In the past few days there has been more drama in AnimeGAF than in Anime. Pull yourselves together!
If there were still admins in AnimeGAF, I'm pretty sure I would have a tag by now.
[post=18649677]I got it for this post.[/post] So lucky me, it's a rare positive tag and I got it for a great pun.What's the story behind it anyway?
Ef: A tale of Memories can almost be confused for a Key anime when it isn't.
I mean, look at these designs:
I don't know what it is, it just screams KEY to me.
Clannad 4 (In Progress)
/3 Minutes In
This might be the dumbest thing I've ever seen.
Ef: A tale of Memories can almost be confused for a Key anime when it isn't.
I mean, look at these designs:
I don't know what it is, it just screams KEY to me.
Ef: A tale of Memories can almost be confused for a Key anime when it isn't.
I mean, look at these designs:
I don't know what it is, it just screams KEY to me.
I don't know. When I met Evi-kun it was during my sport a doujin avatar for a laugh period and he said, and I quote, "your" "avatar" "is" "one" "of" "the" "best" "on" "NeoGAF".This thread probably wouldn't even be allowed to exist if any of GAF's other admins actually read it.
Episode 4.... Episode 4....
Oh! Yeah Fuko is dumb. Sweet side story. Just the character is dumb. She grew on me though. Tomoya's pranks on her are awesome.
I was referring to the breast thing.
Oh wait... Sunohara right?
Hm... Looks more like School Days to me![]()
Hmmmmmm.... *moved up on the backlog*
Ef: A tale of Memories can almost be confused for a Key anime when it isn't.
I mean, look at these designs:
I don't know what it is, it just screams KEY to me.
Yeah. I was in shock for an entire minute.
Ef: A tale of Memories can almost be confused for a Key anime when it isn't.
I mean, look at these designs:
I don't know what it is, it just screams KEY to me.
[post=18649677]I got it for this post.[/post] So lucky me, it's a rare positive tag and I got it for a great pun.
Ef: A tale of Memories can almost be confused for a Key anime when it isn't.
I mean, look at these designs:
I don't know what it is, it just screams KEY to me.
[post=18649677]I got it for this post.[/post] So lucky me, it's a rare positive tag and I got it for a great pun.
Well the anime itself certainly felt pretty...KEY-ish to me at times. Like, I only saw bits of Kanon and watched the entirety of Clannad and After Story when it comes to me and Key, but Ef: a tale of memories seemed like it would fit right in when it comes to them.
Had some pretty interesting visuals too. Though that was probably mostly due to SHAFT.
But the actual romances in the show were probably the sweetest and most heartwarmingly cute romances I've seen in almost any anime like, ever.
This show really does seem like something you'd like. I'm surprised you haven't gotten to it yet.
Well the anime itself certainly felt pretty...KEY-ish to me at times. Like, I only saw bits of Kanon and watched the entirety of Clannad and After Story when it comes to me and Key, but Ef: a tale of memories seemed like it would fit right in when it comes to them.
[post=18649677]I got it for this post.[/post] So lucky me, it's a rare positive tag and I got it for a great pun.
Interesting. I am open minded and willing to let other shows contest After Story when it comes to this. I just hope your not overhyping because I will inevitably compare it to After Story's romance and (After Story Spoilers).Tomoya caring for Ushio
ef was pretty good. Memories that is. I didn't like how Melodies was handled and Shaft pretty much trolled or changed parts of it.
I don't recall Akame having decent knockers.
I'm pretty sure I'll never get a tag...
Jojo Stardust Crusaders or whatever this show was called again: 12
This has just gotten silly! Awesome, but silly!
Haha, yeah, that's the exact feeling.This is like the first time that I heard a kid refer to PS2 as a "retro console". feels bad man
So I guess Studio Trigger is debuting their Ninja Slayer animation at AX?
Yo Angel Beats character designs were a great improvement. Even with characters wearing the same school uniform, each character had their unique design that you can quickly identify. I know a lot on AnimeGAF didn't like it. And that's fine. I really loved the show.
Oh you are heading towards a tag all right.If there were still admins in AnimeGAF, I'm pretty sure I would have a tag by now.
I'm not talking about the character designs (most of them were fine tbh) I'm talking about the art style in the VN.
AnimeGAF Key VN when.In the past few days there has been more drama in AnimeGAF than in Anime. Pull yourselves together!
And just in case you thought this was just Key being relatively new and rough around the edges and they get better
Siliconera. Though they don't cite anything... Looks like ANN is saying it's a trailer, which makes more sense, haha.Where was this mentioned?
AnimeGAF Key VN when.
I've felt like my tag has been pretty ironic, the guy who gave it to me should probably read it once in a while.
There are actually very neat comic books in store. And a manga was at least planned, if I remember correct.I didn't know people read Ponies
I didn't know people read Ponies
●The world premiere of the promotional trailer will be shown at anime's biggest convention, Anime Expo 2014 in Los Angeles, CA, during a panel discussion on July 3that 6:00 p.m.
●Anime Expo attendees will be able to catch a sneak peak of two never-before-seen NINJA SLAYER posters, as well as a chance to receive a Menpo (Ninja Slayer's mask) and a sample booklet containing the original NINJA SLAYERnovel and a Comptiq* comic book from the GOOD SMILE COMPANY booth at Anime Expo 2014 (supplies limited). Attendees will also be able to purchase additional NINJA SLAYERgoodies at the booth, a list of which appears below. Another big surprise awaits fans at the GOOD SMILE COMPANY booth!
*Comptiqis a videogame/anime magazine sold in Japan.
pls no pony talkThere actually was a MLP manga! Maybe its still going, dunno
Nanana 11
A decent finale but if you couldn't figure out the power of Ikusaba's treasure, I sort of want to slap you. It was pretty freaking obvious since he first used it. Actually, his other treasure could be handled easily too if they had a flashlight app on their phones. Otherwise, the saving grace of this show was and is Tensai. Very enjoyable and cute character.
Ninja Slayer is the most generic name I've ever heard, next to Ninja Blade and Ninja Assassin.
There are actually very neat comic books in store. And a manga was at least planned, if I remember correct.
There actually was a MLP manga! Maybe its still going, dunno