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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
That was the straw that broke the camel's back, was truly the most LOL scene in history. Thank you Hiroyuki Yoshino for your atrocious writing.
Surely this is one of those cases when something is so bad it wraps around the space-time continuum and becomes good.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
That's not true at all, they don't just make up at the end of the anime! Remember, the anime ends at the end of the Summer movie, not just at the end of the TV show.
Remind me what changed in their relationship between the beginning of the show and the Summer movie. I may be remembering wrong, but they don't really go anywhere until Love Hina Again.


watched Birdy 1-6, for the first couple of episodes I was going "oh fuck you internet, this is going to be high school boy gets magical girlfriend shit isnt it?" but then they went into space and is started getting good fast, also catgirls


well not really...yet
Code Geass spoilers

The cruelty behind the entire Euphie scenario and the aftermath of it is really what soured me on Geass. It was just insanely over the top cruel, yet at the same time executed in a way to make the whole thing come off as hilarious to the audience. It was just too much.

Yoshino's writing really make him out to be a POS, and even though he didn't directly write these episodes, I cant possibly fathom anyone other than him having come up with them during scriptwriting sessions.


Code Geass R1 24


Mech action to the MAX!

Also lots of explosions.

backstabs by potential waifus :(

blood thirsty ex-friends incapacitated while their ex-friend wrecks shop

ALSOOOOO Vector cannon
"thank you"s! (which are awesome)

Now it has popped, but the fun hasn't stopped!


Well, that was nice to watch the Patema Inverted prologues again, this time while being able to understand what was being said. I think I have a vague idea of the grand scheme of what's going on; at any rate, I can't wait for the film. Hopefully some US distributor eventually picks it up for a theatrical showing in the usual places.
Yoshino's writing really make him out to be a POS, and even though he didn't directly write these episodes, I cant possibly fathom anyone other than him having come up with them during scriptwriting sessions.

It's probably not a good idea to judge someone's personality on their writing.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Code Geass R1 24

Mad Suzaku equals awesome winged Lancelot action.

And now Shirley and the crew are
actually confined in the damn school council room. No good can come out of this.

I guess Ledouche abandoned
most of his humanity behind after what happened in episode 22. He probably wouldn't be able to live with himself after that if he kept his conscience. And now he seems to think he's winning... But he's clearly doing exactly what his father wants him to.

I wonder what that is exactly.

The real world needs vector cannons.


What about my brother Kircheis? He doesn't get the recognition he deserves. Reinhard would surely have been executed already if Kircheis weren't there to restrain him.

Very true. Of course, Reinhard is also restrained by his love for Nunally.
Remind me what changed in their relationship between the beginning of the show and the Summer movie. I may be remembering wrong, but they don't really go anywhere until Love Hina Again.
They certainly go somewhere... the last two eps of the TV series had some real progress in their relationship in them and was a pretty good arc I think, and the same happens in the movies. The series does a lot to build up his relationship with Naru, and very little for most all of the other girls -- most of the time it's quite clear who's the one he's interested in and has the main relationship with.

As for Again, though... yeah, as I said that wasn't very good.

As for Mayo Chiki, there is a lead girl of course, but there isn't as much actual plot development, and there's more with the other girls in the harem than Love Hina has, I think. And the anime's ending is the antithesis of Love Hina's ending, even just of the first TV series -- it's not even about the main girl, mostly! It ends emphasizing the harem, not the central relationship. Very different.


The Light of El Cantare
Sailor Moon R: The Movie

I'm kind of sleepy and I want to get in an episode of S before I go to sleep so I'm going to keep this kind of brief. Even if Sailor Moon's not your thing, it's still a must-watch for Ikuhara buffs and encapsulates everything you need to know about him: he really, really likes flowers and homoerotic undertones.

Just look at these still shots from the opening credits. The movie opens in a greenhouse! The villain appears in a cloud of flower petals, his motivation centers on a promise involving flowers and
he's even being mind-controlled by a flower alien
. I'm not saying it's flowers, BUT IT'S FLOWERS.

With a motivation like this, Ikuhara might have been rooting for the villain.

