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Spring 2014 Anime |OT2| about as likely as a second season of Hyouka

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We almost return to the endless "what turns a young girl into a loli" debate. I still remain surprised (not directed at you hosanna, this is a general point) at how "loli" just seems to mean "little girl" to many in anime fandom; is it out of touch for me to think it's an inherently sexualised term?



This fucking show has without a doubt the worst writing and direction that I've seen this year.

I think it says something about the viewer who can make a statement like that after a whole ten episodes into a series, and still continues to watch it, while putting in extra effort to try to expand on why it's so bad. I think there are way better things to do than to waste it on bad shit! Lol. :D
Attack on Lolis-10

So glad I dropped this show.


This anime season is so uninteresting for me. If there wasn't Hunter x Hunter and Mushi-Shi I feel like I'd not be watching any anime.
Attack on Lolis-10

This fucking show has without a doubt the worst writing and direction that I've seen this year. That's saying something considering we had DAL and KLK airing in just the first half. Let's talk about this first aspect:

Like what the fuck is it with every child in this series confessing her (oh of course they are all female) love to the main character? Like none of the relationships could be sisterly love or anything like that but it's all, "I want to marry big bro". Now I might give this the benefit of the doubt and say that it's an obvious case of children mixing up affection for love or some other nonsense, the problem is that every single kid in the show seemingly says this other than that hostile loli at the opening arc. It's blatant pandering to lolicons.

Now see, I might be willing to swallow that dog shit if it wasn't for the other bullshit elements in the show. Now of course all these loli hijinks and whatnot take place in the three day window before the town is overrun and everybody seemingly dies. Instead of the show even trying to keep a semblance of an atmosphere, it spends most of this time setting up the loli class. The light tone completely contradicts the events surrounding it, like am I supposed to be worried that everybody is going to get eaten alive? At least Shingeki didn't flip flop on what type of show it was presenting. Shingeki might have been boring as fuck at times, but at least there weren't any scenes of Mikasa singing Kumbaya.

Oh we then get the bullshit grimdark stuff at the end. Urobuchi would be proud. It's blatant emotional manipulation in the worst and obvious manner. I literally started laughing because of how stupid this whole scenario is. So these people hate the only thing protecting thing from getting eaten alive and
start to actively kill the children
. Like what the fuck. I could understand if the issue was more nuanced in that the Lost Children were an active part of their society and being highly disruptive instead of the isolated element that they are. Actually no, I still can't. I mean the people in Shingeki bitched and moaned about the Scouting Legion but they didn't fuck try to
murder those people in their sleep
. What then pisses me off is how accepting the remaining children are to the essential genocide of their friends. Like Rentaro tells Enju to fall in line and she still does with very little hesitation on her part.

We also get the spiel about what the MC is fighting for. Kisara's answer is so fucking bad, that I started laughing in my house.

Like what type of robot says this shit? She then tries to justify it in the most laughable manner possible.

You mean like the other times you saved the city but not a single soul cared? It's not like this is the first or second time but hey maybe things will be different this time? Have I ever told you the definition of insanity? Of course the MC swallows it because he's the MC.

Oh and I haven't even gotten around to the flat direction such as when Kisara threw those papers in the fire.

Talk about taking certain parts of the show too seriously and blowing other situations out of proportion.

The whole point of the episode was to keep some semblance of hope alive before everything goes to shit. Some people, especially children, need to be reassured that everything will be fine. It would be fucking cold if he just was super depressed serious protagonist 3274 and just told them all hope is lost just to keep atmosphere. If you cannot understand the underlying reason why people would want to be rid of the Lost Children I don't know what to say. They are fated to become Gastrea at some point and they have killed other people. Maybe not intentionally but at any time they can become this monster and kill many people. Obviously it is monstrous to murder children for the sake of resting a little easier at night even though Civil Officers can protect them just fine. And that is also a focal point of the show too.

I really have to call into question why you bother watching this show every week. It's clear you don't like it since every week you just complain about it. I am sure your time is better used elsewhere.
Talk about taking certain parts of the show too seriously and blowing other situations out of proportion.

