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Spring 2014 Anime |OT2| about as likely as a second season of Hyouka

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Majine Bone Episode 10


Wow Gilbert was getting kind of a bit annoying being all angry while everyone else was relaxed, almost started to get to me.

But that Bone Crush!!! Cool.

I want the OP song is so catchy now.


Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket 5

This is getting really good.

The development that made the last episode so effective is leveraged really well here to hammer home the horrors of war. Good or bad, strong or weak, it doesn't matter if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. Watching Al struggle with the truths of what he witnessed leads to some of the more powerful scenes in the show so far. All the things he used to care about seem so much less significant than before.

The show couldn't resist introducing a flat-out evil guy in this episode to set up the final conflict. It's kind of weird that they felt they had to go in that direction, but
even with how far they've pushed normal Gundam, I guess letting the audience feel even a little sympathy for the man who chooses to nuke a city of innocents is too much to ask.


Still, they could have given him a better name.

This show can only end in tears.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 1-26.

That was pretty fucking good. Especially the second arc. Sure sometimes (pretty often lol) the animation was non existant but it really didn't bother me that much weirdly enough. Soundtrack was damn awesome. Also once in a while it's very refreshing to have anime with manly men like in good old times instead of these whiny pussies of today. Also Lisa Lisa
dat milf.


Where the hell did you post? SAO consisted of one thing and that was questions. Questions questions questions.

No where particularly. I just lurk and enjoy people freaking out over banal stuff. Which is why I come to GAF - for the reaction GIFs.


Season 5 of Gintama actually my favorite aside Season 2, I feel the comedy already very polished at this point and can make me laugh at every eps..
Is .hack//Sign any good? I always thought about watching it, and this talk about SAO reminded me about it.

It's really good. Just know going in that it's very much a slow paced story about a small group of characters, and don't expect it to be some sort of crazy action show. It also has a downright amazing soundtrack.
Sword Art Online - 1

Well I told myself I'd never do it in the past, but here I am now!

All right, so we begin our story with the main character Kirito putting on a totally legit-looking virtual reality helmet. Aaannnd we all know how this goes. The creator of the game goes all backstabber and says that everybody is now his little bitch in this world and if they wanna get out, they have to beat the game. If the helmets are removed, the kid's brain will get fried and they can't disconnect the thing cause the helmets' got an internal battery.

But wait, couldn't an EMP just be used or something? I'm not the smartest guy in the world when it comes to this and I know this isn't Call of Duty (actually now that I think about it, imagine this scenario with that game, lolololol) and EMPs can't exactly be used so many times on the fly. But the fact that this guy has trapped thousands of innocent people in a game without anybody figuring it out in real life beforehand kinda tugs a few strings on reality. Oh, but listen to me prattle on about "reality" when this is one of the worst shows of all time.

But even while saying that, I guess as first episodes go this wasn't exactly terrible, but then again, the ride's only started.
Finally realized why I wasn't into Monogatari series at first (protip - don't try to watch this stuff at 2 AM!), but currently watching Nekomonogatari and really enjoying it.
I have a feeling like I've seen it already. Is it just an extended version of events from Bakemono?


Season 5 of Gintama was fucking awesome. The 4 devas arc was one of the best serious arcs, and the Elizabeth arc was pretty hilarious. I'm on season 6 now and I'm gonna be sad once it's over.

Was there any word about them continuing the series?


Finally realized why I wasn't into Monogatari series at first (protip - don't try to watch this stuff at 2 AM!), but currently watching Nekomonogatari and really enjoying it.
I have a feeling like I've seen it already. Is it just an extended version of events from Bakemono?

I'm pretty sure Nekomonogatari (at least the first part) takes place before Bakemonogatari, and it expands on events that were only alluded to in the latter. It might feel similar to Hanekawa's arc in Bakemono, since similar things happen in it.


Haha. Talking about realitistic scenarios in anime.

Internal consistency and believability can still hold sway no matter how outlandish the setting ot concepts underpinning any work.

love live s2 6

One thing I noticed while watching this episode is that love live is actually pretty well animated. Little things like the way the girls are almost always moving around slightly, even when they're not the focus of the scene, or they'll often react with body language even before they begin to speak. There's a scene where nico is lecturing them at the club table or something and it just struck me how fluidly she's animated there. Even crowd scenes seem somehow more interesting because a few members of the crowd here and there are walking or moving out doing something.

It certainly makes the 3d dance numbers even more jarring. I know time is probably a priority but compare any of the mechanical same numbers to the hand animated ed. Even with the much more limited choreography the ed simply looks better than the uncanny valley mess that is every musical number.
Touch 1-8
I've been in a bit of an anime rut lately, so naturally the thing to do is tackle a 100+ episode series. But I think I've made a good choice with this one. Having already watched Cross Game, much of this is very familiar. The characterization so far has been excellent making what is a really simple premise a really engaging watch. The art and it's really expressive faces help there too. There's barely been any sports in it, but I imagine that will change.

