Is there some way to cryogenically freeze myself until end of the year when I can get the Sawa and Aki figures, CCS bluray and watch Sailor Moon ._.
that will also be the last day we hear from Cajun for 6 months.
Is there some way to cryogenically freeze myself until end of the year when I can get the Sawa and Aki figures, CCS bluray and watch Sailor Moon ._.
Gurren Lagann 25
If I have learned anything this episode it's that.Yoko's kiss is apparently the Kiss of Death.You will be missed, Kittan
Also the end, badass.
Best character.:'(
I have no idea what to watch next now though. Any recommendations for something similar to Monster?
Best character.:'(
If you're talking about in quality, plenty.
If you're talking about similar in seriousness and universal appeal that isn't bogged down by anime tropes? Then not too many.
If you haven't though give Baccano a try. Another western-setting anime with little anime tropes and highly rated and loved.
Tried Darker Than Black or Ergo Proxy?
Master Keaton is an earlier series from the same manga author, featuring the titular jack-of-all-trades and his many and varied globetrotting adventures. It's episodic instead of serialized, unlike Monster, but I think it carries a similar appeal.
that will also be the last day we hear from Cajun for 6 months.
Tried Darker Than Black or Ergo Proxy?
How could you not fap to such beauty in this world.Darker than black is great. I couldn't fap to it but that story was amazing. It puts some modern anime to shame.
But the problem is that I need to know if the lewd is worth it. I need some gifs to convince me.
How could you not fap to such beauty in this world.
What aboutSorry but I only fap to loli cameltoe.
What about?Amber
Row Row Fight the Power >>>>> Don't Lose your Way.
Come at me.
Skull Man - End
And I have no idea what was up with that last post-credits scene.
Man you guys are making me want to watch bible black for some reason. I also couldn't fap to it but the story is better than most modern anime. Which is pretty impressive for a hentai from like the 90's.
Good writing isn't a recent invention. And I dunno about BBs plot. It's essentially "lolsatan", isn't it? There are way better hentai doujinshi that would make a good story.Man you guys are making me want to watch bible black for some reason. I also couldn't fap to it but the story is better than most modern anime. Which is pretty impressive for a hentai from like the 90's.
The hell?
How reading this thread convince you to watch bible black? lol
Good writing isn't a recent invention. And I dunno about BBs plot. It's essentially "lolsatan", isn't it? There are way better hentai doujinshi that would make a good story.
Nanana 11
Please bomb and never get renewed for another season.
Nanana's Buried Treasure Episode 11
Part way through this episode I wasn't sure what to think of the show. But seeing the Juugo interactions with Nanana makes me almost want another one.
That was the last episode right?
Award for most out of nowhere fucked up imagery goes to this anime, GOD DAMN
I'm generally pretty good at guessing plot twist but I was not expecting everyone's favorite Dragon Loli toGet fucking impaled in the head by a Giger esque monster
I was expecting, but still found really messed up, what happened to all the girls the Duke kidnappedhaving them all be cut up and hung in a half dead state to feed their memories of pain to a magic weapon
And of course on a less messed up part of the scale we have more truth bombs from Layla who is as guessed revealed to befollowed by Gilette manning the fuck up andanother Chaika one who discovered the truth behind why the Chaikas were createdthreatening to kill the commander if he would not stand down from a war that both sides seemed to want for unknown reasons
If you haven't been watching Chaika or stopped it's time to catch up shit got so real
I don't want to hate Nanananananana but it's good stuff is few and far between and there's too many goddamn characters so the best ones can never get any screentime
Gurren Lagann 26 - And You Thought It Couldn't Get Any Crazier
Despite Crunchyroll trying to frustrate me to no end and trying to completely ruin this episodes tone and pace, this was a really really good episode. Would've been a hell of a lot better if Crunchyroll didn't pause and screw up so much.actually made me bittersweet. They did it wonderfully and pumped me for this last episode.Kamina's appearance
The fact that they shot inis retarded levels of awesome. I think at one point they wereevery direction through multiple time periods and multiple dimensionswhich is just insane.throwing planets at Super Special Awesome Mega Ultra Dai-Gurren Lagann
Bring on the last episode!!!!