The villain is also really friendly with Mamoru. He's not even shy about it; there are multiple invasions of personal space, signs of an unhealthy fixation, and
he assaults Usagi the second that he discovers that she's Mamoru's girlfriend
. Even if the feelings are one-sided, this is not the same relationship that Mamoru and Fiore shared as children. It's not even meant to go over the heads of young viewers because Ami and Rei immediately begin discussing the possibility that Mamoru swings both ways after Fiore's introductory scene ends.

About the plot itself, it was rather like an extended episode of Sailor Moon given a dramatic finale on par with an arc ending for extra punch. There was a MotW battle early into the film, but it was excellently-animated and was a far step above normal Sailor Moon fights. The enemy had an incredible sense of speed and power not present in regular MotWs, and the battle was generally more brutal with Senshi getting smashed through windows, phone booths, security doors, etc rather than the meaningless dodging and stock attack spam of the average fight.

Thereafter the plot descended into usual
save the world
business, but upon discussing the movie with Hito, he offered the fascinating insight that the film was at heart an encapsulation of the themes of the entire Sailor Moon R series. I had remarked that Fiore was extremely similar in design to Airu, one of the villains of the Doom Tree arc, and not only was this apparently intentional, but
Fiore's motives almost perfectly matched those of the Black Moon Clan from their arc in R
. Neato.

The only real blemish on the film was the use of some hella ugly CG in one scene, and while I know that the movie is from 1994, this does not change the ugliness:

It looks even worse in motion and isn't even on the level of a PS1 FMV. Uuuugh. Just puzzling, considering that the object in question is animated in 2D for the remainder of the film.

Barring that, it was solid for a one-off feature. Beyond the enhanced production qualities, there were new musical tracks and enhanced tracks from the series. Each Sailor even got their own theme, complete with their own version of the S1 eyecatch:

And because I'm too tired to find a good way to end this, have a picture of Ami's hazukashiiiiiii~ face:


Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Very true. Of course, Reinhard is also restrained by his love for Nunally.
Annerose wishes she were as moé as Nunally. That blind/wheelchair-bound cuteness. <3
They certainly go somewhere... the last two eps of the TV series had some real progress in their relationship in them and was a pretty good arc I think, and the same happens in the movies. The series does a lot to build up his relationship with Naru, and very little for most all of the other girls -- most of the time it's quite clear who's the one he's interested in and has the main relationship with.
But they don't do anything with it. They flirt and get tsun and then dere and then tsun but it's the exact same chemistry they've had since the encounter in the hot spring. It's a Looney Tunes cartoon storytelling deal in which everything gets reset at the end of the episode for twenty-five episodes and two movies. The same shit with Mayo Chiki!, where even the
at the end gives us no insight as to any real progression because they are just repeating the same stuff they've done in the past with no difference whatsoever.
Daw. This is the last available photo of that NTR English text book:

Seems like this really was made for nerds!
I'm disappointed now.


Kuro and Yuu have (somewhat minor) powers, but if the other three Achiga girls did, I'd think that we'd have seen them already... I'm not so sure that they do. Some people they face certainly will have powers, though. Some quite strong.
Reading up it seems like Yuu's power is warm (red) tiles are drawn to her. A limited ability. It's not powers I want to see from the other three but just play styles. Gimmicks or otherwise. Haven't even seen Shizuko play a round. : ( One thing I forgot to mention though was that I hope they keep getting different mahjong commentators every episode.

I just want to be like this all the time with this show:


Daw. This is the last available photo of that NTR English text book:

Seems like this really was made for nerds!
So this textbook is telling me to try NTR.


Three episode rule. Don't let the opinions of others sway you before you have even had the chance to watch the second episode.

The three episode rule does not apply to real life! There are plenty of times where I've dropped a show straight away, usually for good cause.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Taisho Baseball Girls 08


Tomoe is so adorable. Her outward appearance is so tomboyish that I keep getting floored by her soft clingyness for Koume. Speaking about Koume
she got screwed with that stand-in gig. She was reluctant at first, but she got pumped from the hype only to have it crushed moments later.
It's ok though, Tomoe will cheer you up.

