Is Aika R-16 worth $1.50?
No, there are better ecchi anime out there.
Is Aika R-16 worth $1.50?
Best speech in anime. That's a good topic. Anybody have any nominations? I can't think of any at the moment. Only one I can think if is the Nazi speech from Helsinki Ultimate te that took like 10 or 15 minutes.
tried to see if I still had that folder somewhere, can't find it![]()
I'll be waiting for a re-post then, and we could call it 'the triumphant return of the great effortposts we know you can do'! ;-)well, it might be on my old windows computer. I think I moved some folders out of my dropbox to make space for new stuff awhile back, not sure. but if I did it'd be there.
>The emperess of Kei in 12 kingdom is also a speech that i enjoy listening.<
I'd buy it for a dollar.
no more though
Ah ok. Thanks.No, there are better ecchi anime out there.
It's not very good. But for $1.50 do you even care? Watch for butts.Is Aika R-16 worth $1.50?
Auto correct you've ducked me over for the last timeThere's an anime about Finland?
True. But its actually $4.50 CR charges mote for shipping... so I'm gonna pass.It's not very good. But for $1.50 do you even care? Watch for butts.
Did you try K-On yet?
I cant imagine a content creators feelings to see their work sold for the same cost of a large fry from mickey d's.
I really liked Kimblees (Full Metal Alchemist) speeches about people who are consequent. This man was pretty evil, but he had his principles. While he showed no mercy for anybody, he was very respectful to the enemies who stood by their beliefs.Best speech in anime. That's a good topic. Anybody have any nominations? I can't think of any at the moment. Only one I can think if is the Nazi speech from Helsinki Ultimate te that took like 10 or 15 minutes.
Got Madoka on Blu-ray today:
Nice pick-ups, there! Madoka looks fantastic in HD. Probably one of Shaft's best looking shows.
Great Figmas, too! I'd love to track down one of those Konata cosplaying as Haruhi ones sometime. I just have the regular winter uniform Figmas for Konata and Tsukasa.
Will probably show Madoka to some friends and check out the dub soon.
Getting some winter uniform Lucky Star figures soon as well.
They got 2 pre-owned ones at amiami if you really want a Konata cosplaying as Haruhi one.
Interestingly enough I was annoyed by the fanservice in Yozakuta Quartet, but not in NGNL. I think it just fitted better with them being NEETs in contrast to the randomness of the fanservice in Yozakura Quartet.NGNL joins other shows such as Yozakura Quartet in the "was that really necessary?" group of anime where fan service was not needed and is actually a detriment to what could be a better show without it.
Got Madoka on Blu-ray today:
Very nice! This looks like something I would order heh. I'm jealous you Europeans get complete series in one box. How much was Madoka for the whole series?
No Game No Life 6
That was fun! It looked like a more developed duel than the one in the first tome of Sandman. I thought it was a pretty solid building for it, but I need to rewatch the final moveI don't understand why it was important that Jibril used the word on the paper, after all, Sora had already written the word he needed at the reverse
£20.67. Got it from an UK online shop.
Has anyone recieved their Toradora Blu-Ray set yet?
My understanding is thatSora couldn't have written another word in time in response to what Jibril said. So if she had picked a word other than the one he wrote on the paper (one that ended on a different letter), he wouldn't be able to reply in time, and would lose the match. By writing that word and showing it to her earlier, he set her up to make to make the same final move later.
Chariot said:Interestingly enough I was annoyed by the fanservice in Yozakuta Quartet, but not in NGNL. I think it just fitted better with them being NEETs in contrast to the randomness of the fanservice in Yozakura Quartet.
Boo, Aniplex US sucks. It would cost me >$150 CAD to get the whole series.It's probably cheaper for me to import the UK box. I wonder if my PS3 can play it.
Well, that is just his own fault, watching two shows from The List will do that.
Boo, Aniplex US sucks. It would cost me >$150 CAD to get the whole series.It's probably cheaper for me to import the UK box. I wonder if my PS3 can play it.
It's not even close to being worthy.Why is SAO not on that list? GAF, you disappoint me.
Just Yami on it's own can turn the human brain into pudding.
NGNL sure looks colourful, but it also looks like someone just threw a bloom filter on whole hog and lit up the world with random colours. But hey, it looks like that's what they were going for at least
Just out of couriosity, how did you happen to end up watching THE SKULL MAN?The Skull Man 1-13
I really enjoyed this show more than I think I should have. The main character was a pretty good guy but not cheesy good like most anime hero's. Hell he evenAlso it was not surprising that they hinted at the end hebecomes a villain at the end if I understand right.All the characters were well fleshed out in my opinion and did a pretty good job of actually having a part in the overall story and theme of the show.is probably that missing kid that was rumored to be out for revenge at the end.
I liked the theme's of the show has such as how religion can be used for bad and good, how easy people can be corrupted, and the horrors of war.
One gripe I do have isthe main character nailing that 16 year old and making her his baby mama. I know it was in a different time where it was accepted but common she 16 yo.
Yeah people here kept raving about Valvrave, but I couldn't stand it. It's one of those situations where I think people were watching it because they were starving for mecha anime.
These are the types of tough choices we must make in the anime end times.I rather have NGNL's colour filter than Gohands's terrible colour filter.
If everything crazy was good then that hobo on the street who swears 9/11 killed JFK would have his own show.
Welcome to another episode of Ass Rash Pete. In today's episode our guest star is a soiled diaper who will tell us about his brand new book "Shit Happens". Stick around I might eat later.