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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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The Light of El Cantare
Sailor Moon S 99:


Rei and NTR
? This episode is perfectly tailored to the tastes of a lot of AnimeGAF.

Yuichiro is a bro and I'm glad that he still gets some screen time every now and again. Sadly for him, he remains a comedic punching bag in this episode as he
gets the wrong impression about Rei and Haruka
and hilarity ensues.


Don't you just love the throb of the engine?

Haruka once again cementing her status as

I actually ended up being so intently invested in the drama that it genuinely took me by surprise when the MotW showed up. I blame the extremely cheesy insert song, which went from generic sap to almost sounding like Japanese yodeling at the end. Hito or someone else that knows, was the insert song in this episode meant as a parody of serious insert songs in serious dramas? It was goofy as all hell and my mind can't accept that it was actually played completely straight.

Usagi's time was minimal in this episode but her scene with Yuichiro cranked her charm to dangerous levels. It's kind of amusing that it's possible to discern the subtle differences between times when Usagi is just playing stupid and times when she's actually being stupid. She effortlessly played Yuichiro's emotions like a cheap fiddle.

Lots of miko Rei was very welcome this episode, and getting a solo Mars transformation is always fun because she has her own rarely-used catchphrase. Kasei ni kawatte, sekkan yo!
I do genuinely hope that she hooks up with Yuichiro by the end of the series. If nothing else, gotta keep that shrine going somehow

Sailor Moon S 100:


Since Minako isn't capitalizing on her own fame, who owns the rights to the Sailor V trademark? Does she not realize how many hundreds of millions of yens she's handing over to opportunistic corporate leeches? These are important questions.

Rounding out the recent streak of character-themed episodes, this was a Minako episode, and it was actually really great for helping to finally define her character. Ami has always been "the smart one", Rei "the feisty one", and Makoto "the tomboy", but Minako has always been kind of an unknown quantity. After this episode, I think that she's best described as "the romantic" and sometimes "the unhinged one", hah.

For one, I like that she's genuinely bitter when it comes to romance. Just the sight of people in love fills her with loathing and jealousy, and she's not always perfectly able to keep it to herself. As much as Makoto talks about her senpai that broke her heart, she doesn't act nearly as scarred by her past romances as Minako, who (if memory serves) was ditched by some dude in England. Minako adores love and, for lack of a better phrase, romanticizes romance itself, but when it comes to actually attracting men, she can't overcome her own awkwardness and eccentricity and falls back on hopeless delusions about her soulmate being destined to appear before her, already madly in love. This was just a really fantastic episode for revealing what makes Minako tick.


Minako with her hair down is amazing :OOOOOOO

Hopefully this is the last time that I'll have to bring this up, but in the first ten episodes of Sailor Moon S, at least half of the episodes have featured
NTR or perceived NTR
of some sort, including this one. AnimeGAF has trained me to immediately see every instance of it, but I'm beginning to wonder if
love and the fear of loss
aren't actually going to be significant themes in this series.
Haruka and Michiru's unconventional relationship
is omnipresent in this season's events and, for all the
the ambiguity and aloofness that they seem to express when pressed on the seriousness of their relationship and their commitment to each other
, I wonder if the true depth of their bond is going to be sorely tested at some point.


No girl of Minako's age ever wants to admit that this is their future.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Nazo no Kanojo X 5

So they're switching between different
already? Oh boy.

That was the most uneventful episode in the show yet. Because of that, I feel like next week's is going to bring something new.




Tomodachi wa Mahou
All these Sailor Moon impressions are making me want to hurry up and watch more. :(

Don't listen to the lies.

I should probably get back to watching it someday soon but I'm in the middle of another show thanks to a deal involving a second party. Proper impressions of said show will have to wait but will be coming soon enough.


[Black Rock Shooter] - Finale

You may have thought that I had finished this show. Apparently, I forgot all about it so I thought it was about time to get this over with.

I regret wasting my time. So ends one of the most literal shows of all time. I can't say that it will be missed.

The only interesting thing about this entire project the extremely successful use of CG to mimic 'traditional' animation. Even though it's by no means perfect they've clearly shown a path that I hope others will try to follow.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I'll stop with the image spam and just post impressions for now. (Takes too much time)

Carnival Phantasm 03

Arcueid is just so adorable in the school uniform! XD And Saber trying to curl up next to Shirou was all sorts of adorable! XD The Afterschool Alleyway Alliance bit is kind of funny, but is wearing thin.

Carnival Phantasm 04

Okay this skit with Rin, Archer and the BluRay Recorder was hilarious! XD Also, Shiki and Shirou trying to figure out how to date all of their girls at the same time was pretty damn funny! XD But yeah, the AAA skit is getting old.

