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Spring 2014 Anime |OT2| about as likely as a second season of Hyouka

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Tragic victim of fan death
Recommend me an actiony show that I might enjoy from last season or the current season guys? I haven't been keeping up cuz of my job so I rarely know what's going on in the anime world of what's good or bad.


Recommend me an actiony show that I might enjoy from last season or the current season guys? I haven't been keeping up cuz of my job so I rarely know what's going on in the anime world of what's good or bad.

JoJo? I think you hated part one but liked part two, right?
Recommend me an actiony show that I might enjoy from last season or the current season guys? I haven't been keeping up cuz of my job so I rarely know what's going on in the anime world of what's good or bad.

There haven't been many decent action shows. If you have the time to invest in it, watch Hunter x Hunter 2011 which technically it still is running this season but it has 100+ episodes and is almost done.

There were some mecha shows as well, but unless you like cheesy it might not work for you. So Hunter x Hunter 2011 or JoJo.

Though personally the latest season of JoJo bored me to tears.


Tragic victim of fan death
There haven't been many decent action shows. If you have the time to invest in it, watch Hunter x Hunter 2011 which technically it still is running this season but it has 100+ episodes and is almost done.

There were some mecha shows as well, but unless you like cheesy it might not work for you. So Hunter x Hunter 2011 or JoJo.

Though personally the latest season of JoJo bored me to tears.

I'm fine with cheesy.
Hey there. What did you think of Clannad?

This was my next question.

Hooo boy, Clannad.

I watched it on the recommendation that it was one of the most gut wrenching anime shows out there, so I was at least a little prepared for some of the happenings throughout the show, or at least thought I was.

The first season was pretty entertaining. I'm not usually a fan of harem-type shows, but there was enough depth to most of the characters that I didn't find it much of an issue. It was a pretty good anime about a high school setting, and I got pretty familiar with the characters and found most likable and their relationships and friendships relatable, on top of the Tomoya/Nagisa development, which was well done.

After Story, though...

Clannad (S1) was a pretty solid show, but honestly once I started watching After Story, the first season's importance seemed to shift from just being a relatively entertaining high school anime to acting as a sort of origin story for a story I thought was far more unique, engaging, and interesting. Clannad set the stage by giving me time to grow attached to the characters, and showing how the Tomoya/Nagisa relationship grew. After getting further into After Story, I realized that the first season acted as sort of that potent high school nostalgia a lot of us have, and being able to see the development and growth made After Story a more interesting story, because viewers could actually get a lot of what was being looked back on.

But onto the main content of After Story (at least after the couple of episodes that dealt with the last bit of high school). There's obviously a lot of anime about high school, so much it's almost become a distinct cliche. We rarely see what comes after. We rarely see coming out of school and trying to make ends meet while figuring out what the hell you're gonna do with your life. Clannad After Story focused in on that, and it did a damn fine job, I think in great part because it had spent so long showing why anybody should care about Tomoya, Nagisa, or Fujiwaras in the original Clannad season. It felt real, it felt very possible, and it felt human.

Which makes me hate and respect what the show did then. It could have gone the classic slice-of-life route, and wrapped up everything nicely and left it little bit open. Instead, it didn't just show how life can be a little tough being on your own after high school trying to take care of someone; it showed how it can be downright brutal, how it can gutpunch you repeatedly, wait till you're ready to get up, and then bodyslam you. I found the best part of that whole series was around the 15th episode of After Story onward. There's hope, there's despair, and all of it feels real, everything feels like it could be happening in the town I live in.

For example:
Tomoya giving up so much to try and make a solid wage for Nagisa, both of them going through with the pregnancy even given so many risks, and finally Tomoya slowly but surely finding purpose again in Ushio.

And then right along with the happy they bring those two moments. Those two freakin' moments, where the show just refuses to show kindness of any kind. My roommate watched the final few episodes with me, as he had seen it before, and said afterward that my facial expression at those times was... less than composed. I have to default to his opinion because I'd have no idea what I would have looked like with what was happening in those moments.

And yeah, they end up negating those two deaths at the end, but they definitely weren't afraid to take you on a damn rocky journey on the way there.

So... Clannad. I don't really like most high school slice of life, or really most anime that stays well in the confines of reality, but Clannad (mostly After Story) was so adept at painting a unique story and so unafraid to give it some utterly crushing points that it easily dismissed any of my usual misgiving about the genre. I think After Story is the big success, but it works I think in part due to what the original Clannad story tells you, and it's a wild and hella emotional ride.

I mean... just... c'mon.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvzCmV3_12c

T'was a fun show. It threw you in head-first into the nonsensical school world, but by the end I was pretty engrossed in the world and what was going on.

last-second ending twist
was jarring to say the least, but I still liked it.

