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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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I'm fine with it. Hardcore anime fans were never the target audience anyway, so I don't understand the upset over the likelihood of the block showing more mainstream series that AnimeGAF has seen already. I'm for whatever gets a new generation interested, a result which still isn't precluded if it ends up being a nostalgia block.

Come on, at least have some subtlety if you're going to try to pull this.

You should stick around more often; we have a surprising amount of Sailor Moon discussion here!

I'm all for any mainstream network block that gets a new generation interested in anime. The more the merrier.


I like to keep my brain on, usually. But Its more fun to just turn it off and let the show take over. I guess it really depends on the show.


The Light of El Cantare
Late-night Saturday block. Not mainstream enough.

Wait, so this is basically going to be part of adult swim?

Not the best news, then. Really needed to be a 7-10 block with action/shounen stuff from the past few years.


The Light of El Cantare
They're going for the nostalgia fans, not a new audience.

Yeah, I assumed that when I saw that it would be late-night. Good for those who really and truly missed 90s Toonami, but it's not how I'd personally like to see the block utilized.
Zettai Karen Children 1

Let's just jump into the good and bad:

- ugly character designs
- annoying and irritating characters
- stupid writing
- ugly and plentiful CG
- unfunny humor
- more stupid writing
- stupid pedo jokes

+ black-haired megane is decent
+ and she speaks in Kansai-ben!
+ there was a few spots of nicely drawn animation

So basically, this was a poor episode that in no way interests me in watching further.

You should at least try 4 eps .. anime is fun , and manga is cool ...
The first ep was a textbook example of a bad first impression

Is it wrong that I'm excited for Toonami even though I know there's a decent chance that it will end up being lame and a let down to the nostalgia crowd? Toonami and later Adult Swim are part of what got me started with anime. Plus, it's the whole package, with Tom and hopefully more video game reviews that are part of the appeal for me. :/
The way I see it, there are two possibilities: Toonami's return will be legitimately good and that will be awesome, or it'll be terrible and the ensuing schadenfreude from seeing the massive hype train ride off a cliff will be awesome. Entertainment is all but guaranteed.


Yeah, I assumed that when I saw that it would be late-night. Good for those who really and truly missed 90s Toonami, but it's not how I'd personally like to see the block utilized.
Same, but where are we seeing that this is going to be a late night block? Someone care to source that? As far as I can see, all we know is that it's on a Saturday.
Same, but where are we seeing that this is going to be a late night block? Someone care to source that? As far as I can see, all we know is that it's on a Saturday.

I think it's a pretty good assumption because it's Adult Swim and not Cartoon Network (yes, they are a separate entity).


I think it's a pretty good assumption because it's Adult Swim and not Cartoon Network (yes, they are a separate entity).
Nah, you're ill-informed. Mike Lazzo who originally made Ghost Planet Industries (Now Williams Street) produced Toonami. They went on to create Adult Swim-- so having them be the proprietors of a new Toonami is only natural. It doesn't tell us anything about where it would show up.

That being said, it could very well show up as a replacement for the Saturday night AS block, but that remains to be seen.

I've heard many people refer to this as the worst anime ever produced. I knew I would have to eventually watch it and decide for myself. Were they wrong? I would say, with much enthusiasm, "Yes." Not only is Garzey's Wing not awful, it is probably one of the most enjoyable things I have watched in some time.

I'm honestly a little unsure if my normal format will work with how I approach laying out my experience with this three episode OVA turned movie. There are certainly hints of a familiar structure that would lend itself to standard examination on my part, but it almost so irrelevant to what made this enjoyable that I don't know if it would be worth sticking to convention. Oh well, let's see what happens!


Okay, I'll try to make this as simple as possible, because the story honestly didn't matter.

Chris-chan gets separated from his body as either his soul or a duplicate of himself is transported back in time to 14th Century Japan (in his words) by a glowing swan because of the necklace he wears. He lands in the midst of a rebellion where he was summoned by a priestess of the rebel group. He joins up with the rebellion as they make their way to a tree to declare war. Since it is a leap year, they believe they will be able to overthrow the current ruler. Meanwhile, Chris-chan in present day begins to notice signs of bruising over his body, and he is able to telepathically communicate with his other-self, giving him information and battle strategies, as they surmise that they will both perish if the other dies. However, he still has to attend his high school reunion. Also, there are dinosaurs with armor and they fight stuff. YES.

