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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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I'm more looking forward to the Tsuritama OP this week.

Next week is where everything is at for music, though; Futakotome, Subarashi Sekai (Space Bros ED), Hisenkei Jeniakku (Steins;Gate PS3 OP), Nichibros OST, Escape (E7AO OP), Hyouka ED, Above Your Hand (Sankarea ED)... god damn I'm hyped!

Accel world's ED and Tsuritama OP this week, Futakotome and Nichibros Ost next week..... it's pretty awesome, now I need Phi brain's Now or Never OP to complete it.
I'm more looking forward to the Tsuritama OP this week.

Next week is where everything is at for music, though; Futakotome, Subarashi Sekai (Space Bros ED), Hisenkei Jeniakku (Steins;Gate PS3 OP), Nichibros OST, Escape (E7AO OP), Hyouka ED, Above Your Hand (Sankarea ED), Phi Brain S2 OP... god damn I'm hyped!

Finally the Sankarea ED, now if we knew when the Sengoku Collection OP single comes.

I watched the first 2 eps of Accel World on a whim...good god why did I enjoy this. The little fat Cartman dude...lol, its just impossible to hate him. Its just too funny.

edit: fuck me, this is written by Hiroyuki Yoshino? Fucking kill me NOW

Youll want to throw books at him in a few more episodes.
OP/ED singles I'm waiting on:

Phi Brain s2 OP
Zetman OP
Rock Lee ED
Nyaruko OP and ED
Recorder to Randsell OP/ED 2

Anyone know when these are coming out? Articalys, you're the authority on this stuff, right?
Hyouka 3-4

The direction in these episodes is really obvious - highlighting the "clues" in episode 3, and carefully structuring episode 4 to mix up the discussion with regular breaks and changes of scenery - but that doesn't make it any less good or enjoyable to watch.

I do hope Oreki grows as a character over the course of series. His steadfast flatness is beginning to wear on me. It's not too bad when he has the other cast members to play off of, thankfully.


OP/ED singles I'm waiting on:

Phi Brain s2 OP
Zetman OP
Rock Lee ED
Nyaruko OP and ED
Recorder to Randsell OP/ED 2

Anyone know when these are coming out? Articalys, you're the authority on this stuff, right?
Phi Brain s2 OP -- next week
Zetman OP -- next week
Rock Lee ED -- June 13 (VGMdb didn't have data on this show, surprisingly)
Nyaruko OP and ED -- next week
Recorder to Randsell OP/ED 2 -- June 6

Again, I mostly use VGMdb to look stuff up, and failing there I just turn to amazon.co.jp.
Nyaruko 06

it is indeed neogaf the anime.

So many kamen rider references.

Great eps.


Phi Brain s2 OP -- next week
Zetman OP -- next week
Rock Lee ED -- June 13 (VGMdb didn't have data on this show, surprisingly)
Nyaruko OP and ED -- next week
Recorder to Randsell OP/ED 2 -- June 6

Again, I mostly use VGMdb to look stuff up, and failing there I just turn to amazon.co.jp.

Awesome, thanks. I'll be sure to check there from now on.
Mysterious Girlfriend X 5 - As I've said, I'm losing interest in this... I know, it was the beach episode, Urabe looks good, etc. But the series as a whole is clearly going nowhere, and the main character's annoying, too. I don't know, it's fine for what it is, but I'm just not all that interested...

Upotte! 6 - Yeah, this was another pretty good episode! The first half had some solid resolution for the training exercise arc, as M-16 and L manage to come up with a winning strategy against Sako. Good job there, they very nearly lost, but pulled through.

I do agree with a bit of the criticism I've seen, though -- I mean, Sig not participating definitely was quite a dodge, how would she not have won even all on her own? As for why Sako didn't shoot L... well, it's your classic overconfidence problem, clearly. I didn't mind that so much.

And then at the end, Sako
kisses FNC before leaving. It makes Sig very jealous... can't imagine why. :p
Sako also leaves Galil behind; Galil seems to like AR-18 a lot, now, too.

As for the second part of the episode, about a new gungirl's crush on FNC (of course). It's fairly generic stuff, but pretty cute. So yeah, overall, a good episode for sure.