You mean
the twist with Tachibana having had Otonashi's heart
? Yeah I found it to be an odd addition at the end there, but I don't really think it took away or added anything substantial to the story so I was fine with it in the end.


Recommend me an actiony show that I might enjoy from last season or the current season guys? I haven't been keeping up cuz of my job so I rarely know what's going on in the anime world of what's good or bad.

I'll nominate Black Bullet as the actiony show of the current season, along with Hitsugi no Chaika.

From last season-ish, Kill la Kill, Sekai Seifuku, and Magi (season 2).
I'm fine with cheesy.

Then definitely Chaika and Black Bullet.

Black Bullet has an unhealthy obsession with lolis, but the writing is hilarious in how grimdark it tries to get, when really it's just a harem show. But the action is great though.

Chaika is one of my favorite shows this season and action. Though the main female lead talks in broken sentences and I dislike her, but the "sister" is badass and hilarious in her deadpan delivery. Definitely recommended.

Also not technically 'action' but Space Dandy is worth a watch if you haven't seen yet. First half is hit and miss, but second half had a steady stream of decent to great episodes. More is to come as well.


Demonbane 10-12 + Final Thoughts


The setting really reminds me of the kinds of works light would go on to produce later. Or perhaps before. Works like Paradise Lost or Vermilion -Bind of Blood-. The finale reminded me a lot of those. The hero and his archnemesis battling it out on a vaguely supernatural plane, talking philosophy and unleashing flowery attacks. It's one thing I think visual novels are really good at, and often what I look for, but I find anime has trouble capturing at times. Some things are best suited for certain mediums.

The finale had one too many twists
with Wakamoto being defeated, then Nero rising up, then Yog-Sothoh showing up, and then Nya being really behind everything. Dies irae went through some very similar beats, but that also had a longer than 22-minute space to express them in.
That said, I was satisfied. The power of love saves the day, and I understand that the anime has an unambiguously happy ending that the Al route lacks. I don't feel it hurts the integrity of things too much.

The show's atmosphere and visual design belied its true nature. Though the Cthulu mythos, with all their monstrous evil, were present in the show from day one, it always felt like a self-aware chuuni-style work rather than something I could call totally serious. And I like that! Doctor West was a blast to watch, it had a bit of lewdness, and even though the CGI for the mecha weren't the best, the fights always had something going on. By picking one route and sticking with it, it was able to narrow in on what was important. The VN probably goes more in depth on other matters, but the TV version is satisfactory.

I'd never call it one of my favorite anime, but it was fun. Lots of fun. I can appreciate having more mecha options out there that aren't military-focused. Which reminds me that I need to start watching Captain Earth at some point. Al and Reinforce have something in common. At the end of their series, they're the happiest book in the world.


For the next backlog show, To Heart 2 and its various OVAs. A VN show and it features the #4 favorite redheaded heroine. Sounds like a good time.


I don't know if I can keep up with this... starting to hit my limit.
Naruto Shippuden 364

11/10 episode.

Might as well stop the anime now since it won't get any better than this.

Death scenes were handled extremely well. Only wish Kishi had actually developed the characters for me to actually care.
Isn't that pretty much the source of all the problems with Naruto?
BEST OP (music+animation) this season:

1. Selector Infected WIXOSS
2. The Kawai Complex Guide to Hostels and Manors
3. can't think of anymore more...maybe No Game No Life or Magic High?


Forgot Brynhildr!!!

1. Selector Infected WIXOSS
2. Brynhildr in the Darkness
3. The Kawai Complex Guide to Hostels and Manors.
If I have to consider the song and all the animation as a whole, then NGNL, Jojo, and Mekaku would probably be my picks. Though I still won't profess to have seen everything.

Oh, and Mushishi.
*upside-down AB picture*
Well, that's a refreshing variation.


Gochiusa ep.9

I wonder if they're actually going to address this whole Grandpa and Tippy thing or if it'll just be some random supernatural background element.

Nanana ep.9

Someone mentioned earlier that they were kind of approaching character overload in terms of names with this show, and I sort of agree. With just two episodes left I suppose we're closing in on the final climax though.

Ping Pong ep.9

My character ranking based on how interested I was/am in their stories: Peco = China > Akuma > Smile > Dragon (still not quite sure exactly what was going on with his family)
Gochiusa ep.9

I wonder if they're actually going to address this whole Grandpa and Tippy thing or if it'll just be some random supernatural background element.
I'd like to think Grandpa turned into a Tippy rabbit or just got absorbed into her mofumofu instead of a body switch situation. Who knows what a Tippy would do with a human body?
I will watch Black Bullet against my better judgment.

If within 3 episodes you aren't enjoying how hard they're trying, then quit it after you hit it.

