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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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The Light of El Cantare
Smile Precure 13:








terrifying Precure acid trips


Heartcatch-level expressions through the whole episode


The animation in the Akanbe fight is mindblowing


Do I even need to caption this

I took over a hundred screengrabs from this episode and could have easily taken more, but fortunately ABF stepped on the picspam landmine before I had a chance to so I will simply strongly encourage everyone to watch. Next week looks like it's going to be just as incredible.


I wonder why KyoAni would chose to adapt such boring source material into a boring show. It sounds like a waste of time for everyone. It's not like the show even has a hook.


Smile Precure 13:






I took over a hundred screengrabs from this episode and could have easily taken more, but fortunately ABF stepped on the picspam landmine before I had a chance to so I will simply strongly encourage everyone to watch. Next week looks like it's going to be just as incredible.

I stopped around episode 5 to catch up with this season and last. But Ill resume it.

Yami's out of the way so something will take its place.

By the way, Yami gets a solid 12/10.
Bodacious Space Pirates 16

pirates was a bit stupid, to think Omigawa's character
stayed up 3 days to do that...
she could have just
made pirate outfits for the girls instead.
Lynn was badass during the pirating but even more at the end of the episode
when she told Marika & rest about the job offer to kidnap Jenny.
I'm really curious to know the reason for that.

As I said in my review, yeah, I agree,
the cosplay pirates thing was kind of stupid. Should have been pirate outfits for sure. The "anime being anime" elements like that or the maid costumes are the series' weaker parts.

As for the rest... watch ep. 17. :)

Haha pretty much.
I love the mahjong aura/Newtype stuff. So fierce.
She was probably lost looking for the bathroom again.
Yeah, I would guess that that's what was going on. I posted an amusing image earlier in this thread, comparing Saki's actual look (in the first scene like that, back in the original series) to the one that people passing her see... quite a difference indeed. :)

But I'm worried Achiga-hen will be one of those side-stories where the main story's cast steals the show.
It's more about Achiga than Kiyosumi. Of course though it's not only about them; in addition to cameos from other teams like Ryuumonbuchi or Tsuruga, as always each school they face in the later matches gets some attention, and one of them has Saki's sister Teru on the team...

Ahhh was wondering about that.
Yeah, the main manga's going on too of course, and Achiga's now past the end of the first series. That's the first thing here from that manga but not seen in the original TV show. That's the reason for that.

Wait what?? Lelouch wasn't a villain and Suzaku wasn't anything but a shit human being.
Lelouch certainly was a villain, he'd crossed the moral event horizon for sure. Just because the person he was fighting was evil too doesn't mean he wasn't as well... there is such a thing as evil vs. evil.

Garzey's Wing (dub):

I'm empty now. Totally empty. It's lonely at the top. Even lonelier at the bottom. The true face of humanity is terrible and grotesque and beautiful and magnificent. Our lives come and go, but Garzey's Wing is forever; an eternal monument to suffering and joy.

Black Lion (dub):

It was like watching a mountain explode and give birth to the planets.
Indeed, you have now see the pinnacle of anime. It's all downhill from here, true greatness cannot be beaten.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
They removed the instanced overworld, and replaced it with one where 1.) everyone's in the same zones together, 2.) waiting for the same infinite stream of monsters to respawn, etc. Guild Wars was NOT like that -- as long as you were in a zone, monster deaths were permanent, and you could clear out a zone. I love that feature, and the instanced overworld, they make it feel much more like a single player RPG and not just another constant-respawn MMO... but from the time it was announced all those years ago it has been clear that GW2 was designed more to try to attract WoW and other MMO players than to be true to what made Guild Wars 1 so unique, I think. I mean, didn't they even add in the ability to switch skillsets while in the field? 3. Come on, that cuts back on strategy for sure. They increased the max level from 20 to 80 too, presumably just so people playing other MMOs can see more numbers increase; in GW you hit 20 fairly early on (though how fast it was depended on which campaign you started in; in Factions it was really quick, in Prophecies quite a bit slower), and then spent the entire rest of the game at that level...

I admit, I haven't played it yet (combination of not really caring, as I said, and not having a decent working videocard right now).

1.) You make it sound like that's a bad thing. What it was before was what prevented more people from actually giving the game the time of day, myself included.

2.) Not true, the whole point is for you to explore the zone (which is huge and is littered with dynamic events).

3.)That's really wrong. If anything it expands on it. Being able to switch on the fly adds a lot more options for you to explore and experiment. Rather than sitting there mashing the same skill over and over, you can switch to your second set of weapons and do some mix-ups. There's even some setups where players can do cpc's by themselves (last I heard).

You should really watch some videos or interviews. I'm not trying to get you interested in the game but at the very least clear up some of your misconceptions. Because some of your impressions on what you think this game is about are pretty far out. :)


The Light of El Cantare
Chipping in my RIP for icecream, I honestly had no idea that AnimeGAF loved you so much, so now I no longer have to pretend to be offended at your moe proselytism! (albeit, too late for me to revel in future icecream threads ;_;)


Subete no aware
Certainly, although films pull that same kind of shit all the time.
Sure. But more and more tv shows here are casting ethnically appropriate actors to portray ethnic roles. Touch, for as absurd a show it is, has a new language every week. Then there are the weird ones like Lost and Heroes, which had Korean and Japanese characters speak what is presumably somewhat accurate Korean and Japanese.


