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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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The ED makes me wish it was actually what the show was about.

Hyouka is the type of show where it's merely ok on its own merits however it makes me wish the studio as a whole would do something else with their talent and money. I would kill for visuals like this in a rural historical/sci-fi/fantasy show. Some sort of ronin series similar to Sword of the Stranger with this level of background art would be beyond amazing.

I mean this like watching the writers of the Wire do a highschool comedy.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
If Hyouka was done by anyone else and looked like a normal show people would treat it like Natsuiro Kiseki. It's actively bad plot wise. Scooby Doo has better mysteries because you can at least sometimes guess how they'll end.


Subete no aware
If Hyouka was done by anyone else and looked like a normal show people would treat it like Natsuiro Kiseki. It's actively bad plot wise. Scooby Doo has better mysteries because you can at least sometimes guess how they'll end.
It's not an anime thread if there isn't any staff hype. I haven't seen the second episode, but based on the first I'm inclined to agree.
Ah My Goddess TV S2 19
Everyone wants Belldandy and Keiichi to move past whatever low level stage they are.
This was a fun episode. We get the three ninja masters and I found it hilarious one by one, each one was getting converted by Belldandy's infinite goodness. I would say, I enjoyed them much more than when they were recurring villains in the Mini-Goddess show.
Hyouka 2

I can't fathom why anyone would find anything interesting about any of these "mysteries". They're so banal that I'm actively discouraged from figuring them out myself because really, who gives a shit? Maybe what Eru has to say to Oreki will be interesting but at this point I really doubt it. She seems like the most easily amused person in the world. The production values are still great and there were some nice composition in some shot but I can't even really give a shit about that stuff when the content is so boring.
Naruto Shippuden OVA: Naruto v Konohamaru

8/10. It was essentially one of the Naruto scenarios I wanted to come true. My two favorite current shinobi of the hidden leaf facing off.
Konohamaru is like a more versatile clone of Naruto that just seem them around always leads to great moments, even more the fight was epic with all those shadow clones and rasengans
. It also looked pretty nice.


The Light of El Cantare
I've heard this Precure series is one of the not so good ones, but I really enjoyed this first episode. Hibiki and Kanade, I don't even need goggles for this one. Double tsundere couples are so cute~.

Anyway, I like the idea of a music based world, even if some of the outfits and characters are a little strange.

And Hummy is so fucking annoying already, and Toei caved in and just made the fairies be cats, so lazy.

That aside, it's nice to have a precure series where the leads "dislike" each other, although I do see some potential for this to get bogged down in angst. The monster transformation was pretty awesome, even if the monster designs is rather standard. At least it's better than the fucking clowns from Smile.

So I thought the setting was quite good, and the characters are reasonably interesting, especially for the first episode of a Toei series, so I think I'll keep watching this. I can't really judge the animation yet, since there wasn't an actual fight in this episode! Apart from Hibiki's and Kanade's lover's quarrel~

Edit: Damn that's some shitty jpeg compression

Let me tell you a few things about Suite Precure.

For one thing, if you like Precure for what it is and didn't just enjoy Heartcatch for the Umakoshi and sakuga, you probably won't hate this. I followed Suite every week for a year, and never had a moment where I thought "wow, this outright sucks". The first half of the series is a lot stronger than the second which is pretty badly mismanaged for several reasons, but ultimately it does just about as much right as it does wrong.

About the monsters, I remember having a long conversation with Geneijin debating whether Negatones or Akanbe were worse enemies. The conclusion ended up being that Akanbe were more offensively ugly but the clown faces gelled more with the storybook theme of Smile than the Negatones with their weird pterodactyl skeletons and pelvis spikes matched the musical theme in Suite. Both Negatones and Akanbe are a downgrade from the Desertrians in Heartcatch in that the Cures merely pound enemies into submission without having to solve some greater underlying problem fueling the enemy's rampage, but if you don't mind the battles in Smile, you'll probably be okay with those in Suite. There is decidedly less comic relief in Suite's battles, however.