The whole point of the episode was to keep some semblance of hope alive before everything goes to shit. Some people, especially children, need to be reassured that everything will be fine. It would be fucking cold if he just was super depressed serious protagonist 3274 and just told them all hope is lost just to keep atmosphere. If you cannot understand the underlying reason why people would want to be rid of the Lost Children I don't know what to say. They are fated to become Gastrea at some point and they have killed other people. Maybe not intentionally but at any time they can become this monster and kill many people. Obviously it is monstrous to murder children for the sake of resting a little easier at night even though Civil Officers can protect them just fine. And that is also a focal point of the show too.

I really have to call into question why you bother watching this show every week. It's clear you don't like it since every week you just complain about it. I am sure your time is better used elsewhere.

Hatewatching is a thing and alot of people do it.


Attack on Lolis-10
Well, at least it has a good city shot I guess. Most of everything else I've heard or seen seems pretty awful though.

The Cat Returns - A Ghibli film I hadn't gotten around to seeing before, and it was pretty good though I was kind of surprised at how short it was. Had to search online to know for sure if that cat Muta was the same as in Whisper of the Heart.
Hatewatching is a thing and alot of people do it.

Sounds like a waste of time to me.

If I don't enjoy watching something, unless it's a watch bet, I won't continue wasting time I could be using actually enjoying something. But then again, I guess these threads would become a little stale if we didn't have some decent back and forth dialogue. It's a lose-lose situation really...
who would tell you things about bad things if not for hatewatchers? blessed are they who suffer on our behalf

Well some blow things way out of proportion. It's all a matter of whose taste you identify with more than anothers. Which I can respect.

But not watching something or hating something because someone else hates it is unproductive. One mans trash is another mans treasure and all that.

Let people watch what they want for goodness' sake.

Hey you know if he enjoys taking however much time it takes him to watch an episode, actively hate every second watching it (forcing himself through it) and writing a lengthy post describing why he hates it than good for him. He's a better man then me because I would not enjoy doing that knowing I wasted precious time.


Gundam Seed 44

The episode in which they try to make the viewer sentimental about Kira and Flay's relationship.

Sometimes trash is just trash, and some people have bad taste. :p

Well that's subjective too is it not?

I mean I am not the biggest fan of YuGiOh but others might be. While I might consider the show bad I am not going to insult a persons taste based on my own preferences. ;P


Well that's subjective too is it not?

I mean I am not the biggest fan of YuGiOh but others might be. While I might consider the show bad I am not going to insult a persons taste based on my own preferences. ;P

Whether Hitler is a terrible person or not is also subjective, but no one should have any issue with insulting the opinion of someone who think's he not an awful sack of shit.
Whether Hitler is a terrible person or not is also subjective, but no one should have any issue with insulting the opinion of someone who think's he not an awful sack of shit.

Okay two points:

1) Wow! We were discussing personal taste about what cartoons we like. Not a meta-political philosophy about National Socialism vs Democracy. I have had friends who I told about this particular community and how they should look to the recommendations of people here. Some enjoyed the shows. Others have said that some people here have shit taste. I tell them the same thing: what you may not like is what others may find very enjoyable. I think telling someone they have bad taste is just a way to quickly devolve a discussion about a piece of entertainment.

2) Funny you say this. The reason I didn't watch more anime today is because I was catching up on the news I missed while I was at E3 and also I was watching some WW2 documentaries today. There's just so much history during that time period and so many stories from so many perspectives. It really is a fascinating period in human history. And yes, Hitler is a bad person. There's no mistaking that.


It's not really an issue of effort, so I didn't get a
"shonen heart" vibe.
Peco's love of the sport is what propels him, but that's never been all he operated on. Motivation and where it comes from was a huge factor inside of the episode. Peco is the one player who has it all in the show: drive, talent, aptitude, athleticism, and a love for what he does.

