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Spring 2014 Anime |OT2| about as likely as a second season of Hyouka

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In theory the show is about a hopeless war against alien disease monster parasite things that can only be destroyed with bullets made from a specific black substance.

In reality the show is about superpowered lolis.

Don't forget the MC with the plot armor of.... SURGERY!

No but seriously, the show essentially lied...


Black Bullet 09

Midori's pretty cute. Not bad, for a bit of a calm before the storm episode. The battle of the monolith is probably going to take up the last three or so episodes (maybe a standalone for the finale, that tends to happen), so that cheer at the end was a nice place to end things. I know it was a base camp for an ongoing bug war, but it almost felt like a festival with all those stalls lined up.


Black Bullet 09

Midori's pretty cute. Not bad, for a bit of a calm before the storm episode. The battle of the monolith is probably going to take up the last three or so episodes (maybe a standalone for the finale, that tends to happen), so that cheer at the end was a nice place to end things. I know it was a base camp for an ongoing bug war, but it almost felt like a festival with all those stalls lined up.

Any idea how far along the manga we are?


Love Live Season 2: 09

I like the episode, I just don't like forced drama. I don't really want to continue watching, to be honest, but I will. I've made it this far.

I just kind of wish the show had finished at 1 season, to be honest.


Totally forgot there was a scene in the first ep where a evil horse gets a bi-section and its internal organs are splattered all over a riverbank. Where did that violence disappear to in the rest of the series?

To be fair, do you honestly think they'd get away with Bisecting anything that is even remotely human?

Same country that spazzes out about not Kenshiro drinking not hiniken and smoking in JoJo's.


Nyarko W OVA

A hot springs episode, though the lewdest part was the eyecatch. The Kamen Rider references were small in number, mostly visible with the episode's title styling and one last Fourze reference. (We need a third season just so Nyarko can shower the world with Gaim references. Gaim is so good.) The same hijinks I've come to expect from this franchise, with all the yuri and whatnot. Luhy and Mahiro's mom doing the Precure reference deluge was also pretty fun.


To be fair, do you honestly think they'd get away with Bisecting anything that is even remotely human?

Same country that spazzes out about not Kenshiro drinking not hiniken and smoking in JoJo's.

That graphic unicorn death kinda gave me the expectation of a few gory explosions every now and then, human or not :U
I still maintain this is what Gosick should have been.


Okay what anime is this lol

and why is everyone talking about Dinosaurs at the beginning of this thread?

I need to get back to watching some of these shitty shows.....I'm looking at you Mekacity and Black bullet ( unless the loli harem was a joke)


Dominion: Tank Police 04 -END-

So let's see, I still have no idea what the hell the final episode actually meant.
There is a sequel series but I kinda doubt it continues where they left it off.
Buakyu's past is further explored here and a lot of confusing things are revealed about the nature of the world but nothing really about the underlying conspiracy hinted though some dots can be connected.
The ending itself is sort of a throwback to the way this OVA used to work before this mess.
I didn't really feel satisfied by this but I may yet check its sequel to see if my thoughts changed.
I give this 2 SUPER VEHICLE-001/Bonaparte.

Final ep leads into the manga iirc. Story there is about Buaka stealing Greenpeace.
All the Love Live! S2 talk on its Episode 9 made me decide to cut my break short and just go for it... mistakes were made.

Love Live! S2 - 01


Pretty much my overall reaction. Honoka suddenly becoming the new student president is stupid in itself and that sudden intro musical was jarring as hell. As for the drama, well it looks like the show doesn't want to let go of its contrived crap from season 1 with Honoka being all reluctant of attending the new Love Live! which I bet is stemming from her issues last season. And Nico of course is cringe-status.

Edit: I should probably mention that this will probably become my new hatewatch anime to replace Mahouka, if the nature of this episode signifies the nature of the succeeding episodes/show overall.


Reminder that best girls don't play the harem game.

I'm not following this series adaptation therefore I don't know how they are pacing it, so I wanted to know... do you think her little own story arc later on (you know, the one where she
visits her grandfather's mansion... and all of what happens after that
) would most probably be on a second season or later?


Then Start of season 5 is rough but the first serious arc ( the 4 devas arc ) is freaking awesome. and then there is the "good by elisabeth arc " that is pretty good too.

I think gintama is excellent on those points.

True , except that they took the most boring part of the universe to make this anime. Having played the mmo, i couldn't understand Why they choose this route and made things boring..the "not-so-blind" mage was alright but i don't think i enjoyed the rest of the characters and they missed or didn't showcase the bosses well either.

I couldn't help but be disapointed.

Yeah it wasnt too special. some cuties in it and great music but I liked another MMO based show better. If I could only remember what it was.

All right. It's time.


Show's booted up on Netflix and ready to go.


Oh no...

Sword Art Online - 1

Well I told myself I'd never do it in the past, but here I am now!