And maybe it's my Cross Game born paranoia, but Kazuya has a huge death flag sitting on his head.


Internal consistency and believability can still hold sway no matter how outlandish the setting ot concepts underpinning any work.

The reality is that 99% of anime that comes out is hot garbage, purely designed to sell discs, manga, light novels and/or merchandise. It doesn't matter what genre or demographics it targets; they all lavish in unrealistic scenarios. The difference is whether it's entertaining garbage or just garbage and that's up to the viewer to decide.


Neon Genesis Evangelion: End of Evangelion

Upon further reflection, I loved this show. This movie cemented it.
Ahh.. blu-ray remaster when T___T
I hate that it's taking so long.
Yep. And the most baffling thing is that they already had proper digital transfer material at HD24P for it since the 'Telecine'/scanning process of the prints done for the RENEWAL OF EVANGELION project a decade ago!

I just hope that this isn't one of those key products where there is a conflict of patronage between GAiNAX and Studio Khara (χαρα) for the copyright management, since the incident that made Mr. & Ms. Kamimura both left GAiNAX to form Studio Khara's affiliated GroundWorks company (http://gworks.biz/):

神村靖宏・典子夫妻がガイナックスを退社? - 「株式会社グラウンドワークス」は『ヱヴァ』版権管理の新会社か: 序破Q


I wouldn't be surprised if it was just incompetence/laziness on Gainax's part. Didn't they actually lose the masters for one episode of NGE? I heard something like that somewhere, but I'm not sure if it's true.


Dominion: Tank Police 04 -END-
So let's see, I still have no idea what the hell the final episode actually meant.
There is a sequel series but I kinda doubt it continues where they left it off.
Buakyu's past is further explored here and a lot of confusing things are revealed about the nature of the world but nothing really about the underlying conspiracy hinted though some dots can be connected.
The ending itself is sort of a throwback to the way this OVA used to work before this mess.
I didn't really feel satisfied by this but I may yet check its sequel to see if my thoughts changed.
I give this 2 SUPER VEHICLE-001/Bonaparte.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was just incompetence/laziness on Gainax's part. Didn't they actually lose the masters for one episode of NGE? I heard something like that somewhere, but I'm not sure if it's true.

They need some sort of trump card to hold onto. It's the FF7 remake of anime.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was just incompetence/laziness on Gainax's part. Didn't they actually lose the masters for one episode of NGE? I heard something like that somewhere, but I'm not sure if it's true.
That was a problem solved during the RENEWAL OF EVANGELION project I mentioned:

Renewal of the Footage - Platinum Booklets - Eva Monkey said:
Now, concerning some of the scenes in Episode Sixteen and the previews, the original 16mm negatives had become lost from the development laboratory in the past. Thus, the telecine process was done from a 35mm internegatlve, but through last spurt color work through color correction and digital remastering, the footage has been reproduced to approximate the original.


They need some sort of trump card to hold onto. It's the FF7 remake of anime.

True! I think this would probably be easier to do, though. Maybe they'll get around to it after the next season of C3-bu bombs.

That was a problem solved during the RENEWAL OF EVANGELION project I mentioned:

Renewal of the Footage - Platinum Booklets - Eva Monkey, an Evangelion Fan Website

Ah, I see! It's good that they managed to fix it as best as they could. My friend kept telling me that they just used a broadcast tape for that episode or something. Now they just need to get off their asses and get those Blu-Rays done!


Sword Art Online - 1

But wait, couldn't an EMP just be used or something?

Presumably the helmets are either insulated well enough against such measures or contain some kind of failsafe which would just fry their brains if anyone tried. Kayaba is supposed to be some kind of outrageous genius, so I figure we're meant to assume he's several steps ahead of everyone else.

Finally realized why I wasn't into Monogatari series at first (protip - don't try to watch this stuff at 2 AM!), but currently watching Nekomonogatari and really enjoying it.
I have a feeling like I've seen it already. Is it just an extended version of events from Bakemono?

Tsubasa's arc in Bake did include a flashback which covers some of the same events as Neko Black, so it's no coincidence if things feel familiar. Neko goes into much more detail, of course.


Finally realized why I wasn't into Monogatari series at first (protip - don't try to watch this stuff at 2 AM!), but currently watching Nekomonogatari and really enjoying it.
I have a feeling like I've seen it already. Is it just an extended version of events from Bakemono?

Tsubasa's arc in Bake did include a flashback which covers some of the same events as Neko Black, so it's no coincidence if things feel familiar. Neko goes into much more detail, of course.