The story doesn't matter. At all. To say it moves at a break neck speed would be selling it short. The story moves at a million miles an hour, they never take time to explain anything, and anything they try to explain makes no sense because the lexicon of the movie is far removed from anything in the natural world. It was still extremely entertaining seeing events play out, since nothing had any contextual weight or importance. It's almost as if the viewer was expected to have read some kind of cliff note book before ever considering cracking the case to even think about watching the show. It was off-the-wall, taking extreme liberties with every turn, and made absolutely no sense. It was so much fun!


Honestly, the actual animation itself was much better than I had imagined it would be. Some of the touches to things like the fairy's wings were kind of nice, and some of the action sequences had some nice moments conservatively sprinkled throughout. Some of the settings and objects in the world hinted towards something much grander that could have been fascinating to have seen more of or explored further. I got the sense that some of the staff were really into what they were doing, and you could see it surface as the quality would rise and fall like ocean waves.

The designs of both characters and animals were fairly standard, which was unfortunate, as the dinosaur designs could have been something that they really made their own. There was one giant dinosaur that had about the most unique design of anything, but even that wasn't much to mention. Horses looked like a horse + donkey + unicorn, there were some raptor looking things, and some iguana + fish looking thing at one point. I suppose there were these creepy looking bug things early on, but you only ever get to see one, and it's very brief. Characters were about as plain as they come.

To be honest, I don't even remember if there was ever any music at any point in the first two episodes. There was some really mismatched and generic electro sounding poprock in the third episode, but it was very forgettable and hidden under everything else in the audio when it appeared.

The thing that really stood out the most was the voice acting. I watched the english dub, at the behest of reading several recommendations, and it was worth it.
I think any line of the dub could be placed into one of three categories-
  • Yelling a line that could have been delivered normally
  • Stilted and unnatural to the point of unbelievability
  • Names and jargon that sound like something from Dr. Seuss casually used in a sentence

I have truly never listened to anything this astounding. Not only was the delivery just in a league of its own, but there was just a ton of other things to push it above and beyond. Some characters were so miscast (like the two little girls that sounded like the oldest of all the actors on display) and the translation so off the mark that you had to imagine it was a direct babelfish translation. What really made it special was the unflinching way in which everything is said. There is no evidence of the actors and actresses questioning what they are saying; they simply deliver their words as though it was expected, yet it is their first time to ever read something aloud to an audience.

I mean, with lines like, "OH MY GOD! I feel like I was dreaming!", "Humans are just human.", and "They call this a 'drug' in my world. It makes people happy and do silly things." you know you are witnessing something to be cherished.

Final Thoughts

I really believe this anime gets an unfair reputation. However, I feel that unfair reputation probably has allowed it a much wider exposure than it ever would have received otherwise. This was probably what many people would see, shrug off as worthless, and never think twice about it again, but I feel this is actually something of significance. It had me smiling the entire time, it never stopped to consider if I was making sense of everything that was happening, but I had a blast as it drug me along behind it to wherever it was going.

Sure, there are literally countless elements and threads that are never resolved in any way after being mentioned or introduced, but that was part of the fun. It handled its content so lackadaisically that it was fun seeing it put on a shirt only to remove it two seconds later for another one. Not to mention, the story with Chris in the other world feels like it just ended the first third or so of a full series when the Chris in the present world acts like everything has suddenly been resolved definitely. It's jarring, even for Garzey's Wing, but it felt like a sensible conclusion to the ride I took (almost along the lines of the ending of Monty Python and the Holy Grail).

If anyone reading this has not seen or heard of this film, I don't know that I could recommend it with absolute certainty, but it's cheap enough that you should take the chance to find out for yourself. This really is something special.
Garzey's Wing already has a lot of notoriety in AnimeGAF, and for all the right reasons.
As it should. This is probably one of my favorite animes ever now.
I would love to watch this with other people at some point to see if they like it as well, but I don't know that anyone I know really shares the same eye for things that I do.

You pushed me over the edge, Typo. My copy will be here in about a week.
You have chosen wisely.

Seriously, it was a blast to watch. I hope you like it. : )



part 3 of my untiring quest to save anime!
the ring owns!



Final Thoughts

I really believe this anime gets an unfair reputation. However, I feel that unfair reputation probably has allowed it a much wider exposure than it ever would have received otherwise. This was probably what many people would see, shrug off as worthless, and never think twice about it again, but I feel this is actually something of significance. It had me smiling the entire time, it never stopped to consider if I was making sense of everything that was happening, but I had a blast as it drug me along behind it to wherever it was going.

