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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Aquarion Evol 18

Apart from the fun battle and a few character development moments (cayenne), I thought it was an emotional episode
Andy still down in the dumps is distressing and by the end there, I was teary eyed (he lost Mix to the abductors which was shocking, I wouldnt have minded if it was Zessica as she was the dumb anime character of this week...but Mix? She was actually trying to make amends to the best secondary character in the anime. ugh.

That is quite a brofist ya got there.
Bodacious Space Pirates 15-16 - I like this "Schoolgirl Yacht Club Space Pirates" arc quite a bit, for the most part. I do think the
cosplay outfits
thing was kind of stupid, and the show being anime again, but apart from that, it was great. I like how it's not easy for them -- they're not naturally better at everything than adults are, like anime teenagers often are, they actually don't really know what to do and need some help. That makes it quite a bit more realistic than it'd otherwise be. Of course Marika doesn't really want to admit it, but she does need the help. :)
I like how Chiaki an the princesses figure out the truth of where the manual came from, but don't tell her because of the damage it'd do to her pride...
As for the raid on the ship, most of what I said above applies --
for instance, the slight difficulty docking, showing their inexperience
-- but they work thorough it, and with the manuals and their own knowledge, manage to figure it out and do it right. Great job there.
However, as I said above, I do think the cosplay-costumes thing was stupid. The too-anime elements of this series, like the cosplay costumes and the maid cafe she works at, are its weakest elements...
Apart from that though, it was certainly another fantastic episode as usual! :)

So yes, overall this show is indeed still easily the season's best. Apparently, this series will have covered the first three novels of the LN series by the end of the 18th episode. After that, they'll do an original arc, because when they started working on this anime in '09 only three books were out. We'll see if it's any good. That is promising for more, though -- if the show continues to do well, they could do another season or two! :)


He's been trying to balance these two aspects of his personality and the Tokyo Arc is when he fully gives in and realizes not only the world he lives in but himself as well. His conversation with Balalaika is crucial in that regards. You see this pretty clearly in the Roberta OVA's and Roberta Arc right after in regards to his development. You also have to remember that while the anime as a whole is near the end, the manga wasn't. I mean the arc right after that is pretty damn long and the Hiroe has a ton of shit planned. Too bad Hiroe has been taking a vacation for the past year or so.

I wish that he had multiple personalities in response to being shoved (and then welcomed) to that "new world." It would've added more than simply "diplomatic Rock" under his sleeve. I'm guessing the conversation with Balalaika comes later on, as I haven't seen an exchange from them with that impact as of yet.

Indeed, I am not aware as to the manga's pacing. I have too much anime of my list, however, can't promise I'll have time to read it to contrast/compare.

The Roberta OVA touches on it even more, huh? I'll be sure to see how that played out.


I wish that he had two personalities in response to being shoved (and then welcomed) to that "new world." It would've added more than simply "diplomatic Rock" under his sleeve. I'm guessing the conversation with Balalaika comes later on, as I haven't seen an exchange from them with that impact as of yet.

Indeed, I am not aware as to the manga's pacing. I have too much anime of my list, however, can't promise I'll have time to read it to contrast/compare.

The Roberta OVA touches on it even more, huh? I'll be sure to see how that played out.

Shit, sorry I thought that conversation was earlier. I screwed up the order of events.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Saint Seiya Precure 05
Because if there was one constant in the original show it was that you always left your friends behind when climbing something.

Now this was more like it. Bros being bros and sacrificing themselves for their bros for a higher purpose? Saint Seiya sakuga indeed. Kouga and Souma are the new Seiya and Shiryuu.

Next week we start to retread on the footsteps of the original show with the Saint tournament, which was the very first arc of the original show. They will also introduce the Ikki-like character, which should be a sweet focus.
Gundam 00 s1 7 - 17

We spend so much time with Saji for him to do much of nothing. I liked when he did interact with Setsuna, so I hope for more of this. Marina's plot needs to take off as well as more with Allelujah's, or for that matter Lock On
. Green > Red.

2nd ED is awesome, need to find if they have it textless as a bonus feature on this disc set (which all the disc have nice art, glad Bandai did this 29.99 s1 set).


Setec Astronomer
Hellsing 8-9

Clearly if there's one thing Black Lagoon OVA could have learned from this, it's that if you're going to perform storytelling by soliloquy you should go all the way.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 03
And mobbing a woman on the street under broad daylight was secretive? Fanatical patriotic domestic terrorists don't really think things through. The only thing missing was Donald Duck in a nazi outfit.


