. Back to the good old NTR fetish!

Geneijin said:
Isn't Madoka getting one like that?
I thought A-Channel is basically Madoka played straight? That's why the last two episodes were cancelled?


Geneijin said:
To be fair it was a non sequitur and started off as a way to correlate each character's popularity with how much screen presence they got. And also, a troll on harem anime logic, but it became its own thing from there.
Why would someone troll harem logic? That's like trolling addition man.
A Black Falcon said:
The Twelve Kingdoms 16-18 (that one last time was 15 actually) - Long, slow sidestory arc, telling the backstory of the guy from ep. 15, a person from Earth who's actually a Kirin and is brought to the Twelve Kingdoms at age 10. Almost nothing happens most of the time and it's definitely on the dull side. It's not actually bad really, it's all done well and I mostly liked it, but this is a very, very slow part. This could have compressed all three of these into one episode I bet. But I guess they couldn't think of enough other stuff to fill out 50 episodes with, or something... oh well, it's alright, just not nearly like the story arc that came before it. (You did mention this stuff happens in this show, didn't you mAcOdIn... it's true.)
Yeah, too many start and stops. I get what they were trying to do and it's not all bad but the pacing does suffer because of it, not enough to ruin the show but suffer it does. But now you're almost at the best story once you pass this guy's part. You gotta sit through this arc until episode 21, which is a fucking recap episode, ugh, but from 22 and up it starts the best arc.


Playing a bit of catch up on the new shows.

A Channel: I heard it was bland but dang that was discretely bland. I don't know if I'd even want to keep going with this. It does kind of feel like a terrible Lucky Star with Tsukasa's VA in it.

Battle Girls - Time Paradox: Pretty standard fair. Maybe will check out the next episode for the helmet wearing talking dog.


Pretty sweet.

Hiroshi Hasegawa, the 59-year-old president of Studio DEEN, is self-financing an anime retelling of local Japanese folklore to honor a promise to his wife Michiko, who passed away in May. Hasegawa is aiming to finish this anime about the stories of western Tottori Prefecture — his birthplace — and Yamagata Prefecture's Tsuruoka City — his wife's birthplace — next summer.

Michiko Hasegawa recounted to her husband the folk tales of a dog that hunted supernatural creatures. Those stories had inspired the traditional "Inu Matsuri" ("Dog Festival") at her hometown. In folklore told at Hiroshi Hasegawa's birthplace in Tottori, the god of the mountain Daisen gave the people only a handful of rice. However, the people cooked the rice in a pot and made it grow seven times larger. The couple discussed making a children's anime of their birthplaces' folk stories such as these.

Hasegawa planned to start production last winter, but his wife's health took a turn for the worse. She passed away in May at the age of 59. Hasegawa postponed the anime project during her illness, but then resolved to continue work in her memory. Production started this past August, and the staff, which includes animators from Tottori, is currently drawing the storyboards. The Nihonkai Shimbun paper published part of the storyboards on Tuesday.

The anime will feature six stories from towns in western Tottori (Daisen, Hino, Yonago) and five stories from Tsuruoka City. The episodes will each run about 10 minutes long, and will feature live-action segments. Hasegawa plans to sponsor the free distribution of the anime to educational and social institutions.


Branduil said:
Trigun was decent but hardly seminal. I don't think it's stood the test of time all that well.
I liked it a lot when i first saw it back in 2004, but I've seen so much better anime that i don't really care about it anymore.


Branduil said:
Trigun was decent but hardly seminal. I don't think it's stood the test of time all that well.
I kinda agree but it was still enjoyable.

I thought the manga was a lot better though.

Joe Molotov

So I thought I'd watch the first episode of that 30 Year Old Virgin show, and damn...there's so much censoring I can't even tell what's going on.

Edit: Well, okay "Come and enjoy a god's butt!" was pretty awesome. :lol
Branduil said:
Trigun was decent but hardly seminal. I don't think it's stood the test of time all that well.