I thought the episode did a great job of conveying Peco's power through the vibrancy of his movements, where speed seems to stretch his entire body and he's capable of jumping around all over the screen in quick spurts to this really energetic music.

I get what you're saying but I think I would have liked it if it was a more even-handed match. Two games of getting his shit pushed in - cue theme song - opponent gets rekt felt...........unnatural?
This is all getting a little bit muddy in terms of the connection between the creator and the finished work.

The initial comment I made is that if you liked Y you'll probably like X.

I disagree with the notion that if you liked Gits SAC you'll probably like Moribito.

Leaving aside hypotheticals, doesn't it make more sense to operate with some guiding principle e.g. do I like the people who are making the show? Have I seen their work before? Was it good?

I agree in general guiding principle. If you like X, maybe you should check it out Y, of the same author. But you shouldn't buy directly Y, as it's a very general principle and there are a fair chance that Y is very different and you won't like it or the quality isn't maintained.
In your original post, you recommended buy, that's why I answered it.

In fact, precisely this is one the cases where the general guiding principle doesn't succeed, as Moribito isn't a series as strong as Gits SAC and even if someone likes it in the end, it wouldn't be because he liked Gits SAC, and the tone, structure, character relationship, setting, etc are different (the only thing is the same, is the strong direction and having a strong woman as main character). Basically, I don't think there is enough valuable information conveyed in "I like Gits SAC" sentence that can be translated in "maybe he will like Moribito" in a cause-effect relation.

And somehow, this convoluted discussion seems taken out from Gits SAC lol.


I get what you're saying but I think I would have liked it if it was a more even-handed match. Two games of getting his shit pushed in - cue theme song - opponent gets rekt felt...........unnatural?

It's definitely unnatural, but I just commented on this in the Ping Pong thread. You guys should post there more! :p
Anyone from gaf going to AX this year? Or that Hatsune Miku Expo in LA? Got tickets for both, being forced to watch the Hatsune Miku one though.


Date A Live II 10

Well, that was a quick ending for the Princess, Miku was finally sealed and gets added to the harem, didn't realise this was the last one of the season, the movie version is apparently coming soon.

So, it was an OK season overall, I enjoyed the first season much more.
Oh good, I am not the onyl one who hated episode 8.

Was the episode well received? I've been behind on it, so I haven't really read other impressions. Something about it just felt very artificially constructed compared to the other stories so far. More on the nose, not much nuance, etc. It was also pretty hard to relate to the central character in the story since i didn't really feel like I knew what he was feeling or thinking at various points of the episode.

Honestly, I am unsure, mainly because Mushishi viewership here jumped off the cliff.

In very general terms, this second season of Mushishi seems good, but not as good as the original first season. I remember the later volumes of the manga also didn't impact me like the first volumes, so maybe the problem comes from the original source. Also it doesn't help the novel value is lost, after the first two dozens of mushi stories some stories can start to feel samey. Or maybe it's mainly a problem of the anime adaption, I'm not sure still.


Date A Live II 10

Well, that was a quick ending for the Princess, Miku was finally sealed and gets added to the harem, didn't realise this was the last one of the season, the movie version is apparently coming soon.

So, it was an OK season overall, I enjoyed the first season much more.

And they still haven't really explained Shido.

Which has me wondering where in the books S2 ends. Maybe the books will give me some answers.


Kawaii Complex 11 - Another pretty excellent episode. Was nice seeing into Sayakas past a bit.

And being a fellow introvert, what happened with Ricchan was pretty awful.


I get what you're saying but I think I would have liked it if it was a more even-handed match. Two games of getting his shit pushed in - cue theme song - opponent gets rekt felt...........unnatural?

Sometime you need to look beyond that.. the story never aiming to focus on the sport itself, you can say the comeback is more like metaphor of the "enter the hero" theme that the show always want to aim. There's nothing realistic anyway with the show that showing Japanese player thrashing China Player at Ping Pong, fucking bullshit is that :D

Saying that though I really don't think Peco's comeback is that unrealistic, momentum shifted all the time in sport.. and due to the nature of the game, its back to 0-0 again after Peco making turnaround in 3rd set, and with that momentum shift he push forward, the 3rd set turnaround is definitely the hardest roadblock.. after that though I really can see how Peco dictating the game from there, its momentum shift that you commonly see at sport like Tennis/Ping Pong.