Carnival Phantasm 05

Berserker's first errand... oh man! XD Fucking awesome how he defeated everyone just trying to buy some batteries! XD While the AAA skit is old, the PhantasMoon one works a little better if only due to the bit where they always throw in a "Ren, what is that ______ for?" that's always different.

Carnival Phantasm 06

This episode's a miss for me. I just don't think there's a way to make Shinji's actions toward Sakura amusing even in a parody show, so it just didn't work for me. Rider had a couple of funny moments trying to prevent it but I just don't find it funny tbh. :/
Kuroko no Basket 05

This steak is steakalicious.
I liked this episode. All the little things happening in the episode really made me like it a lot, such as what I think is the owner of the steak place chasing someone outside the window. It was a nice downtime episode and really got me to like the characters a bit more.
Where did you hear this? Everyone is saying 12.
My bad .... i was sure i saw that info somewhere but i can't find it .

We have 12 titles but i doubt it will stay at this number ..that's just too low ..you can't even animate "flask plan".. is there a meaning to madaka box if they only animate the prologue ?
My bad .... i was sure i saw that info somewhere but i can't find it .

We have 12 titles but i doubt it will stay at this number ..that's just too low ..you can't even animate "flask plan".. is there a meaning to madaka box if they only animate the prologue ?

Well yeah, that's why everyone's hype has deflated. The BDs only have 2 episodes each and there are 6, so that's apparently a conformation it will only be 12 unless it proves profitable (which it isn't). Definitely disappointment of the year for me.


[Eureka Seven Ao] - 4

I am finding it pretty difficult to work out if this show is going to turn out to be great or terrible, largely because I have absolutely no idea where it's going. There's been quite a bit of character set up and world building that has largely all amounted to telling us that Ao has suffered badly at the hands of stupid racist island people. I still know next to nothing and the world, the factions within it, what anything is or what the 'goal' for the series is, beyond
locating Eureka

I suppose I shouldn't be particularly surprised by this meandering set-up - it's classic Gundam world building which will eventually lead to some kind of 'main objective' somewhere down the line.

I bring up Gundam because robot shows tend to have stories along the lines of: these bad guys are coming to kill everything/take over the world/destroy the world and we need to stop them (see Evangelion), Mazinger etc) - the end goal here is to beat back the bad guys. On the other hand you have war story stuff like Gundam where you have Side A vs Side B with the ending of the series presumably involving one side beating the other.

Meanwhile in AO there are these things called G-mosnters/Secrets that appear and attack stuff, but then maybe they go away? Or maybe they don't? It's hard to say, but you don't really get the feeling that the whole world hangs in the balance.

Moving onto this weeks episode in particular - I enjoyed it more than last weeks outing because it felt less disjointed. It also looks like we might be finally moving past the tutorial stages of the show and onto the main event.


Mysterious Girlfriend X 5

My nose was bleeding the entire episode

So first it was drool and now it's sweat. I wonder what will be next

After five episodes, I gotta say, Tsubaki is a solid MC. There are some differences here and there that makes him stand out from the other useless generic lead males in romance anime.


Maturity, bitches.
Mysterious Girlfriend X 5After five episodes, I gotta say, Tsubaki is a solid MC. There are some differences here and there that makes him stand out from the other useless generic lead males in romance anime.

One factor being that he managed to get a girlfriend.


Was anyone actually under the impression that Medaka box was going to be good?

Hansode Shiranui should just get her own show and leave the rest of that disaster behind.


Guess what's finally started again!


Get to it, people. Quite a lot of new faces this year.

Two interesting bonus matchups for the first day, though the more relevant one is a couple's match between Kouichi/Mei from Another and Soushi/Ririchiyo from Inu x Boku.


The most unloved anime voting tournament (besides SaiRetro) is BACK this year, with poorly formatted blog posts just waiting for you to cast your vote. That's right, SaiMecha 2012: http://saimecha.wordpress.com/2012/05/06/sai-mecha-2012-round-1-earth-side/

For Round 1 we have:

Gurren Lagann vs Arbalest

Not that I think this is really much of a competition. I mean, that's the god damn Gurren Lagann, it easily wins.

Exia vs Big O

I think this is actually a much harder choice. I really like the design of the Exia with it's slim, sleek design is practically the antithesis of the clunky, ridiculous Big O. Still, there's something majestic and imposing about The Big O which leads me to chose him over Exia.

Ingram vs RahXephon

This is an easy one for me - I was never really a fan of the RahXephon design.

Takemikazuchi vs Zeta Gundam

I am not wild about either of these designs, but anime has seen better bipedal tanks so I'm going with the Zeta.

Shin Getter Robo vs Zeorymer

It's all about the Shin Getter because I haven't seen the show featuring the other robot!

Nirvash vs Dai Guard

Nothing about the Dai Guard really interests me, an easy choice.

Mazinger Z
vs VF-25

Hmm, the Mazinger Z is truly iconic but I can't deny that the VF-25 is much cooler.