Agreed. I like it, but the first half is really slow. I rewatched it recently and found it decent, but I don't think it's as good as some people give it credit for. Wolfwood is a legendary character, though.


icarus-daedelus said:
I think it gets more love than it deserves for being aired in close proximity to Bebop, FLCL, etc. on Adult Swim at a time when a lot of Americans were getting into anime. It was never as good as either of those two shows, so it hasn't aged as well, although I guess it deserves some credit for being superior to Inuyasha, another one of AS's infinite reruns at the time. lulz.
I was going to say that but I didn't want to troll it quite that hard in one post.
I liked Trigun a lot, but that could just be nostalgia speaking. I do remember thinking "whoa" at several points in the 2nd half, particularly that woman falsely accusing that other dude of rape. It was also my first time experiencing Johnny Yong Bosch.


cosmicblizzard said:
I liked Trigun a lot, but that could just be nostalgia speaking. I do remember thinking "whoa" at several points in the 2nd half, particularly that woman falsely accusing that other dude of rape. It was also my first time experiencing Johnny Yong Bosch.
It's probably his most iconic role to!


Dog Days - 1
Nothing great but it feels like lighthearted fun. Will stick with it to the end.

Although I must ask, does summoning in their world mean kidnapping? It looked more like a kidnapping when it happened :lol

firehawk12 said:
I thought A-Channel is basically Madoka played straight? That's why the last two episodes were cancelled?
So Madoka has suggestive lesbian tones and breast frolicking?

mAcOdIn said:
Why would someone troll harem logic? That's like trolling addition man.
More like distributive property.

Joe Molotov said:
Edit: Well, okay "Come and enjoy a god's butt!" was pretty awesome. :lol
of Sex
is merciful and giving.


Dog Days and A-Channel were awful. Enough of that. I still need to get through Dororon Enma. The old school art style is kinda off putting but the opening is boss.

So far, still only 1 definite watch for me this season.


Everything is tsundere to me
huh, got bored so:

Dog Days 1
I came out slightly annoyed. There's WAR! but it's not WAR!, it's a mass game of NINJA WARRIOR. Which in a sense is kinda funny, though it's kinda disappointing that it's not good clean "kill all the faceless mooks and don't get hung up on it" fun, it's just "beat up all the faceless mooks" which is something I'm kinda over... Anyway, I'll probably check the second episode and drop it. It's not really that good.

A side note, I couldn't help but think that this was the flip-side to some moe-moe porno VN or something, cause when Mr. Improbable Physical Skills said "I should take advantage of playing in this wonderful dreamland" I had to admit to myself that yeah, I would too... that and fuck all the bitches.
doomed1 said:
huh, got bored so:

Dog Days 1
I came out slightly annoyed. There's WAR! but it's not WAR!, it's a mass game of NINJA WARRIOR. Which in a sense is kinda funny, though it's kinda disappointing that it's not good clean "kill all the faceless mooks and don't get hung up on it" fun, it's just "beat up all the faceless mooks" which is something I'm kinda over... Anyway, I'll probably check the second episode and drop it. It's not really that good.

A side note, I couldn't help but think that this was the flip-side to some moe-moe porno VN or something, cause when Mr. Improbable Physical Skills said "I should take advantage of playing in this wonderful dreamland" I had to admit to myself that yeah, I would too... that and fuck all the bitches.



Nichijou 2

Much like the weiner scene, the notebook retrieval scene was an amazing piece of work. Aside from that, Mio punching her sister and Yuko jumping into the jump rope were the only other two parts I laughed at, the rest being long stretches of utter boredom. I'm giving this show one more chance and then I'm out.

Also can someone nuke the damn robot and her retarded Chiyo/Becky wannabe master from orbit? Or at least write them out of the show?


Dog Days - 2
If I didn't instantly recognize the VA, the joke might have worked.