In case you didn't already know, Hummy's seiyuu is Mitsuishi Kotono, who voiced Usagi in Sailor Moon. It's an interesting reversal to see the world's most famous mahou shoujo become the mascot character, and even if Hummy seems annoying now, she receives a lot more character development than the average Precure mascot, so just endure for now. Interesting fact: there's an episode in the first season of Sailor Moon that heavily features cats (there was a fat green cat named Rhett Butler, if memory serves.) There's a moment in the episode when Usagi imitates a cat, and it's like hearing Hummy 20 years in advance. I'll try to find the exact scene for you!

The theme of music features heavily throughout the series as you'd probably expect, so make peace with it and learn to enjoy the more ridiculous aspects of Kanon Town and Major Land. The costume design for the Cures in Suite is actually some of my favorite in the entire franchise, and while this is an unpopular opinion, I like the transformations as much as those in Heartcatch. They're not nearly as sakuga, but they're pretty damned classy. It all comes down to whether you prefer ribbons or perfume, I suppose. Suite also has the best transformation music in the entire Precure franchise, which has a big influence on my opinion of the transformations. Admittedly, Trio the Minor are pretty hideous compared to the Desert Messengers and even Joker's subordinates and never really stop being a blemish on the show because they remain disappointingly static characters. Just try your best to find their Team Rocket-esque incompetence amusing.

Well, I've kind of talked you to death over a show that you've only seen one episode of, so I'll try not to do this again. Keep watching!


Ozma 6

Stronger finale than the show rightfully deserved. It was interesting to see what Ozma's true purpose was. I'm going to backtrack on an earlier sentiment that the show would've worked as a smaller series or movie with the fat trimmed. I'm of the opinion now that this should have been given a full thirteen episodes to better flesh out the character relationships and to do a little worldbuilding by better exploring the opposing factions and their motivations. Also more submarine warfare. The final episode would have been a great payoff if any sort of rapport between viewer and character had been established. The six episodes we get come across as a smaller part of a larger whole and that's frustrating.

I like to think that extending the story and actively fixing the awful characters with big heads would have gone a long way in making something worthwhile instead of what we got.

I expected more of this going into the show:


rather than this:
Ozma 6

Stronger finale than the show rightfully deserved. It was interesting to see what Ozma's true purpose was. I'm going to backtrack on an earlier sentiment that the show would've worked as a smaller series or movie with the fat trimmed. I'm of the opinion now that this should have been given a full thirteen episodes to better flesh out the character relationships and to do a little worldbuilding by better exploring the opposing factions and their motivations. Also more submarine warfare. The final episode would have been a great payoff if any sort of rapport between viewer and character had been established. The six episodes we get come across as a smaller part of a larger whole and that's frustrating.

I like to think that extending the story and actively fixing the awful characters with big heads would have gone a long way in making something worthwhile instead of what we got.

Yes, I think if it was longer it could have worked better as there was plenty of potential within to make it more interesting than it was (like the history stuff and they could have easily got out a few more submersible battles, and developed the main characters more), even 11 episodes.


Setec Astronomer
There is decidedly less comic relief in Suite's battles, however.
This makes it sound like there's none of it. :|

In case you didn't already know, Hummy's seiyuu is Mitsuishi Kotono, who voiced Usagi in Sailor Moon. It's an interesting reversal to see the world's most famous mahou shoujo become the mascot character, and even if Hummy seems annoying now, she receives a lot more character development than the average Precure mascot, so just endure for now. Interesting fact: there's an episode in the first season of Sailor Moon that heavily features cats (there was a fat green cat named Rhett Butler, if memory serves.) There's a moment in the episode when Usagi imitates a cat, and it's like hearing Hummy 20 years in advance. I'll try to find the exact scene for you!
In the Sailor Moon S sound drama album there's something of a cat Usagi part as well.
Ah My Goddess TV S2 20
The Konami Code can't be the answer to everything!
A lovely dovely episode and I'm pretty ok with it. We get the infinite dimension room and it was pretty nice to see Belldandy and Keiichi spend time together without interference from every other character in the show.


Hyouka ep 2

Wtf, they spent nearly the whole episode solving a trivial mystery for a solution that is so far fetched.