Hyouka 2

The distinctive marks of Disappearance are certainly all over the visual devices used in this show.

KyoAni managed to pander to both furries and maid fetishists in this episode, let alone all the pandering in the ED. I'm getting hints of axe crazy from Eru, though.

Anyway, I think people who are in this for the mystery aspect will be disappointed, because this is clearly a character-driven show that uses mysteries as vehicles for character interaction and development. It's not going to get many votes for best anime of the season, but it's pleasant to watch because the cast has a nice chemistry and the visuals are extremely lively and atmospheric. I foresee Hyouka being very much a love-it-or-leave-it anime, much like K-on, because it relies so heavily on visuals, atmosphere, and characters as opposed to any actual plot. I don't believe it will reach the popularity of that series or Haruhi, though.
For the below review, I apologize in advance for posting so many pictures... I know, I shouldn't, and have complained about this kind of thing before. Sorry. Sort of. :p But there's just no other way of doing this episode justice. It must be done.

Tantei Opera Milky Holmes II 11 - This one I watched some time back, but I'd just never written up a review, mostly because this is such a visual episode, and I couldn't think of a better way to review it than to post a bunch of pictures... but I never do that kind of thing, reviews with lots of screenshots, so I didn't really want to, and kept putting it off.

Anyway, ep. 11 of S2 of Milky Holmes is indeed a great episode. This episode is a shonen action episode / shonen action parody episode. The climax of a several-episode arc, here the girls of Milky Holmes have to save the world from the now-evil Lard Thief. They all (temporarily of course) get their powers back, and have to work together to defeat this dastardly foe who has crushed all other opposition, and is stealing all the world's lard. It's a tough fight
, and they didn't win until Arsene herself intervened in their behalf, after being convinced into it by someone else who made a good argument about why she should help them get better, instead of just being disappointed at their failures
, but they pull it off in the end and save the day. Good job! :)

As you'd expect, the episode's just full of ridiculous scenes and great visuals. They really went all out with this episode, and it shows. SO, I'm forced to actually post screenshots. Bah. :( Before that though, I should say, even though this episode was great, and often funny, I did lose interest slightly, a few times (too shonen-ey). Still, overall, this is one of the series' greatest episodes, full of funny comedy, ridiculousness, and action, and really is just brilliant work. The episode is one of the season's better episodes, at minimum.

Oh... and no, I haven't watched ep. 12 yet. I don't want it to be over... :(

So, the pictures. There are some spoilers of course, but this isn't new anymore, this episode is mostly good for its visuals and humor and not some surprising plot twists or anything, and I do put all the pics in quotes to make them smaller.

The sad results of humans when they lose their lard...

I guess acceptance is an important step towards solving your problems, but they should be a little more concerned about that fact... obviously they passed that horizon somewhere early in the first season though.

The villain's true form appears!

Yeah, this part's good stuff. :)

Even the Eiffel Tower is melting due to lard-drain, somehow! :lol

I think these shots speak for themselves. :lol Great stuff! :D

Fields of roses, too! Yes, this episode has everything.

Poor Kokoro, even her IQ has been affected.

The Phantom Thief Empire guys are in no better shape. Yes, that's Twenty. :(

Milky Holmes, however, resists! And Arsene can see their resolve...

That last pic, of their eyes, with the Toys sparkling in them, is a great image too. Finally, they're about to be great again, if only for a moment!


(A couple of frames later)
Go, Sherlock! Blast 'im!

This part of the fight goes on for a while, with all four Milky Holmes members participating in beating down the villain, but I won't post pictures of the whole fight. Watch the episode!

Nero has him on the defensive there, with her metal attack... and combined with Sherlock and Hercule, he goes down! Once they win, though, they learn that all is not quite over...

Lard, Larder, Lardest! Yes, lard is holy, and this is probably the funniest scene in the whole episode. So funny. :lol :lol

The Lard God's final form?

The line before this is "Wings of lard?"

Things are looking grim for our heroines... the final form is just too strong. Fortunately, Arsene has decided to act!

Yes, Arsene is THAT good. In Milky Holmes' moment of most dire need, she can run, backwards, across the world, in an instant, and save the day for good. Amazing.

So, using the straw straw, that Hercule found in Arsene's museum in a previous episode, Milky Holmes try to suck out the lard thief's Toys. However, it's not working, and Sherlock has an internal conversation with a mysterious voice... (as required by the shonen action genre, of course!)

When she wakes up, she realizes what she was doing wrong.

Yes, this sequence is about as bizarre as it looks. :lol

And so the world is saved! We are the lard indeed, we are the childlard of the 21st century.
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