Saki Achiga-hen: Episode of Side-A 6 - This episode covers rounds two and three of Achiga's quarterfinal match, against Senriyama and two other not as important schools. Both rounds are hard-fought matches, but
Yuu and Ako both pull through! Yeah, it's great to see, particularly against such strong competition. :)

The episode begins with a flashback showing how, when they were little, Kuro used to regularly protect Yuu. It's really cute, apart from the mean bullies of course. Now, though, it's the other way around, and it's Yuu who's trying to make up for Kuro getting beaten so badly. Senriyama thinks they have a strategy against Yuu, like they did to great effect against Kuro, but fortunately for Yuu, things don't quite work out as Senriyama had hoped.

First, this girl doesn't have a power like Toki's, so they don't have quite as big of an edge there. But also, the analysis of her power was off --
she doesn't just attract certain all-red tiles, she attracts any tile with some red in it. That's a lot of tiles, in the mahjong tileset, and once they realize her true power, the Senriyama analysis girl realizes that there's not much they can do... it's too broad a power.
So yeah, good job Yuu. Even so she only barely ends up positive, but still, it's a huge improvement versus Kuro.

The second half turns to Ako's match against Sera, Senriyama's tomboy girl. In between Cela's changing scene and the scene at home as some of Ako and Shizuno's friends and family watch the match, this match probably has less mahjong shown than the first one in the episode did, unfortunately. That's too bad, I wanted to see Ako play some more, this series needs more mahjong action!

I mean, Sera's changing scene was good, and the scene at Ako's home was alright, but compared to the length of the match, I just think it was probably a bit too much.


Almost got away... but not quite. After being forced to change, Sera says "I joined under the condition that I don't have to wear a skirt at school. Having to wear a skirt in matches makes me feel like I got conned. In my middle school we didn't have a uniform, so I didn't have any contact with this frilly stuff until high school"...

Then has to go out to face the cameras. She's feeling a bit better once she gets to the match room, though, as she takes a flying leap and does a spinning jump over the table once she arrives. Here's her landing.
For the non-mahjong scenes, though, first there's one where Sera is forced to change into a school uniform with a skirt for the match. She protests, and is embarrassed to be seen in public dressed like that, but apparently even though she's not required to dress like that at school, they are making her wear a skirt for the matches, for whatever reason. She changes behind a curtain, too, even though it's just her team members in the room.

As for the actual mahjong of the match, what's there is good. Ako doesn't have a power, but the announcers say that she's probably Achiga's best overall player, so she's clearly good even so. She's certainly quite confident as well, and is successful too, so it does pay off. She has a good, positive attitude there. Sera puts up a good fight, but Ako wins.

However, partway through the match, it cuts out in favor of the scene at Ako's house, and we see the younger girls again, but most notably, it's got a conversation with that friend of Ako's who went to the other school, the school that was expected to win, but Achiga beat in the regionals. She's impressed by how good Ako now is, but of course wants it to be her there at nationals next year. Good luck there... :)

I find it odd that this "matchup" scene occurs near the end of what we see of their match... oh well.

So yeah, overall, this was a pretty good episode, full of the fun, flashy mahjong action you expect from Saki. The visuals were good, with plenty of flashy moves, lightning-outlined tiles, fitting music, and all the rest. This is what you expect from Saki, and it's good. Sure, I have some minor issues with the episode, but they're just that, minor.

Panda-kun, you jerk... :)

Man, is that insanely cute...

People have bad taste, these things always prove that.

The problem is, of course, that every person you ask will probably cite a different character's success as the proof of that bad taste. :) But yes, of course I agree that Holo should be winning.

Yeah, a HxM blog was the first hit on Google and the yuri aggregator I go to was basically 90% HxM. Go figure, considering they only meet each other like three times in the anime. Yuri needs to be subtle!

Yeah, that percent sounds about right... apart from their very small number of meetings in the anime, they're also around eachother in one Biyori chapter, too, but nothing particularly yuribaiting-worthy happens. Not that that bothers any of the many HxM fans, though, clearly.

Yumi x Momo's probably the #2 most popular pairing. For some reason Saki x Nodoka's not nearly as popular... kind of strange, I think.

Saki A 6:
The visuals have indeed gotten to that level you expect from Saki mahjong matches, yeah. :)

I think the only thing left for me hold out for in this current game is Shizuko's set. The taisho must get more screen time. Right?! There wasn't much play again this episode but results did occur. Yuu in the first half and Ako in the second. Not very involved but not much time was wasted either (barring that 20 second reaction pan that began and ended on the same point).
Hey, they could have done even more (and I think they should have), but there was a pretty fair amount of mahjong in this episode. Not nearly as much to complain about than in most prior episodes.

