Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders, getting a full year treatment, confirmed by Warner Bros Japan, source Crunchyroll
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders, getting a full year treatment, confirmed by Warner Bros Japan, source Crunchyroll
The sound design was really effective in this scene. Oof.
Just saw the trailer for the new Sailor Moon anime on hulu. I think I may actually prefer the original animes artwork to the new stuff that's closer to the manga. Everyone had that beanpole look going on :x
I don't really get the light hearted vibes from this either that the original anime had. I hope I'm proven wrong but I have a feel I'm not going to like it.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders, getting a full year treatment, confirmed by Warner Bros Japan, source Crunchyroll
Thanks for the insight. I wont go into it as jaded now.The difference is that NINJA SLAYER doesn't takes itself seriously... like at all! I would be posting extracts for those that haven't read yet the chapters available on-line, but there are so much nuggets of literary wisdom that I would hit the character limit of the post in a moment. Check them, pretty please:
NOVEL | NINJA SLAYER | Tokyo Otaku Mode
This adaptation on the right hands of the same GEEKS group that helped to establish TRIGGER Inc., could be SPECTACULAR!
pls no pony talk
The question is, does it get a second season?
You have to be an elite member just to use this right?
Yup, pretty much. Minami-ke is another relaxing series I always come back to, you should check it out if haven't already.
I have the last tag that Hito ever gave anyone, which makes it a valuable collector's item. I'll be able to sell my GAF account and retire on the money in a few years.
It is going to be based more on the manga than the original series, which likely means a more somber tone and less light-hearted antics throughout. It could be good but putting it up against the original series may lead to disappointment.
Not really. They have a couple of free episodes with ads for nonmembers.
Theres good reason I pimp the hell out of Kinos Journey. Its an amazing series. Paced just right. Characters so memorable even if theyre minor. Its the perfect series.
Akuma no Riddle 12 END
I like to think Tokaku's answer at the end there was "The world is filled with", becausemiraclesholy shit deus ex machina as fuck EVEN ROMEO AND JULIET ARE ALIVE. ULTRA HAPPY END.
For some reason it doesn't feel particularly out of place or wrong in this series, though, perhaps because the organisation behind the game has always been portrayed as having technology and influence bordering on the supernatural, otherwise the whole wish-granting thing wouldn't hold such absolute status in the first place. It feels almost realistic that such a near-omnipotent organisation would have both the means and the inclination to heal up a few fatally-injured victims, just for the sake of "cleaning up after itself", as it were.
I think I like this ending.
Kanon 24 FINAL
Overall, I enjoyed my time with Kanon. If I had to choose which Key's anime is my favorite, it would still go to Clannad AS with Kanon being second or third. It was a little rough at the start and I didn't find the characters as interesting in Kanon as I did Clannad but Shiori's and Ayu's arcs were very enjoyable.
Overall I would give it 3.5 Uguu~ out of 5.
Should've asked outright like I did.
"Hey Hito, give me a tag."
Hey. That's good enough for me
Hm... Third? What's the second best then?
Clannad's first season. I'm counting AS and Clannad as separate things.
[X]With Hito incapacitated for a small period of time, I'll have to take the crown of King Mofu.
Awawa, shiawaseeeeeee.
But new Chaika is really hot too. Dem hips...
With Hito incapacitated for a small period of time, I'll have to take the crown of King Mofu.
Awawa, shiawaseeeeeee.
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou 12 END
Okay, it's official. I've decided. Ricchan is THE angel of the season. Nobody can compare. Not even Nacchan from Baby Steps. Ricchan is just transcendentally best. I don't even know who I'd choose if I had to measure her up against Onodera any more. The thought makes my brain explode.
Non Non Biyori 12
That scene with Renge and Komari/Natsumi's brother just staring at each other for the longest time was hilariously awkward.
There's a season 2 coming, right?
Yes.Non Non Biyori 12
That scene with Renge and Komari/Natsumi's brother just staring at each other for the longest time was hilariously awkward.
There's a season 2 coming, right?
I like this ending too , it's just that with every characters , there are some legitimate escuses you can find exceptAkuma no Riddle 12 END
I like to think Tokaku's answer at the end there was "The world is filled with", becausemiraclesholy shit deus ex machina as fuck EVEN ROMEO AND JULIET ARE ALIVE. ULTRA HAPPY END.
For some reason it doesn't feel particularly out of place or wrong in this series, though, perhaps because the organisation behind the game has always been portrayed as having technology and influence bordering on the supernatural, otherwise the whole wish-granting thing wouldn't hold such absolute status in the first place. It feels almost realistic that such a near-omnipotent organisation would have both the means and the inclination to heal up a few fatally-injured victims, just for the sake of "cleaning up after itself", as it were.
I think I like this ending.
Mai-hime was a straight MAGICAL RESET that you could somhow feel coming given how the second part tone shifted ..but akuma no riddle is kinda hard to see coming.I stand by my eailier bead of hatred, this was approaching MAI HIME levels of awful!
Life and Hearthstone getting in the way of backlog season.
Spice and Wolf 10
The tables turn on Lawrence.
The closing minutes of this episode were tough to watch. We can see Lawrence's desperation and frustration in how he alienates Holo, how he won't let her help him as he fails and fails and fails again. He's so caught up in blaming himself, or blaming her, that he can't look clearly for a way out.
For two characters that had grown so close, it hurts to see them divided like this. I wonder how they'll turn the tables, and how the shepherd will come back into the story.
Kino's Journey 10
A really melancholy episode, as this series tends to be. I'm not sure how to talk about it.
I guess the episode shows how people (or mechanical dolls) can find mutual happiness in making others happy. So who does Kino live for?
It was weird that she seemed surprised by the family's suicide. What did she think was going to happen?
Mediocrity.Finally gonna start Kill la Kill, what the hell am I getting into
Finally gonna start Kill la Kill, what the hell am I getting into
Finally gonna start Kill la Kill, what the hell am I getting into
Finally gonna start Kill la Kill, what the hell am I getting into
Finally gonna start Kill la Kill, what the hell am I getting into
Finally gonna start Kill la Kill, what the hell am I getting into
With Hito incapacitated for a small period of time, I'll have to take the crown of King Mofu.
Finally gonna start Kill la Kill, what the hell am I getting into
A lot of fun. Haters gonna hate, I guess.Finally gonna start Kill la Kill, what the hell am I getting into
Hito's given me his blessing to do the Summer OT in his stead since he's incapacitated and Regulus is AWOL. I will shoulder this sad duty to the best of my ability and pimp it out with Crystal stuff as much as I think he would have![]()
Hito's given me his blessing to do the Summer OT in his stead since he's incapacitated and Regulus is AWOL. I will shoulder this sad duty to the best of my ability and pimp it out with Crystal stuff as much as I think he would have![]()