All sequences in a show
should look good, regardless of their 'narrative/character' importance.
Anyway, I think that shot from
Sankarea looks 'off' for a number of reasons:
Firstly, why the hell is the camera so far back from the action? That's just terrible placement unless you're doing like, an establishing shot off a location or you're trying to portray a lot of action or you want to distance the audience from some event. It doesn't really have any place in your average conversation, unless you're SHAFT and you're trying to save money on animating facial animation.
Secondly, it's pretty clear that the character arrangement is incredibly lazy. Everyone is lined up on a straight line that goes all the way to do the door and they're generally facing towards the audience. What this reminds me of is a theatre, where the actors are taking place on a stage in front of the audience. Very old films used to have characters and backgrounds arranged that way because they were still transitioning ideas and techniques from the theatre. It doesn't really serve much point in this case beyond getting all the characters on screen in the easiest way possible. No thought or care has gone into it. You'd never see a shot like that in
K-On!, for example.
Thirdly, the amount of 'dead space' in the image is astounding. Now, there's nothing particularly wrong with the background art, but why does it occupy so much of the image? How much of the image could you remove while still keeping all the relevant information. Quite a lot, it turns out:
Why is like, 70% of this image absolutely pointless?