I like that Yuu's power pertained to all tiles with red rather than just man and chun tiles. That makes it a lot more versatile. Take that Senriyama. Damn 1% mahjong clubs with their ipad2s to study match data. Not enough scarf blown swag though. Her back story though, man dat scarf bullying. Solune would not approve.
Yeah, it definitely gives her more variety and options than Kuro has. And she showed it, too, with her success.

Also, yeah, Senriyama is kind of annoying, aren't they... they have some good characters (Toki, embarrassed tomboy girl Cela), but are obviously annoyingly well prepared and sure of themselves. I think I want them to lose...

So Ako is pretty godlike apparently as the best on the Achiga team. Plays in a smart and experienced way. Very Nodoka like. Other than that she doesn't have any special defining mahjong features. I do like her confidence though.
Yeah, agreed. I'd have liked to see a bit more of that actual match, though; they set up the Ako/Cela matchup, but then it ended almost the second they finished setting it up... ah well.

Next time it's up to Arata (gosh can't even say that without :firehawk) to pick up the points. About half way through this series and there's only been one lengthy round of team play. I wonder if they can fit in another game after the top two teams qualify here?
Yeah, I also expect that the Achiga anime will cover this match, then the semifinal, and then end on a cliffhanger before the finals. Wait a few years for the next anime, probably.

(If nothing else, it could well take that long for the main Saki manga series to actually get that far, at the rate it's been going at...)


Smile PreCure! 15

if only the villains realised just how useless akanbe was then they wouldn't get their as whooped all the time. oh well, i guess they'll switch back to the blue ones for a few eps to ensure the precures don't get all the decors until Pierrot's reawakened.

it's also about damn time reika gets an episode!


Nah, I find most of his opinions on Fate/Zero totally wrong. He doesn't have much investment in the actual show itself or the content, and he's judging it based on the interest of someone who only wants to critique it based on preconceived standards. His facts and references are usually dead on, but his opinions... not so much.

Yeah, but, he's always like that.
The tits of the woman named Fujiko Mine 1-6

So yeah, so far pretty much every episode has left me with this feeling of disappointment and wasted potential to varying degrees. I'm asking myself right now wether I'm gonna want to keep watching this or not.
It's less painful to watch it week by week, I assure you.


I knew there was a lot of style but not this level of substance. Just a wonderful surprise and I think I have a new second favorite Gundam series (behind the unassailable Turn-A). In Imagawa we trust.

Always. He hasn't let me down yet! Admittedly I haven't watched all his works yet, so there's probably something he's done that I won't like, but I hope never to come across it.
Violinist of Hamelin 4

Who'd have thought Flute was built like that? Not I.
Speaking of which, can you guess who wrote the script for that show? Possibly not, as it hasn't gotten too crazy yet.


The Light of El Cantare
Perhaps I could believe that if they had more costume changes. Natalia wears the same outfit for a decade? It's not a very subtle get-up either.

There has to be a perfectly reasonable magical explanation for this. Maybe her clothing is imbued with some kind of.....something......thing.


Always. He hasn't let me down yet! Admittedly I haven't watched all his works yet, so there's probably something he's done that I won't like, but I hope never to come across it.

Well there's the GinRei OAVs.

Speaking of which, can you guess who wrote the script for that show? Possibly not, as it hasn't gotten too crazy yet.

Wasn't it Imagawa too? I saw he's worked on all sorts of different stuff like Bartender iirc.


Anyone who thinks that a character not from K-On! or Angel Beats has a chance at winning the whole thing is just kidding themselves.

Why would I even be thinking about ISML at all?
Where was all this ahegao in Heartcatch?

I really don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about. Smile is an all ages show intended for the general audience.
I really like reading raito-kun's stuff though. It's insightful and offers interesting perspectives sometimes. I just don't agree with his opinions most of the time. :D
Well of course, I don't read what other people have said only if they agree with my opinion!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[A Story about Dudes who do Heroic Things in the Galaxy] 015
I didn't know Nike liked to go commando to war.

Somebody tell me how semicircles are inherently better than lines... columns... things. Especially in a 3D battlefield.

Holy fuck where were they hiding all this budget? Maybe it was just the music choice but it was sakuga as hell. Not only did they manage to make the usually bulky and uninteresting flagships look magnificent while on the attack, there was also a brief glimpse of smaller X-Wingesque/Tie Fighter battles. Best episod of LotGH ever.

Admiral Borodin is a dipshit, committing suicide before his subordinates even have a chance to escape.
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