It was very early in my active anime career. I was mostly wachtching fighting shounen and wasn't prepared for this amount of lewdness and stupid.
Evil corporate guys are super evil. I mean, shit, they're smelling like evil. Their methods are crude and obviously evil, how did the expect that would work in the long run. It's not like they killed Hibiki, she would've told everyone as soon as she came back, no matter when she got back. Plus, how does he manage to fool his boys. "Underhanded tricks"?
But hey, Hibiki has a fricking crocodile in her flat? What kind of landlord would allow that!? Inumutas woof sounds really fake, too.
I Like Hibiki, but I didn't enjoy this episode so much.
Makoto episode? Awesome.
She is cute and I like her "Hihii". It musst really be a pain to be so typecasted and not really able to escape that without completely burning down. The ending was sweet.
But, seriously, on ht negative side of thins: Kuroi is so overly evil, its stupid. He is freely spitting insults and looks openly down on people. People like him are usually very polite, even when insulting others. It's their job to look good and decent. He is worse as regular cartoon villains.
Nice to see some more of Ritsuko and her past. The team was nice, too.
Them feels when the fanclub appeared and everything turned green.
Good episode. The annoyed faces of Ryuuguu Komachi at the training were priceless, too.
So, I think I'm finished by tomorrow. What iDOLM@STER show should I watch next?
So apparently ANN got some of the Gundam G-Reco news. It's not a movie but a TV series planned for two cours. Also Yuugo Kanno is the composer(don't know if this was known before).
Fucking damn it, if Tomino wasn't involved....
I mostly watch anime on my laptop via Crunchyroll these days. But sometimes I like to watch it on a decent sized TV, so I go to watch it on my little brother's Xbox 360, since it's more convenient than dragging my laptop to the living room and hooking it up (especially since the battery for my comp died and I have yet to order a new one). And my brother is usually cool with this. He watches stuff with me a lot of the time. But this time his father was here and it made the entire experience sour.
Now, the show I decided to watch was Bodacious Space Pirates, but that isn't even particularly offensive to any one's sensibilities. But here, the asshat decides to be racist and belittle me for watching it. And what's worse is that my brother actually joined in and called it "stupid Japan porn", among other things. I couldn't even watch the entire episode. I just stopped after 5 minutes.
Just... goddamn.
for the record i had the best choices in that waifu thread
It was very early in my active anime career. I was mostly wachtching fighting shounen and wasn't prepared for this amount of lewdness and stupid.
Evil corporate guys are super evil. I mean, shit, they're smelling like evil. Their methods are crude and obviously evil, how did the expect that would work in the long run. It's not like they killed Hibiki, she would've told everyone as soon as she came back, no matter when she got back. Plus, how does he manage to fool his boys. "Underhanded tricks"?
But hey, Hibiki has a fricking crocodile in her flat? What kind of landlord would allow that!? Inumutas woof sounds really fake, too.
I Like Hibiki, but I didn't enjoy this episode so much.
Makoto episode? Awesome.
She is cute and I like her "Hihii". It musst really be a pain to be so typecasted and not really able to escape that without completely burning down. The ending was sweet.
But, seriously, on ht negative side of thins: Kuroi is so overly evil, its stupid. He is freely spitting insults and looks openly down on people. People like him are usually very polite, even when insulting others. It's their job to look good and decent. He is worse as regular cartoon villains.
Nice to see some more of Ritsuko and her past. The team was nice, too.
Them feels when the fanclub appeared and everything turned green.
Good episode. The annoyed faces of Ryuuguu Komachi at the training were priceless, too.
So, I think I'm finished by tomorrow. What iDOLM@STER show should I watch next?
Strike Witches 12 FIN
Ending was about what I expected it to be albeit with a couple really nice cuts on the final assault.
