Japanese devs should just know better, Ken Levine baka baaaaaaaaaaaka.Future GAF thread: "Splatoon devs plead with fans: Please don't sexualize our characters" (1 2 3 4 5 ... Last)
Japanese devs should just know better, Ken Levine baka baaaaaaaaaaaka.Future GAF thread: "Splatoon devs plead with fans: Please don't sexualize our characters" (1 2 3 4 5 ... Last)
Ah, yeah, I wasn't around for a little over a month or so. On that note though...Happy Belated Birthday!
Pretty late this year,yeah. Hopefully you had a good day.
Female Link?
It's only been half a day and Splatoon is already a fanart magnet.
Within a couple months we're going to have disgruntled Ika Musume fanboys lamenting that they liked squid girls before they were popular.
I don't know, they'd have a difficult time treading on XEBEC's turf in this area.
That's funny because I thought C3bu was fairly watchable, while Upotte was pretty much garbage. I don't typically complain about fan service and lewdness in shows, but Upotte was a particularly bad offender.
Future GAF thread: "Splatoon devs plead with fans: Please don't sexualize our characters" (1 2 3 4 5 ... Last)
As far as I can tell? Complete and total insanity.Interesting speculation. I didnt even consider it while watching the footage. What makes people think that Link is a girl there though?
Interesting speculation. I didnt even consider it while watching the footage. What makes people think that Link is a girl there though?
Future GAF thread: "Splatoon devs plead with fans: Please don't sexualize our characters" (1 2 3 4 5 ... Last)
Clam down man, it's only another 20 episodes to go.Hunter x Hunter 133
I fucking stopped caring now. End this arc already. Let's move the fuck on. Ugh.
Clam down man, it's only another 20 episodes to go.
There are already several Rule 34 pics.
Link looks a bit more feminine in the trailer, Aonuma said that "nobody ever said anything about the person in the trailer being Link"
Probably just trolling.
the shaft head tilt death pandemic would kinda balance that out so dont worryJust think of the heights to which SHAFT would elevate the kiddie show art form of subtle weird fetish pandering designed to evade censors. The thought is kind of scary.
i kinda want a zelda game where you actually play as zelda for once or at least get rid of that fucking stupid looking green capWhy play Skyrim Sword when you can speculate about the main character's gender and identity on the internet based on 10 seconds of ambiguous footage?
Black Bullet 10
Wait, I thought we were on the eve of battle?
Oh god, loli-harem comedy.
And the loli-harem grows by 5. What is this pacing?
Enju sucking on nekomimi.
Gah, Rentaro is as bad as Hase-kun.
Goddamit, loli-harem +1.
God. Damn.
the shaft head tilt death pandemic would kinda balance that out so dont worry
i kinda want a zelda game where you actually play as zelda for once or at least get rid of that fucking stupid looking green cap
Welp, I'm convinced.
Welp, I'm convinced.
i kinda want a zelda game where you actually play as zelda for once
or at least get rid of that fucking stupid looking green cap
I know that, but "Link" kinda looks like a girl with the shopped hair in my opinion.Guys, this is a photoshop. Or paint. Yikes.
How much of a harem has black bullet turned into on a scale of 1 to 10,
1 being not a harem at all
10 being Infinite Stratos
Does IS really deserve to be at the "10" end of that scale? Surely there must be some series beyond it...
Are you turning this into a serious discussion about harems? We all know how well this ends.Well I guess some of it depends on which factors you're using to evaluate the harem-ness of the series: number of girls in the running, number of girls that realistically have a chance at winning (if it's the kind of series that would actually have a "winner"), how ignorant/spineless the MC is when it comes to romance, childhood friend/engagement promises, and so forth. Not sure what criteria would be used for series that are more action-focused though. Maybe how relevant the various girls remain during the fights?
Does IS really deserve to be at the "10" end of that scale? Surely there must be some series beyond it...
How much of a harem has black bullet turned into on a scale of 1 to 10,
1 being not a harem at all
10 being Infinite Stratos
Does IS really deserve to be at the "10" end of that scale? Surely there must be some series beyond it...
Holy shit that video.
what does animegaf think of nintendo's very own squid girl
I think Black Bullet just cleared the backlog.
IS is in the middle. some shows threw 20-30 girls at the MC.
Oh! Hello AnimeGAF. I was just sitting in a corner, sobbing because I saw what will most likely be the only thing close to a Smash Bros. anime today during E3.
But it's honestly no big deal when you think about it. I mean, it's something that could never have happened anyway, so even getting a little bit is good.....enough....I guess.....
what does animegaf think of nintendo's very own squid girl
what does animegaf think of nintendo's very own squid girl
20-30 girls holy shit. Need names lol
This might be the best game in E3, and I definitely didn't see that coming after the initial trailer.
This might be the best game at E3, and I definitely didn't see that coming after the initial trailer.
Mahou Sensei Negima for one
desperate nintendo is the best nintendo
Are you being serious.....are they being serious here.....this is the harem list
Are you being serious.....are they being serious here.....this is the harem list
Gundam Seed is pretty cool so far. I think every mech anime follows the same format early on: peaceful intro->sudden violence->hero awakening to ability->a couple more battles->escape.
Opening song is okay. Not the strongest.