Sure, there are literally countless elements and threads that are never resolved in any way after being mentioned or introduced, but that was part of the fun. It handled its content so lackadaisically that it was fun seeing it put on a shirt only to remove it two seconds later for another one. Not to mention, the story with Chris in the other world feels like it just ended the first third or so of a full series when the Chris in the present world acts like everything has suddenly been resolved definitely. It's jarring, even for Garzey's Wing, but it felt like a sensible conclusion to the ride I took (almost along the lines of the ending of Monty Python and the Holy Grail).

If anyone reading this has not seen or heard of this film, I don't know that I could recommend it with absolute certainty, but it's cheap enough that you should take the chance to find out for yourself. This really is something special.
congrats on witnessing this epic masterpiece
Not really, no. All I ever wanted was Despera, and that dream lies shattered.

Hell, even the OP labels most new anime as 'shit'.

The OP is a troll that hasn't even seen half of them. Calling stuff like Tasogare shit is an uniformed opinion.

The fact of the matter is this season is amazing and covers a lot of bases..


Is Despera's director still ill, or what? I find it hard to believe, if not downright heartbreaking, that they're just giving up on it.
Mushi-shi - END

This series is quite difficult to describe as a whole, you just have to watch it or read the manga. The first episode draws you in while you ask yourself what these mushi are, and by the time you reach the ending episode you question what other mushi there could possibly be and what kind of impact they may bring.

It is just a shame this series is marketed now as a cheap SAVE title instead of an affordable Classic line release.


Apparently the return of Toonami will have "new original anime programming" alongside the older shows, whatever that means.
The release also reveals that the revived block will be shown once a week from midnight to 6 a.m. on Saturdays.
So it isss midnight to 6:00am! Haha.

Hopefully by "New Original Anime Programming" they plan to do joint ventures like AS did with bringing a second season to Big O.

Beaten: Damnit, Typo =(
Not really, no. All I ever wanted was Despera, and that dream lies shattered.

Hell, even the OP labels most new anime as 'shit'.

Most shows in any given season are bad. This shouldn't come as a surprise, and isn't anything new. There's usually at least one or two, and usually more airing shows worth watching.

Of course, plenty of people discuss older shows here either exclusively or alongside newer stuff; we have room for all types!


Wow, unless I fail at searching(highly probable), Despera's never even had a thread here.

Would making one about a show that only exists in concept art and a graphic novel be in poor form?


· TOONAMI - Beginning Saturday, May 26, Adult Swim brings back Toonami, the network's popular block of anime programming. Airing weekly from midnight to 6 a.m. (ET/PT), in addition to the return of previous series featured in Toonami, Adult Swim is also developing new original anime programming for fans.

Read more at http://thefutoncritic.com/news/2012...3412/20120516adultswim01/#bho82Xtgz7SuxH5b.99

Adult Swim is also developing new original anime programming for fans.

Adult Swim is also developing new original anime programming for fans.

Adult Swim is also developing new original anime programming for fans.

Adult Swim is also developing new original anime programming for fans.

I hope that means what we all hope it means! :D



Wow, unless I fail at searching(highly probable), Despera's never even had a thread here.

Would making one about a show that only exists in concept art and a graphic novel be in poor form?
there's a manga?!

it's never too late/early to start the hype machine so you should go ahead.

qcf x2

Not really, no. All I ever wanted was Despera, and that dream lies shattered.

Hell, even the OP labels most new anime as 'shit'.

Steins;Gate & Fate Zero. Watch them, for they are both quality.

Code Geass 09 - Seriously, does this get good? Or is it one of those shows that peaks at mediocre, but people like it because it's so faux dramatic (with the hand waving and fist slamming and such)? If there's no semi-deep story or riveting action in the future lmk, guys. I could be watching other stuff.
ABe released a book of concept art with some of Chiaki Konaka's writings, so...sort of. Not really. It's similar to the Omnipresence Lain book.

ABe art is always worth looking at. Perhaps making a general appreciation thread with Despera as part of it would be the best option.

So, Jexhius will be making the thread?

It'll be resurrected years later to popular acclaim
when the show comes out - haha.
Code Geass 09 - Seriously, does this get good? Or is it one of those shows that peaks at mediocre, but people like it because it's so faux dramatic (with the hand waving and fist slamming and such)? If there's no semi-deep story or riveting action in the future lmk, guys. I could be watching other stuff.

Define "good" in this case >_>

Just keep watching
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