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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Tragic victim of fan death
Is it a cultural thing? I'm actually pretty curious about this, especially since you have an actual Korean perspective on it. When did you first hear about it? Do people generally believe it in and mention it in everyday conversations? ^^;

So I first heard about fandeath from my dad. He never let me keep the fan on and go to sleep during the summer when I was a kid. It's not a typical conversation topic or anything but parents sort of enforce this heavily. Even when I went back to Korea for visits my grandparents tell me not to sleep with the fan on or you'll die. I was like, "Wtf?"

It wasn't until I had a sleepover at a friend's house that I begin to suspect fandeath. It was summer again and my friend had a ceiling fan. As we were about to sleep he left it on and I told him, "Dude, you cant' sleep with the fan on! We'll die!" he was like wtf... And i told him, "It drains out all the oxygen in the room and we'll suffocate and die" which is what I remember my dad telling. I don't think it's something stupid but rather just a myth that was constantly told for generations on end until it became fact and truth. lol. I'm going to be roomates with the same friend and he always teases me, "Want me to turn off than before you go to sleep?" when i sleepover at his place.


So I first heard about fandeath from my dad. He never let me keep the fan on and go to sleep during the summer when I was a kid. It's not a typical conversation topic or anything but parents sort of enforce this heavily. Even when I went back to Korea for visits my grandparents tell me not to sleep with the fan on or you'll die. I was like, "Wtf?"

It wasn't until I had a sleepover at a friend's house that I begin to suspect fandeath. It was summer again and my friend had a ceiling fan. As we were about to sleep he left it on and I told him, "Dude, you cant' sleep with the fan on! We'll die!" he was like wtf... And i told him, "It drains out all the oxygen in the room and we'll suffocate and die" which is what I remember my dad telling. I don't think it's something stupid but rather just a myth that was constantly told for generations on end until it became fact and truth. lol. I'm roomates with the same friend and he always teases me, "Want me to turn off than before you go to sleep?"

I really wonder where this urban legend originated from to have gotten such widespread belief in a developed country. It's pretty fascinating don't you think? I mean sure, it's illogical and it makes no sense, but surely something must have happened in the past to give support to this theory so much so that people believe it in without questioning the logic behind it.

We need more documentaries!


Tragic victim of fan death
I really wonder where this urban legend originated from to have gotten such widespread belief in a developed country. It's pretty fascinating don't you think? I mean sure, it's illogical and it makes no sense, but surely something must have happened in the past to give support to this theory so much so that people believe it in without questioning the logic behind it.

We need more documentaries!

I'm pretty sure when my friends were convinced that I was telling the truth about me not knowing fandeath was fake they pointed me to the "Fandeath" wikipedia page. Honestly I have no idea where it originated from and after I found out that it was fake, I told my dad. He was absolutely baffled. The topic is interesting though. I would love a short mini documentary on the origin and myth of fandeath. It'd be freaking awesome.
I really wonder where this urban legend originated from to have gotten such widespread belief in a developed country. It's pretty fascinating don't you think? I mean sure, it's illogical and it makes no sense, but surely something must have happened in the past to give support to this theory so much so that people believe it in without questioning the logic behind it.

We need more documentaries!

Wiki says government conspiracy!

The most common theory is that since the first reports of fan death did not occur until the 1970s, there is speculation that this was done in order to conserve energy usage by the Korean population. Additionally, the theory implies that the South Korean government supported this notion in order to reduce energy usage at a time of limited supplies.


Wiki says government conspiracy!

Best part of the article:

The Korea Consumer Protection Board (KCPB), a South Korean government-funded public agency, issued a consumer safety alert in 2006 warning that "asphyxiation from electric fans and air conditioners" was among South Korea's five most common seasonal summer accidents or injuries, according to data they collected.[1] The KCPB published the following:

If bodies are exposed to electric fans or air conditioners for too long, it causes [the] bodies to lose water and [causes] hypothermia. If directly in contact with [air current from] a fan, this could lead to death from [an] increase of carbon dioxide saturation concentration [sic] and decrease of oxygen concentration. The risks are higher for the elderly and patients with respiratory problems. From 2003 [to] 2005, a total of 20 cases were reported through the CISS involving asphyxiations caused by leaving electric fans and air conditioners on while sleeping. To prevent asphyxiation, timers should be set, wind direction should be rotated and doors should be left open.

Despite widespread reporting from the media and other agencies in South Korea about fan death, it has never been explained by these organizations why this phenomenon has never been reported or even heard of in any country other than South Korea.


I... find that even harder to believe honestly, but that does introduce an even more interesting angle to this. Come on, surely someone out there has put some effort towards researching this topic in more detail? We must know!

Why is it unbelievable? If the South Korean government really needed to "reduce energy usage at a time of limited supplies", it's plausible they could perpetuate this rumour through use of the media and other forms of propaganda. Once the rumours have taken root, fear and irrational superstition will spread it generation to generation.

...Now that I've typed it out, I guess it does sound slightly far-fetched. Still not completely unbelievable though, considering how many other superstitions there are. Am I missing something obvious?

Hmm, I'm curious about this too.


sealed with a kiss
Code Geass R1 25 -END-

What an ending. What a ride.

I feel like I'll never be able to watch an anime with regular, human pacing without falling asleep after an entire day of this, hahaha. But this is damn good stuff. The over-the-top 2D action, the setting, the "villains", the antics, the main duo... Hell, even Shirley's annoying mouth brings in the fun.

The school setting thing wasn't as overused and silly as I thought it could've been after reading some of the comments, and I'm glad for that.
There's no way they can go back to school now, so I guess we're done with that.

Oh yeah, and CC's the best girl. Not that she should be proud of that title with the remaining girls in the cast, but still.

Now I need to sleep.

Your spoilered line....



Code Geass R1 25 -END-

The school setting thing wasn't as overused and silly as I thought it could've been after reading some of the comments, and I'm glad for that.
There's no way they can go back to school now, so I guess we're done with that.



Living in the shadow of Amaz
Your spoilered line....


[quote="Steroyd, post: 37491917"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v686/Charc/Gifs/Hilarious.gif[IMG][/QUOTE]
Wait, what? How?

Oh God.
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