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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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The Light of El Cantare
I just looked @ the Amazon rankings again hoping that it was all a dream and I see it ranked @ #33... wtf? Is this shit even popular on 2ch?

AnimeGAF got to the bottom of this, fortunately. Apparently there's an exclusive card for the popular Sengoku Collection social game on which the anime was based that's going to be bundled with the first volume. DVD preorders are higher than BD preorders, which is a pretty strange anomaly for a series not targeted toward fujoshi and is most easily explained away by people only interested in the card looking to spend the least amount that they can to get said card. It looks like the bump in sales should only be for the first volume.


All sequences in a show should look good, regardless of their 'narrative/character' importance.

Anyway, I think that shot from Sankarea looks 'off' for a number of reasons:


Firstly, why the hell is the camera so far back from the action? That's just terrible placement unless you're doing like, an establishing shot off a location or you're trying to portray a lot of action or you want to distance the audience from some event. It doesn't really have any place in your average conversation, unless you're SHAFT and you're trying to save money on animating facial animation.

Secondly, it's pretty clear that the character arrangement is incredibly lazy. Everyone is lined up on a straight line that goes all the way to do the door and they're generally facing towards the audience. What this reminds me of is a theatre, where the actors are taking place on a stage in front of the audience. Very old films used to have characters and backgrounds arranged that way because they were still transitioning ideas and techniques from the theatre. It doesn't really serve much point in this case beyond getting all the characters on screen in the easiest way possible. No thought or care has gone into it. You'd never see a shot like that in K-On!, for example.

Thirdly, the amount of 'dead space' in the image is astounding. Now, there's nothing particularly wrong with the background art, but why does it occupy so much of the image? How much of the image could you remove while still keeping all the relevant information. Quite a lot, it turns out:


Why is like, 70% of this image absolutely pointless?

The other big problem I have is that the complex sheds and other background objects directly behind the characters make it harder, rather than easier to discern them from the background. It's unbalanced and ugly composition.


Probably because it's an unnecessary dig in a post that praises this episode:


Nobody praised those specific shots or claimed that every shot in the episode looked good, so you're arguing against a straw man. Although all of those shots still look better than the Sankarea one.

I didn't include a description for why I thought that shot was bad because I (wrongly) assumed it was obvious, much like various images from Angel Beats. Not obvious as in, I assume you can all read my mind, obvious as in, certain things are aesthetically pleasing and other things are not.

I think it's simply bad art.

You have too much faith in humanity. Did you learn nothing from the mountain?


One of you should probably help me bump the Fate/Zero thread so I can post my impressions on ep20 later. I don't want to double post. >_<


It just goes to show that Koike can't manage a TV schedule.

He can't manage a movie schedule either, though.

Michiko didn't have Koike as chief animation director. I really do think he's the primary person to blame, certainly for the overly long pre-production. There's some issues with the conception of Fujiko and the other characters that Yamamoto is probably at fault for, but I don't think they'd matter as much if the production values were higher.

Koike really is a terrible person; he wasn't content with just destroying Madhouse.


Korra no Densetsu 7

Onsen Beach Pool episode! CG vehicles!

You know, I was a little surprised that
Asami turned out to not be evil. I was fully expecting that to be the case
. Of course now that means I find her character a little too perfect.

One way this situation could improve is that
now that they're all gonna be shacking up at Air Temple together she can put the moves on Korra too and get herself a nice little bisexual harem going


Mysterious Girlfriend X

Another nice combination of chapters that were originally unrelated. It's the same pace as always but it's still fun to watch so that's fine.

Also, if it wasn't clear before now, Ueno is a lucky son of a bitch.
Queen's Blade 7

Is it really Holy Milk?
It kind of sucks Tomoe didn't appear once in this episode, but I guess I'll deal with it. The one thing I did learn in this episode is that even Naneal is a better fighter than Leina, which brings me to my next question. Why does Naneal try to weasel her way out of a battle with Melona, Menace and Airi when she could easily wipe the floor with them? Leina did get some screen time in this episode though, but not much. You see her once for a bit when she helps Naneal's angel friend, and then at the end when Naneal is made to travel with her as a punishment for screwing up her job.
And oh yeah, lots of naked boobs in this episode. Pretty much half the episode is like this. Clothes, Who needs them? Not the Queen's Blade girls, that's for sure.


I found it creepy the first time I watched it and I did that when I was a horny thirteen-year-old.

I am proud to say I did not fap. Pinky swear.

Anno's idea with Rei was to make her appear creepy but instead she became the most popular girl in the series, perhaps because people wanted to rescue/save/protect her.

I don't think this says anything good about the creator or the audience.


Korra no Densetsu 7

Onsen Beach Pool episode! CG vehicles!

You know, I was a little surprised that
Asami turned out to not be evil. I was fully expecting that to be the case
. Of course now that means I find her character a little too perfect.

