I sometimes say serious things.Even given the fact that nothing you post is ever, EVER serious, that is perhaps the strangest thing you've ever said. Do we live in the same country? for an IP check on BGBW
I sometimes say serious things.Even given the fact that nothing you post is ever, EVER serious, that is perhaps the strangest thing you've ever said. Do we live in the same country? for an IP check on BGBW
They lost 2-1. If that's playing well they have no chance. Also there is no excuse for people saying up past midnight making noise because of football. You don't see me playing Go My Way out loud at one am in the morning.
I think they kinda need. Aside from people who have read the books already from the reaction i've gathered myself few understood really what went there i can only hope that those won't scream when that scene will become trully revelant later as it served as a forshadowing for future events.Well I don't think people need to be handheld so much.
The weirdest thing for me, was Oniisama handing out a 'weaponised CAD' to a classmate and none of them batting an eye, even the guys who are suspicious of him.
Rabbits are smarter than one believe..they are just too easily swayed by their instincts .Non Non Biyori 7
Episode mostly dedicated to Renge, so it's one of the best so far. Her interactions with Candy Store were good.
Pretty sure rabbits aren't that smart.
Gundam Seed- End
The first half of this show is some boring bullshit, straight up. Bad characters, bad battles, and bad pacing are the biggest culprits. There are a couple good moments but it's just filled to the brim with melodramatic crap. The second half cuts out a lot the junk, though not all of it, and gets down to business. It's still not some amazing thing but it was actually fun to watch. Though in a lot of ways the damage was already done, character wise, from the first half.
They try so fucking hard to make you care about Kira and Flay's relationship but it just never happened. I dislike those characters and didn't give a shit about their feelings for one another. Thought the transitions of Lacus, from sucrose overload idol to revolutionary mastermind, and Kira, from the biggest baby ever to space Jesus warrior monk, were kinda abrupt and not believable.
In the second half the drama transitioned from being all relationship snooze fests to battlefield brawls and it was much better for it. All of the episodes during the last battle were great, very intense with some great one on one battles. It was more of what I wanted from a Gundam show. I don't mind relationship stuff if it's well done but most of it was junk here. So when they moved away from the show being centered around that it got much better.
Le Creuset was a lame villain, the most development they give him is when it's revealed he's a clone of Mu's dad but then it's not really addressed again. Then he just becomes crazy kill everybody guy. The better villains were the Earth Forces and ZAFT as evil entities.
Lacus is weird to me. They push her hard to be super important but how much screen time does she actually have? When am I supposed to develop any attachment to her character? I feel like she was barely there and half the time she is she's just singing the same fucking song over and over. Then all her lines are just generic "but peace guys really come on now fighting leads to more fighting this is so deep." Or she's silently staring at screens/Kira while making concerned faces. Can't say I cared for her at all.
If you watch destiny , you're going to regret Kira... You'll get awesome Athrun , because a big chunk of the show is seen throught his eyes but yeah , you'll regret kira because he doesn't cry anymore in destiny ( thank god ) but you'll get something worse from another character as a result.The Justice and Freedom were cool ass mobile suits, their fights were always really good. In fact a lot of the fights in the second half were very cool.Had to laugh when Cagalli gets her Gundam and it's most pink. Gundamz 4 Girlz™
Character rankings:
Like- Mu, Athrun, Cagalli, Murrue
Neutral- most of the side characters like Tolle, Sai, Erica, Miriallia, Tiger, Natarle etc.
Dislike- Kira, Lacus, Flay, Le Creuset. But special shoutout to Kira and Flay for being particularly unbearable.
I won't be watching Destiny anytime soon. Kinda done with these characters for now.
I sometimes say serious things.And come on it's true. I looked it up, week ending 4th May 2014 only 3.91mil tuned into Match of the Day. If we say the population of the UK is 63.7mil then only about 6% of the population tuned in. Also that was the 29th most watched show on BBC1. More people watched Antiques Roadshow. Also interesting to note that 2.35mil watched the Snooker that week and that's never put forward as one of the big sports.
I wish Oyasan delivered my pizza.I LOOOOOOVE your avatar. Just sayin.
I can't believe a human being over the age of 20 wrote this:
Is there a lower point than this in Gundam's history?
Jojo 3
Oh god Dio's scream at 21:26 is so hilarious xDYup definitely vampires.
Madoka Magica 12 END
heh Pretty much. Though it wasn't completely out of the blue as they foreshadowed it earlier quite a bit. Well it ended on more positive note than I expected at least. More bitter than sweet but still not a complete downer.After being on (F/Z spoilers)Happy that Homura made it out alive.I was expecting#TeamKariya bandwagonthe worst for her.
