So, I've been watching plenty of anime and not really posting about it because most of it isn't worth discussing. However, in the interest of completeness, I thought I should share my thoughts anyway.
The reason that there's not much to say about this show is that it's fine. Just...fine. There's nothing amazing or memorable or stupid or horrible about it. This a thoroughly workman like series from BONES that utterly fails to stir the head or the heart and instead simply fills up 23 minutes of your week.
A few weeks after this show finishes airing (well, after it's second cour), I can't imagine that I'll retain any strong memory of this property. There's just nothing really worth remembering about this generic fantasy show with largely forgettable characters.
No Game No Life
I've already gone off on this before with regards to specific elements that I found objectionable, so I won't mention the here. I will however say that the show is enjoyably stupid nonsense most of the time, which is fine I suppose.
In terms of memorable content, episode 6 was definitely the best, featuring a rather exciting game that was also visually interesting. I don't know how they're really going to top that.
One important thing that I didn't touch on earlier was how shitty the visuals can be. As a number of you have, rightly, pointed out, the colour scheme is the major offender (Madhouse trying to do their best GoHands) but it's hardly the end of the shows visual problems.
The biggest offender next to the colour palette is the shot composition. Take a look at this ugly thing:
You should notice a few things here. Firstly, the extremely lazy shot composition with the characters all posed in a very basic way, objects are randomly thrown around the room and the camera positioned as if it was observing a play on stage.
Next up comes the composition of the visual elements in the scene. In this shot we've got the background art, the objects in the room and the characters themselves. Rather than have all these layers of objects nicely integrated with each other they've opened to make them stand out as being obviously distinct from each other. This is distracting because it makes everything look extremely fake because you can literally see the different layers that have been slapped together.
The most obvious example of this is the thick pink line which surrounds characters (and some objects) which makes them stand out. I suppose this is useful to make the characters clearly separate from the background but it's far too obvious and it wouldn't be needed if the background art wasn't so distractingly and colourful.
Speaking of obvious, it's really obvious that the straw in the corner of the shot is an image of a much lower resolution than the rest of the art in the room. This is even more obvious and ugly in this shot:
Just to show that I'm not being selective in my criticism, here's another shot from later in the same episode:
Leaving aside the off-model art and colours and the distracting layering of objects this shot is just a mess. The character is off from the centre of the frame and it looks like she's being shot from below because we can see the underside of the certain objects but the character herself doesn't look like she's being shot from a low angle because she's just flat. It really just looks like threw the background art ontop of the character without thinking about it. Moreover, the shot lacks focus and clarity. It's extremely messy with lots of different lines interesting randomly, especially to the right hand side of the frame. It just looks poorly thought out and lazy because they haven't tried to achieve anything at all with the visuals, at the very least you'd hope they'd be clean and clear.
This is more of a personal thing but I really don't dig the background art. All the human stuff is randomly covered with moss, which looks stupid because people are still living there, it's not abandoned. Moreover, there's no interesting visual cohesion to the buildings or scenery. It fails to either evoke classical building styles from a particular time or place (Greek, Tudor, Victorian, Italian - just nothing) and nor is it some unique style all of it's own. It's just kind of there. It doesn't tell you anything about the world or the people or invoke any reactions and the shots aren't even that interesting. Compare and contrast to the hit new animesTM:
Finally, the way the show is edited fails to create a sense of either time or space. We move from location to location seemingly at random without any attempt to build a world through visual continuity. I have no idea where characters are in relation to anything else in the world. For example, in the Palace we randomly cut between three or four different rooms which totally fails to convey the size of the building or how individual rooms relate. This is something that's easy to do in live action because you're just filming a real place but in animation you have to do build that space up to make it seem real and to ground the characters. I literally have no idea where the characters are half the time because there's very few establishing shots and the editing is so poor.