I wonder why KyoAni would chose to adapt such boring source material into a boring show. It sounds like a waste of time for everyone. It's not like the show even has a hook.

I imagine there must have been something in it they liked. I don't find it boring so far, so I guess it must have something that works for me.
1.) You make it sound like that's a bad thing. What it was before was what prevented more people from actually giving the game the time of day, myself included.

2.) Not true, the whole point is for you to explore the zone (which is huge and is littered with dynamic events).

3.)That's really wrong. If anything it expands on it. Being able to switch on the fly adds a lot more options for you to explore and experiment. Rather than sitting there mashing the same skill over and over, you can switch to your second set of weapons and do some mix-ups. There's even some setups where players can do cpc's by themselves (last I heard).

You should really watch some videos or interviews. I'm not trying to get you interested in the game but at the very least clear up some of your misconceptions. Because some of your impressions on what you think this game is about are pretty far out. :)

1) It is a bad thing. I loved that it was as much a single player game as it was a multiplayer one.

2) Dynamic events do sound good, but what exactly is not true?

3) The whole point was to get a good build. If you can switch on the fly, sure it increases your strategic options, but it also reduces the amount of planning you have to do, because you can just switch to whatever you need during the action... that's not Guild Wars. I don't remember offhand exactly how many sets you're allowed in GW2, but I hope it's not the usual 10 that you get in MMOs. That kind of thing would be the antithesis of GW design, but of course a lot about GW2 is that anyway.

Sure, some of those changes could be seen even in GW1's later addons -- see EotN and how it pretty much gets rid of mission entry zones, and instead either starts missions in explorable areas or in towns -- but that was a bad change, and one of the weaker elements in an otherwise outstanding addon... I liked some of the integration, but it made finding groups for missions even harder. Given how hard that'd already gotten, since the addition of Heroes ruined the "missions should be played in groups of human players" dynamic that had previously dominated, that was NOT a good thing.

I liked Heroes otherwise, but they definitely had some important negative effects on the game.

(I started playing GW1 in the very first open test in E3 2004, so I saw it from the first time the public could...)
The Tatami Galaxy 6-8

I can see the complaints about this arc, as each episode covered the main story beats of the other two, but there was enough unique focus and perspective in each one that it didn't bother me.


The hook for K-On! is girls playing rock instruments. What is Hyouka about? I've watched two episodes and I have no idea.

K-on wasn't about playing rock instruments, though, any more than Hyouka is about mysteries.

The show is obviously about Houtarou learning to not be a lazy, boring bum. I didn't think that was even subtle, but I guess some people missed it.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Hyouka 02

I don't know if it was because I had different expectations today, but... I liked it? I think the fact that DouchebagSmoothGuy had less talking time (but still a lot) helped. I thought the mystery was actually intriguing and Chitanda is slowly growing on me. Also, that other girl is cute.


Sure. But more and more tv shows here are casting ethnically appropriate actors to portray ethnic roles. Touch, for as absurd a show it is, has a new language every week. Then there are the weird ones like Lost and Heroes, which had Korean and Japanese characters speak what is presumably somewhat accurate Korean and Japanese.

The guy playing Hiro (Masi Oka) is totes Japanese-speaking, but I understand the dude playing Ando (James Lee) was Korean so he did all his lines phonetically.

God, Heroes was so awesome in Season One. Why did you get so fucking terrible Heroes goddamnit.
Ergo Proxy is the most faux intellectual show around. No one likes it though, but you might for all I know.

I'm nobody, now? :(

Dusk Maiden of Amnesia BD/DVD to Have Unaired Episode

Nice! More Dusk Maiden is never a bad thing.

Cool, more Tasogare is certainly good.

Kanon (2006) Episode 03:
Boy do I love it when the Key protags pick on the girls.
Yeah, it is good that they actually have personalities... they aren't entirely just vehicles for the fans, they do have independent thoughts. And actions, like mocking the girls sometimes, or Yuuichi constantly complaining about the cold.

Seinfield is shit. K-ON is pretty awesome though.
Shows like Seinfeld and Friends have never interested me at all, but K-On's not better.


Then again this is KyoAni, it's not like K-ON had a hook.

That's wrong. K-On! was about 'cute girls doing cute stuff and trying to form a club' while K-On!! was all that mono no aware stuff. It had broad appeal and didn't bore everyone (although it certainly bored some). It had lots of energy, and the characters were pretty excited about what they were doing.


Subete no aware
Korra spoilers

Asami. So HAWT. Korra should die and she should be the main character.

The guy playing Hiro (Masi Oka) is totes Japanese-speaking, but I understand the dude playing Ando (James Lee) was Korean so he did all his lines phonetically.

God, Heroes was so awesome in Season One. Why did you get so fucking terrible Heroes goddamnit.
Yeah, s1 was the best season of the show. And yeah, Oka taught Lee all the lines. Of course, Japanese speakers think Oka's Japanese is atrocious, so I dunno. At least they made the effort!
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