Bakemonogatari was hard for me to get into. The way they just plop you into this world where people already know each other and just start doing things with little context. Add in the jarring text and pacing and I was just completely removed from everything that was going on. I warmed up to it by the end, but I wasn't sure if it was for me.

Nisemonogatari was a lot more enjoyable because I knew most of the characters much better and they had an established history I somewhat knew about. Neko was enjoyable in the same way, and I fell in love with the Monogatari series a lot ever since. Still need to finish Monogatari Second Season.

I couldn't handle the Shaft delays and just read Kizumonogatari and it basically handles most of my complaints/confusions about Bake. Went back to re-watch Bakemonogatari afterwards and enjoyed it as much as the other seasons. Da fuck, SHAFT?!


The reality is that 99% of anime that comes out is hot garbage, purely designed to sell discs, manga, light novels and/or merchandise. It doesn't matter what genre or demographics it targets; they all lavish in unrealistic scenarios. The difference is whether it's entertaining garbage or just garbage and that's up to the viewer to decide.

Short sighted. Whether something is made to sell or made for art has no bearing on whether it triggers believability issues in a viewer or not; that's entirely a question of expectations, execution and communication. Even amongst garbage there are tiers of being able to be absorbed into a work. Certainly something done for the art is more likely to care about it, but it's not the be all and end all
I'm pretty sure Nekomonogatari (at least the first part) takes place before Bakemonogatari
Tsubasa's arc in Bake did include a flashback which covers some of the same events as Neko Black, so it's no coincidence if things feel familiar. Neko goes into much more detail, of course.
Oh, I see, so it's kind of a prequel. I definitely remember that stuff about her parents and stress.


Short sighted. Whether something is made to sell or made for art has no bearing on whether it triggers believability issues in a viewer or not; that's entirely a question of expectations, execution and communication. Even amongst garbage there are tiers of being able to be absorbed into a work. Certainly something done for the art is more likely to care about it, but it's not the be all and end all

It's not the first time someone commented on believability issues. It's not trying to tie in the real world with the virual world, as the writer is trying to create isolation and desperation amongst the protagonists. It doesn't exactly mean there are no police investigations ongoing; it's not focusing on it and so there is no need to expand on that particular scenario.

Oh god, I'm actually discussing the ramifications of writing in anime without an ounce of sarcasm. I've become one of them.


Love Live S2 - 03

Yo, A-RISE not using CG for their perfs, clearly the superior idol group.. maybe the agenda behind this show is showing when 3D beating 2D >_>
Ah, I see! It's good that they managed to fix it as best as they could. My friend kept telling me that they just used a broadcast tape for that episode or something. Now they just need to get off their asses and get those Blu-Rays done!

I assume this probably won't happen until Evangelion: 4.0 is released...

I couldn't handle the Shaft delays and just read Kizumonogatari and it basically handles most of my complaints/confusions about Bake. Went back to re-watch Bakemonogatari afterwards and enjoyed it as much as the other seasons. Da fuck, SHAFT?!

...just like Kizumonogatari probably won't be available until the final six LNs are adapted for anime.
Chaika - The Coffin Princess? Decided to hop into it and see what's it all about.

Chaika - 01

The 'prologue' was a bit iffy and hard to follow, but whatevs; to the actual episode! And immediately we are met with our two protagonists and then KILLER UNICORN!


A bit unorthodox but I'll take it! The following battle was also enjoyable which revealed Chaika to be a 'wizard' and the other dude to be... 'hair hulk'? From here on out the rest of the episode was enjoyable, however, the show has yet to reveal what a 'wizard' is to be exact or what the sibling 'hair hulks' are for that matter, in addition to how a seemingly medieval setting has access to magic sniper rifles, huh.
I couldn't handle the Shaft delays and just read Kizumonogatari and it basically handles most of my complaints/confusions about Bake. Went back to re-watch Bakemonogatari afterwards and enjoyed it as much as the other seasons. Da fuck, SHAFT?!

Kizu was written after Bakemonogatari.

And I don't know what could confuse you in Bakemonogatari.


Chaika - The Coffin Princess? Decided to hop into it and see what's it all about.

Chaika - 01

The 'prologue' was a bit iffy and hard to follow, but whatevs; to the actual episode! And immediately we are met with our two protagonists and then KILLER UNICORN!


Totally forgot there was a scene in the first ep where a evil horse gets a bi-section and its internal organs are splattered all over a riverbank. Where did that violence disappear to in the rest of the series?


Why the hell that show called Black Bullet? I can only see loli everytime its mentioned.

In theory the show is about a hopeless war against alien disease monster parasite things that can only be destroyed with bullets made from a specific black substance.

In reality the show is about superpowered lolis.


Black Bullet Episode 9

Plot episode and Lolis

Is the ending credits a slightly older Enju? Ive been wondering this for a while.
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