I was hoping they avoid this type of fanservice, but it turned out to be a foolish expectation. I just hope they don't go overboard with it.

icarus-daedelus said:
Just out of curiosity, what exactly is breast frolicking?
Imagine a big-breasted girl whose breast got smack upward so strongly, she lost balance and fell on the floor.

You can imagine the other finer details yourself.

trejo said:
firehawk12 said:
A conspiracy I'm not involved in ;(
A Channel 01 - Zzzz... yeah, that was about the most boring and generic thing around. Sure, it's got a little more (lesbian) romance than many of the shows it's ripping off, but on the other hand it isn't very funny and is often quite dull, so that doesn't exactly make up for it. Also, assaulting people just because they're too close to the girl you like isn't right, and this episode repeatedly plays the younger girl chasing people away with a baseball bat (happens twice in the episode) and ... doing things off camera ... with one of the object of her affection's friends' breasts (I think) off for laughs (happens three times in the episode)... not that funny. It's blandly watchable I guess, but it's very far from being good. Oh yeah, and the main girl is a complete idiot. I didn't have any hopes for this, and yeah, it's poor.

Gosick 12 - No mystery this time. Instead it's the start of summer break, and the hero and Victorique are staying on campus for the summer while all the other students go off to their summer homes (reminding us that this is a school for the rich). So, instead of a mystery, we get some parts of the main character's backstory, showing some of his childhood (he was weak and his father often got angry at him for it, while his mother defended how he acted. He's also the youngest of four children, he has two older brothers and an older sister.) and lots of Victorique being cute. The latter point is clearly the main purpose of this episode -- Victorique being cute by getting stuck in a tree and refusing help until it's raining and he comes back for her (she jumps on him feet first, why not just do that sooner, you'd have been fine...), Victorique refusing to see him unless he has candy with him, so he almost goes on vacation with Avril and without her (until he thinks of her at the train station and decides to stay), etc... yeah, lots of Victorique being cute/probably somewhat tsundere. She does solve a riddle one of his older brothers sent in one of the packages the main character got from home (it takes her one second, I certainly would never get it that fast). At least at the end of the episode she admits that he's better at climbing trees than him and sort of says some words of encouragement.

Hen Zemi TV 01 - So that's how they made a TV version of this, by removing a lot of the more sexual content. It feels like a reboot (starting over for people who hadn't seen the OVAs) and was still amusing, but it's not as good as the OVAs are. The subjects were tamer -- upskirt shots, farting, and mild NTR (guy liking seeing his girlfriend and another guy hit on eachother); OVA 01 in contrast had a panty thief, full NTR (the guy getting off on 'secretly' watching his girlfriend and another guy have sex, while a third guy filmed them), etc. Also each of the OVAs had at least a scene or two in a bar, with the main character girl drinking; that doesn't happen here either. Instead they added gross-out stuff the OVAs didn't have, like the farting and flies stuff. I've never liked that kind of stuff in comedies, and that's part of why I like this less... it was alright though, parts were amusing and it's certainly still quite weird.

Geneijin said:
Hen Zemi TV - 1
Odd to say the very least. It's certainly unique as well I guess? I might continue with this to see how often it'll rile up my comfort zone. The staircase segment of the episode wasn't unexpected.
Guy taking upskirt photos? Seeing it so often in anime lessened the leap in mindset for me. So when the photographer's reason turned out to be to reveal an unseen world or something along those lines, I got a mild chuckle out of the justification because it's a somewhat ornament way of diminishing the very nature of the act.