What are you trying to prove? That's still not 51%+ of the population so still a minority. Face it, you've been lied to your whole life by the football loving oppressors but now is the time to rise up and tell them what's what. Join the revolution and say out loud and proud I'm British and I don't give a rat's arse about footie!http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-27856556
England vs Italy match......15.6 million viewers.
Is this the work of a stand user?JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders: 11
I swear, this should be called the "How much can Polnareff bleed" Show.
Hehee. Now watch movie #3
That was quite a ride wasnt it?
Don't watch the third movie. If you love the way this show ended and you don't want your memories of this show tarnished in ANY way or form, don't watch the third movie.
You've only made me more curious.For the time being it will have to wait. My poor wallet is at its limit.
Hnnnnnng I don't keep up with this guy's twitter so I'm glad to see new stuff. DA GODDESS, also goddess, Iori (goddess) butt.Which one? Mako-chin from THE IDOLM@STER, and illustrated by Mai Ball! creator Sora Inoue perchance?
Once your wallet is ready watch it. You will be in for a nice surprise with the movie.
Don't watch the third movie. If you love the way this show ended and you don't want your memories of this show tarnished in ANY way or form, don't watch the third movie.
Hey, there's people that liking the movie, its divided pretty even.. let people get their own judgement.
For me the TV ending is pretty meh anyway, so I don't mind.
Don't forget this godess Takane is pretty good too. And that Chihaya. And that IoriHnnnnnng I don't keep up with this guy's twitter so I'm glad to see new stuff. DA GODDESS, also goddess, Iori (goddess) butt.
the most anime mentions
in a pulitzer winning novel ever
anime is almost there guys
it's almost culture
Diamond no Ace Episode 36:
Probably fro the best that this show is going on hiatus during the World Cup, kind of paling in comparison.
That person must be an expert
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders: 11
I swear, this should be called the "How much can Polnareff bleed" Show.
That's such a bizarre comparison.
Happy Father's Day to Dr. Miyafuji apparently!Just a heads up for Strike Witches fans, both S1 and S2 DVD/Blurays are on sale at Amazon for under $15 each. It's the SAVE edition but the cover is reversible and the original covers are the reverse side.
Diamond no Ace Episode 36:
Probably fro the best that this show is going on hiatus during the World Cup, kind of paling in comparison.
Dragonar 11
Why is Eco so god damn terrible? No I do not feel bad for Eco actually.
How grounded in reality is this show? I love baseball, but don't want to start watching if it pulls outlandish stuff like willpower trumps skill.
Surprisingly grounded for a show that is amped up on SHONEN EMOTIONS. I haven't seen any Prince of Tennis styled wackiness and the series does analyze baseball to almost a fault.
Thanks, if it does analyze baseball that hardcore then I think I'll like it.
Didn't see the recent episode yet. but read the manga and they skipped the arc with a witch that wouldn't spread the legs for MainStanding on the Edge of Brynhylrldlrldllrlr Like The Prophets Once Said 11
lol new girl comes in with a couple of episodes left and. Also more selfless witches. God so boring, have a personality besides "we all love the main guy" please.falls for the main guy and straight up kisses him in front of everybody
Didn't see the recent episode yet. but read the manga and they skipped the arc with a witch that wouldn't spread the legs for Main.not that she could've, but you know what I mean
What are you trying to prove? That's still not 51%+ of the population so still a minority. Face it, you've been lied to your whole life by the football loving oppressors but now is the time to rise up and tell them what's what. Join the revolution and say out loud and proud I'm British and I don't give a rat's arse about footie!
Eh, eeeeeh?!
Why do you guys hate Miki so much?
Puchim@s 25-64
Apparently I'm not dead. But it was close. That was so cute and funny. Takane really shines here, also Iori getting randomly stuck in all kind of places. I also always lose my shit, when the music starts to slow down. And Yukipo is so adorable, I want one at home *__;
Also: are the puchiidols essentially very cute stands? The way Haruka, Ritsuko and Takane mastered them, I want see them fight. Somehow.
Gotta do some stuff now, but can't wait to watch the second season :<
Soredemo Sekai Wa Utsukushi10
The power of love will overcome a cult.
They lost 2-1. If that's playing well they have no chance. Also there is no excuse for people saying up past midnight making noise because of football. You don't see me playing Go My Way out loud at one am in the morning.
I wish Oyasan delivered my pizza.
Hnnnnnng I don't keep up with this guy's twitter so I'm glad to see new stuff. DA GODDESS, also goddess, Iori (goddess) butt.
Don't forget this godess Takane is pretty good too. And that Chihaya. And that Iori(yeah went through all of them)