Not a huge fan of most lewd shows and so had written this off forever ago as something purely pandering. Not to say there isn't mostly pandering as it is but it was surprising to see that behind all the male gaze stuff, there's some actual substance with the characters and story. Really didn't expect that and as a result, the show came across as something made with some care despite a wart here or there. In particular, I was surprised that they successfully managed to take the typical formulaic storytelling for a short series with a large cast (i.e. focused eps on 1-2 members), tell a complete story in each, and still leave just enough overarching stuff dangling to tie together as a whole in the end.
I suppose that sometimes it's nice to get out of the ol' comfort zone.
That said, no one gives a shit about any actual merit the show might have so here are the waifu rankings:
- Lynette
- Perrine
- Sanya
- Shirley
- Barkhorn
- Hartmann
- Minna
- Eila
- Miyafuji
- Sakamoto
- Lucchini
There, I've done the evil you asked of me, animegaftwitter mafia. Now release my family like you promised.
Thank you!
Shit. I just took a look at the first four episodes.
I don't think I can survive 64 episodes of this.
Mahouka 11
Pretty miffed they cut out Tats praising her and so much of their scenes together.
What waifu thread? Can I get a link?
Thank you!
Shit. I just took a look at the first four episodes.
I don't think I can survive 64 episodes of this.
Mahouka 11
It's a great read somebody got burned pretty good.
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei 11
I got about halfway through this episode and then I thought to myself "Why the fuck am I wasting valuable minutes and hours of my life watching this utter tripe when it's not providing me with anything remotely resembling entertainment?"
DROPPED, like I should have done weeks ago.
NO. No, I am not falling for this show's base attempts to win back my favour. I refuse to overturn my decision >.<
Good, good.Nisemonogatari 3
Kanbaru on top
Nisemonogatari 3
Araragi and Senjougahara's chemistry is really great especially in the last scene. Kanbaru>Gahara>>>>Mayoi>>Karen>>>>>>Other Sister whose name I forgot>>>Girl that says Koyomi-Oniichan a lot
Madoka Magica 8
Somehow because all the characters are kids watching them suffer is even worse than the similar experience in F/Z.
Why do people say this. Why do people discourage others from watching this masterpiece? Actually I really should finish that review I wrote of it because the world must be educated about this show!Xenoglossia doesnt exist.
I'm already hooked onto Puchimas, Yukipon is just too cute, it melts me from within.I want to see what think of the episode 20 and the final arc(s). And yeah iM@S's antagonist isn't something it prides itself on.
Once you finish and you'd enjoy the iM@S cast for the most part get started with Puchimas which is a comedic spinoff series with all the cast members and moar.
I will. There are worse things than dying of cute.Maybe you cant but you should try!
Shiiiiiiiiitteee128 episodes, sucka. Don't think you can just skip Season 2.
I definitly watching Puchimas first, but you're saying Xenoglessia is worth being watched?Why do people say this. Why do people discourage others from watching this masterpiece? Actually I really should finish that review I wrote of it because the world must be educated about this show!
Urobuchi is great at creating healing anime.
I always thought that Takane could be a robot, she reminded me of a more social aware version of the grey haired robot idol whose name I forgot.
Ah thank you, yes. I meant Miss Monochrome.Miss Monochrome?
It's always fun to read someone's impressions of Madoka while they're watching it. :3
I'm already hooked onto Puchimas, Yukipon is just too cute, it melts me from within.
I will. There are worse things than dying of cute.
I definitly watching Puchimas first, but you're saying Xenoglessia is worth being watched?
I always thought that Takane could be a robot, she reminded me of a more social aware version of the grey haired robot idol whose name I forgot. I don't know what I thought, since Idolmaster plays in a relatively realistic world. Damn anime let me expect everything.
Also Jupiter: "What, our obviously evil boss is ... EVIL!?"
"Yes, I am pretty much evil. WHAHAHAHAHA!"
I bet he kicks puppys for fun. It's like an internet troll acting like an internet troll in real life.
Anyways, Takane is now down from Honoka-Tier. Very sympathic girl, with her own charm in dry humor.
This the heaviest episode so far. Other than most of the other drama, this is really something that can't be solved by better planning or laughing about it and the core isn't the fault of the antagonist. Sure, he made it extreme, but Chihaya was living with this burden all along.