KoumexTomoe OTP.


Looking at the screenshots Regulus is posting for LoGH, it shows why I still haven't watched it. Look at it! The hair porn, it's no longer there. It's just awful normal hair! How can I watch a show about grand strategies being implemented on a galactic scale with people who have never heard of L'Oreal? I like to believe I'm worth it Jex, and this is just not doing it for me!
Tsuritama 3

This show has really grown on me this episode. The characters all had great growth this episode and it feels like its started to hit its stride. The one thing I've come to appreciate how they handle the relationships and most notably Natsuki and his family.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Looking at the screenshots Regulus is posting for LoGH, it shows why I still haven't watched it. Look at it! The hair porn, it's no longer there. It's just awful normal hair! How can I watch a show about grand strategies being implemented on a galactic scale with people who have never heard of L'Oreal? I like to believe I'm worth it Jex, and this is just not doing it for me!
Sorry man, no budget for hair conditioner in my eighties/nineties animu.


Jormungand 4-

Well this was fairly interesting. Professionals acting like professionals well except for that CIA agent although there was something to be said about his actions too. Interesting to know that Koko knows she's a hypocrite but carries on anyway.

I really wish there was some internal monologue on Jonah's part as I would love to hear his opinion and perspective on some of these things. He's really a wall for Koko to bounce her thoughts off of instead an engaging dialogue between the two.

Jesus I wish this had better animation quality though so it wasn't so distracting.
Reading up it seems like Yuu's power is warm (red) tiles are drawn to her. A limited ability. It's not powers I want to see from the other three but just play styles. Gimmicks or otherwise. Haven't even seen Shizuko play a round. : ( One thing I forgot to mention though was that I hope they keep getting different mahjong commentators every episode.
The commentators in ep. 4 were pretty entertaining, I wouldn't mind seeing a bit more of that pair... but yeah, we really need to see the others play! Shizuno's supposedly the main character... sure, Kuro's match was great, the little part of it they showed, but there are five people on the team, I want to see some of their play too. As you suggest, it is hard to figure out much about their play styles when it's almost never shown except for in passing.

I just want to be like this all the time with this show:
In the 2-cour version, it probably would be... but even in this version, more is coming than has been seen so far, thankfully.

So this textbook is telling me to try NTR.
Yeah, seems so.

Wait, there was a Summer Love Hina movie? Goddamnit.

It's the "stuck on a desert island" arc, animated! It's great, go watch it now!

(I assume you've seen the Christmas movie? That one was the first special, Summer was the second.)

But they don't do anything with it. The flirt and get tsun and then dere and then tsun but it's the exact same chemistry they've had since the encounter in the hot spring. It's a Looney Tunes cartoon storytelling deal in which everything gets reset at the end of the episode for twenty-five episodes and two movies. The same shit with Mayo Chiki!, where even the
at the end gives us no insight as to any real progression because they are just repeating the same stuff they've done in the past with no difference whatsoever.
They go a bit farther with it than you suggest... yes, the next thing often resets the situation, but still, there IS some progress in the series.
I mean, Keitaro has pretty much told her his feelings by the end of the animes, it's her who's holding out... and it's clear she does have feelings for him. That's not a complete reset situation, only a partial reset on her part; his feelings don't change.

And no, I think that that ending you refer to there is suggesting that they're gradually getting closer, and will continue to. I think that was the clear intent.


Jormungand 4-

Well this was fairly interesting. Professionals acting like professionals well except for that CIA agent although there was something to be said about his actions too. Interesting to know that Koko knows she's a hypocrite but carries on anyway.

I really wish there was some internal monologue on Jonah's part as I would love to hear his opinion and perspective on some of these things. He's really a wall for Koko to bounce her thoughts off of instead an engaging dialogue between the two.