Delphine vs Mazinkaiser SKL

I'm not really a fan of the Mazinkaiser SKL design. Damn, I really seem to bagging on various Mazinger designs today.


Guess what's finally started again!


Get to it, people. Quite a lot of new faces this year.

Two interesting bonus matchups for the first day, though the more relevant one is a couple's match between Kouichi/Mei from Another and Soushi/Ririchiyo from Inu x Boku.

Shit. I had to abstain from Elsie vs Subaru. just can't decide ;_;

The others were pretty easy decisions.


Gurren Lagann
Big O
Zeorymer of the Heavens
Mazinger Z

Bonus round:

Sora no Woto



Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Carnival Phantasm 07:

Arcueid has the completely wrong idea about okonomiyaki! Ika Musume am cry. XD And Caster has the perfect partner in Souichiro. Seriously they're made for each other. Oh, and I COMPLETELY approve of Caster's obsession with Saber. XD

Carnival Phantasm 08:

Okay, I know I said I wasn't going to post more images but... I just HAVE to for this one! I just HAVE to!!



Gurren Lagann
Big O
Zeorymer of the Heavens
Mazinger Z

Bonus round:

Sora no Woto


Great choices sir.

I forgot to mention the moe-mecha bonus:

Hayate no Gotoku vs Haiyore! Nyaruko-san vs Keroro Gunsou vs Sora no Woto

Sora no Woto, obviously.


Guess what's finally started again!


[URL="http://www.internationalsaimoe.com/voting/"]Get to it, people.[/URL] Quite a lot of new faces this year.

Two interesting bonus matchups for the first day, though the more relevant one is a couple's match between Kouichi/Mei from Another and Soushi/Ririchiyo from Inu x Boku.[/QUOTE]

Ok finished casting my votes. I was doing good in the first division but in the second one I couldn't recognize most of them so I just voted for whoever didn't look ugly.


sealed with a kiss
Yeah, I think I had one different from what Dresden did, but otherwise my list was the same. Honestly, the Zeta looks ugly as hell, why would anyone choose that over the Takemikazuchi?


[Tsuritama] - 4

I suppose this show has slowed down into some kind of patterns that I might be tempted to label 'normality'? While you might make the case that the direction in this episode, especially the editing, was more standard and rote than we've seen earlier on in the show but frankly I think it worked quite well for the story they were trying to tell this week. I think this episode lays to rest my fear that this show would be built all around 'wacky characters doing wacky stuff' (although that is still present) with no discriminable substance.

I can't believe we have three shows this season about bro's bonding all of which feature fairly interesting and likeable characters. What a rare treat.


Yeah, I think I had one different from what Dresden did, but otherwise my list was the same. Honestly, the Zeta looks ugly as hell, why would anyone choose that over the Takemikazuchi?

I was wondering that too. The biomechanical look of the sora no Woto tanks is just an incredibly cool design. Fuck the gundam.

Also, is it sad that I recognize every single one of the character in ISML?


For the mecha thingy

Gurren Lagann
Zeta Gundam
Mazinger Z (this one was a no brainer)

Don't know where half of these mecha come from but some of them have some great designs.


sealed with a kiss
For the mecha thingy

Gurren Lagann
Zeta Gundam
Mazinger Z (this one was a no brainer)

Don't know where half of these mecha come from but some of them have some great designs.

I really am curious, do you really think the Zeta design is better than the Takemikazuchi?


Yeah, I think I had one different from what Dresden did, but otherwise my list was the same. Honestly, the Zeta looks ugly as hell, why would anyone choose that over the Takemikazuchi?

I never thought I'd hear the Zeta described in such harsh words, and I'm not even a huge fan of it's design!


I wouldn't call the Takemikazuchi 'wonderful,' but I am fond of how it looks, and a vote for it is a vote for the cancer killing anime right now - a vote for moe.

Yeah, I think I had one different from what Dresden did, but otherwise my list was the same. Honestly, the Zeta looks ugly as hell, why would anyone choose that over the Takemikazuchi?

It's Gundam.


Gundams look like shit.

Boring shit.

So many more fun mech designs out there.
I dont really care that Gundam is a "classic" I'm talking about the designs. They're boring.


Love space brothers... I heard it even has a live action movie, anyone got more info on it?

The move only came out yesterday I think, but you can see the trailer on YouTube.

I don't know where to look for "reputable" Japanese film reviews, but the critic on MSN Japan seemed to like it. 2ch seems to be engaging in the usual sorts of banter about the film re: scientific inaccuracies and whether it was a faithful adaptation of the manga (it appears not).


I really am curious, do you really think the Zeta design is better than the Takemikazuchi?

Like I said, I don't really like either design. The Zeta is too clunky and I don't like the colours where as the Takemikazuchi has weird legs and unnecessary ornamentation.
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