Its nice to see the character progression and that the things were there all along and could be felt superficial, even when they weren't relevant to the plot at the moment. It feels really like it fit together - regarding to our protragonists at least. The rival agency is just too over the top. At this point even Nolans Bane would be a better fit into the show as antagonist.
Very good episode, although I like the funny ones more. But iM@S is certainly handling drama better than Love Live (and maybe everything else, too). Haruka redeemed herself big time from Honoka-Tier and Chihaya a bit. Little Chihaya was very cute, too.
Kuroi so mad. Say, is he now building a giant robot in secret? Or is he gone for good now?
Jupiter is kinda dull. They needed so long to finally quite and other than main bishi, they didn't even question him, despite his constant bickering about how evil he is.
Chihayas Acapella was amazing and so was Kotoris song in the bar (she also looked stunning in that dress).
Episode was alright.
No girl is now on Honoka tier. Even the twins are alright, since they showed personality individualy, opposed to always the same one entity running gag. But my top-tier idols are still Miki, Makoto, Yayoi, Iori and Hibiki (that's almost half of them, wtf).
Indeed ;_;
Madoka Magica 9
Didn't expect this to go allon me. :lol For some naive reason,MatrixShould have known better. Dunno who Homura is, I assumeup till the end, I was still expecting Sayaka to get saved. Power of friendship and all that.but they really give me very little to base my speculation on.she is a character we've already met that traveled back in time
It's kind of funny that I'm into the last fourth of the show and the main protagoniststill didn't even acquire her powers.
I wouldn't say that. I think a big difference would be that Haruka is just overly clumsy and insecure, while Honoka hasn't any of Harukas problems, she just isn't... very bright. I would her put in one league with certain Shounen heroes like Naruto. She don't think, she just does her thing and thanks to plot convinence and friendship that always work out somehow.Haha my prediction was not spot on but outdone, nice. And yes episode 20 is one of my favorites, the. I'm glad though you view all of iM@S cast above Honoka though, not sure if you read my reactions for the first season of Love Live! but I always felt Honoka was a reallly bad version of Haruka and doesn't (still doesn't) sit well with me.buildup to 'Yakusoku' is just so good and so is the song itself.
Fine! He's also obligated to watch the new OVA and TV series too.
Seems so. So we have GBF S2 and G Reco in the Fall.
Watching this video improved my life tenfold.
Well if G-Reco shits the bed at least we have Build Fighters?
I wouldn't say that. I think a big difference would be that Haruka is just overly clumsy and insecure, while Honoka hasn't any of Harukas problems, she just isn't... very bright. I would her put in one league with certain Shounen heroes like Naruto. She don't think, she just does her thing and thanks to plot convinence and friendship that always work out somehow.
Date a Live Episode 3 (Engdub)
Origami reconfirmed for worst Date a Live, that was annoying.and then not even apologizing or nothing, surely she could have anticipated that he was just way too close?!
That one girl with the Tonamachi radar was funny, i hope Shido isnt going to be cheating all seasons, he popping up right when Shido needed him best with two tickets even. More please.
I wouldn't say that Haruka is the leader. Like every other girl she is important of course, but no leader in my eyes. Its just that we follow her narration sometimes. Producer is the leader, since he don't relay the orders to one single girl but to all or at least the next best if they're scattered.I was referring to the broad leadership role of an idol group they both fulfill (though Haruka is way more subtle) plus their characters are based on the workings of friendship I believe.
So is the World Cup supposed to preempt anything anime related?
Looks like I have a use for these Lynne pics after all.Fine! He's also obligated to watch the new OVA and TV series too.
Don't hate.Rating Perrine so high... that's wrong and sick.
Mahouka 11
Pretty miffed they cut out Tats praising her and so much of their scenes together.
That's a good question.
Looking at the list for summer on Hummingbird. Looks even weaker than this season overall. A bit surprised. Everyone getting out of SAOs way?