Subete no aware
Kawaiisou 11

Yet another girl who is more interesting than Book Girl. :(


Also, random fanservice why?

The one thing this episode reminded me of was the weirdish One Week Friends-ish premise, where the guy is supposed to save the girl by making her more sociable. After weeks and weeks of antics with the rest of the cast, they sort of just dump you back into the initial premise that the series introduced way back when. But hey, at least it seems like they're going to go for something different at the end (even if they're going to mash the two bland leads together, I assume).


Strike Witches 7

This will be the look on my face when the FBI visits for watching this ep.

If a show has a lewd-to-story ratio of below 50%, does that disqualify it from being classified as a "lewd anime"? Where's the line drawn?
There is no definitive line on lewd-to-story ratio. It is determined using a complicated proprietary algorithm that accounts many different factors.


Better than MGS4.
Bar is not very high.

Hockey sucks, Kings suck, Rangers suck even more, I'm gonna watch some Milky Holmes to console myself.

(I am a messed up person)
It's the correct thing to do.


Clearly, KONAMI missed the opportunity of doing some kind of crossover, when they even have partial rights granted by Humikane Shimada to produce merchandising for the franchise:

コナミフィギュアコレクション ストライクウィッチーズ Vol.1

コナミフィギュアコレクション ストライクウィッチーズ Vol.2

メカ娘 ポータルサイト
Well I can say after reading what's translated of Ghoul that it starts off strong and only gets stronger! No need for your denizen's favorite, young girls in cat suits, for it to be appealing!

That's great to hear. I hear it turns into a battle show, which is my type of show. And it looks seinen, so if it's a battle anime minus the shonen tropes even better.

If you want TV shows which are "Western", maybe you should stick with Western TV shows.

And it's not as if the presence or absence of young girls are the determiner of quality.

It was meant to be an exaggerated joke post. Mainly to say that many times I find an anime is getting good and all of a sudden something stupid happens to remind me that it's anime and it takes away from what could've been a better show or one I can easily recommend to friends over here. Take NGNL for example. It's a show that recently has been non-stop fun. But the ecchi shit at the beginning and the waifus make it where I can't recommend it to anybody. Take the recent Yozakura Quartet. It was also very fun but once again the moe cat girl and the completely unnecessary panty shots brought it down. To a lesser extent because the writing was a bit crap, take that Kyoani blood fighting show that I forgot its name of from two seasons ago. If the author had attempted to not fuck it up with that really forced humor about glasses obsession or made the mom into a cat girl it could have been (a bit) less shit.

That's not to say that I don't like anime that isn't basically a western show. I mean one of my favorites is Great Teacher Onizuka. But that one has so much heart it's impossible to not be won over. Then we have manga (and pretty soon anime) like Dennpa Kyoshi or however you spell it which is like the more anime form of Great Teacher Onizuka. Ultimate Gary Stu who is a mega otaku who is a fucking genius but no he wants to teach all his waifus because fuck it. That has little heart.

But eh I live with it. I take the good anime with the shit. It's not like I'm that guy who made a thread about how all anime is shit and also came to this thread to laugh at us for enjoying all this shit anime and call us out for being horrible people for enjoying it.

I wonder if Japanese anime fans watch Western TV and complain that it's not "Eastern" enough. In these sorts of arguments, of course, "Western" doesn't really mean entirely beholden to Western narrative and cinematography, but seems to be "no fanservice in any of its many forms".

