I too am of the opinion that it was really good.Was it really? All I know is that the VN version of it put me to sleep with boring filler about the MC getting a job and such. It was so padded and overly long.
I too am of the opinion that it was really good.Was it really? All I know is that the VN version of it put me to sleep with boring filler about the MC getting a job and such. It was so padded and overly long.
Was it really? All I know is that the VN version of it put me to sleep with boring filler about the MC getting a job and such. It was so padded and overly long.
Manyuu Hikenchou 03:
2D pig disgusting. Burn it all. This show makes me embarrassed to be male.
Was it really? All I know is that the VN version of it put me to sleep with boring filler about the MC getting a job and such. It was so padded and overly long.
Yeah, Legend of the Galactic Heroes is the only title on there from before 1997.
These are the correct answers.LOGH
Everyone got there boyband album cover pose on.
Is Clannad worth watching?I didn't think the After Story route was particularly padded, at least by VN standards. I liked that it handled the "What happens after high school" question that these sorts of VNs generally don't.
Of course the true ending is garbage, but that's another matter.
Madhouse?Tantami Galaxy 1
Ok, so this is where people who fail SHAFT's drug test ended up.
One of these is not like the others.
Is Clannad worth watching?
Can't believe something as vapid and uninspired as Aria is in the top 20.
Tantami Galaxy 1
Ok, so this is where the people who failed SHAFT's drug test ended up.
One of these is not like the others.
If Nichibros got rid of half of its skits then it would have been one of the greatest comedy anime of all timeYou know you could watch at least Nichibros in 5-minute segments, since each skit is so clearly delineated. Speaking practically, I'm sure it was easier for it to get a half-hour slot for 12 weeks than it would have been for it to get a 3-5 minute slot for 72+ weeks.
Is Clannad worth watching?
Tantami Galaxy 1
Ok, so this is where the people who failed SHAFT's drug test ended up.
Brave 10 3
You just met the guy. Her being called a slut in this episode isn't all that far off. There sure are a lot of characters in this anime, but the only names I remember is Saizo and Isanami. It's not like the dialogue focuses on anything else.
Oh and that pink haired guy was much cooler when I though he was a girl.
If Nichibros got rid of half of its skits then it would have been one of the greatest comedy anime of all time
That's the nature of sketch comedy: it's going to be hit-and-miss even beyond the already subjective nature of comedy. There's certainly some skits that I wouldn't have minded missing, but if the director had only picked, say, 20 of them to animate, there's no guarantee that they would be the 20 you or I most enjoyed.
What is objectively measurable are Nichibros' bargain-basement production values, and it couldn't be one of the greatest comedies of all time without fixing that.
This show should be watched to take screencaps of Isanami becuase she is cute as fuck. But otherwise, its rather forgettable.
Huh.Just to ruin someone's day, someone on my twitter posted that "Eureka Seven" is an anagram for "Keanu Reeves"
Just to ruin someone's day, someone on my twitter posted that "Eureka Seven" is an anagram for "Keanu Reeves"
So the sequel should really have been called "Eureka Seven WHOA"?Just to ruin someone's day, someone on my twitter posted that "Eureka Seven" is an anagram for "Keanu Reeves"
You know, in fate/zero,Sola getting her hand chopped off was a punishment (unintended by Maiya/Kerry of course) for theft as well.
Which also reminds me
why the fuck isAt least they bother to explain why Rider is differentGilgamesh European?
Just to ruin someone's day, someone on my twitter posted that "Eureka Seven" is an anagram for "Keanu Reeves"
How is he European, because he has blonde hair? Though Nasu did mess up by making him fromBabylon and not Uruk, though that's probably just because he thought Gate of Babylon sounded cooler.
What is objectively measurable are Nichibros' bargain-basement production values, and it couldn't be one of the greatest comedies of all time without fixing that.
Just to ruin someone's day, someone on my twitter posted that "Eureka Seven" is an anagram for "Keanu Reeves"
Isn't Gintama pretty budget too, though?
anime fans score everything high, it's either a 10 or an 8 lowest.
She actually got a chuckle out of me in this episode when she joins Saizo in his bed, but for the most part her clinginess is kind of irksome. She is cute though, I'll give you that.
anime fans score everything high, it's either a 10 or an 8 lowest.
Mine is usually just from 4 (Nichijou, Working, Honey and Clover) to a 10 (Eva, S7, PB:KnP, GC). Tons of 6-8's. Dont understand how people can have so many things as 10's when I look at random lists or even irl friends lists.
Gintama is pretty standard for a long anime, and after the first season it does get pretty good animation for the moments that need it. In Nichijo (Sunrise), they seemed unable to even keep the characters on model, in spite of everyone's designs being pretty generic.
Nichijou that low? I only watched a couple of episodes, but it looked promising. I also refuse to believe that anything with an OP as catchy as this can be all that bad.
Logia powers? Oda shamelessly steals from Fairy Tail yet again.
Didn't make up for, though. FUCK YOU MASHIMA. Why be a shounen mangaka if you're constantly doing everything in your power to avoid fights that would require even slight amounts of creativity?Aria (yes, the Aria that nerfed Makarov in two seconds) getting nerfed in two seconds himself by a weaker character that was supposed to be out of the fight anyway
I think that's more of a general thing, I don't think people like admitting (most of all to themselves) that they've wasted their time.
Here are a few off the top of my head:
Bleach 5/10
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time 9/10
Eden of The East 7/10
Fairy Tail 25:
Juvia is also a lot more cute and eccentric than I remember from the manga. Her fight with Gray was actually also pretty tolerable, maybe even the best yet. Having opposing powers that play off of each other in interesting ways really makes up for the lame battle choreography.
Fairy Tail 26:
Natsu appearing at the decisive moment actually kind of felt good this time because of what an unmitigated asshole Gajeel is.
I think that's more of a general thing, I don't think people like admitting (most of all to themselves) that they've wasted their time.
Here are a few off the top of my head:
Bleach 5/10
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time 9/10
Eden of The East 7/10
Nichijou that low? I only watched a couple of episodes, but it looked promising. I also refuse to believe that anything with an OP as catchy as this can be all that bad.
Nichijou is a fairly controversial show around here; some of us love it (I would be in this category), while others hate it.
Nichijou is at least a 9 in my book!![]()
Brethren! You know what it is in my book...?
We all know what it is in my book!
Bleach 5/10
I think that's more of a general thing, I don't think people like admitting (most of all to themselves) that they've wasted their time.
Here are a few off the top of my head:
Bleach 5/10