This is some Angel Beats-level art direction.
hey now its not that badThis is some Angel Beats-level art direction.
Some things never change.
I loved Angel Beats! art direction.
And that screenshot you really have to look for it (most won't even notice it). That was like a 2 second shot too. Nitpicking at its finest.
really not seeing how its nitpicky given how repulsively ugly it was the moment it poped up on screenSome things never change.
I loved Angel Beats! art direction.
And that screenshot you really have to look for it (most won't even notice it). That was like a 2 second shot too. Nitpicking at its finest.
It's easy to say that any one screen of Angel Beats is nitpicky, but think about the context. Literally every shot in the show is bad, you can't just upload 500 images!
it's not the only time its used either!I'm sure the programmer of the tile filter is happy someone finally found a use for it.
Now I'm impressed that you made that's not the only time its used either!
It's easy to say that any one screen of Angel Beats is nitpicky, but think about the context. Literally every shot in the show is bad, you can't just upload 500 images!
Wait, Love Live somehow slapped Madoka in the face?
Love Live S2 volume 1 BD sales: 82,119
That's what a half-price volume + event ticket will do for you, I suppose. It's immediately almost the best-selling single volume in modern anime history and will nearly certainly become so next week.
Love Live S2 volume 1 BD sales: 82,119
That's what a half-price volume + event ticket will do for you, I suppose. It's immediately almost the best-selling single volume in modern anime history and will nearly certainly become so next week.
it's not the only time its used either!
Holy shit. Is that higher then Madoka or Gundam SEED?
yes it's higher. It beats the highest sales before (Bakemono which sold 7.2) by 10k.
if you cant see the repeated use of the same tiles then you're either blind or trollingI don't see it. I think you're reaching.
Love Live S2 volume 1 BD sales: 82,119
That's what a half-price volume + event ticket will do for you, I suppose. It's immediately almost the best-selling single volume in modern anime history and will nearly certainly become so next week.
Other numbers:
The Wind Rises BD/DVD -- 46,335/63,111
Gochiusa BD/DVD vol.1 -- 6,839/1,060
Gundam Build Fighters BD Box 2 -- 7,848
One Week Friends BD/DVD vol.1 -- 3,658/1,047
Still a lot of sales that got lost in the cutoff, so please wait for the full list on Thursday for further analysis.
Guess they'll make more idol shows then?
the wait won't be long until Kyo Ani makes an idol anime.
if you cant see the repeated use of the same tiles then you're either blind or trolling
it's not the only time its used either!
the wait won't be long until Kyo Ani makes an idol anime.
There was that one episode of Kyokai no Kanata
if you cant see the repeated use of the same tiles then you're either blind or trolling
Holy shit. Is that higher then Madoka or Gundam SEED?
When did LoveLive become so big?
I don't know what's worse. The tiles or the fact there was another flight of stairs built beside it that can't be entered or exited.
Since the first season?
But the mobile game boost it even further I heard, dat marketing magic.
it's not the only time its used either!
Yes, resort to insults. That almost always makes things better.
When IdolGAF made it big.When did LoveLive become so big?
When IdolGAF made it big.
And for everyone who didn't see Kyoukai no Kanata, here's the KyoAni Magic. I actually would look forward to see a KyoAni Idolanime, despite me waiting on more Keystuff and FMP. There animation is always so gorgegous and they now how to do cute girls (and boys, hello free).
You could say this about almost any anime depending on any given persons preference. But naturally the bolded is a radical over exaggeration. That would be like me saying The Tatami Galaxy is ugly with every shot. I don't particularly like its art style (I actually found it repulsive at times) but I don't go out of my way to find screenshots of a show I didn't like.
That doesen't stop me from waiting. I was so sad when I heard that Little Busters wasn't made by KyoAni.The only Key adaptation left is Rewrite. Every other adaptation has been adapted to anime. Angel Beats was an original IP and was the exception.
I'd love for KyoAni to do Rewrite though...
When IdolGAF made it big.
And for everyone who didn't see Kyoukai no Kanata, here's the KyoAni Magic. I actually would look forward to see a KyoAni Idolanime, despite me waiting on more Keystuff and FMP. There animation is always so gorgegous and they now how to do cute girls (and boys, hello free).
KyoAni is too busy not adapting good material and trying to peddle their own wares to worry about jumping on the idol bandwagon.
We just have to believe. We just have to believe. We just...We're never getting that next FMP season :/
I've lost all hope after hearing Amagi Brilliant Park.