That's what I tend to mean of it. Fanservice is ok in very few cases for me. Like in Mad Bull 34. And that's because the New Yooooooooooohk accents made it so. If all anime attempted to emulate western tv we'd have a lot of cop dramas. Good shows tend to transcend cultural barriers though. FMA:B is one of the more popular anime in the west. There's also plenty of bad anime over here, but that's mainly cause people think of anime has 'battle shonen' over here and that's what they bring

We almost return to the endless "what turns a young girl into a loli" debate. I still remain surprised (not directed at you hosanna, this is a general point) at how "loli" just seems to mean "little girl" to many in anime fandom; is it out of touch for me to think it's an inherently sexualised term?

For me in a broad term, it's when the show finds the necessity to make a very young girl into something more than she'd be. Like we have this show of nitty gritty war veterans, and one of them is a little 8 year old who has seen some shit you wouldn't believe desu. Or similar situations where a teacher is a little girl. Or the little girl has personality/traits of a more grown character but she happens to be a little girl. Heck take Black Bullet as a great example. Why was it necessary for all of these powerful beings to be little moe girls? There's also of course the little sister characters whose sole purpose is to say "Kyon-kun your phone is ringing"

Sometimes trash is just trash, and some people have bad taste. :p

If we're going to start to call out people on their taste, then what about those that watch Soul Eater Not? Black Bullet I watch because it's stupid fun. Way more entertaining than it has a right to be. Mostly in the "oh god this writing" sense. I don't hate watch it though. I just "so bad it's good and it has decent action" watch it.
If we're going to start to call out people on their taste, then what about those that watch Soul Eater Not? Black Bullet I watch because it's stupid fun. Way more entertaining than it has a right to be. Mostly in the "oh god this writing" sense. I don't hate watch it though. I just "so bad it's good and it has decent action" watch it.

And soul eater is not stupid fun ? ( hint : it is )

My 2 cents : the problem is not even an issue of taste , it's the overeactions from some people. When you read some reactions and you wonder " but why are you still watching then , if it makes you so ill/sick ?" , you have to wonder what is the point of all of this work if that's the end result.

I'm currently watching a bad show ( blade and soul ) but it's entertaining but when you feel like it's not entertaining for you , i just don't see the point anymore.


SENot is okay, apart from the art, which is hideous. The fanservice (i.e. fans of soul eater and/or yuri, not straight-up fans of boobs or whatever) is pretty good too.
And soul eater is not stupid fun ? ( hint : it is )

My 2 cents : the problem is not even an issue of taste , it's the overeactions from some people. When you read some reactions and you wonder " but why are you still watching then , if it makes you so ill/sick ?" , you have to wonder what is the point of all of this work if that's the end result.

I'm currently watching a bad show ( blade and soul ) but it's entertaining but when you feel like it's not entertaining for you , i just don't see the point anymore.

Yeah hate watching is a bit too much for me. If I have to force myself to watch something why not just drop it? I've dropped like 90% of shows I was watching this season for one reason or another.

The way I see it the sole point of hate watching is for cynics to be able to come to this thread or the OT and just make fun of the show together. That's fine I've done that with western films too. But that's like 2 hours at most.

Like all of this people watching Onii-sama. Why are you watching it? What's the point? You already know it's shit writing. Can you admit it's 'so bad it's good' or are we pretending it's not even that?
Knights of Sidonia 10
Harem hijinks? Okay not really all things considered but I enjoyed this episode all the same. Izana is probably
making (her) transformation to a girl around this point I'm assuming and Nagate is an idiot for basically falling in love with a alien clone of a girl her liked that has the mind of like a 5 years old.


Countdown time: http://www.g-reco.net/

Oh yeah, I think you guys like ANN reviews too:


Needless to say, many would love to know the secret of what makes Titan so endearing to such large audiences. How do you distill that lightning in a bottle? Still others may be on the fence, averse to the noxious enthusiasm and hype that sensations like Titan generate, but curious to the potential discovery of something that really is Special.

Most of the pacing problems in Attack on Titan are actually caused by this brazen worship of basic human ambition and emotion above all else. Emotional highs are reveled in as if they are first-person experiences, like Armin's slow-built personal epiphany in episode 10 that culminates in a literal explosion that is not disruptive as most explosions would be, but leaves him awash with peace (and bone dust.)
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