that lock of hair over her face too for maximum hnng. Its such a pretty figurine. wouldnt it liven up your room? What else would you do with that money that would bring so much happiness?!
Eat, drink and be merry?
that lock of hair over her face too for maximum hnng. Its such a pretty figurine. wouldnt it liven up your room? What else would you do with that money that would bring so much happiness?!
Eat, drink and be merry?
Ok, HxH question:
So how far is the Chimera Ant arc from finishing? Is the anime going to continue afterwards, or is this the end of the series? I just got to ep 101 last night, if it's ending soon I want to try to schedule myself so that I reach the end right when it closes so I don't have to wait for more episodes![]()
Ok, HxH question:
So how far is the Chimera Ant arc from finishing? Is the anime going to continue afterwards, or is this the end of the series? I just got to ep 101 last night, if it's ending soon I want to try to schedule myself so that I reach the end right when it closes so I don't have to wait for more episodes![]()
Its continuing, the character designs and voice actors for the arc starting in july have already been revealed.
Just a few more weeks until an eternal summer of free! I want towels of these
Nintendo better reveal a lot about the new Zelda game today.
Finished up Gundam Build Fighters, what a super fun show. Huge celebration of the franchise and I appreciated how tonally similar it was to G(tha best) at times. And their marketing gimmick worked, I have Gundam models sitting in my Amazon cart >_>
Aww, where is this from?
Aww, where is this from?
same time xD
Place to Place/Acchi Kocchi
Thank you!Acchi Kocchi
same time xD
Who's ready for YEARS of complaints that Link has anime eyes in Zelda WiiU??!!!?!
Thank you!
Urghh, what did I watch all this years, when I missed so much cute!?
That pan was such a dead giveaway for SHAFT I was downright shocked they didn't fit a headtilt somewhere in there.
Love Live! S2 10
I am disappointed that they didn't really show how A-Rise lost to Muse. They have the best songs and don't turn into cgi while dancing. So: how!
Eli and Nico surprisingly look very good in the shrine maiden uniforms. Hope we get some cards out of that. But, holy crap, Hanayos eating addiction gets worse every episode. She is worse than Yuko from Happiness Charge.
Thanking the class mates was a nice idea. And apparently Muse is a walking Genkidama.
Urgh, I gotta take more time for anime. With this speed I never finish Idolmaster.
Aww, where is this from?
Who's ready for YEARS of complaints that Link has anime eyes in Zelda WiiU??!!!?!
Surgeon General's Warning: Acchi Kocchi is pretty much the cutest anime ever. You may die.
I almost died after my promise to commit seppuku if Fractale would turn shit and after I couldnt stop slamming my head into spiked walls after I made the mistake of watching the first season Date A Live to the end. I know for a fact, that there are worse ways to die.So be it.
Acchi Kocchi is cuter than you can probably handle.
Why does Link look like he's drawn by a Japanese artist. Dammit Nintendo!Who's ready for YEARS of complaints that Link has anime eyes in Zelda WiiU??!!!?!
What they should do first though is remake the base gif so it doesn't have that little Mario icon in the corner.Someone take this gif
And shop Star Platinum and The World going ORAORAORAORA and parrying with MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA.
Not worth now we know why Hanamonogatari wasn't ready in time!
Kid Icarus SHAFT TV anime would be the tits. (figuratively, not literally. Well, it could be literally, this is SHAFT we're talking about after all.)