So Chitanda is basically Morpheus except she doesn't give Neo aka Houtaro a chance to choose the blue and forcing him to choose red.
Don't argue guys :(

I will make this easier for you:

Also stumbled across this during my research:

The Eyes of Kyoto Animation

Gah, 2006 Ayu looks horrible. What happened to her hair?

Some of those shots might look better in the 2006 versions, but overall, 2002 is definitely better.

Both have their merits, really. There's just something about those 2006 faces that don't seem quite right. It's really touched up using CG, moe-ified and rounded; It looks artificial in a way, just slightly off. 2002's faces aren't proportionate at times but that just increases its cuteness. Shiori's picture (third picture down) just emanates cute from that oddly proportioned derpy face. Mai (fourth picture down) also is absurdly cute in that picture, even though her face is slightly squashed.
I think Ayu's the one who looks best in the 2002 ver, versus 2006... but yeah, Shiori and Mai also look better in 2002, agreed. That CG gloss they applied to the 2006 characters doesn't help them, overall.

I never said the GUY looked ok, just that the girls had the typical gigantic squid eyes look with tiny mouths. thats not all that uncommon or weird in anime. especially not 90s.
The guy looked absolutely silly.

He might look a little silly I guess, in shots like that one posted there, but I cared more about being annoyed about how much he complains about snow and cold. Snow is awesome! :)

The girls look fine, excepting maybe Mai in that first pic, but yeah, the guy does look kind of weird there, particularly in the 9th one.

The eyes of KyoAni's Kanon girls also look lifeless and desolate. Toei's captures more personality and spirit into them.
True as well, they do have more character...

This Kanon conversation isn't really going anywhere and art is quite subjective anyway so I'd rather not go on.

I'll just say that, again, both have their merits and neither is superior to each other. Also, Kanon 2002 more closely mimics the original VN character designs and is more faithful an adaptation, design-wise.

Toei did a good job there, yeah.

The middle ones are the cutest.
Toei wins, then, even vs. the VN? Yeah, probably so.

Kanon rules! Makoto is mai waifu.

Makoto's kind of annoying sometimes, though, she sure loves tormenting Yuuichi... though he probably deserves some of it (he does retaliate in kind after all), she does get a bit annoying for a while, I thought. She makes up for that by the end, though.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Revolutionary Girl Utena 38

Man, this is probably the last time I'll get to see the Absolute Destiny Apocalypse sequence.

Elements from the Black Rose arc show up here and there.

Anthy stabbing Utena is one of those shocking twists that's entered into the collective consciousness of fandom and become know to most everyone through osmosis, in this case by 1999 or so. Nice to finally have the context for it.
Wait, seriously? I didn't hear much about Utena for most of my anime-viewing life. Almost nothing at all, so I was genuinely shocked when I saw this happen.
Space Bros 5

Then there's stuff like that... which might be on purpose because one of the errors is pointed out, but not the others. So I suppose either they're bad students, they're Aunt was a bad teacher, or this is just acceptable English in Japan.


Sailor moon 11

Usagi and the others are together at Rei's shrine.

Luna says its nice that theyre together but they need to get long better as senshi if this is going to work.

They are still looking for Princess Serenity. I wonder who it could be?

They see an ad for Dreamland. an amusement park.
but they have heard strange rumors about it.
The rumor is that people have been disappearing from the park. At least fifty.
Sounds like fun! Let's go!

Meanwhile, in evil-land, Queen Beryl is still waving her arms in the air like she just don't care. How long can she keep it up? Jadeite has a plan to steal a bunch of energy.

Rei and Ami visit the park and discuss the wierd disappearances. Usagi is already out driding the carousel. Rei and ami tell her to be more careful.

The group sees a lion and freak out. It turns out to be a mechanical lion, controlled by the Dream Princess. Usagi is excited but the other two are suspicious.

Dream Princess offers to take them inside the candy house.
This seems safe.

by the way, theres a Panda driving a train.