Basically Black Bullet is this puppy. Only you shouldn't abuse animals, that's messed up. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU.

My character ranking based on how interested I was/am in their stories: Peco = China > Akuma > Smile > Dragon (still not quite sure exactly what was going on with his family)

From what I can tell, Dragon's father crashed his business into the ground. Dragon went to live with his Uncle (who is the current Kaio coach) and cousin (who wants his D). Dragon and his immediate family were basically treated poorly by the rest of the family because of his father's failure. Dragon then showed great talent in Ping Pong. His grandfather (who seems to run the Ping Pong department at Kaio) basically uses him to sell merchandise and whatnot. Doesn't seem to be a very healthy relationship, and it is hinted that Dragon is very unhappy with his situation but feels helpless to change it.


Gochiusa ep.9

I wonder if they're actually going to address this whole Grandpa and Tippy thing or if it'll just be some random supernatural background element.

I honestly would prefer if it's not addressed any further than it already has. In this kind of story, I'm okay with "it just happened"! It keeps things simple. Explaining how exactly the magic "spell" worked would over-complicate things, I think.


And the world continues moving as it should.

For cajun has seen the light once more.

Im quite a ways behind yall. When Im off work I can catch up bit by bit but I dont just watch anime.
Anyway Crunchyroll on PS4 is giving me shit fits so Im on PC now. I must see the rest of episode 6. Jibril is just so awesome.
So it seems VIZ is doing another butchering of name order in the subtitles with Sailor Moon as they did with Honey & Clover. Watching episode six now and noticed when the line "Oh, Amane-san!" is spoken the subtitles read "Oh, Yusuke!". Is it really that hard to input the correct name when spoken for the subtitles?


I'd like to think Grandpa turned into a Tippy rabbit or just got absorbed into her mofumofu instead of a body switch situation. Who knows what a Tippy would do with a human body?

I honestly would prefer if it's not addressed any further than it already has. In this kind of story, I'm okay with "it just happened"! It keeps things simple. Explaining how exactly the magic "spell" worked would over-complicate things, I think.
I suppose... it just feels weird to have a single fantasy element in what's otherwise a normal cute-girls-doing-cute-things slice-of-life show.
From what I can tell, Dragon's father crashed his business into the ground. Dragon went to live with his Uncle (who is the current Kaio coach) and cousin (who wants his D). Dragon and his immediate family were basically treated poorly by the rest of the family because of his father's failure. Dragon then showed great talent in Ping Pong. His grandfather (who seems to run the Ping Pong department at Kaio) basically uses him to sell merchandise and whatnot. Doesn't seem to be a very healthy relationship, and it is hinted that Dragon is very unhappy with his situation but feels helpless to change it.
Ah, that does clear some of it up, thanks. And I think his mother died of an illness too or something? If I'm remembering that flashback correctly, at least.


So it seems VIZ is doing another butchering of name order in the subtitles with Sailor Moon as they did with Honey & Clover. Watching episode six now and noticed when the line "Oh, Amane-san!" is spoken the subtitles read "Oh, Yusuke!". Is it really that hard to input the correct name when spoken for the subtitles?

Its Viz. Dont expect much.
Ah, that does clear some of it up, thanks. And I think his mother died of an illness too or something? If I'm remembering that flashback correctly, at least.

Not sure. But probably. She doesn't seem to be around.
I believe his father also committed suicide. Or that is what I got from the mountain scene.

Speaking of, do we know what happened to Tsukimoto's parents? Peco mentions him having a father, and he was already made fun of for being emotionless back then. So my original hypothesis that he became emotionless after his parents died is incorrect. But they haven't been shown, and they weren't there during the Christmas episode and we were instead treated to a scene with Tsukimoto "celebrating" Christmas alone in a dark house. Are they dead? Abroad? Alive?


Setec Astronomer
So it seems VIZ is doing another butchering of name order in the subtitles with Sailor Moon as they did with Honey & Clover. Watching episode six now and noticed when the line "Oh, Amane-san!" is spoken the subtitles read "Oh, Yusuke!". Is it really that hard to input the correct name when spoken for the subtitles?
Localization, probably. There are situations where "Mr. Amane" doesn't work in English.


Not sure. But probably. She doesn't seem to be around.
I believe his father also committed suicide. Or that is what I got from the mountain scene.

Speaking of, do we know what happened to Tsukimoto's parents? Peco mentions him having a father, and he was already made fun of for being emotionless back then. So my original hypothesis that he became emotionless after his parents died is incorrect. But they haven't been shown, and they weren't there during the Christmas episode and we were instead treated to a scene with Tsukimoto "celebrating" Christmas alone in a dark house. Are they dead? Abroad? Alive?
His parents divorced when he was little and his mom works till the morning so she probably doesn't have a lot of time for him.
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