Jesus I wish this had better animation quality though so it wasn't so distracting.
I have to say, I love how the anime handled that scene you screencapped compared to how it was in the manga --
Chinatsu's dying vision of Koko here really plays up the whole sort of "demon fox" image she has going for her


Looking at the screenshots Regulus is posting for LoGH, it shows why I still haven't watched it. Look at it! The hair porn, it's no longer there. It's just awful normal hair! How can I watch a show about grand strategies being implemented on a galactic scale with people who have never heard of L'Oreal? I like to believe I'm worth it Jex, and this is just not doing it for me!

You know, not everything is about hair.


The Light of El Cantare
I bet you're one of those type of people who don't even rinse and repeat when you shower AREN'T YOU?!

The instructions on shampoo bottles are a conspiracy to afflict the entire world with obsessive compulsive disorder so that we run through several bottles of shampoo per day and funnel untold hundreds of billions of dollars into international shampoo cartels that secretly plot world domination. Every time you rinse and repeat, you're just that much closer to your own enslavement.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Code Geass R1 25 -END-

What an ending. What a ride.

I feel like I'll never be able to watch an anime with regular, human pacing without falling asleep after an entire day of this, hahaha. But this is damn good stuff. The over-the-top 2D action, the setting, the "villains", the antics, the main duo... Hell, even Shirley's annoying mouth brings in the fun.

The school setting thing wasn't as overused and silly as I thought it could've been after reading some of the comments, and I'm glad for that.
There's no way they can go back to school now, so I guess we're done with that.

Oh yeah, and CC's the best girl. Not that she should be proud of that title with the remaining girls in the cast, but still.

Now I need to sleep.


Code Geass R1 25 -END-

cliff hanger to challenge all cliff hangers .

Man, this was a fun watch.

Ledouche wrestling (and at times finding common ground) with his
friend Suzaku was a treat.

If only because the gaps between that content was filled with bare breasts, Pizza Hut, Table-Kun, mad crazy pacing, great mecha action, some cool mecha designs, Pizza Hut, keikaku and more! Even the school segments (sure to ruin it) ended up with some sort of way to connect back to one of the above in order to keep things pumping.

Even when it got downright silly, I found myself laughing rather than shaking my head or facepalming
okay, so maybe some of LeDOUCHE's actions made me do a bit of facepalming.

Tired now, but I wonder what R2 will have in store.


Sorry man, no budget for hair conditioner in my eighties/nineties animu.

There's not really a huge amount of budget for anything, which might confuse those who think that 80's OVA's such LOGH generally tend towards having great animation.


He's European. I bet he doesn't even wear deodorant!


The instructions on shampoo bottles are a conspiracy to afflict the entire world with obsessive compulsive disorder so that we run through several bottles of shampoo per day and funnel untold hundreds of billions of dollars into international shampoo cartels that secretly plot world domination. Every time you rinse and repeat, you're just that much closer to your own enslavement.

Or that's just what the Europeans want you to think!


Looking at the screenshots Regulus is posting for LoGH, it shows why I still haven't watched it. Look at it! The hair porn, it's no longer there. It's just awful normal hair! How can I watch a show about grand strategies being implemented on a galactic scale with people who have never heard of L'Oreal? I like to believe I'm worth it Jex, and this is just not doing it for me!



Tomodachi wa Mahou
The instructions on shampoo bottles are a conspiracy to afflict the entire world with obsessive compulsive disorder so that we run through several bottles of shampoo per day and funnel untold hundreds of billions of dollars into international shampoo cartels that secretly plot world domination. Every time you rinse and repeat, you're just that much closer to your own enslavement.

I agree. Baking Soda + Apple Cider Vinegar > Shampoo. All natural baby.

Three episode rule. Don't let the opinions of others sway you before you have even had the chance to watch the second episode.

I have always been an advocate of the three episode rule.

But I watched AKB 0048 yesterday. I am still suffering from watching that. I don't think I can subject myself to another 2 of those episodes.

Kore wa Zombie Desu ka S1 1-10:

I forgot why I stalled out on this show originally. So I gave it a whirl again from the beginning. It is quite enjoyable until literally the second Tomonori shows up. Then everything goes down hill and fast. She herself is an absolutely terrible character and she manages to drag down everybody else around her.

Oh well only a few more episodes and then I'll jump into S2.
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