Yeah for the simple fact that it explain much better some stuff and the circustances behind them ( something the anime barely do ) witch help a lot of scenes. There is in particular a much better focus on why the characters behave the way they do through world building , again something the anime doesn't even try to do.Are the light novels much better?
Exactly while not a masterpiece , the Ln are much better constructed than anyone would think after seeing the anime.I find it better, personally. The pacing within each story/chapter is done better. A lot more description on how the world works which might be a turn off to some. The problem is that the drama and deus ex machina stuff still exists. I just found the novels much more fun to read while the anime didn't create scenes how I had imagined them to be.
I don't know about suggesting someone to read it though just to see if they'd like it more though. The LN isn't a masterpiece, but it was pretty enjoyable for me when I first read it.
Thanks. I dont think I'll read, since S2 is about to start, I'll just watch that, knowing full well it might be shit like S1. For completion's sake, I just watch them all, sometimes shows do turn out for the better later on.
S2 will have a different focus than the last part of S1
It's going to be silly , full of misunderstandings but i honnestly believe that it 'll be much better than the last part of "alfheim" that they butchered in the anime.