Gurren Lagann 26 - And You Thought It Couldn't Get Any Crazier
Baccano! - 2
Lol, this mining couple is the best.
"Hmm, she wants a baby brother, but we can't give her a baby brother. Lets give her something expensive instead. But we don't have any money! Welp, time to commit a train-robbery!"
This is said with the most cheerful attitude possible. :lol
Huh, so there's abomb on the Pussywagon. So that's what's gonna happen to it.
Kamina appearing gave me anime feels
Let's see if I can gets this straight: Shotaro Ishinomori, creator of Cyborg 009 and Skull Man, had long since said the two properties were connected somehow but never really explained just how they were. This show attempts to bridge that gap.
Show was meant to serve as a prequel to a potential Cyborg 009 reboot iirc. The baby that Kiriko has is supposed to be Joe Shimamura, 009's protagonist. What you see at the end is the Skull Man having been retrieved and repurposed as the Black Ghost, Cyborg 009's future antagonist, which would set up some tragic father/son stuff down the line. That's where the Brain Gear stuff led, another cute nod with the initials being shared with 009's secret antagonist organization.
I think Duckroll said they got the VAs from the original Cyborg 009 show to play the number named cast in Skull Man. It's like this really neat love letter to the whole franchise if I had to describe it, it's just no one really sees it coming. lol Biggest clue I think they give past the callback with the VAs is some character designs looking really old school all of a sudden compared to everything else about halfway through. is a more traditional look for the property but you can see where the Black Ghost design had been made far more contemporary in the Skull Man vs how it's normally presented.
Choujigen Game Neptune: The Animation 1-12
I watched all this anime in one sitting because a friend wanted to watch it, I don't even consider myself a Neptunia fan, but I still found the anime to be a surprisingly decent for a short video game adaptation.
I was not expecting this anime to make me cry, but this scene was really fucking sad:
Thanks for that; it helps a bunch. I'm aware of Cyborg 009 but not really familiar with the intricies of it, so I didn't pick up on the homage. It's a little annoying, inasmuch as it makes Skull Man less of a stand alone work, but it still mostly works without prior franchise knowledge so I can't complain too much.
Gurren Lagann 26 - And You Thought It Couldn't Get Any Crazier
Despite Crunchyroll trying to frustrate me to no end and trying to completely ruin this episodes tone and pace, this was a really really good episode. Would've been a hell of a lot better if Crunchyroll didn't pause and screw up so much.actually made me bittersweet. They did it wonderfully and pumped me for this last episode.Kamina's appearance
The fact that they shot inis retarded levels of awesome. I think at one point they wereevery direction through multiple time periods and multiple dimensionswhich is just insane.throwing planets at Super Special Awesome Mega Ultra Dai-Gurren Lagann
Bring on the last episode!!!!
Gurren Lagann movies are better
Gurren Lagann movies are better
Get ready for the best final showdown in all of anime. Ever.
The movies are only worth it for their final 30 minutes of awesomeness that they throw at you.
Ping Pong - END
I kinda want to deny the AOTY talk for this, but man I can't deny this is the best episode that I watched all year long lol
No wonder firehawk is raving, this is that he always talking about.. god you guys l bring this shit up forever will unbearable, I still love those shounen sport animu, fuck y'all
I always know the story of this show is magnificent being arguably Taiyou Matsumoto best work and all. With the OST being awesome as fuck, the remaining make or break for this adaptation is the production value, the first two episode setting high expectation and standard for me, its looked so beautiful with great art direction, cinematography and animation.. I must admit the few episode after that is disappointing me because the rough production value, fortunately the show can recover despite the rough still seen here and there and deliver the golden standard again especially for last 2 eps.. just simply outstanding, hopefully the blu-ray can also fix the problem in past episode, then the show as whole can be perfect!
Btw Kazama x Smile OTP, both make an wonderful banter together. give me smile at this one.
So today i'm older ..i almost didn't realise it ... where was my birthday email, NEOGAF ?
30 years old![]()
Man you guys are making me want to watch bible black for some reason. I also couldn't fap to it but the story is better than most modern anime. Which is pretty impressive for a hentai from like the 90's.
The cutest hentai is Magical Twilight
Jesus christ what the hell happened today that caused the thread to explode in posts
A few shows ended.
You should watch the oav ASAP.