The Train stops and Usagi bumps her head against that asshole who keeps calling her dumpling head. just who IS that anyway? Gosh I feel like I've seen him before. In fact, so has Rei. But Usagi says its not, so I guess we were wrong.

Ami chan goes into the candy house to investigate. The Dream Princess starts making everyone dream and takes their energy, including ami.

Rei and Usagi transform into senshi and Sailor Mars Fire Souls the motherfucking door down
like a BOSS.

This dream princess uses the power of Dreams to manipulate people.
I know, I was shocked too.
She tries to poison Mars but Mars aint putting up with that shit.

The Dream Princess turns into a youma in a really freaky transformation.

The three work together to defeat the youma and put an end to the candy shop. Jadeite goes back to the drawing board.

Later they fight over who has more ice cream.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Revolutionary Girl Utena 39 END

The Rose Gate sequence strongly reminded me of the Gate of Truth in FMA. There's no way Hiromu Arakawa hasn't seen this.

It's so gratifying seeing Akio completely flustered, first by Utena and then Anthy.

Anthy's so :cajun wearing a beret.

I'll watch the movie tomorrow.
Mai animu of the forever.
They sort of hate each other in the beginning of Heartcatch as well, don't they?
No. Tsubomi is just too shy towards Erika's advancements to make her part of the fashion club. There's never any enmity between any of the Precures in Heartcatch.
For one thing, if you like Precure for what it is and didn't just enjoy Heartcatch for the Umakoshi and sakuga, you probably won't hate this.
Should I watch Smile if I'm a part of the latter group?


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Well, I mean people also thought that Charles was a guy and she did a much worse job of disguising herself.

I know, I mean... I love Hnnngazawa Kanna and all but she can't do a fake "guy" voice to save her life! >>; At least Yuka Iguchi can pull off a voice that sounds like a effeminate man.


Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage 10 (Ep. 22)

Okay, hopefully some fighting in this one. As I'm getting sick of following Yukio and her easy-to-fool Yakuza around.


"Enough talk, let's fight." - Hopefully, this fight scene goes all out

So, we get more acrobatic Revy, more gore, more laugh-worthy Engrish. Not shabby.
Unfortunately,as usual, no worthy opponents. 'Tis a disappointment.

Anyways, "Jumbo Gin" accomplishes his mission. Semi-gory, but anti-climactic. I guess that can be saved for Balalaika as she shall be the final hurdle for ol' Yukio.


C'mon, son...

Rock is still....Rock. Falling for his naivety from the start of the series when Yukio has fully accepted her place as
leader of the local Yakuza
. He acts surprised for...I don't know why. I rhetorically ask again, why hasn't this character matured or at least applied past lessons and experiences to certain situations that identify the gangster life?

I'm just saying, it's possible for him to be the "normal guy" without having to act similar to how he did the first day of being on Team Lagoon. It's rather nagging to see much of his developing/learning scenes go to waste.

Anyways, as he speaks to Yukio about how "she should have had a normal girl's life because she should have had a normal girl's life". The cinematography takes the viewer to her empty, blood-stained house and shows her glimpses of such times like Halloween pictures, field trips and stuff.

So Rock then comes to the realization that he's spouting useless bullshit. (Seriously, by now in the series it shouldn't take him this long to catch himself by looking back.) It wasted screen time from more action or from fleshing out the batshit crazy/murderous characters, Revy and Gin.

Anyways, the focus of the conversation then points to Rock who is pointed out as a lukewarm cretin floating between the casual "normal" life of a Japanese citizen and the underworld of Asia. Again, took too long for this development to come about. In terms of the whole series, it shouldn't have been in this episode at all, but much earlier if they had to retouch this ground. The show is almost closing its curtains within the limit of 24, this shouldn't have been a hurdle for "late-game."

I hope Balalaika jumps in and turns this whole arc further into a bloody mess for some amusement. Because whatever this is, is a dull blade.
Ah My Goddess TV S2 21
What a demon...!
So demon|Belldandy was a treat to see. Of course she would do the silliest of evil things, jaywalking, writing graffiti on a blackboard, reading manga at the bookstore...! But, of course it was love that solved everything. It was nice to see Peroth again and it does look like Hild is gonna cause lots of trouble next episode.
how is it humanly possible to call her out for being annoying, but not the guy in the gif?