All right, so we begin our story with the main character Kirito putting on a totally legit-looking virtual reality helmet. Aaannnd we all know how this goes. The creator of the game goes all backstabber and says that everybody is now his little bitch in this world and if they wanna get out, they have to beat the game. If the helmets are removed, the kid's brain will get fried and they can't disconnect the thing cause the helmets' got an internal battery.

But wait, couldn't an EMP just be used or something? I'm not the smartest guy in the world when it comes to this and I know this isn't Call of Duty (actually now that I think about it, imagine this scenario with that game, lolololol) and EMPs can't exactly be used so many times on the fly. But the fact that this guy has trapped thousands of innocent people in a game without anybody figuring it out in real life beforehand kinda tugs a few strings on reality. Oh, but listen to me prattle on about "reality" when this is one of the worst shows of all time.

But even while saying that, I guess as first episodes go this wasn't exactly terrible, but then again, the ride's only started.

Uhm...check reality out at the door.
Just assume the device is super ultra foolproof and it can fry a brain instantly or some ridiculous shit. That said, the first part isnt what people really complain about except that it has a bad habit of introducing some fun likeable characters and then making them irrelevant within an episode to focus on more mundane ones and very forced romance.

Reminder that best girls don't play the harem game.

Who is that? I dont recognize her.

Chaika - The Coffin Princess? Decided to hop into it and see what's it all about.

Chaika - 01

The 'prologue' was a bit iffy and hard to follow, but whatevs; to the actual episode! And immediately we are met with our two protagonists and then KILLER UNICORN!


A bit unorthodox but I'll take it! The following battle was also enjoyable which revealed Chaika to be a 'wizard' and the other dude to be... 'hair hulk'? From here on out the rest of the episode was enjoyable, however, the show has yet to reveal what a 'wizard' is to be exact or what the sibling 'hair hulks' are for that matter, in addition to how a seemingly medieval setting has access to magic sniper rifles, huh.

Chaika's pretty good thus far. Its kind of silly, but reminds me a lot of Scrapped Princess and earlier Bones works and thats a good thing.

lolis in witch hats
covering cat ears

You got my attention

Thank you for making this for me by the way :)


In theory the show is about a hopeless war against alien disease monster parasite things that can only be destroyed with bullets made from a specific black substance.

In reality the show is about superpowered lolis.

Im totally ok with this!

Okay what anime is this lol

and why is everyone talking about Dinosaurs at the beginning of this thread?

I need to get back to watching some of these shitty shows.....I'm looking at you Mekacity and Black bullet ( unless the loli harem was a joke)

Its MadP's fault.


Love Live! S2 - 01

Honoka suddenly becoming the new student president is stupid in itself and that sudden intro musical was jarring as hell. As for the drama, well it looks like the show doesn't want to let go of its contrived crap from season 1 with Honoka being all reluctant of attending the new Love Live! which I bet is stemming from her issues last season. And Nico of course is cringe-status.

So what I'm hearing here is...you hate fun and happiness?

Im totally ok with this!

As am I, of course =p
I'm not following this series adaptation therefore I don't know how they are pacing it, so I wanted to know... do you think her little own story arc later on (you know, the one where she
visits her grandfather's mansion... and all of what happens after that
) would most probably be on a second season or later?

Well, looking at the pacing of the anime it would take like 30 episodes until we reach her arc.
Hunter x Hunter 132

Two players out, six still in. But overall a slow episode, more about the tension itself of where everyone will move or what will they say in each moment, will the King discover the mystery, etc.
So what I'm hearing here is...you hate fun and happiness?

I recall you asking me that before sometime ago. No I don't hate fun/happiness, I do dislike contrived drama and repeated cheese, the former being Honoka and the latter being Nico. I'll grant that Nico is the least offender of the two and her act was enjoyable the first few times, but like a joke, repeating it over and over again makes it stale really quick and Nico personifies this so far. But hey if contrived drama and a shoe-horned personality is what you call fun and happiness, I'm not here to stop you (just know that is not my definition of it).

Edit: Ahhh found it! It was my reaction to the first episode of Clannad! Well granted it wasn't Clannad I was watching as I confused the show for another show... derp.

Love Live! S2 - 02

Better episode than the previous. Maki still
believing in Santa
is cute and Umi's group mountain climbing was best scene. It looks like the studio behind the show realized its CG choreography isn't something people look forward to as it has only been prevalent in the OP so far. Speaking of the OP the first season's OP was better.


Love Live! S2 - 02

Better episode than the previous. Maki still
believing in Santa
is cute and Umi's group mountain climbing was best scene. It looks like the studio behind the show realized its CG choreography isn't something people look forward to as it has only been prevalent in the OP so far. Speaking of the OP the first season's OP was better.
To be honest, I couldn't believe Maki still
believed in Santa
. My reaction was the same as Nico.


