Me. jl701 for xbone and psn. hattori for NNID.I don't think I've ever asked. Any of you fellow anime bros have a Wii u or psn? If so give me your name yo.
Me. jl701 for xbone and psn. hattori for NNID.I don't think I've ever asked. Any of you fellow anime bros have a Wii u or psn? If so give me your name yo.
That's true, there's some things that have to be redone from the Bandai Blu-Rays; apart from putting the series on two disks (instead of Bandai's four) they have to include lossless audio and re-add the original song from the first episode.
Fuck. That was good.
... Now what am I supposed to do with the rest of my life?
Original song?
There appears to be a lack of Katanagatari in that NISA in your collection. Watch it for Togame before the premium editions sell out.
I hope the lack of Blu-ray for Rozen Maiden (2013) is because Sentai plans to release the other Rozen Maiden series on Blu-ray first or at the same time.
I don't own Bandai's set, but here's a quote from an Amazon review.
"The release has a number of flaws, the most significant one being the as-of-yet unexplained music replacement in the first episode, where an instrumental piece performed by the characters has been replaced by an altogether different tune."
I don't own Bandai's set, but here's a quote from an Amazon review.
"The release has a number of flaws, the most significant one being the as-of-yet unexplained music replacement in the first episode, where an instrumental piece performed by the characters has been replaced by an altogether different tune."
Since people are sharing PSN and NNIDs, I guess I might as well share mine. Not that I ever, you know, actually play games online. Or indeed usually find time to play games at all in between anime. But I guess having friend lists that aren't quite so empty might feel nice >.>
Usernames in email tags.
M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane 10
Not the most interesting episode. I guess it did include Sasame being sweet at least. Gotta build her up as a likable character before the show destroys her, I suppose.
Ive considered that show but never pulled the trigger for some reason. It would be another 100$ I dont really need to spend.
NISA's store has them out of stock, so that may mean those sets will soon be OOP. Katanagatari has never been available for legal streaming that I know of. Maybe it's because the 12 episodes are 50 minutes long or NISA never bothered to get the rights for the series?
Have you gotten around to watching Zakuro?
had that in my cart forever but also never pulled the trigger. I kind of go for shows that "pop" to me personally since I spend so much money. But if these are going OOP might as well pick them up now. I always have the option to sell stuff since I keep very good care of discs/boxes.
I only assume Katanagatari is going OOP, or at least the premium editions are. Zakuro doesn't appear to be going OOP now, but this series is at least available for streaming on Hulu and Crunchyroll.
Yep; the original Japanese release has the band play "Tsubasa wo Kudasai" in the first episode. Bandai's release replaced this song with "Love Me Tender". I think that's what they replaced it with anyway; I'd have to double-check on my copy.
So that "art styles you don't like" thread turned into a discussion on pedophilia >_>
That thread enlightened me on just how different peoples opinions can be. Everything from Dark Souls to Ghibli was shit on in there. Incredible.So that "art styles you don't like" thread turned into a discussion on pedophilia >_>
Except DTL, who is a dirty liar.
Just added everybody who listed their NNID on the last few pages. Except DTL, who is a dirty liar.
add me too bro.
Looking forward to playing Splatoon and Smash with you guys.
Looking forward to playing Splatoon and Smash with you guys.
So that "art styles you don't like" thread turned into a discussion on pedophilia >_>
Do you have Mario Kart Mr.Woofington?
So that "art styles you don't like" thread turned into a discussion on pedophilia >_>
How can I play with you if you never add me or tell me your NNID?
Please dont tell me they did what Im afraid they did because I dont want to hate Black Bullet.
....Please dont tell me they did what Im afraid they did because I dont want to hate Black Bullet.
The cat eared loli dies in the newest episode.
I am confused about the little bits of Black Bullet I read here.
So, does this show have Loli Killcounter? Why does it hate Lolis?
I am confused about the little bits of Black Bullet I read here.
So, does this show have Loli Killcounter? Why does it hate Lolis?
I might want to reconsider and watch the show. I don't hate Lolis in perticular, but I'm finding the thought amusing. Then again - I have still to watch Gochuumon, Chaika and Precure. Mhm, I shouldn't hang around in that steamthreead so much.The show doesn't just hate lolis. It has an entire world full of people who hate lolis and whose society is founded on loli suffering.
...Yet it contains so many amazing lolis that they're still by far the best reason to watch it.
Curse you, Black Bullet.
The show doesn't just hate lolis. It has an entire world full of people who hate lolis and whose society is founded on loli suffering.
...Yet it contains so many amazing lolis that they're still by far the best reason to watch it.
Curse you, Black Bullet.
Truer words have never been spoken. At least about Black Bullet.Black Bullet 12
Also three notable things happened this episode.
1. Rentaro actually was set-up to do the whole
"I don't care if I make the whole world my enemy because Jesus figure"
"I know"
2. I can't believe they actually thought that calling the team that would be cool. What are you 5?
3. Lol at the scene at the end. Seriously?the whole world is ending and this guy is its only hope but because I lost my job because I'm a douche I'll blame him and make preparations so he dies. As I'm being killed by the ant queen I'll be glad I got my revenge
I think I will just watch this show to episode 11 and be done with it.