Whats annoying about Satoshi Fukube? He never fails to make me smile, pretty funny dude, teases Oreki, more passive in getting him to do stuff. Chitanda is litrally all over Oreki, grabs him and gets in his face, and is kind of clueless, dense?, just doesnt know how to keep her distance.
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya

After reading through the fourth light novel last week, I figured I should run through the film again. Trying to watch the film and follow along with the novel did not work as a lot of the narration is side information or was animated in the background. Anyway, the film was not only visually appealing but the music was presented in great fashion, as I got shivers down my spine from the sudden change in music when
Asakura stabbed Kyon

There were a few things that bothered me though.
How come it took so long for Kyon and Asakura to go down two floors on the elevator? After Kyon was stabbed, was he the one who fell down the stairs or was the Kyon of that fixed time-frame the one who fell down?
I guess the second question may be a bit challenging to answer, as I never did understand the whole idea of time paradoxes from the start. I could list more questions, but they are quite minor in terms of the story progression.

Overall, the film and light novel have a unique perspective and limitations to what either medium can portray.


The whole point of the Tokyo Arc was to show how fucked up Rock is now. Rock is just as bad as any of the other members of the cast and the Tokyo Arc is him coming to terms with that.

This type of realization should have come sooner in the series. He has had plenty of times to look back upon his flaw of "middling" when coming to his initial morals versus the environment of the underworld. Seeing the end of the anime near, I'd hope we wouldn't have to utilize much time to retread this fact.

I never denied that he was "fucked up", (most definitely has something wrong with him) however, this approach to it at this late in the series is not welcome for me. I would've preferred him overcoming a textbook flaw of overindulgence (in the vices of the underworld, whatnot) rather than one of stagnation.


Aquarion Evol 15

That guy sure does like his wenches smelly. Delicious NTR is delicious.

Aquarion RABU 16

Super Dimensional MUGEN PUNCH.

I get the feeling this might've held more meaning for me had I ever finished the original Aquarion. Oh well.

And my god do the new OP and ED suck ass. The latter much more so. Terrible.

Aquarion No Game 17


rejects the hottest chick in the show because he refuses give up on the slut who already has the hots for some other guy
. Amata is an idiot.

Andy sure has a penchant for cockblocking himself. And wtf at Zessica's new outfit.
Aquarion RABU 16

Super Dimensional MUGEN PUNCH.

I get the feeling this might've held more meaning for me had I ever finished the original Aquarion. Oh well.

And my god do the new OP and ED suck ass. The latter much more so. Terrible.

I wish they kept the first OP and ED the whole time. This second one for both just doesnt convey the whole feeling of the first two and feels in contrast to the actual content of the episodes.
Phi Brain S2 4

I like the idea of team puzzles. This one seemed really familiar. I know I've done something like those in games before, but on a smaller scale. Fun stuff.

And of course it
had to end in a tie.
Sooner or later, something like that shouldn't be viable even if the participants lives are on the line.




This type of realization should have come sooner in the series. He has had plenty of times to look back upon his flaw of "middling" when coming to his initial morals versus the environment of the underworld. Seeing the end of the anime near, I'd hope we wouldn't have to utilize much time to retread this fact.

I never denied that he was "fucked up", (most definitely has something wrong with him) however, this approach to it at this late in the series is not welcome for me. I would've preferred him overcoming a textbook flaw of overindulgence (in the vices of the underworld, whatnot) rather than one of stagnation.

He's been trying to balance these two aspects of his personality and the Tokyo Arc is when he fully gives in and realizes not only the world he lives in but himself as well. His conversation with Balalaika is crucial in that regards. You see this pretty clearly in the Roberta OVA's and Roberta Arc right after in regards to his development. You also have to remember that while the anime as a whole is near the end, the manga wasn't. I mean the arc right after that is pretty damn long and the Hiroe has a ton of shit planned. Too bad Hiroe has been taking a vacation for the past year or so.
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