One way this situation could improve is that
now that they're all gonna be shacking up at Air Temple together she can put the moves on Korra too and get herself a nice little bisexual harem going

the CG is probably the most anime feature
the pool episode didn't have any tacky anime fanservice though which was a good change


Why do it at a higher resolution when they can do it at a lower resolution and upscale to get the same amount of pixels?

Also, personally, I like a softer look to lineart. While there are other ways to achieve this than a lower resolution, it's a way nonetheless.

While a soft look can be nice, I much prefer anime in HD when possible. I like seeing the individual brushstrokes in background art, or the small imperfections in drawn lines.
Anno's idea with Rei was to make her appear creepy but instead she became the most popular girl in the series, perhaps because people wanted to rescue/save/protect her.

I don't think this says anything good about the creator or the audience.

Her boobs are bigger than Asuka's and Shinji's.


Anno's idea with Rei was to make her appear creepy but instead she became the most popular girl in the series, perhaps because people wanted to rescue/save/protect her.

I don't think this says anything good about the creator or the audience.

I think Anno is a pretty good argument for The Death of the Author being real.


A Good Citizen
While a soft look can be nice, I much prefer anime in HD when possible. I like seeing the individual brushstrokes in background art, or the small imperfections in drawn lines.
I think some studios might render the lineart in a lower resolution and then scale it up and composite at a higher resolution, which works too.


I think some studios might render the lineart in a lower resolution and then scale it up and composite at a higher resolution, which works too.

I'm not really a fan of having elements of the image rendered in different resolutions. It would be better for them just to apply a blur effect for softer lines as those don't create the same noticeable artifacts as upscaling.

Of course I'm guessing the main reason they do that is because it's easier.


that's just what anno wants you to think


You might well think that, but Anno's been really open about other things relating to the series. For example, he admits that most of the symbolism is there 'just to look cool', so I don't see why he'd bother lyung about Rei.


For all it's, err, 'anime' problems, Eureka Seven AO is still a fairly enjoyable show, I just don't know where they are going to take it.

That's part of the problem with the show. Unlike Hyouka, AO is actually a mystery show and most of the people coming into it, especially people who saw the original, thought it would be something a bit different. It's presentation is also somewhat off as it doesn't know how it wants to present itself.


sealed with a kiss
Sailor Moon 58


That pretty much sums what happens every time there's an episode about Naru

After the events of last episode, Eiru and An have stopped going to school, and like any good friend would be, Usagi is worried. It was nice having a competent Usagi for once, who wasn't just thinking about herself.


Being Usagi is suffering

While out on a walk, An runs into Mamoru, and Eiru coincidentally meets Usagi. If you think about it, the whole plot of R so far has just been NTR NTR NTR. And it seems
that all the NTR is beginning to have consequences!

While Usagi is visiting their place, she notices a mysterious door, but when she approaches it, An gets furious and throws her out of the house. Of course, since Usagi is dumb, she just wants to open that door even more! The next time she drops by, she opens the door a crack just long enough for
the doom tree to reach out and grab her, but Eiru and An save her before she can be pulled in. Eiru hastily comes up with some explanation for why there are tentacles in his spare room, and Usagi believes it at first. I don't think it was so much because she's easily fooled, but she doesn't want to believe her friends are unsavory characters.


You've really let yourself go, Usagi

However, a little twig gets stuck in Usagi's hair, and after
the Sailors and resident mascots analyze it, they discover it comes from the doom tree! They realize than Seijuro and Natsumi might well be Eiru and An, but Usagi still doesn't want to believe it.


I like Usagi's new color of hair dye

While hanging out in front of their apartment, Usagi sees Mamoru coming over. Mamoru is coming to see how An is doing, and Usagi decides to join him.
An decides to shove Usagi into the doom tree, but when she does, things go terrible wrong. The tree begins screaming out in anguish, Usagi is trapped by its tentacles having all her energy drained, the building is over run with branches, and the rest of the Sailors have no way to get in.

Cliffhanger episodes? Already? What will happen next?!


A Good Citizen
I'm not really a fan of having elements of the image rendered in different resolutions. It would be better for them just to apply a blur effect for softer lines as those don't create the same noticeable artifacts as upscaling.

Of course I'm guessing the main reason they do that is because it's easier.

Good scaling algorithms seem to keep artifacts away though.


Is Rei the most popular EVA girl anyway? I thought it would be Asuka but I can see why the Japanese would prefer Rei.

Rei, and in particular bandage-moe Rei, is by far and away the most popular Evangelion girl. She'd never have most of her story cut from the second Rebuild movie!


Rei, and in particular bandage-moe Rei, is by far and away the most popular Evangelion girl. She'd never have most of her story cut from the second Reduild movie!

Well that would explain that Rei-themed hotel room I stayed in. I wanted an Asuka one but if Rei was the most popular then it would make sense that it would be Rei.

Yes. I'm sure it will be. The concern should be whether 4.0 is out next year as promised. Lol.

Lol indeed.
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