Poet Centuriate
Now for my watchbet with Mike. I haven't posted many anime impressions so I'm a bit of a newbie at this but here it goes.
Kanon 01
Knowing nothing about this anime other than Uguu~, I'm going in completely blind. Yuuichi waits for two hours in the freezing snow for his cousin to come pick him up. You'd think he would go find somewhere to wait inside with a window looking out to where they are supposed to meet. His cousin is a bit of an airhead and says that he'll be living in this city forever, kinda creepy. While out shopping we meet Uguu girl and the Uguu just doesn't stop. Yuuichi seems like an okay enough guy as he pays for her food after just meeting her while making some sarcastic comments about her right to her face. I like him already.
I may need to make an Uguu counter for each episode...
EDIT: I went back to rewatch her introduction, 17x Uguu~ first episode.
Yuuichi's a pretty cool dude. He
helps girls he kinda remembers
Actually, for all the shit KEY shows get, I do really love their likable but snarky male protagonists. Tomoya, Yuuichi, and Yukito are all like that, I feel.
You should keep a running Uguu counter for the whole show. I'd be interested what it turns out to be.
I think it actually slows down towards the end, but it's a lot.