The NTR fetish and boundaries issue (or joke?) caught my amusement though. The NTR fetish not so much because it's odd to comprehend a person of that age having such a fetish to put it quite frankly, so I wasn't readily able to accept it.
You haven't seen the OVAs, have you...

flawfuls said:
Hyouge Mono

Well I watched this in Japanese because no has subbed it yet and while it was fairly half assed from a production value perspective, it turned out better than I thought it would. It was pretty much a page for page adaptation of the manga and they captured the look of the manga better then I thought they would. The animation was kind shitty, but this episode was mostly stationary conversations and they didn't screw those up so it wasn't that big of a deal for this episode at least. It seems like It'll be a worthwhile show on the strength of the source material alone, someone just has to translate it. I'm kind of worried that nobody will though, there was lots of dialogue and the language seems more difficult than your average anime. I don't imagine anyone is super eager sub it.
Hopefully it gets subbed, I'd like to try it.

mAcOdIn said:
Why would someone troll harem logic? That's like trolling addition man.
But it's so tempting and so easy to do... why not? :)

Yeah, too many start and stops. I get what they were trying to do and it's not all bad but the pacing does suffer because of it, not enough to ruin the show but suffer it does. But now you're almost at the best story once you pass this guy's part. You gotta sit through this arc until episode 21, which is a fucking recap episode, ugh, but from 22 and up it starts the best arc.
Ugh, three more episodes of this? I was hoping that the next one would be the last... oh well.

doomed1 said:
Yeah, I re-watched it a couple of months ago and since I'm much more experienced in film study now than when I first watched it, I was much more sensitive to it, and it really showed when I saw it.
I'm not a film student, not sure if I'd notice... but also while I have seen the series twice, the last time was a couple of years ago.

Really? I always thought that was pretty clear.
As soon as the Exile ship exposes, a sprout comes from the snow, and after it leaves, it shows a winter land turn to spring. Additionally, it flies off when Lavie and Claus find their fathers' vanship in a breach in the hull. It's possible that it took SOME people with it, but the shot sequencing implied to me that they ended on the same planet they started
I agree with you that 'they're on the same planet' is the explanation that makes the most sense, yes. Some people do seem to think otherwise, though... but yeah, I agree, it'd make a lot more sense if they're on the same planet, but the Exile has opened up and terraformed the place now so people can actually live.

Yeah, that crazy sonuvabitch EARNED that last survivor medal. AND got the girl. >:3
Definitely, yeah. It'd have been pretty sad to see him die on the final mission... that's a cliche enough thing though that I thought they were going to go for it, it was good to see them show it to not be true in the ending. :)

firehawk12 said:
Yeah, it's an easy out and probably as effective as the non-ending anyway.
I guess so, yeah. But what did you think of the episode?

I dunno, most nerd stuff is for adult males anyway... or nerds broadly. I can say the same for science fiction for the most part. There's nothing wrong with that, but when you read bad fantasy/science fiction, you can't help but feel a bit silly. At least with IS I'm just wasting 22 minutes * 12 episodes.

Oh, and of course, when I was a young nerd I thought longer books were cool because they gave you more "value for your money", so length probably plays into nerds being nerds. :lol
... Do you actually think that most sci-fi and fantasy is bad, which would be really sad, or are you just saying that... because it's absolutely not true. :( It makes me wonder how much of either genre you've actually read... most obviously, hard sci-fi is often very thought-provoking stuff. Lower-level sci-fi, and most fantasy, are admittedly not at that level, but nor are they much if anything below most other books in other genres, I think...

Of course though, part of it depends on which author you're talking about. Some write mostly for younger audiences, some for teenagers, and some for adults... it varies. Book thickness is one way to tell, but it isn't foolproof; sometimes you just have to read the books and see. Eddings definitely aimed at a quite a bit younger audience than Tad Williams does, for example, and wasn't quite as good a writer either; I do like Eddings' books, but Tad Williams is great.

On the other hand, back in highschool and the early years of college I read a lot of Star Wars books. I still have 50+ of those books, as proof of it... and at the time I'd have defended them and said 'no they're not junk', but looking back, they sort of are... though that opinion is partially colored by the fact that they've been going downhill for some time now (I mostly stopped reading after the end of the New Jedi Order series), but still, though they're okay books, they are aiming at a somewhat younger audience. Many D&D books do this as well. But saying that most fantasy or sci-fi is like that just because some is is a real mistake.
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