I think you're close to the episode that 7th (RIP) despises. lol
He was one of those yuri shipping bullshitters, right? If it concerns that I'll be fine.
I think you're close to the episode that 7th (RIP) despises. lol
It's too bad a celebrated franchise like Macross didn't get titles with a bigger/better production later in it's life span. Would love to see a Yamato 2199 esq rebirthing of the series.It's not exactly great, and it's a far fall from DYRL and +'s beautiful mecha, but on the other hand, since Valkyries are all about moving around fast and spinning and such, it works better than other CGI mecha shows because that weird weightless feeling that most CGI mecha has isn't a problem. Honestly it isn't good, but I'm not minding it nearly as much as I thought I would.
As to character design, I think I'm mostly okay with that. The show takes every shot at how girly Alto looks, which I like, and of course it has some um, pandering that one might expect given how all that went down in Macross 7, but the only character whose design outright bugs me is Klan. When Klan is a microne, she's like at most physically ten years old, but when she's a full grown Meltran, she's this hyper-sexualized woman who I think kinda extends beyond terms like bombshell or model and into just plain tacky. It's a gag that I don't think needed to be attached to a character of her importance in the plot, but FWIW the show does at least manage to stop for five seconds and show you how awful her life is as someone who is never really any one thing.
I think part of the reason character design isn't pissing me off is because I just finished Macross 7 and Macross 7 has so many truly awful character designs.
Animation quality is pretty spotty, though, tbh. Numerous times character faces look off-model to me.
Rumi Ookubo has had major roles in Yuru Yuri, Sengoku Collection and has already been a Precure.I skimmed through each of their voiceographies or whatever and nothing really stands out.
It's too bad a celebrated franchise like Macross didn't get titles with a bigger/better production later in it's life span. Would love to see a Yamato 2199 esq rebirthing of the series.
We can't collectively decide that it didn't happen? =(I kind of think Macross 7 took the franchise in a direction it did not need to go and from which it cannot entirely pull back.
kill la kill 20-22
Was really good until now but quickly diving into mediocrity.
One more to go, the developments were good for a penultimate episode, still didnt do much to get me convinced the anime wouldnt end on a cliffhanger
Watching Blade Runner for the first time earlier this week got me in the mood to watch some more cyberpunk stuff so I ended up revisiting this film.
On an unrelated note, it looks so good remastered. If Rightstuf/Nozomi really is serious about moving into BDs finally, I hope they consider this show as a prime candidate.
(Well, as owners of the Aria license, of course I would rather they do an Aria BD first...)
He hates it because it's an anime original episode that, if you want to think of it that way, is fairly contrived. lolHe was one of those yuri shipping bullshitters, right? If it concerns that I'll be fine.
Sure, in my mind, there's the Sawashiro/Hanazawa/Kugimiya tier of actors and then there are people older than them that have completely disappeared and people younger than them that haven't appeared in 4 anime in a season at the same time.Rumi Ookubo has had major roles in Yuru Yuri, Sengoku Collection and has already been a Precure.
Yumi Uchiyama has been in several kinds of series, including Momiji in Binbougami.
Nao Toyama is probably the biggest name on that list. She got her start with Kanon in KamiNomi and has plenty of others, including characters in fan favorites Hataraku Maou-sama and OreGairu.
Maybe we have different ideas of "standout".
Yeah, they announced them, but there hasn't really been any movement. I hope it's still going... and I kind of hope that they're planning on doing the whole series and not just the first one. I wonder if that might be the reason for the delay.My hope as well! Maybe at Anime Expo.
As for Aria, there's no BDs out in Japan just yet, but they were announced a while back. It's just a matter of waiting.
Yeah, they announced them, but there hasn't really been any movement. I hope it's still going... and I kind of hope that they're planning on doing the whole series and not just the first one. I wonder if that might be the reason for the delay.
We can't collectively decide that it didn't happen? =(
Speaking of Macross, I just finished Macross Plus! Thought it was good overall. The animation was great, especially that concert scene in episode 2. Wasn't a fan of the protagonist though. I warmed up to him a bit by the last episode, but he still came across as kind of a dick, I thought. Not that Guld was a whole lot better or anything, but still. I think I still like DYRL better than this one; the finale in that one was fantastic.
Kanon 1
I really have no idea what to make of this show... so far it seems fairly bland, but I'm assuming there is some tragic past that makes this all very Key. I hope it's not because they're living in purgatory or something like the most recent Key shows.
LOGH 3-4
Hey, the one black dude left alive in the universe!
This whole war being fought by a siscon. It's like an anime Helen of Troy.
Yeah, I actually watched the first four ages ago and it just didn't grab me in any way. I decided to skip the battle because I remember it just being relatively nonsensical being both on a 2d plane and involving absurd numbers, but having the aftermath introduce some of the characters on both sides is probably a good enough refresher.