Soul Eater Not! 09

A series of short vignettes. There's plenty of anime that style themselves entirely on this, and I can appreciate an episode like this. Meme's been the center of a lot of this show, it feels like, and my favorite of the sketches was her own version of The Hangover. Night battle and baseball were both amusing in their own ways (and the night battle was fairly lewd), the letters home segment was alright, and the foreshadowing for the final arc is slowly building up - and looks to kick into high gear next time.


No I don't hate fun/happiness, I do dislike contrived drama and repeated cheese, the former being Honoka and the latter being Nico. I'll grant that Nico is the least offender of the two and her act was enjoyable the first few times, but like a joke, repeating it over and over again makes it stale really quick and Nico personifies this so far. But hey if contrived drama and a shoe-horned personality is what you call fun and happiness, I'm not here to stop you (just know that is not my definition of it).

But...you expressed negative emotions towards the musical intro. I don't know how else to describe that.

(and of course hating on Nico is awful)

Black Bullet 9

No matter how much he denies it's his intention, Rentarou really has assembled quite the impressive little loli harem there, hasn't he. Every last one of them cute enough that they'd easily be best girl in almost any other show. I have to commend this show on its character designs, top-notch stuff.

I thought Enju was particularly adorable in this episode, that whole scene where she was dragging Rentarou around the "festival" was hnnnnngh as fuck.
But...you expressed negative emotions towards the musical intro. I don't know how else to describe that.

(and of course hating on Nico is awful)

Maybe it's due to that I dislike Honoka's character and her voice isn't all outstanding either. And the lyrics of that little musical don't make sense either, like who the hell recommended her to be the student body president, and more importantly, why? After the shit she pulled in the end of season 1 the last thing to do is put her in a manager position, especially one so high. And also, Disney-themed musicals isn't what I expected out of an idol show, sure as hell wasn't prevalent in season 1 either.

As for Nico, I've already stated in the post you quoted why I dislike her at times.
Apparently Amazon, even though I paid for same day delivery with amazon prime, has decided that the attack on titan shipments won't be delivered for another week. Awesome. I mean I'm not gonna watch it, but what the hell


Not sure if want but probably

Those shorts are cutting off the circulation to her legs, man!

Getter Robo G 30

Do you want to [blow up] a snow [demon]?

What a stupid question. When doesn't the Getter Team want to blow shit up?
Whenever the giant robots are being piloted by people they care about and don't want to kill. They will still blow them up, though, because that's war for you.

Apparently Amazon, even though I paid for same day delivery with amazon prime, has decided that the attack on titan shipments won't be delivered for another week. Awesome. I mean I'm not gonna watch it, but what the hell

Well in Attack on Titan terms "Same day" really does last about a week, so it's just staying faithful to the material!


Apparently Amazon, even though I paid for same day delivery with amazon prime, has decided that the attack on titan shipments won't be delivered for another week. Awesome. I mean I'm not gonna watch it, but what the hell

Maybe Funimation didn't print enough?

All this Hunter X Hunter talk makes me excited to finally start watching it. I only have a few episodes of Nana left, and then I'll finish up Gundam Unicorn. So, hopefully I'll have started it by next week.
Well in Attack on Titan terms "Same day" really does last about a week, so it's just staying faithful to the material!


Maybe Funimation didn't print enough?

All this Hunter X Hunter talk makes me excited to finally start watching it. I only have a few episodes of Nana left, and then I'll finish up Gundam Unicorn. So, hopefully I'll have started it by next week.

If so that's both believable and stupid of them. It was up for pre-order in amazon for ages, they could've estimated how many they needed based off that. Also it's ridiculously popular so makes sense if it's like sold out.


Those shorts are cutting off the circulation to her legs, man!

Getter Robo G 30

Do you want to [blow up] a snow [demon]?

What a stupid question. When doesn't the Getter Team want to blow shit up?
Whenever the giant robots are being piloted by people they care about and don't want to kill. They will still blow them up, though, because that's war for you.

Well in Attack on Titan terms "Same day" really does last about a week, so it's just staying faithful to the material!

But her shorts are one of the best things about her! Im sure some would agree.


Demonbane 04-06

Lifestyles of the rich and famous, Cthulu at the hot springs/beach and mysterious red-haired girls. Somehow every show I watched today, managed to have some of those elements. The two guns are okay for a powerup, but I prefer the kicking finisher or Lemuria Impact as far as robot moves go. The Anticross is covering something I was wondering about. Black Lodge was being presented as a threat, but when their only representatives are the guy who sits on his throne and Dr. West, I was wondering how they got anything done. The somewhat less exciting middle management answers that question.

The Cthulu/Dagon cultists were definitely my favorite episode. The scene with the fog where Kuro started acting on his libido was a little creepy, but Al had the right idea by kicking him in the junk. That'd disable anybody. Mecha designs are still aright. Over halfway in, and I'm enjoying this quite a bit.
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