There is something to be said about the fact that both sides of this war seem pretty terrible in their own regard. I'm not sure if they want you to root for both main characters and decide to make everyone else around them terrible human beings as a way to compensate for that... but it's an interesting approach I suppose. That said, I have to imagine that unless this drags on to a 100 episode stalemate, at some point the show will pick a side, whether you want it to or not.
Utena 14
A well placed thumb. The fact that this scene was in a confessional was something special as well. lol
Not that EDs are supposed to be indicative of anything, but I assume they want you to think that Anthy's brother is the prince and that there's some weirdness between the Anthy and her brother.
Certainly it evokes a love triangle anyway.
But yeah, I actually watched up to 16 when the BDs came out, but I figure I would start at the beginning of the second arc again and just fill in the gaps later if I can't remember the details. I kind of don't have anything to say, other than I expect the show to go through a series of fights involving people being emotionally manipulated by Mikage until they finally face off with each other face to face.
On an unrelated note, it looks so good remastered. If Rightstuf/Nozomi really is serious about moving into BDs finally, I hope they consider this show as a prime candidate.
(Well, as owners of the Aria license, of course I would rather they do an Aria BD first...)
I kind of think Macross 7 took the franchise in a direction it did not need to go and from which it cannot entirely pull back.
Yeah, I hope so. Of course, since Toradora BD was like 500 bucks, I'm going to assume that an Aria complete BD set would be a grand if not more? Wallet am cry.That's my guess as well, that they're doing a BD-Box for the entire series. I hope there's a bit of news on it before the year ends at least.
The three most disparate shows. lol:O
Yeah, I hope so. Of course, since Toradora BD was like 500 bucks, I'm going to assume that an Aria complete BD set would be a grand if not more? Wallet am cry.![]()
The Free! ad chose such a perfect pose for Rin.
There were lots of insert songs, but none of them really seemed to really have a place or fit well into the story. The very end of the episode is just this huge marketing ploy that honestly makes me concerned for anyone who takes this show serious on an emotional level. The send off song literally has nothing to do with the episode and just kind of appears out of nowhere in outfits that probably expose more than a Hooter's uniform. Then the show literally ends with the main character breaking the fourth wall to tell you to keep buying more Love Live shit. It was the grossest thing I've watched in a pretty long while.
Interesting write up. I don't think about Innocence too often since, as you said, it made a notably smaller splash than both GITS and SAC, but I remember enjoying it for what it was despite being pretty obtuse. I'd love to see a BD release which could justify a rewatch...Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence [Rewatch]
Interesting write up. I don't think about Innocence too often since, as you said, it made a notably smaller splash than both GITS and SAC, but I remember enjoying it for what it was despite being pretty obtuse. I'd love to see a BD release which could justify a rewatch...
I would certainly be angry
Boo! I had no idea it already had a NTSC BD release. In that case, it needs a reprint which would justify a rewatch!It's already out; it's just long out of print in North America. It's still in print in the UK and Japan though, and the Japanese release has subtitles as well. The UK release is cheap, but I heard the subtitles are pretty bad.
Boo! I had no idea it already had an NTSC BD release. In that case, it needs a reprint which would justify a rewatch!
But lets table that for a minute for something I feel is much, much more important: Namely, that the entire show is perhaps the most ingenuine, insincere, cloyingly desperate production I have ever watched. Everything is laid on entirely too thick. All humor must be loud, explosive, and exaggerated. Set ups which are perfectly acceptable are ruined entirely by the staffs need to add too much to them just to hammer across points which are plain and simple enough that the viewer does not need so much thrown in their face.
If her flag break - 13
Don't get me wrong i like this ending, but holy hell i am confused by what happenned.This is even weirder considering that so far the anime had masterfully planned all the twists.
Are his abs facing... sideways?
I hope the intro stuff doesn't last long. I assume they thought the battle would be exciting enough to carry the show into exposition mode, but it really isn't. lolfirehawk watching LoGH. Money talks.
Goddannar is awesome.All right. Lets continue this theme of "Nintendoman watching the first episode of random mecha shows he happens to stumble upon and says he will continue but probably never will because he can't be bothered or he just doesn't care for it that much" with this little show I found!
Godannar - 1
Despite everything that happened in this episode being an batshit insane mess of madness, hot-blooded yelling, a mecha gattai sequence, and the fanservice shots everywhere, I actually had fun with this.
I like the premise. I mean, a married couple that pilot a super robot together. That's pretty unique.
Maaaayyyyybe I'll continue this. Maybe.
Makes me want to take a peek at the source material. Is it simply summarised to the point of incoherence?
Tokyo Ravens at least was still pretty coherent despite the level of summary.
I hope the intro stuff doesn't last long. I assume they thought the battle would be exciting enough to carry the show into exposition mode, but it really isn't. lol
Welp. lolLegend of Galactic Heroes is going to be talking heads for the vast majority of the show. Better get used to it.
Man I played The Wolf Among Us and caught up. Apparently not too early considering fifth and final episode of season 1 scheduled to release like mid-July. Snow White is ultimate business moe.
Welp. lol